
Thursday, October 3, 2019

Psychedelic Neuroscience Symposium

This post is about the various topics that was spoken of @ the symposium.  The symposium was about psychedelics being used for therapy.  I talk to several people there.  They talk about MDMA, DMT, Ibogaine, LSD, Psilocybin, Salvia, Shamanic dancing, brain waves, neurotransmitters, neurophenomenology, enthogens, government suppression of mind altering substances, experimentation, MAPS, reproductive rights of Africans, etc.  I asked  4 questions.  We watched a Rick Strassman video.
People I Holla @
When I got there everybody was a snowflake.  I was a bit uneazy; because I tend to experience racism when I'm in a room full of snowflakes.  The Indian man look @ me because he knew we were the only dark skin people around, so it seemed.  The first person to speak to me was a wonderful Asian lady.  She said hello 2 me and we said a few words.  After the first break I met someone named Chris.  We talked about psychedelics and Terence Mckenna.  Kilindi was there; I met him years ago.  He's a psychedelic guru!!!!  He should of spoke he knew more about psychedelics than anybody!!  I was going to ask him why he didn't, but I assumed he lack credentials.  You don't need a PHD to an expert, it just helps you get a good job.

I define psychedelics as man made entheogens.  It was made in a laboratory.  Even if comes from a plant it is in a unnatural state.   

MDMA: Commonly called Ecstasy and Molly.  Helps get rid of PTSD.  It's less dangerous than alcohol. 
DMT: It gives you great spiritual vision.  It is neurotransmitter created in mammals' brains.  less bad trips, than other psychedelics. 
Ibogaine: It's a major ingredient in the Iboga plant.  It gets rid of drug addiction.
LSD: This drug was used 4 MK-Ultra.  That was a CIA mind control program.  @ first is used on soldiers, until that became illegal.  Then it was used on civilians.  Timothy Leary promoted the use of this drug with hippies.  LSD helped Steve Jobs the creator of Apple.  It reduces anxiety, depression,  and it can cause you to have a spiritual experience.       
Psilocybin: They increase confidence, contentment, stress reduction, and well being.  Kills addiction!!!!
They didn't say much about entheogens.  I heard a little about Ayahuasca.  The truth of the matter is Entheogens are the mother of psychedelics.  You can think of an entheogen as natures psychedelic.

Acacia: This plant was used by people all over the world!!!!!  It was used for medicine, building material, etc.  It was used by Australians (Aboriginals), Egyptians, Arabs, Hebrews, and many other people.  Australians may still use it.  It contains DMT.
African Dream Root: It is used by Xhosa shamans 4 initiations.
Ayahuasca: It is composed of 2 plants.  One that gives you the vision and other guards the vision.  It is used by shamans in the Amazon.  It has been used 4 over a millennium.  It gives you a great spiritual experience!!!!  You may see events from your past, you may interact with DNA, you may meet non-human intelligences, etc.
Salvia: It's a mint plant that will give you a great spiritual experience.  It is used in Mexico and Central America 4 shamanism.  It may decrease certain neurological disorders.
There are many different entheogens.  It seems like people in South America use entheogens the most.  They are the least affected by the 3 asshole religions!!!!!!  Theses are the people that live in the forest.
I think entheogens are better than psychedelics because inside of them they have a family of chemicals.  Whereas a psychedelic is one chemical more or less.  So it seems like enthogens have more resources.  Psychedelics are good for certain conditions, while entheogens are great overall!!!!  But This idea my need to be critiqued.  Sum entheogens may have toxic chemicals in it so pulling out trippy chemical minus the toxins would be a good thing.  Psychedelics seems reductionist, but someone could make that argument about entheogens as well. 
Shamanic Dancing
I learned @ the symposium that this form of dancing has similarities to using psychedelics.  The speaker said it increases Beta and Gamma Waves.  There was a study done on plastic shamans.  But may experience says it increases Alpha waves.  Shamanic dancing is dancing in a trance.  The first time I did it was @ a Pow Wow; I thought I was dancing like my ancestors.  I do it when I hear certain drum beats.   
Gamma: This is the concentration wave.  You focus the best when wave is activated.  These waves are create stronger compassion, peace, and happiness.  Tibetan Buddhist meditation increases the activation of these waves. 
Beta: This is the awoke wave; the busy wave.  This wave is activated when we are @ work or school.

