

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Shadows of Humanity

This part 2 of the trilogy.  It will be a deeper dive into SRA, trauma-based mind control, human trafficking, and the like.  What about Pizzagate and sexualization of children?  There have been many victims and victimizers.  A lot of celebrities are involved in this.  CPS, law enforcement, intelligence agencies, Freemasons and other cults are involved as well.  There maybe a Red Shoe and Black Eye Club.    
Satanic Ritual Abuse is tormenting a person or people periodically and it is associated with the devil.  Some people do this to to scare their victims; while others do it because they are in a cult.  The victims of this abuse develop mental problems because of it.  Not every satanic cult engages in this, only sum of them do.  Ritual abuse exist among non-satanist cults as well.   
Trauma-Based Mind Control
This is causing someone severe physical and emotional pain, so you can control the way they think, feel, and behave.  The CIA engaged in this during MK-Ultra.   Sometimes sra is a big part of this version of mind control.  No one should ever be brutalized!!!!!!  People should stop trying to control each other and instead rule themselves.  Trauma-based mind control have been around 4 millennia.   
Human Trafficking
This is when someone is kidnapped, enslaved, and moved to another location.  There are 3 main types.  They are as follows: debt bondage, forced labor and sex trafficking.  Debt bondage is when someone is made to work to pay back someone they owe.  Forced labor is when someone is forced to work without being paid.  Sex trafficking is when someone is forced into prostitution.  
Dyncorp employees trafficked women and children in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the late 1990's.  They were having sex with children and selling them to each other.  The 2 men that reported this were fired.  5 employees were also fired because of these crimes.  But no one was arrested 4 it.      
Rumor has it that Hilary Clinton and John Podesta hacked emails dealt with sexual exploitation of children @ Comet Ping Pong.  Code words for sexual deviancy/abuse dealing with pizza and pasta are used in the emails.  Down the street from Comet Ping Pong is Besta Pizza.  It symbol is the boy love symbol.  They changed it later on.  The official story of Pizzagate is that it's made up.  But I think it's true because it reminds me of the Franklin Scandal.  A European man from North Carolina thought it was true as well.  He went 2 the restaurant and got to capping.  Then he got arrested.  
Ben Swan was a reporter on CBS news.  He talked about Pizzagate and gave circumstantial evidence that made it seem like there maybe sum truth to it.  Then he was fired.  Now he's on produce shows 4 the Russian government.    
James Alefantis is the owner of Comet Ping Pong.  He had bunch of strange pictures on his Instagram.  There was rock band that played @ the restaurant called Heavy Breathing; they condone child rape.  He was ranked the 49th most powerful person in Washington D.C. by GQ Magazine.  He has a painting of adults holding severed heads of children.  Someone exposed pizzagagte and James threatened to murder them and their family.  
Perverting Children
The alphabet stuff is being put in kid shows.  Good examples would be Blues Clues and Disney shows.  Disney movies have sexual subliminal messages in them.  Nickelodeon had a cartoon on called Ren & Stimpy.  It wasn't suitable 4 children, because it had sexual innuendos in it.  Many kid shows have inappropriate content in them.  The alphabet stuff is to mature 4 their young minds.           
Schools across the U.S. are teaching children as young as 4 about gender identity and sexual preference. @ one high school the dean taught students how to play with sex tools.  @ another high school boys dressed as girls and gave lap dances to white men.  The black student was spanked with a paddle.  One of those men that got a lap dance was the principle, he was also the major the city.  Earlier that day he had male students in his car smoking and drinking.  A school in Connecticut gave 8th graders an assignment about their sexual desires.  They were supposed to use pizza toppings as metaphors 4 those desires.  Parents were very upset about the assignment.      
Kids are being taken to drag show by their parents and drag queens are reading to kids in libraries.  Some boys have become drag princesses and gay men go to their shows.  The gay men throw $ @ the boys on stage.  All of that should be illegal.  
