
Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Monarchy is the oldest form of government.  Kemet, Mesopotamia, China, India, and other nations were ruled by a monarchy.  There are different types of monarchies. There are countries stilled ruled by monarchies.  Some people would argue that monarchies are the best form of government.  Others would make arguments to counter that.

A monarchy is a royal family.  The leader of the monarchy is usually the king.  People related to the king have positions in the government.  In a monarchy, you may have a queen, princes, princesses, etc.  There may be noble families as well.  The nobles aren't as powerful and wealthy as the monarchy, but they are above the general population.

Monarchy lasted in Kemet for over 3,000 years!  The Kemetic monarchy originated in Nubia.  Kemet was ruled by a particular monarchy for centuries.  They are called dynasties.  The pharaoh was a representative of Pa Neter.  The pharaoh was the oldest son of the previous pharaoh Great Wife. If the pharaoh was very young his mother may rule in his place.  She is called regent.  Members of the royal family were in the priesthoods.  Most pharaohs were men, but sum were women.  The vizier was the mouthpiece of the king.  A lot of times they were a relative of the pharaoh.  The most famous vizier was Imhotep.  He was a multi-genius and he is still with us!!!!!
The king of Sumeria was a high-priest.  The king was seen as divine.  Akkad was the first Semitic kingdom in Mesopotamia.  Sargon was a great emperor of Akkad he conquered Sumeria.  Assyria was created after Akkad and Sumeria combined.  It was ruled by different dynasties.  Babylonia was also created as result of Assyria and Sumeria mixing.  It was founded by Amorites.  Elam was also ruled by a king, but it was in southwestern Iran.
For most of China history, it was ruled by a monarch.  China has been ruled by many different dynasties throughout its history.  The Qing dynasty ruled much of modern-day China. It lasted almost 300 years!  It was the last dynasty, now the communists rule China.  Starting in the Chou dynasty the king needed the mandate of heaven to rule. The 100 Schools of Thought arose during the Chou dynasty as well.
The king was seen as divine.  The king was supposed to protect the kingdom and punish the wicked.  The king had the power to tax people.  There were limits to how much he could tax.  I think the Gupta dynasty is the most famous dynasty.  There was great religious diversity and tolerance during this dynasty.
Types of Monarchy
Absolute Monarchy:  The monarch controls everything in the country.  Absolute monarchies were popular in the past.  There are 7 absolute monarchies today.
Constitutional Monarchy:  The monarch is bound by a constitution.  The monarchy isn't involved with the government but may have power over the government. There are 21 constitutional monarchies.
Monarchies have been around a long time.  It is the most popular form of government in the world.  There are monarchies in existence today.  There are 2 types of monarchies.  Sum people feel monarchies are the best form of government.  Others feel it isn't so good.

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