
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

African Medicine Wheel

What is the African Medicine Wheel?  How can it help you?  What tribe created it?  Is numerology involve?  How can I use it?  How do I fix an imbalance?

The African Medicine Wheel was created by the Dagara tribe.  It is a diagram that has 5 elements (fire/water/earth/mineral/nature).  Each element has certain traits.  Fire is assertive or aggressive.  It is the element closes to spirit.  Fire people are good @ predicting the future.  Water is peaceful.  Water people are great @ negotiations and they keep the peace. Earth is home.  Earth people look out for others.  They like to give to charity.  Mineral is all about communication.  Mineral people are artists and musicians that keep the memory of their tribe in their art and song.  Nature is transformation.  Nature people are mystics and psychics.

0-9, + or-
Each element has 2 numbers.  Fire is 2 & 7.  Water is 1 & 6.  Earth is 0 & 5.  Mineral is 4 & 9.  Nature is 3 & 8.  The last digit of your birth year determines what kind of person you are.  It like your sun sign.  The element you are determines your destiny to a degree.  It also determines your greatest strengths and weaknesses, somewhat. The first number of each element is masculine and second # is feminine.
Helpful Uses
By numerizing your name and the numbers of your birthdate (don't count the first 2 # in your birth year), you will find out how much of each element you have inside you.  You should have at least 3 fire. Water should be 3x as much as fire.  You should have at least 3 mineral, earth, and nature.  If you got all this your balanced.  You count all the first #s of the elements to find out how much masculine energy you have.  You do the same with the second numbers to find out how much feminine energy you have.  To be balanced your masculine energy should be 3 times as much your feminine energy.

By doing all of this you can find out if you any imbalances.  If you lack balance your life won't be as good as it could be.  Maat is Supreme.  In the next paragraph, I will tell you how to fix imbalances.
Maat fixes Isfet
If you lack fire you can go to a sweat lodge to increase it.  If you lack water you can take ritual baths.  If you lack earth you can meditate on a mountain or in a cave.  If you need more mineral carry crystals with you. If you need more nature spend more time in the woods.  Go camping more often.  I don't know how to increase masculine or feminine energy.

The African Medicine Wheel Book:: Creating Lifespace in the Ways of the African Medicine Wheel Home Decorating Book

Linda James

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