
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz

His parents were followed Garveyism.  He had a big family and a rough childhood.  As a young man, he committed crimes; which landed him in prison. While in prison he met a member of the Nation of Islam. Once he got out of prison he joined the NOI and became upright.  He spoke on issues in the African American community.  He married Betty Shabazz and they had 6 daughters.  I had the pleasure of meeting IIyasah Shabazz.  She is the third daughter of Malcolm and Betty.  She is a wonderful lady.  Malcolm went on the Hajj and when he came back he changed his name and left the NOI.  He became a Sunni and start his own organization.  His organization was infuriated by cops and/or FBI agents.  The Fruit of Islam gunned him down in 1965.  He is my favorite civil rights leader!!!!!!!!
His father name was Rev. Earl Little.  He was a Baptist minister.  He was from Georgia.  His mother name was Louise Little.  She was from Grenada.  She was gray.  Both of his parents agreed with the teachings of Marcus Garvey.  Rev. Earl was a leader of UNIA and his wife was the secretary.  His house was burned down by the black legion; so he found a place 4 him & his family to relocate.  He was murdered by the black legion.  The black legion was like the KKK.  Malcolm X was only 3 when this happened.  3 of Malcolm's uncles were killed by white men.  White people thought Louise was a white woman, so she got a white job.  When her kids came to her job 4 her help she was fired. The government sent Louise to the crazy house so they could take her land.  Malcolm and his siblings were sent to an orphanage.


Malcolm has 6 brothers and 4 sisters.  Their names are as followed: Ella Little Collins, Earl Little Jr., Wilfred X, Abdul Aziz Omar, Yvonne Little Woodward, Mary Little,  Hida Florice Little, and Reginald Little, Wesley Little,  Robert Little.  They were put in foster care.  His family was broken up the evil government.  I think Malcolm was the 4th or 5th child of Earl and Louise Little.  Louise had more kids from another after her husband died.    

Young Years

He was successful in school, but he dropped out because a teacher told him he couldn't be a lawyer.  She made him fill bad, she was an evil racist.  He thought black men couldn't have a career working 4 white folks.  He became a criminal and was known as Detroit Red.  He became friends with Chicago Red (Redd Foxx).   
His Growth in Justice
He was put in prison for crimes he committed.  Reginald Little told Malcolm X about the Nation of Islam. He like the teachings.  He wrote a letter to the president saying the Korean War is unjust.  He replaced his last name with X because he didn't want the name of an enslaver.  When Malcolm got out prison he joined the NOI.    
In the NOI
He met Betty in the NOI.  They went to a lot of museums and libraries together.  They got married 3 years after meeting each other.  His daughters were named after famous people. 
4 men from the NOI told cops to stop beating a black man.  They were beaten and arrested.  Malcolm X went to the police station and he got an ambulance 4 one of the members suffering from a head injury.  He brought members of NOI to the station with him.  He gave the signal to the members to leave and they left. Cops were afraid of him.  In response, the cops infiltrate the NOI.  
Malcolm X met African leaders and Fidel Castro.  Castro invited Malcolm to Cuba after they had a meeting. Malcolm and Fidel went to a political meeting with African leaders.  Malcolm X understood European imperialism.  

He promoted the teachings of NOI and gave many speeches.  Black people are the original people of the earth.  White people are devils.  These are some of the beliefs of NOI.  NOI want blacks to separate from whites completely, which I agree with.  Abraham Lincoln said Blacks and whites can't be equal in same society.  History shows me he is right.

He opposed civil rights leaders because they promoted integration.  He was against nonviolence.  He promoted self-sufficiency and self-defense.  He had issues with Martin Luther King because he promoted weakness.  Later they became friends.  Malcolm X became more like MLK b4 he died.  MLK became more like X b4 he died.  
Malcolm increased the membership of NOI.  He encouraged Muhammad Ali to join the NOI.  Muhammad Ali broke ties with Malcolm after he converted to Sunni Islam.  Ali biggest regret was breaking ties with X. Louis Farrakhan was Malcolm X disciple.
Members of NOI were attacked by the police.  Malcolm X went to attack the cops in response, but Elijah went against it.  Malcolm wanted NOI to work with black politicians and civil rights leaders.  Elijah went against it.  

He found out Elijah was stiffing teenagers and got them pregnant.  Wallace Muhammad told X.  The rumors were true.  Elijah later admitted it.

After Kennedy died X said chickens coming home to roost.  He was saying you reap what sow.  The U.S. government toppled many governments around the world.  It was bound to happen in the U.S.  Elijah didn't like Malcolm saying that, so X couldn't speak publicly for 90 days.

Life After NOI
Malcolm left the NOI in 1964.  He created his own Sunni organization called Muslim Mosque, Inc.  He created Organization of Afro-American Unity.  He was going to work with civil rights leaders.  He was unable to do that in NOI.  X and MLK met each other in Washington D.C. during the civil rights bill. Malcolm made a speech called Ballet or the Bullet.  He encouraged Black people to vote.  If they are prevented they should take up arms.
Malcolm went on the Hajj and saw Muslims of different races getting along.  After seeing this, he thought Islam would get rid of racism.  He met with African leaders at an Organization of African Unity meeting.  He gave speeches in France and UK.  
College campus around the U.S. wanted Malcolm X to speak.  He spoke @ Socialist Worker Party meetings.  He was interviewed about segregation and NOI.  The interviewer was Robert Penn Wilson.  
He received death threats from members of NOI.  His house was firebombed.  I think it was done by members of the nation.  The FBI spied on him.  


He was giving a speech to the Organization of Afro-American Unity when he was assassinated.  He was killed by members of the NOI.  He was shot 21 times.  10,000 people went to his funeral.  
He had a big impact on the Black Power Movement.  A lot of Black people became Muslims because of Malcolm X.  Black Panthers and Public Enemy were positively impacted by X.  X in X-men inspired by Malcolm X and Magneto.
X a Novel by Ilyasah Shabazz
The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley

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