

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Humanity's Shadow

This will be a 3 parter.  These posts will be about pedorings, satanic ritual abuse (sra), mind control, royalties, governments, militaries, cults and celebrities involvement in these heinous crimes, etc.  The majority of what I write in these posts are true, if not all of it.  It is important 4 the world to know this!!!!!!!  This first part will be about the Franklin Scandal, Finders Cult, Presidio military base, Marc Dutroux, the evils of the German government, a survivor, and Joachim Hagopian.      
Franklin Scandal
A grand jury said this was a hoax.  But there are several victims, so I will explore it.  This operation was ran by Lawrence E. King.  It involved kidnapping, child abuse, slavery and mind control.  Homosexual prostitutes came to the white after midnight when Reagan was president.  They were working 4 Lawrence.  

Rusty Nelson was a photographer during the Franklin Scandal.  He took pictures @ parties, these pics were incriminating of politicians that were there.  Lawrence wanted Rusty to take photos of child abuse and snuff with Hunter Thompson, but he didn't want too.  He was jailed as a sex offender.  He was put in solitary confinement, drugged and deprived of sleep while in prison.  It was a part of mind control.  Someone threaten to kill him if he didn't shut his mouth, in a round about way.  He said Warren Buffet participated in some these heinous crimes.          
Alisha Owen went to some of Lawrence parties.  @ one of the parties she was raped by a sheriff.  Law enforcement wanted her to recant her testimony, but she wouldn't.  Her family members turned on her, probably because they were threaten.  Her lawyer turned on her.  The lawyer was in a relationship with the FBI agent prosecuting her.  She was put in prison 4 perjury in 1991.       

Paul Bonacci was sexually abused @ a young age.  In 1980 he was given $500 to get boys to join in orgies with men.  He was later threaten by one of his abusers.  Sometimes Paul was bound and raped by men.  He went to wild parties that were full of drugs , child molestation, and porno.  Lawrence King paid him for sexual favors.  Paul was flown to different states to engage in illegal acts.  There was a doctor that wrote letters to his school, so he would excused 4 absences.  That doctor also abused him.  Paul raped and beat a kid under duress.  Paul reported this and much more when he @ a police station.          

Johnny Gosch was a paperboy when he was 12.  In 1982 he was kidnapped while he was delivering newspapers.  Noreen Gosch is his mother and she neva stopped looking 4 him.  There was a reporter that would go to the white house press briefing when Bush Jr was president.  The reporter name is Jeff Gannon.  Many people believe Jeff is Johnny.  Jeff was a homosexual prostitute for the military b4 he became reporter.           

Finders Cult
Originally a hippie cult; later on it became satanic.  Members of the cult abused children and did evil rituals.  The public founded out about them in the 80's.  Some cops pull ova a van that had 2 men and 6 children in it.  The children were dirty and mentally retarded.  The FBI and some other law enforcement department tried to investigate them, but the CIA stopped them.  Some of the members of the cult were CIA agents.  If you want to learn more about it, click here.
Presidio Military Base
This military base was around for centuries.  But it got shut down in 1993.  Years b4 that, children were abused @ the base's daycare center.  Children were abused @ many other military daycare centers as well.  Some of them got STDs, others got their teeth pulled out.  Parents got upset and burned down the daycare.  The children experienced satanic ritual abuse and Michael Aquino was involved.  The teacher that set this off name is Gary Hambright.  He abused a 3 year old boy.  Children was taken to different places and abused.  Michael, his wife and Gary would abuse children @ his home.  They were defecated and urinated on, blood was smeared on them, and they were made to eat human waste.  The children was threaten @ gunpoint not to tell.  Rudolph Giuliani was ova the case and he didn't indict anybody.  He may have said the kids were making it up.  So the parents sued and got $2.7 million in 1991.  The abusers didn't get any jail time, expect 4 maybe Gary.     
Marc Dutroux
He's a Belgian serial killer and child rapist; he got life in prison.  In 1989 he was jailed 4 kidnapping and raping 5 girls.  One of the victims was neva found.  His wife and 2 other people helped him with that.  3 years later he was released from prison because the minster of justice let him out.  Even though the prosecutor and psychiatrist told him not too.  They said he was a dangerous psychopath.  Marc told a health official he was mentally ill.  So he received a stipend from the Belgian government.  He told the health official he had a sleeping problem, so he was given sleeping pills.  He later used those pills on his victims.  There were several houses owned by him.  He used some them as places to torture girls.  One of them he turnt into dungeon.      

In 1996 he was arrested again for the same crimes in addition to torturing and killing 4 of his victims.  They shouldn't have let him out in 1992.  He filmed the abuse of children!!!!  His accomplishes was sentenced too, except the one he murdered.  This case was mishandled by the authorities.  In response Belgian people did the White March.  300,000 people marched in Brussels 4 the protection of their children and a independent investigation of the case.    

