

Saturday, February 18, 2023


The Jesuits are the biggest most powerful priesthood of the Catholic Church.  They were found by Ignatius of Loyola.  They have their own spirituality.  They were banned 4 a while, then they got reinstated.  Jesuits were involved in the 30 year war, slavery and sex abuse.  They have created many universities.  They influenced several countries.  The leader of the Jesuits is called the Sovereign General.  His nickname is the Black Pope.  The Pope is called the white pope and there's a cardinal with the nickname Red Pope too.  
Ignatius of Loyola
He was the main founder of the Jesuits.  He was a Basque person of nobility and was born in a castle.  Ignatius became the page of his cousin.  Dancing, fencing, gambling, and macking were his leisure activities.  He became a solider @ 17 years old.  There were many battles he fought in and he only got injured in one of them.  His right leg got hurt from a cannonball.  After he had surgery, he became religious.  He was in the Spanish Illuminati b4 he created the Jesuits.    

He read Vita Christi and was touched by it.  In the book there's a meditation called Simple Contemplation, which became the basis of his Spiritual Exercises.  In 1526 he went to a university and studied Latin and theology.  The Jesuits was formed by him in 1539.  Peter Faber and Francis Xavier were co-founders.  Ignatius was the first Superior General.                      
Jesuit spirituality consist of 13 parts.  I will write sum of them.  They are as follows: union with Jesus, self-awareness, detachment, service and humility.  They meditate on Jesus 4 three weeks, focus on their thoughts and emotions, live the gospel regardless of conditions, and be selfless.     
Banned and Came Back
They were abolished in 1773.  The Pope was pressured by European royalty to get rid of them.  The main reason they were banned because they got involved in politics in many European countries.  A bunch of countries kicked them out b4 they was abolished.  Catherine the Great loved the Jesuits, so they survived in Russia during the ban.  The Jesuits got reinstated in 1814.  

The Bavarian Illuminati was created in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt.  He was trained by the Jesuits.  So maybe that illumati was a Jesuit secret society.  That cult wanted to destroy all religions and government.  

30 Year War
This was a war between Catholics and Protestants.  It started in 1618 and ended in 1648.   In the beginning it was a civil war in the Holy Roman Empire.  Then France and other nations got in the mix.  The war came to an end after peace treaties were signed.  The Jesuits encouraged people to assassinate heads of state they didn't like and they wanted the Catholic Church to rule ova all of Europe.  They were deeply involved in politics of European states.  That's why they were kicked out of so many kingdoms.     
Role in Enslavement
The Jesuits and the Spanish government enslaved (native) Americans in Mexico, New Mexico and other parts of the Americas as well.  The Jesuits and the Spanish forced their culture on American people.  Sometimes American children were kidnapped and forced into boarding schools.  The children's hair was cut short and they weren't allowed to speak their native tongue.  If they did speak their native tongue they were beaten.  Some of those schools were ran by Jesuits.     
In the U.S. the Jesuits owned 70 or more slaves.  They had slaves in 8 states.  They made them work @ their universities.  There are members of my tribe who are descendants of the people that was owned by Jesuits.  Some of those descendants learned about their ancestors. 
Sex Abuse
A priest named Donald McGuire abused @ least 28 children 4 forty years.  The Catholic Church covered it up.  There was sum lawsuits and the Jesuits had to pay out ova $16 million.  He died in prison in 2017.

In Portland, Oregon close to 500 children were abused by priests.  The Jesuits paid $166 million because of lawsuits.  This took place in 2011.  2 years prior they failed 4 bankruptcy because they had to shell out a bunch of money 4 another case.  

A priest named Renato Poblete raped 18 women and 4 girls in Chile.  He got one of them pregnant and made her have an abortion.  One of the girls he raped was only 3 years old.  She was the daughter of one of the women he molested.      

Jesuit and other Catholic priests are abusing people around the world.  They are protected from prosecution to sum degree.  The wall of silence must come to an end.  If a priest sexually abuses anyone they should be excommunicated immediately and imprisoned indefinitely!!!!!!!!!     
There are 28 Jesuit colleges in 17 states, Washington D.C. and Belize.  These universities are stellar because Jesuits are big on learning.  10% of congress graduated from Jesuit universities.  These colleges have been around for centuries.  If you want to learn more click here.    
They are helping people around the world.  They work in refugee camps.  Jesuits missionaries went around the world spreading Catholicism.  There are 20,000 Jesuits working in 100 countries.  They helped the Chinese become better astronomers.  They brought Christianity to Japan.  In Australia they published books, helped the poor, created churches and schools.  The Jesuits may have been the first Catholic priests in Africa.         
Black Pope
This is the leader of the Jesuits.  He commonly called Superior General; he is known as the black pope because he wears all black.  There are several underbosses that do the biding of the Father General.  The rest of the Jesuits follow them.  One time the Black Pope came to my high school, but I was in college then.  His name was Peter Hans Kolvenbach.  Some people believe freemasonry is ruled by the Black Pope.  
White Pope
He is the leader of the Catholic Church and he wears all white.  He rules ova all of the Catholics and he is the vicar of Christ.  The current Pope is the first Jesuit in history of the Catholic Church!!!!!  Do he submit to the black pope or do he submit to him? 
Red Pope
He is a cardinal that that rules ova the missionary activity the Catholic Church does around the world and wears all red.  The current Red Pope helps the poor, immigrants and refugees.  He is compassionate to escorts and members of the LGBTQPIAAA+ community.        
Ignatius was a soldier that founded the Society of Jesus.  Jesuit spirituality consist of 13 parts.  They got banned because they were raising hell in Europe, then they came back.  They were involved with the 30 year war.  They were evil to (native) Americans and they owned slaves.  Jesuit priests have sexually assaulted many people around the world.  They got a bunch of sweet universities.  They have influenced countries around the world and continue 2 do so.  The black pope is the leader of the Jesuits.  The white (pope) is the leader of the Catholic Church.  The red pope is the leader of Catholic missionaries.  The Jesuits have did alot of good and evil in the world, like the rest of the Catholic Church.          

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