
Tuesday, September 12, 2017


A plutocracy is a government ruled by the richest citizens.  It is a type of oligarchy (rule by the elite).  There have been nations in the past that were plutocracies.  Some present day nations are plutocracies.
Past Plutocracies
Certain Greek city-states were plutocracies.  The Roman Empire was a plutocracy and so was Carthage. The leaders of Carthage ran the military.  Most leaders of Carthage came from 2 wealthy families.  Some of the Medieval Italian city-states were plutocracies.  They fell off when Byzantine was destroyed.  There was a plutocracy in Japan b4 WWII.  The United States was/is a plutocracy.  In early days of the U.S., only land owning men were able to vote.

Present Plutocracies
The United States is still a plutocracy.  It is easy to see that now because Trump is president.  He is a billionaire!!!!!  He is the first president to be a billionaire.  The people with the most $ can lobby Congress to make new laws that suit their interests. They can simply buy off the politicians.  A lot of politicians are in the hands of Wall Street.  They do their bidding.  Look up the Koch brothers and George Soros.  They had a big impact on politics in the states and Europe.  Now that all citizens of U.S. can vote, people think they're in control.  U.S. citizens have greater control over state and local government not so much over federal.  It's an open democracy controlled by a hidden plutocracy.  The democracy is also corrupted by the electoral college.
Russia is ruled by a plutocracy.  Putin job is to keep the peace between the oligarchs. There are many impoverished people in Russia. There is a small group of people that are wealthy.  There is great income inequality in there.  The Czar in the past would work with richest people in governing the Great Bear.

8 families make up the plutocracy of China.  These families are Bo, Li, Yang, Chen, Peng, Deng, Song, and Wang.  They became more powerful after Mao death.  Some people call the families the 8 immortals.  They intermarry because they want to keep wealth in as few hands as possible.  $ marries $.

There are other plutocracies in the world.

Plutocracy is rule by the wealthy.  It existed in the past.  They still exist in the present. Plutocracies are hidden hand behind world governments.  The people that control wealth controls nations.  It is hard to do something of great significance on a global scale without $.  

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