

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Modern U.S. Medicine

Modern medicine was funded by the Rockefella Foundation.  He had help from Simon Flexner and Carnegie Foundation.  What's the Flexner Report?  What was medicine like in the U.S. b4 it was standardized?  Maybe standardization was a good thing, maybe not.  What's next on the horizon 4 medicine in the U.S.?
Simon Flexner
He was a doctor, professor, scientist and advisor to Rockefella.  He was born in Louisville, KY in 1863.  He got a medical degree from John Hopkins University.  @ the University of Pennsylvania he was the professor of pathology.  The American Philosophical Society elected him to be a member.   
Flexner Report
It changed the course of medicine 4ever in the U.S. and possibly the world.  It was created in 1910 and it made the biomedical model popular.  Other models of healing were tossed aside.  The biomedical model was created in Germany.  A lot of U.S. medical students went to medical schools in that country.  

Abraham Flexner went to John Hopkins University and studied Greek and Latin.  After that he became a teacher @ a high school, later on he created his own high school.   He taught his students problem solving, instead of rote memorization like in most schools.  His educational philosophy is similar to John Dewey.  After he sold his high school, he majored in philosophy @ Harvard.  He studied in Europe while completing his major.  

The American College was a book he wrote that criticized U.S. education and gave ways to improve it.  The head of the Carnegie Foundation (CF) read the book and wanted Flexner to improve medical schools.  He was surprised they asked him because he wasn't a doctor.  CF wanted him to do it because he was  a professional educator.  Abraham surveyed various medical schools in U.S. and Canada and told them how to improve.  B4 he did that, he studied various medical books.  The main one was Medical Education in German Universities.  He got advice from members of the Hopkins Circle who were big on the biomedical model.  They thought Germany taught medicine the best.              

In the Flexner Report he broken down medical schools in 3 categories.  Th first tier was schools like John Hopkins.  These were the best schools.  The 2nd tier were that weren't as good and the third tier were schools that were awful.  Abraham looked @ "admission standards, physical facilities, especially well- equipped laboratories, and instruction by physician scientists were the other major criteria for judging the quality of the education offered."

It changed the curriculum of medical schools.  They no longer taught about diet, herbs and other forms of healing.  It promoted the use of poison and cutting out body parts as a form of healing.  That's allopathic medicine, it's God awful!!!!!!!!!  

There's racism in the report as well; Flexner wrote black doctors should focus on hygiene instead of surgery.  They should focus on protecting whites from disease.  5 of 7 black medical schools closed because of the report.  This as an effect on my people today.    White doctors believe my people have a higher tolerance to pain than whites, but the opposite is true.    
Critics felt the biomedical model focused to much on the science and not enough on the patient's care.  In that model humans are seen as machines, which we are not.  We are soul and spirit which that model denies.  Much as been gained, but much is desired.    
Carnegie Foundation
It funded the Flexner Report.  After that report came out, medicine in the United States was changed 4ever.  This foundation help make medicine more scientific, but it may have been very barbaric.  It wanted medical schools to be more like John Hopkins Medical School.        
Rockafella Foundation
John D. Rockafella was a super rich oil man in the U.S.  He owned most of the oil in the U.S.  He wanted medicine to created out of oil, so he got rid of competitors.  This foundation backed the Flexner Report, which led to American Medical Association taken ova medicine in the states.  This foundation encouraged allopathic medicine ova other forms of medicine.  That was a terrible idea.  Non-allopathic medicine was demonized and naturopaths were jailed.  This foundation tried to change medicine in China but it didn't work so well.  
B4 the Flexner Report, many medical colleges were for profit.  There was no standard licensing laws to become a doctor b4 the report.  Prior to the report most medical schools didn't have laboratories.  It made it so only college graduates could go to medical school.  B4 the report there was many forms of medicine practiced in the states; but there was many snake oil salesmen as well.   
Now medicine in the states is more scientific and medical license is regulated.  That's good, I guess.  The down side is other forms of medicine was snuffed out.  Patients are seen as machines instead of as people.  It's all about the treatment, instead of the cure.  That's where the $ @.  
What's Next
Most people will stick with mainstream medicine, because they are easily fooled.  But more people are moving towards alternative medicine.  Such as naturopathy, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, energy healing, hypnosis, and many more.  These forms of medicine are better @ preventing and curing diseases compared to allopathic medicine.   
Medicine in the states have changed alot through the centuries.  The biggest change was funded by the Carnegie and Rocafella Foundation.  The Flexner brothers had a profound impact on this standardization of medicine.  The Flexner Report crystallized the change in medicine.  Prior to that medicine was more diverse, but there was a lot of tricksters as well.  More people are turning towards alternative medicine because it's better.           


