
Monday, June 10, 2019


Theosophy was created by 16 different people.  Helena Blavatsky, Henry Steel Olcott, and William Quan Judge were the most important founders.  It is a mixture of eastern religions and western philosophies.  It has its own metaphysics, cosmology, ontology, axiology, and epistemology.  Karma, reincarnation, root races(involution), ascended masters, rituals play a big role in this religion.  Jiddu Krishnamurti was seen as the World Teacher by the leadership of the Theosophical church.  There were several famous people in Theosophy.  Western society was greatly impacted by this paradigm.     
Helena Blavatsky
She was born in Ukraine (USSR) in 8/12/1831.  She got married @ 17 to a Soviet soldier.  They broke up, then she learned about occult.  She traveled in U.S., Europe, Asia learning occultism.  In 1877 she wrote Isis Unveiled, which criticized science and religion.  The book promoted mysticism as the way to discover the truth.  She wrote Secret Doctrine (1888), The Voice of Silence (1889), Key of Theosophy (1889), her Collected Writings was written in 1951.       
Henry Steel Olcott
He was born in 8/2/1882 in New Jersey.  He was in the Navy, then he became lawyer.  The Theosophical Society moved its headquarters to India in 1882.  He help create 3 college and 250 schools in Ceylon.  He wrote a book in 1881 called Buddhist Catechism.  He was the first president of the Theosophical Society.  He was in charge for 32 years.     
William Quan Judge
He was born in Ireland in 1851.  He moved to New York with his family in 1864.  The occult was an important subject to him.  In 1874 he got married.  He became a lawyer and died in 1896.  He was the editor of the Path 4 ten years.  The Path was a Theosophical periodical.  Many books were written by him.  In 1894 he became the secretary of the U.S. branch of the Theosophical Society.   

Metaphysics: We are all a part of one.

Cosmology: The universe is composed of spirit and matter. 

Ontology: We are spiritual beings that are experiencing ourselves through the human nervous system.

Axiology: Right actions produces harmony and wrong actions produce disharmonies. 

Epistemology: We gain knowledge from intuition and analogies.

More Beliefs
Round: Cosmic cycles 4 reincarnating souls.  It starts off very subtle than it becomes very gross.  It becomes very subtle again after that.

Septenary: There are 7 parts to a human.  They are as followed: atma (Atman), buddhi, manas, kamarupa, prana, linga sharira, and sthula sharira.
Karma: We create our destiny by what we do today.  The actions we do today will affect us in this life or the next.  What we did in past life affect us today!

Reincarnation: After we die we are reborn as someone else based on our karma.
Astral Body: This is a subtle body that corresponds to our emotion.  Most people call this body spirit.  This is the linga sharira. 

Astral Plane: It is like a dream, but more real.  Most people call it the spirit world.
Mental Body: It a subtle body.  More subtle than the astral body.  It corresponds to thoughts.  This is manas.

Mental Plane: A higher version of the spirit world.   
Root Races: There are seven of these.  Each of them have 7 sub races.  These 7 sub-races are composed of different tribes.

1: This root race was etheric.  They didn't have gender.  They lived never the north pole.  They reproduce by replicating.  They lacked intellect.

2: This root race lived in a place called Hyperborean.  It was Northern parts of the world.  The weather was tropical, because the earth haven't tilt yet.  They reproduced by budding and they mixed with the first root race.

3: Lemurians were the 3rd root race and they lived @ the time of the dinosaurs!!!  Lemuria was a continent in the Pacific Ocean.  They much taller than modern day humanity.  The first 3 sub-races reproduced by laying eggs.  The other sub-races had sexual reproduction.  Africans, Australians, and Dravidians are descendants of Lemurians.         

4: Atlanteans were the 4 root race.  They were the descendants of Africans.  The 7 sub-races of the Atlanteans: Rmoahal, Cro-Magnons, Toltec, Turanian, Semites, Akkadians, Mongolians.  Asians, Turks, Malayans, and Native Americans are there descendants.   They were very technological and the first people to have organized warfare.  The Toltecs and Turanians practiced black magick, which called Atlantis to sink.  Because of that the Atlanteans spreaded to different parts of the world.

5: Aryans are the fifth root race.  The Kabyle people look the most like Aryans.  They left Atlantis over 70,000 years ago!  Caucasians are Aryans.  The 6th sub-race will be born in the Western United States.

6: This root race will come into being 700 years from now.  There will be a one world government and nuclear power.  They will move to a continent in the Pacific Ocean.   

7: They will come out of the Pacific Ocean.               
Mahatmas: These are people who died in the past that have great wisdom.  They live in the spirit world now and channel messages to people.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Theosophists believed he was the world teacher.  He later rejected that and became a speaker, writer, and philosopher.  The truth is independent of of any organizations.  He said truth is a pathless land.    Sum of the ideas in his philosophy was similar to ideas in physics.  He talked about consciousness, meditation, evolution, relationships, technology, etc.  Cancer killed him when he was 90 in 1986. 
Famous Followers
William Butler Yeats: He was a Irish poet.  After he got kicked out the Theosophical Society he joined the Golden Dawn.

Lewis Carroll: He wrote Alice in Wonderland.

Thomas Edison: U.S. inventor.  Famous 4 creating the light bulb.  Lewis Latimer made the filament that powers the light bulb. 

Rupert Sheldrake: He was a scientist that came up morphogenetic fields.

Rukmini Devi Arundale: Indian artist, dancer, and musician.  

Elvis Presley: U.S. copycat rockstar.  He got his sounds and moves from black men, but he is known as the king of rock and roll.  Most of his songs were covers.  He more famous 4 singing someone else's  songs, than the first people to sing them.     

Impact on Europe
They introduced Hinduism and Buddhism to Europe.  Prior to the Theosophists most Europeans didn't know about karma and reincarnation.  The idea of ascended master comes from mahatma.  The New Age Movement is a recreation of theosophy and alien contact.
Theosophy was created in the 1800's.  There was 16 founders, but 3 stick out.  It is mixture of Asian religions and philosophies.  This religions have a lot of beliefs.  Jiddu was a important figure in Theosophy and great philosopher.  There was many famous Theosophists and it had a big impact on Europeans.  Besides its racist undertones I like Theosophy.     

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