Alpha: This is the relaxed wave.  People get into this one when they mediate, watch t.v., and most forms of hypnosis.  Sum psychedelics increase this wave.   

Theta:  This is where the magick happens.  This the wave of dreams and half sleep.  DMT and LSD increase this wave.  I guess any trippy psydelchelic/entheogen would increase this. 
Delta: Deep sleep wave.  It helps you heal.

There are other brainwaves, but these are the most popular.  Shamanic dancing can increase any of these waves more/less. 

There are 3 major neurotransmitters affected by psychedelics.  They are acetylcholine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.

Acetylcholine psychedelics: Make the user see or feel as if someone is with them.  They may feel like they're flying.  It also stimulates the vaginia.

Norepinephrine psychedelics:' They block, mimic, or enhance the norepinephrine system in the brain.'  They increase your sensory perception.  Colors become more vivid, sounds are deeper or lighter, and/or sense of touch greatly enhanced.

Serotonin psychedelics: Give you amazing trip!!!!!!!!!  It has a similar chemical composition to DMT. 
This neurotransmitter is created by the pineal gland in the morning.  It is activated by light.  It affects our mood.

Melatonin: It is also created pineal gland, during the night.  It is activated by darkness.  It helps us go to sleep and dream.  It seems like this neurotransmitter is not affected by psychedelics. 
This is the study of how the brain creates experience.  It was created around 1995.  It is a combination of neuroscience and phenomenology.  Some scientists feel consciousness can not exist by itself.  It is always conscious of something.  Subject and object are bound together like yin and yang, sum think. 
Government Suppression
Psychedelics became illegal in the 1970's.  Richard Nixon started the war on drugs; which became war on Black people.  The use of psychedelics leads to a freer society.  Politicians and corporations don't won't a freer society, because that would cause a loss of funds.  Terence Mckenna said psychedelics are suppressed because we live in a dominator society.  A dominator society is sexist, racist, and militaristic.                   
Animal Experiments
Scientists apply what they learn from animal experiments to the human body.  They found out how DMT affect human and rat brain cells.  Sum rats were microdosed DMT and they became less anxious.  Many animals have been and continue to be experimented on.  I'm against it because animals are people too.     
It means Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelics Studies.  It was started it in 1986.  This organizations research ways psychedelics can be used therapeutics.  They've researched MDMA, Weed, LSD, Ibogaine, Ayahuasca, etc.     
My Questions
Can you explain the experiences on DMT?  Do people on DMT see machine elves?
The experiences were colorful.  No one in the experiments reported seeing machine elves.

How does psychedelics affect the people with traumatic brain injury?
They help the brain by reducing inflammation.

What is the significance of experimenting on rats?
They are similar to humans, so what info gained from the experiments can be applied to humans.

I ask another question, but I forgot it.

Kilindi Iyi
He is a master of martial arts and psilocybin.  He taught about psychedelics around the world and teaches martial arts @ Tamerrian Institute in Detroit.  He said psilocybin awakens junk DNA.  He discovered martial arts have been influenced by entheogens.  He understands martial arts originated in Africa.  Africans were the first people to use entheogens; long b4 Sumer existed!!!     
Rick Strassman
He is a psychiatrist that researched psychedelics.  He was the first person to study psychedelics in the United States after the government stop banning it from research.  He studied melatonin in the 1980's.  He discovered bright light surpass the production of melatonin.  He wrote books about DMT.       
Reproductive Rights of Africans
This is a guise 4 depopulation.  Certain europeans want Africans to stop reproducing.  That's why there were sterilants in vaccines given to them, HIV was created, and so called reproductive rights.  I doubt any African nation asked any european nation 4 reproductive right.  Europeans should only concern themselves with their own reproduction and not anyone else's.
There many different psychedelics.  Entheogens come from nature and psychedelics come from a laboratory.  Shamanic dancing has similarities to psychedelics.  Different brain waves and neurotransmitters are activated or deactivated by psychedelics.  Neurophenomenology is the study of how the brain creates the experience.  They were surpassed by the government, but now not as much.  Animals have been experienced on with psychedelics.  MAPS is an organization that researches it.  I asked 4 questions.  I talked to Kilindi and watch a Rick Strassman video.  A speaker said something about reproductive rights of Africans.  The symposium was amazing, besides the subtle racism that me feel like shit!!!!!!!

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