Tuesday, May 24, 2022


Uber Driver: I took an uber downtown to the foodtrucks.  Me and the uber diver talked about covid, war in Ukraine, Biden, Trump, racism, and China surrounding Taiwan.  Trump is the face of racism, that helped him beat Hilary in the 2016 election.  Even though I think Hilary Clinton is a bigger racist than Trump.  I told him about the Buffalo shooter manifesto, California shooting and Mali kicking France out of the country.  I should've gave him the URL to my blog.     
Detroit Original Seafood Truck: This was the first food truck I went too.  I got a bunch of grief, but I got a free meal.  I just wanted a sample.  The cooks thought I was illegit, so I showed them my blog.  One of the cooks made fun of my clothes, because he thought bloggers wear suits and carry cameras.  10 minutes went by, I wasn't sure if I was going to get a sample.  So I was going to tell the cook I'll pay 4 it.  But when I got his attention the name caller said I was hungry.  Then my food was ready.  The catfish nuggets were good, but the fries were lackluster.  I give it a B-.   
Smoking BBQ Ring: I ask for a small sample and he gave me brisket.  I ate it with ghost pepper sauce.  He was the only one that followed my instructions.  The brisket and ghost pepper sauce was good.  I give it a B.  
Rolling Stoves: I ask for a sample; I was told they don't give samples.   A young white woman took my order.  She was very pleasant.  From my experience young white women tend to be very pleasant.  That's because they don't have many hardships in their life.  They may become unpleasant as they get older because of future hardships.  I bought a Smash Cheeseburger and garlic fries.  The burger and fries were good, but I didn't like the garlic taste.  They had the best food.  I give it an A-.     
Los Dos Amigos: They didn't give samples either.  So I bought a chorizo taco instead.  The chorizo was good but I didn't like the soft shell.  I thought the shell was going to hard.  But I think that's more of a U.S. thing.  I give it a C.  I should have bought the Quesadillas.
Impasto:  I bought a Caesar Steak Wrap and bottled water.  The wrap was ok, I guess it was better than the taco.  I give it a C+.  
Starbucks:  I bought a Cookie Crumple Frappuccino.  It was delicious, I set next to the window.  
I met a college student working 4 ACLU.  He liked my shirt.  He told about voter suppression and wanted me to join a group that's against that.  I told him democracy wasn't good 4 the U.S. because most of the population is unintelligent and uneducated, he agreed.  I said democracy is good 4 an intelligent and educated population.  I also told him I'm a libertarian.  I gave if my blog URL and showed him the government section, he clicked libertarianism.  Then his friend came by and asked if I was a left or right libertarian.  I said I don't know, maybe moderate.               
I met a man I thought was homeless and mentally ill.  But maybe he wasn't.  He also liked my shirt.  It got prominent Black and African people on it.  We talked about time, space, subject, object, Jesuits and Freemasons.  I told him time is in the mind.  He feels space is the origin of existence.   I said space could another form of matter.  We would have no conception of spaces without objects in it.  He talked about the duality of knowing.  We came to the conclusion that the subject and object are the same.  Subject is self-awareness and and object is what the subject is aware of.  I guess you can say the subject is an object of its own awareness.  Every subject is an object to a non-subject.  Reality is subjective consensus or so it seems.  He said the Jesuits control the Freemasonry.  We got on the subject because I told I went to Loyola High School.  Which is ran by Jesuits.  The previous Sovereign General of the Jesuits came to my high school when I was in college.  This wise man I was talking to seemed delusional because he said the leader of the Jesuits is named Frank and lives in downtown Detroit.  He also said the Illuminati wanted him to sell his soul, but he wouldn't.  I doubt the Illuminati would contact him.  He was fun to talk too.  
I took the bus home.  There was lady on the bus that needed help to her destination, so I helped her.  I helped her discover the side street she was going too.  She used my phone to call the guy 4 directions.  
That's was my adventure.                    