There were several hiccups with this case.  In 1995 Marc mother wrote a letter to cops telling them that he had girls in his house.  Cops didn't fellow up on the letter.  A cop could have freed 2 girls, but told the locksmith not to unlock the door.  He even heard them screaming.  Those 2 girls died of starvation and dehydration because Marc wife wouldn't feed them nor give them water.  He was in jail when this happened.  The police confiscated hundreds of tapes from Marc houses.  They didn't view any of them until it was to late.  If they had, they could saved the 2 girls and founded out he was part of a network.  The hair of the girls was founded in the dungeon.  It wasn't DNA tested until 5 years later.  
Judge Jean-Marc Connerotte was removed from the case because he went to a fund raiser for the victim's family.  He was going to name the government officials involved.  He also discovered Michel Nihoul was leading the child kidnapping and prostitution operation.  Michel was smuggling girls from Eastern European countries to Belgium or that was he was planning to do.  The new judge that took ova the case after the righteous judge was removed, was the lawyer for Michel wife years ago.  That's insane!!!!!!!!!!  Many witnesses were killed.  Dutroux had 6 million Belgian francs and 10 houses.  His ex-wife got paid after some girls got kidnapped.  The money went straight into her bank account in different currencies.  Some of it was from Morocco and Saudi Arabia.  The accomplice Marc killed was in a cult called Abrasax.  They sacrificed raped young people.  There was @ least 4 Belgian cops in it.  The cop that heard the screams of the children, but told the locksmith not to open the door got promoted.  7 of the cops were working with Marc, so they got arrested.  
German Betrayal of Children
For decades the German government allowed known pedophiles to adopt children.  This awful experiment was created by Helmut Kentler.  He was crazy in the head because his father was a Nazi.  His father was very strict on him.  So when he grew up he became a twisted homosexual pedophile and psychologist.  Nazis were the result of sexual repression, so Kentler thought.  Because of that idea he had twisted sexual morality.  The German Senate backed his experiment; that's why it lasted so long.  In the 1960's German children were encouraged to play with each other sexually.  That's awful!!!!!!!!!!!  It makes me so angry.  Many twisted adults want to promote sexual perversion to children in the U.S.  Disney is an example of that. Bestiality was legal in Germany from 1969 to 2013.  There were dog owners upset they couldn't rock and roll with K9s anymore.  Animals need protection too!!!!!  Germany is the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.              
There's a lady on YouTube that told her story of abuse.  I forgot her name.  She may have been in foster care when she was younger.  She was taken to underground cities and abused.  She said Too Short, Obama and Biden abused her, but not Trump.  The Biden we see today is not the real Biden.    

Joachim Hagopian
He was an CIA agent that did clandestine operations.  Joachim is familiar with how the CIA blackmail someone.  He later discovered a satanic elite runs the world using blackmail as one of their tools of control.  This elite is very perverse, which you can see on t.v.  Both the Democratic and Republican parties are part of this sickness.  Don't be polarized, both are evil.  Denis Hastert was serial child rapist, but he only got 15 months in prison because he was the speaker of house.     
The boy lover symbol is on a lot of law enforcement badges.  Hollywood, D.C., and Wall Street are full of child molesters that are protected by the government.  Children are being molested, sacrificed, blood drank, organs harvested, and experimented on by these sick inhumans.  Adult as well, but on a lesser scale.                                                 
Look up Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank.  That promoted evil under the guise of Judaism because they were sinister.  Zevi stared it and then a century Jacob took to another level.  They promoted sexual sin and ritual sacrifice as way to get close to Yahweh.  A lot of people fell for it, because they were being mistreated.  Jacob said we can't all be saints, so lets be sinners.  Zevi pretended to be a Muslim, so he wouldn't go to jail and Frank pretended to be Catholic 4 protection.  Jewish authorities wanted kill Jacob Frank because he was so radical.  Frank may have met Adam Weishaupt the creator of the Bavarian Illuminati.  They both shared the same ideas of destroying government and religion.  

Joachim wrote about a bunch of other stuff too.  But this will suffice 4 this part.  I will be using his information in other parts and posts though.  Such as the Jesuits, Vatican, military sra, etc.                              

The Franklin Scandal was a child kidnapping, raping, torturing, enslaving, and killing operation.  It was managed by Lawrence King and involved a lot of parties.  It was a Republican operation, but Democrats may have participated in it as well.  Rusty Nelson was a photographer that got some nasty photos and was punished 4 it.  Even though he wanted nothing to do with it.  Paul Bonacci was a victim that was abused a lot and made to commit crimes.  Alisha Owen and Johnny Gosch were also victims.  Finders was a satanic cult that abused children.  It was protected by the CIA and Department of Justice.  Kids were abused @ Presidio military base and it was covered up.  Marc Dutroux is a Belgian serial rapist/killer, car thief, torturer, and filmer of indecency.  He was connected to a cult, cops and politicians.  German government allowed pedophiles to adopt children as an experiment.  Germany has problems with child molestation and bestiality.  There is a survivor that has been molested underground by prominent people and above ground by regular people.  Joachim Hagopian was in the intelligence community, so he seen a lot.  He wrote several books on organized child abuse, mind control, sra, etc.  This has been the toughest post I ever wrote.  Writing about this kind of stuff is hard work.  I will persevere because people need to know this stuff, so we can stop it.  I will write part 2 in the near future.                      

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