Tanya Turner is an evil witch and she created a sexy summer camp.  Teenagers would go there and learn about BDSM, hoeing, self-managed abortions, gender exploration, and learn about having sex on drugs.  She advocates 4 toddlers to masturbate.  She may have even taught her nephews how to masturbate when they were 1 years old!!!!!!  People got upset about what she said about toddlers, so she went into hiding.  
What is this all this really about?  Perverts are trying legalize sex with kids.  Stop this from happening!!!!!!   

Ally Carter: She was sex trafficked when she was younger.  Her mother allowed the police chief to abuse her.  She ran away and was put into a foster home.  There she was raped by young men.  After that she raped by the elites.  She was taken to the Buckingham Palace, under Getty Museum, Hollywood Party, underground cities, etc.  She named Joe Biden, Akon, Too Short, Barack Obama, and Michael Obama as rapists.  Some of the underground rapists beat, eat, and torture children.  There are many non-elites that rape people too.  It's not talked about enough.   
Brice Taylor: She is an ex-mind controlled sex slave.  She wrote a book about her experiences.  MK-Ultra was used on her @ a young age.  Many famous celebrities and politicians abused her.  Brice was even raped by JFK and Hilary Clinton!!!  Because all the abuse she experienced, she had a bunch of personalities.  One of her sons was taken from her, when he was a baby.  She lived with Cathy O' Brian and Mark Phillips for a year.  Mark told her she neva abused and he said that to other people recovering from mind control.     
Cathy O' Brian: She was abused by her father when she was young.  Then politicians and celebrities abused her.  Her daughter Kelly was mind controlled as well.  One of her baby daughters may have been kidnapped by the Queen of England.   An ex-CIA agent named Mark Philips saved her and Kelly.  She wrote a book about her experiences called Transformation of America.  
Dylan Groves: She's a Utuber that had a rough life.  She is an ex-mind control sex slave.  The abuse Groves experienced caused to develop Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).  Her original personality was Kathy b4 Dylan took ova.  She has many alters (alternative personalities) and Dylan is a male alter.   
Elisa E: She was a victim of MK-Ultra.  The trauma caused her develop DID.  She was a sex slave (Beta Kitten program) and a assassin (Delta program).  She helps people that where victims of mind control.  The trauma people experience in MK-Ultra causes holes in their subtle bodies and entities can be attached. Victims of SRA sometimes get possessed by demons.          
Fiona Barrett: She lives in Australia and was victim of mind control.  She trafficked to the United States and she was abused there.  Her father had also been traumatized when he was younger.  When Fiona was toddler her step-grandfather and his dog raped her.  He was a Nazi that tortured people in Poland during WWII.  Barrett was made to watched children get murdered.  When she was 14 her baby was sacrificed to Baal.  She became very a powerful witch and then a Christian.        
Jessie Czebotar: She was born in a Satanic family, but became a Christian when she was 3.  She's a chaplain 4 the U.S. military and exposes global evil.  Jessie knows a lot about the Illuminati.  @ a young age Czebotar was taught how to defend herself both physically and spiritually.  Assassins were trying to kill her in more ways than one.  The cult wanted her to be a Mother of Darkness.  That why she received so much training.  She have been exposed to human sacrifices, cannibalism, and rapes. 
Neil Brick: He is a survivor of SRA and researcher of childhood trauma and abuse.  The abuse he experienced was so bad, it caused him to develop DID.  He created a petition to stop the attack on victims of SRA.  Neil is in various organizations to help survivors and get the word out.     
Ronald Bernard: He was a dutch banker that did bizzness with the Illuminati.  He was invited to their parties.  Ronald enjoyed them, until he founded out humans were being sacrificed.  So, he became a whistle blower and then they killed him.    
Andrea Davidson- She was a British agent that exposed the corruption of the English elite.  She discovered a pedophile ring in Europe and was persecuted 4 it.  Andrea moved to Argentina to escape the persecution.  Davidson may have been a victim of MK-Ultra.    