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Humanity's Shadow

This will be a 3 parter.  These posts will be about pedorings, satanic ritual abuse (sra), mind control, royalties, governments, militaries, cults and celebrities involvement in these heinous crimes, etc.  The majority of what I write in these posts are true, if not all of it.  It is important 4 the world to know this!!!!!!!  This first part will be about the Franklin Scandal, Finders Cult, Presidio military base, Marc Dutroux, the evils of the German government, a survivor, and Joachim Hagopian.      
Franklin Scandal
A grand jury said this was a hoax.  But there are several victims, so I will explore it.  This operation was ran by Lawrence E. King.  It involved kidnapping, child abuse, slavery and mind control.  Homosexual prostitutes came to the white after midnight when Reagan was president.  They were working 4 Lawrence.  

Rusty Nelson was a photographer during the Franklin Scandal.  He took pictures @ parties, these pics were incriminating of politicians that were there.  Lawrence wanted Rusty to take photos of child abuse and snuff with Hunter Thompson, but he didn't want too.  He was jailed as a sex offender.  He was put in solitary confinement, drugged and deprived of sleep while in prison.  It was a part of mind control.  Someone threaten to kill him if he didn't shut his mouth, in a round about way.  He said Warren Buffet participated in some these heinous crimes.          
Alisha Owen went to some of Lawrence parties.  @ one of the parties she was raped by a sheriff.  Law enforcement wanted her to recant her testimony, but she wouldn't.  Her family members turned on her, probably because they were threaten.  Her lawyer turned on her.  The lawyer was in a relationship with the FBI agent prosecuting her.  She was put in prison 4 perjury in 1991.       

Paul Bonacci was sexually abused @ a young age.  In 1980 he was given $500 to get boys to join in orgies with men.  He was later threaten by one of his abusers.  Sometimes Paul was bound and raped by men.  He went to wild parties that were full of drugs , child molestation, and porno.  Lawrence King paid him for sexual favors.  Paul was flown to different states to engage in illegal acts.  There was a doctor that wrote letters to his school, so he would excused 4 absences.  That doctor also abused him.  Paul raped and beat a kid under duress.  Paul reported this and much more when he @ a police station.          

Johnny Gosch was a paperboy when he was 12.  In 1982 he was kidnapped while he was delivering newspapers.  Noreen Gosch is his mother and she neva stopped looking 4 him.  There was a reporter that would go to the white house press briefing when Bush Jr was president.  The reporter name is Jeff Gannon.  Many people believe Jeff is Johnny.  Jeff was a homosexual prostitute for the military b4 he became reporter.           

