
Saturday, June 9, 2018

Santa Muerte

Santa Muerte is a Mexican folk saint.  She is based on an Aztec death goddess.  There are colors & symbols associated with her.  They all have different meanings.  She dressed in Catholic clothes.  She has evolved over the years.  She answers prayers quickly.
Folk Saint
Santa Muerte is the most famous Mexican folk saint.  Most people who worship her do it in their home.  Some government officials and cops think all of her devotees are criminals.  That's not true.  She'll work with anybody because she is a nice person.  Morality is determined by the individual.  There are parades 4 her in Mexico.  There is or was a big shrine 4 her in Mexico city.

Santa Muerte is based on Aztec death goddess Mictecacihuatl.  She is the queen of the underworld and rules over the afterlife.  The Aztec had a holiday that celebrated the deceased.  The Spanish had a holiday that dealt with death as well.  These 2 holidays mixed and became the Day of the Dead.  La Catrina is popular during the Day of the Dead.  She is not Santa Muerte, but the favor each other. 
Black: Protection, hexing, uncrossing, banishing, and all purpose.
White: Purity, peace, happiness, protection, and all purpose.
Red: Love, lust, blood, marriage, etc.
Green: Legal Protection
Gold: Prosperity, job, career, bizzness, ideas, etc.
Purple: Psychic powers, good health, and divination.
Blue: Wisdom, learning, memory, exams, etc.
Rainbow: all of thee above.

You should get a Black statue of Santa Muerte and burn a colored candle that corresponds to your desire.  Instead of getting a statue of Santa Muerte of a certain color.  But you can do that 2 if you wish.  The first option makes more sense.
Sickle: Death
Globe: She's everywhere.  Death comes 4 us all.
Owl: Great eyesight. She is a great guide 4 her followers.
Hourglass: Our lifetime
Cloak: Protection
Catholic Influence
When someone needs Santa Muerte they pray to her, give offering to her statue, and write petitions.  This the same procedure for a Catholic saint.  When the Spanish tookover Mexico they forced Catholicism on the Mexican people.  That caused them to mix there own religion with Catholicism.  Some people use rosaries when praying to Santa Muerte.  The rosary are Catholic prayer beads.  Over the years she gained the abilities of other saints.  She responds to prayers in haste, because she is so powerful!!!!!!

Santa Muerte is the most powerful Mexican folk saint.  She is a Catholic version of  Mictecacihuatl.  She was created out of Mexican and Spanish traditions mixing together. She has symbols and colors that have different traits.
Long live Santa Muerte!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sophia diGregoria

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