Ghislaine Maxwell- She was Jeffery Epstein partner in crime and girlfriend.  She procured young women 4 him and she abused them too.  Maxwell hung with British royalty and celebs in the U.S.  She introduced Prince Andrew to Jeffery in 1991.  Ghislaine has been convicted of several crimes and is serving 20 years in jail.  Robert Maxwell is her father, he introduced her to Jeffery around 1987.  He was a super spy and owned several companies.  Robert was a triple agent: Mossad, MI6, and KGB.  Someone killed him in 1991 and tried to make look like a suicide.     
Jean-Luc Brunel- He was a French model scout that raped women 4 ova 30 years.  He would drug them b4 he raped them.  Brunel worked Epstein 4 ova a decade.  Jean-Luc was accused of sex trafficking.  In 2020 he was arrested 4 raping a 17 year old woman.  He hung himself in the cell or so it seems.  
Jeffery Epstein- He had sex with minors on an island in the Caribbean and mansions in NYC and Florida.  Many famous people came to the island to have sex with minors.  The minors somewhere between underage hoes and sex slaves.  There were hidden cameras in the rooms.  Jeffery kept videos of the prominent people having sex with minors.  It was a honey pot for Mossad.  He said he sell Prince Andrew secrets to them.  He was an FBI informant as part of the sweetheart deal.  Epstein had power of attorney for Les Wexner.  Meaning he had access billions of dollars!!!!!  Les Wexner is the owner of Victoria's Secret and he may have fooled around with Epstein.  Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Chris Tucker, Will Smith, and many others went to pedorape island.  Trump was cool with him until he was president.  The lawyer that got the sweetheart deal was in Trump's administration.           
Jerry Sandusky- He was a coach @ Penn State and he molested children for 15 years.  The president and vice president of Penn State tried to cover it up.  Other coaches knew about it, but didn't say anything.  In 1977 he created The Second Mile which was a non-profit 4 at-risk children.  He met all his victims from that no-profit.  Most of his victims may have been people of my persuasion.  He created 2nd Mile so he could victimize children.  Jerry had a adopted son (Matt Sandusky), which he also molested.  He groomed him first by taking him to football games, joking with him, and having fun in the pool.  He rubbed Matt genitals with his hand b4 he went to bed.  Rumor has it Jerry was pimping the kids in the non-profit to wealthy donors.           
Jimmy Seville- He was a English DJ and TV personality.  He did a lot of charity and was friends with British royalty.  Seville sexually abused many children and sum adults.  Jimmy abused them @ various BBC premises, hospitals and foster homes.  Sum of them he even raped.  He was a pedo-necrophiliac.        
Peter Nygard- He's like the Canadian Jeffery Epstein.  He created Nygard International, which was company that created women clothes.  He had raped multiple women ova decades in several countries, sex trafficking, imprisonment, sweatshops, and racketing.  Peter is in jail awaiting his sentencing.        
Anna Nicole Smith- She had DID and a beta sex kitten altar.  
Brittney Spares: She also has DID and have a beta kitten altar.  I assume she was programmed @ very young age.  You can see her various personalities in interviews.  Her father and ex-husband were her handlers.    
Madonna- She is a high priestess in the Illuminati.  She sponsored Sam Smith @ a music award show.  Sam Smith is trying to get a new position in the Illuminati.  I heard there is a watch war between him and Rihanna.  Sam Smith wore red and was dressed as the devil @ the music award show.  Days later Rihanna performed @ the Superbowl.  She wore all red as well and she threw up a triangle.           
Mariah Carey: Her sister said she was exposed to satanism @ a young age.  Her mom was a Satanist and made Mariah and her sista perpetrate in Satanic rituals.  Mariah father may have been racist.    
Miley Cyrus- She has beta kitten programming.  She's a victim of the Monarch Project.  She was Hannah Montana on Disney.  She was wholesome and girls looked up to her.  After she became a singer she became corrupted.  This happens to a lot of kids that work @ Disney.       