Finders Cult
Originally a hippie cult; later on it became satanic.  Members of the cult abused children and did evil rituals.  The public founded out about them in the 80's.  Some cops pull ova a van that had 2 men and 6 children in it.  The children were dirty and mentally retarded.  The FBI and some other law enforcement department tried to investigate them, but the CIA stopped them.  Some of the members of the cult were CIA agents.  If you want to learn more about it, click here.
Presidio Military Base
This military base was around for centuries.  But it got shut down in 1993.  Years b4 that, children were abused @ the base's daycare center.  Children were abused @ many other military daycare centers as well.  Some of them got STDs, others got their teeth pulled out.  Parents got upset and burned down the daycare.  The children experienced satanic ritual abuse and Michael Aquino was involved.  The teacher that set this off name is Gary Hambright.  He abused a 3 year old boy.  Children was taken to different places and abused.  Michael, his wife and Gary would abuse children @ his home.  They were defecated and urinated on, blood was smeared on them, and they were made to eat human waste.  The children was threaten @ gunpoint not to tell.  Rudolph Giuliani was ova the case and he didn't indict anybody.  He may have said the kids were making it up.  So the parents sued and got $2.7 million in 1991.  The abusers didn't get any jail time, expect 4 maybe Gary.     
Marc Dutroux
He's a Belgian serial killer and child rapist; he got life in prison.  In 1989 he was jailed 4 kidnapping and raping 5 girls.  One of the victims was neva found.  His wife and 2 other people helped him with that.  3 years later he was released from prison because the minster of justice let him out.  Even though the prosecutor and psychiatrist told him not too.  They said he was a dangerous psychopath.  Marc told a health official he was mentally ill.  So he received a stipend from the Belgian government.  He told the health official he had a sleeping problem, so he was given sleeping pills.  He later used those pills on his victims.  There were several houses owned by him.  He used some them as places to torture girls.  One of them he turnt into dungeon.      

In 1996 he was arrested again for the same crimes in addition to torturing and killing 4 of his victims.  They shouldn't have let him out in 1992.  He filmed the abuse of children!!!!  His accomplishes was sentenced too, except the one he murdered.  This case was mishandled by the authorities.  In response Belgian people did the White March.  300,000 people marched in Brussels 4 the protection of their children and a independent investigation of the case.    

There were several hiccups with this case.  In 1995 Marc mother wrote a letter to cops telling them that he had girls in his house.  Cops didn't fellow up on the letter.  A cop could have freed 2 girls, but told the locksmith not to unlock the door.  He even heard them screaming.  Those 2 girls died of starvation and dehydration because Marc wife wouldn't feed them nor give them water.  He was in jail when this happened.  The police confiscated hundreds of tapes from Marc houses.  They didn't view any of them until it was to late.  If they had, they could saved the 2 girls and founded out he was part of a network.  The hair of the girls was founded in the dungeon.  It wasn't DNA tested until 5 years later.  
Judge Jean-Marc Connerotte was removed from the case because he went to a fund raiser for the victim's family.  He was going to name the government officials involved.  He also discovered Michel Nihoul was leading the child kidnapping and prostitution operation.  Michel was smuggling girls from Eastern European countries to Belgium or that was he was planning to do.  The new judge that took ova the case after the righteous judge was removed, was the lawyer for Michel wife years ago.  That's insane!!!!!!!!!!  Many witnesses were killed.  Dutroux had 6 million Belgian francs and 10 houses.  His ex-wife got paid after some girls got kidnapped.  The money went straight into her bank account in different currencies.  Some of it was from Morocco and Saudi Arabia.  The accomplice Marc killed was in a cult called Abrasax.  They sacrificed raped young people.  There was @ least 4 Belgian cops in it.  The cop that heard the screams of the children, but told the locksmith not to open the door got promoted.  7 of the cops were working with Marc, so they got arrested.  
German Betrayal of Children
For decades the German government allowed known pedophiles to adopt children.  This awful experiment was created by Helmut Kentler.  He was crazy in the head because his father was a Nazi.  His father was very strict on him.  So when he grew up he became a twisted homosexual pedophile and psychologist.  Nazis were the result of sexual repression, so Kentler thought.  Because of that idea he had twisted sexual morality.  The German Senate backed his experiment; that's why it lasted so long.  In the 1960's German children were encouraged to play with each other sexually.  That's awful!!!!!!!!!!!  It makes me so angry.  Many twisted adults want to promote sexual perversion to children in the U.S.  Disney is an example of that. Bestiality was legal in Germany from 1969 to 2013.  There were dog owners upset they couldn't rock and roll with K9s anymore.  Animals need protection too!!!!!  Germany is the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.              
There's a lady on YouTube that told her story of abuse.  I forgot her name.  She may have been in foster care when she was younger.  She was taken to underground cities and abused.  She said Too Short, Obama and Biden abused her, but not Trump.  The Biden we see today is not the real Biden.    

Joachim Hagopian
He was an CIA agent that did clandestine operations.  Joachim is familiar with how the CIA blackmail someone.  He later discovered a satanic elite runs the world using blackmail as one of their tools of control.  This elite is very perverse, which you can see on t.v.  Both the Democratic and Republican parties are part of this sickness.  Don't be polarized, both are evil.  Denis Hastert was serial child rapist, but he only got 15 months in prison because he was the speaker of house.     
The boy lover symbol is on a lot of law enforcement badges.  Hollywood, D.C., and Wall Street are full of child molesters that are protected by the government.  Children are being molested, sacrificed, blood drank, organs harvested, and experimented on by these sick inhumans.  Adult as well, but on a lesser scale.                                                 
Look up Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank.  That promoted evil under the guise of Judaism because they were sinister.  Zevi stared it and then a century Jacob took to another level.  They promoted sexual sin and ritual sacrifice as way to get close to Yahweh.  A lot of people fell for it, because they were being mistreated.  Jacob said we can't all be saints, so lets be sinners.  Zevi pretended to be a Muslim, so he wouldn't go to jail and Frank pretended to be Catholic 4 protection.  Jewish authorities wanted kill Jacob Frank because he was so radical.  Frank may have met Adam Weishaupt the creator of the Bavarian Illuminati.  They both shared the same ideas of destroying government and religion.  

Joachim wrote about a bunch of other stuff too.  But this will suffice 4 this part.  I will be using his information in other parts and posts though.  Such as the Jesuits, Vatican, military sra, etc.                              

The Franklin Scandal was a child kidnapping, raping, torturing, enslaving, and killing operation.  It was managed by Lawrence King and involved a lot of parties.  It was a Republican operation, but Democrats may have participated in it as well.  Rusty Nelson was a photographer that got some nasty photos and was punished 4 it.  Even though he wanted nothing to do with it.  Paul Bonacci was a victim that was abused a lot and made to commit crimes.  Alisha Owen and Johnny Gosch were also victims.  Finders was a satanic cult that abused children.  It was protected by the CIA and Department of Justice.  Kids were abused @ Presidio military base and it was covered up.  Marc Dutroux is a Belgian serial rapist/killer, car thief, torturer, and filmer of indecency.  He was connected to a cult, cops and politicians.  German government allowed pedophiles to adopt children as an experiment.  Germany has problems with child molestation and bestiality.  There is a survivor that has been molested underground by prominent people and above ground by regular people.  Joachim Hagopian was in the intelligence community, so he seen a lot.  He wrote several books on organized child abuse, mind control, sra, etc.  This has been the toughest post I ever wrote.  Writing about this kind of stuff is hard work.  I will persevere because people need to know this stuff, so we can stop it.  I will write part 2 in the near future.                      

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Afrosoca and Friends

I went to Bert Entertainment Complex on May 7, 2022.  I got there @ noon  and ate soul food.  Then I went to to Afrosoca marketplace.  It was from 11am to 5pm.  People had tables there and were selling their products.  It was in Bert's theater.  I shared my bizzness and websites with potential clients and bought mom some tea 4 Mother's Day.  I met a member of Black Young Professionals and a high school classmate there.  After I left the marketplace I ate some authentic Mexican food.  But b4 that I went on a scavenger hunt.  It was @ a pizzeria.  The AfroSoca concert was @ 9pm.  I went to that as while.  
I signed 2 petitions; one was for voter ID and the other for limiting weed places around schools.  I shouldn't have signed the voter ID one, I misunderstood.  I ran into another petition women and she was an Hamptonian!!!!!!!  She explained it to me.  I ended up chilling 4 ova four hours because there was a 4 hour difference between the end of the marketplace and the concert.  
I had to charge my phone, so I charged it in a bar.  A mean waitress told me couldn't charge there because of bills and she wanted me to buy a drink.  So I went next door and a nice waitress charged my phone.  The mean waitress told me I have to buy a drink again in the pizzeria.  I got a shrilly temple from the nice waitress.  I gave her a big tip because she charged my phone.  I wanted to show her my website, but she was busy.  So I went to Afrosoca concert.  
I was at the concert early.  Most people there was wallflowers.  I danced on the dance floor, near poles, in front of a group of women, in a triangle, near a line, with 3 women, etc.  I was also holy ghosting, vibrating, tic tokin and much more.  I was filmed dancing by @ least 2 people.  The DJ shouted me out while I was dancing in the middle.  He had me do the tombstone to bring the party to life.  I laid on the ground and after the crowd counted to 3, I stood up.  Then people came near the stage.  The tombstone reminds me of the Freemasonry and Baron Samedi.  Because they both deal with death.     