Orlando Brown: He's an actor and rapper.  He said he was abused by Will Smith and Michael Jackson watched.  He say a lot of crazy stuff on Utube.  Some of which maybe true.  Most of it probably not.  
Rosanne Bar- She talked about MK Ultra in Hollywood.  Many actors and actresses are afraid to speak out because it may ruin their careers.  She said a lot of celebs have DID and it has something to do with Operation Paperclip.  
Child Protective Services
100 kids died in Texas CPS two years ago.  A 3 year old was beaten to death and her grandmother was very angry.  The FBI discovered most children that are trafficked in the U.S. come from CPS.  Sometimes children are taken away from good parents.  Other times they aren't taken from bad parents.  Recently U.S. Marshals recused 100 kids, most of them were from foster homes.  A bunch of children go missing in CPS and are neva found again.  Some of the social workers, foster parents, and older children are trafficking the younger kids in foster homes.  Don't create people if you don't want to take care of them.             
Law Enforcement
Some cops stop human trafficking, others participate in it.  Cops saved a bunch of kids years ago in the U.S. in several states.  Elements of FBI and Interpol are cracking down on it too.  That's great news!!!!!
There was a cop that was peeping tom that was able to keep his job.  He masturbated in front of a child's window. It was legal 4 cops in Michigan to have sex with hoes and victims of human trafficking.  Then they could arrest the hoes.  In California cops were having sex with underage hoes.  Some cops protect sex trafficking rings, while others create them.  Cops were involved in sex trafficking in Belgium in the 1990's.   
Intelligence Agencies
Ted Gunderson was a FBI chief and he said the CIA were trafficking children.  He gave lectures about that and similar topics.  Sometimes these agencies use a honey pots to blackmail someone.  A honey pot is when a target is compromised by having a romantic or sexual relationship with someone else.  In Northern Ireland boys were raped by staff and politicians in Kincora Boys Home.  MI5 monitored this; it went on 4 ova 20 years!!!!  Rumor has it, there's a faction of the CIA that abducts kids for blackmail and Satanic rituals.           
The Freemasons, Mormons, Kabbalists, Satanists, and Catholic priests traffic children.  They do it in different ways.  So, if one of the networks breakdown the other ones will keep going.  They have been doing this 4 centuries, I assume. 
The Freemasons that do this are high level.  Most masons have blue degrees and no nothing about this trafficking.  Sum of the Kabbalists are big on organ trafficking.  Mormon men marry girls and underage women and the Mormon Church has been investigated for sex abuse.  Some Satanist engage in SRA and mind control.  Many Catholic priests rape a lot of people, especially boys.      
Red Shoe Club
The story goes, certain rich celebrities, political and royal people have hunting parties of children.  They all wear red shoes when they engage in this.  Some of them keep trophies of their kills.  Some of them have their red shoes created by human leather.    
Black Eye Club
A lot of celebs, politicians and royalty, had a black eye @ one time or another.  They may have done as a initiation ritual, been taken over by the Vril or taken a adrenochrome injection.  Some of them take a "vow of silence" by putting their eye on a book.  Their eye will be taken if they revel secrets of the order.  A spirit chooses which person will take the vow.  Sometimes they have it 2 show they sodomized children.  Vril are creatures that take ova people body.  You can find the pictures black eyed elite online.      
There is alt of Satanic Ritual Abuse going on around the world.  Sometimes it involves trauma based mind control.  Human trafficking is happening around the world as well.  Dyncorp and other organizations traffic humans.  Pizzagate was real and children are being perverted in the U.S.  There are many victims and victmizers of abuse.  Many celebs have been victims of MK Ultra and SRA.  Law enforcement and intelligence agencies are involved in human trafficking.  Some of them stop it, while others participate in it.  Freemasons and other cults engage in it as well.  There maybe a Red Shoe and Left Eye Club.  The last part of this trilogy will be more international.    
                                                                    Part 1


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