The DJ said Detroit is his favorite city.  There was graffiti paper falling from the sky and smoke from the stage.  The crowd was given glow sticks.  That's when it got superhype.  I was jumping in the air and earlier I vibrated in a circle of women.  I had 2 glow sticks, but one was defected.  Eventually I put the defected one down and gave the good one to a lady that didn't have one.  
The Dj told the crowd to tell a stranger you love them.  I told a women and she said the the same to me.  Then he told the men to tell a woman they attracted to their amazing.  I wasn't attract 2 any of the women around me, so I didn't say it.  Later on, I told the DJ I was leaving and he had weave goodbye to the crowd.  Then I started dancing until my uber was 1 minute away then I waved again and said goodbye.  I had much fun, but I should found something to do in the inbetween time, so I wouldn't have to chill so much.                     

Saturday, May 7, 2022


What are DUMBs?   How are they constructed?  How long have they been around?  How many of them and where @?  Who operates them?  What activities go on there?  Do aliens work there as well?  Do abductees get taken there sometime?  Who is Philip Schneider?
DUMBs means deep underground military bases.  They been around for decades.  Machines are used to build them.  They are deep underground and some of these bases contain missiles.  A lot of those missiles are ICBMs.  Experiments are done in some of the bases and they also contain classified technology.        
Boring machines was used to create the space underground for the base.  They are also used to create underground tunnels.  Lasers are used as well when creating underground military bases.  That what Philip Schneider said.  The space is then cleared of debris so the base can be built.    

The Nazis built weapons underground using slaves.  Many missile silos were created during the Cold War.  North Korea have missile silos as well.  They went nuclear sometime after 2000.  China also have dumbs that was first built in 70's or later.        
List and Location
I read there are ova 10,000 dumbs.  So, I wrote about a few of them.  Most of them is in the U.S.  the other bases are in Australia, U.K., Russia, China, Albania, Canada, and India is building one.  
La Coupole: Nazi base for V-2 rocket.  It was the first missile silo.  
Dulce: This dumb is ran by Department of Energy and it has tunnels that connect it to other bases.  There 7 human levels in this base.  The first 2 levels are for trash.  The 3rd level is for Check in.  Everyone is scanned nude, then they but on a uniform.  The 4th level is for psychic research and exotic weapons.  People on this level know how to take the soul out of someone's body and replace it with another soul.  That's called a walk-in.  5th level is where non-humans live and it is very secured.  6th level is known as Nightmare Hall; humans and chimeras are kept in cages there.  There are 7 ft tall bat-humans in cages on this level.  They drug these creatures as they cry out for help.  The final level humans and chimeras in different stages of development are kept in storage.  If a human go beyond this level they may find it hard to breathe. 
Area 51: Similar activities to ones done in the Dulce base are occurring there, but it has less levels.  Workers are brought there on planes and buses with blacked out windows.  There are signs around the base that warn people from getting to close.  If an unauthorized person gets past all the signs deadly force will be used.  Radioactive waste is or was burned there.  One of the workers got sick from it.  Doctors couldn't help him because they didn't know what poisoned him.  They couldn't find out because it was classified.  Then his skin got scaly and he died.  His wife sued the federal government and won.  Even though they denied the existence of Area 51.  The F-117 Stealth Fighter  and B-2 Spirit was made there.  Legend has it stealth technology comes from reverse engineered alien tech.  This is most famous dumb!!!!!!      
China Lake: A Navy base for development and research.  It is bigger than Rhode Island!!!!!!  Several weapons were developed there.  There may non-humans on the base and chimeras may have been created there.  
Cheyenne Mountain: NORAD and USNORTHCOM run the base, but the Space Force is there too.  It is a "self-sustaining city" that have tunnels to other dumbs.  It has a missile defense system, early warning system and space tracking.  John Conner and Sarah Burster went there in Terminator 3 after Skynet tookover he internet.      
Denver International Airport: This base is under the airport and I assume it ran by the Air Force.  It has tunnels to other dumbs.  There maybe technology that cause sickness and headaches there.  Inside the airport there's a painting of children dying and Nazi holding a sword.  Locals were against the building of the airport.  The local government didn't have access to much of the information regarding the construction of the airport.     
Montauk: This dumb has 9 levels.  The Montauk Project was done here.  It was experiments in mind control and space travel.  The Nazis were involved and non-humans intelligences.  Young white males that had blue eyes and blond hair were kidnapped.  These boys were very psychic.  They were sent to the future and but in a manifestation chair.  Whatever they thought materialized.  One of them thought of a monster and it destroyed the base.  One of the montauk boys is named Steward Stradlow.  He is now a man and has a YouTube channel.       
Carthage Base: Food storage facility 4 the Navy.  Reptoids live below that and they aren't so friendly.  

Blue Mountain Ridge Base: A city with 46 nukes.  It is ran by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).   

War Department Experimental Ground: Biological and chemical weapon creation and experimentation.  

Pine Gap: This base is used 4 spying.  It is apart of the ECHELON program.  Ran by the NSA, CIA and NRO.    
Kapustin Yar: A Soviet missile test site.  It was created in 1946.  Nazi helped them create rockets.   
Svalbard Global Seed Vault: It holds seeds for all the plants in world.  It is ran by the government of Norway.    
Gjader Air Base: Albanian air force base in a mountain.  It has been used by the CIA and the U.S. Army.
Yulin Naval Base: Navel base for nuclear subs.  It is ran by the Chinese navy.   
CFB North Bay: Canadian and U.S. air force base.  NORAD has an underground complex there.  It is as big as a shopping mall.  They scan the skies to make sure North America is safe.     
Varsha Base: Future Indian navel base.   
Some dumbs are ruled by aliens.  On others humans and aliens work together.  Sometimes different species of aliens clash with each other and humans get caught in the middle.  Some aliens use mind control on humans @ the base, so they would carry out their agenda.  There are no humans beyond level 7 on the Dulce base.  
Philip was in that base with some soldiers.  The soldiers got into a firefight with aliens; they probably went below level 7.  Philip got shot and lost 2 of his fingers.  He had to stay in vast for 438 days because of radiation poisoning.  Aliens were involved in the Montauk Project.  Draconians got drunk on Drano on the base.              
Sometimes when humans get abducted they are taken to a dumb.  Some alien abductions aren't alien @ all.  They're military personnel wearing alien costumes and they give the abductees hallucinogens.  This is known as Military Mind Control Alien Abduction (MILAB).  Sometimes black helicopters come to the scene of abductions and cattle mutilations.  They are on an information gathering mission.  The Men in Black also try to persuade people that seen UFOs and abductees not to talk about it.  I heard they are a part of the CIA, somewhat alien and sometimes murder people.     
Philip Schneider
He was a geologist for NATO after that he worked for the U.S. government.  His father was a Nazi on a U-boat.  He was captured and became a turncoat.  Phil got caught in a firefight between soldiers and aliens in the Dulce base.  He gave lectures around the country about his experiences; he even showed an alien metal to the audience.  The government suicided him.  They killed him and make it look like a suicide.  He was a brave patriot.       
DUMBs are deep underground military bases that are built with boring machines.  They have been around for almost a century.  The U.S. has many dumbs, but other countries do as well.  There maybe ova 10,000 dumbs worldwide.  Some dumbs have aliens in them and some abductees are taken to them.  Philip Schneider talked about them in his lectures, he was killed because of it.