

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Modern U.S. Medicine

Modern medicine was funded by the Rockefella Foundation.  He had help from Simon Flexner and Carnegie Foundation.  What's the Flexner Report?  What was medicine like in the U.S. b4 it was standardized?  Maybe standardization was a good thing, maybe not.  What's next on the horizon 4 medicine in the U.S.?
Simon Flexner
He was a doctor, professor, scientist and advisor to Rockefella.  He was born in Louisville, KY in 1863.  He got a medical degree from John Hopkins University.  @ the University of Pennsylvania he was the professor of pathology.  The American Philosophical Society elected him to be a member.   
Flexner Report
It changed the course of medicine 4ever in the U.S. and possibly the world.  It was created in 1910 and it made the biomedical model popular.  Other models of healing were tossed aside.  The biomedical model was created in Germany.  A lot of U.S. medical students went to medical schools in that country.  

Abraham Flexner went to John Hopkins University and studied Greek and Latin.  After that he became a teacher @ a high school, later on he created his own high school.   He taught his students problem solving, instead of rote memorization like in most schools.  His educational philosophy is similar to John Dewey.  After he sold his high school, he majored in philosophy @ Harvard.  He studied in Europe while completing his major.  

The American College was a book he wrote that criticized U.S. education and gave ways to improve it.  The head of the Carnegie Foundation (CF) read the book and wanted Flexner to improve medical schools.  He was surprised they asked him because he wasn't a doctor.  CF wanted him to do it because he was  a professional educator.  Abraham surveyed various medical schools in U.S. and Canada and told them how to improve.  B4 he did that, he studied various medical books.  The main one was Medical Education in German Universities.  He got advice from members of the Hopkins Circle who were big on the biomedical model.  They thought Germany taught medicine the best.              

In the Flexner Report he broken down medical schools in 3 categories.  Th first tier was schools like John Hopkins.  These were the best schools.  The 2nd tier were that weren't as good and the third tier were schools that were awful.  Abraham looked @ "admission standards, physical facilities, especially well- equipped laboratories, and instruction by physician scientists were the other major criteria for judging the quality of the education offered."

It changed the curriculum of medical schools.  They no longer taught about diet, herbs and other forms of healing.  It promoted the use of poison and cutting out body parts as a form of healing.  That's allopathic medicine, it's God awful!!!!!!!!!  

There's racism in the report as well; Flexner wrote black doctors should focus on hygiene instead of surgery.  They should focus on protecting whites from disease.  5 of 7 black medical schools closed because of the report.  This as an effect on my people today.    White doctors believe my people have a higher tolerance to pain than whites, but the opposite is true.    
Critics felt the biomedical model focused to much on the science and not enough on the patient's care.  In that model humans are seen as machines, which we are not.  We are soul and spirit which that model denies.  Much as been gained, but much is desired.    
Carnegie Foundation
It funded the Flexner Report.  After that report came out, medicine in the United States was changed 4ever.  This foundation help make medicine more scientific, but it may have been very barbaric.  It wanted medical schools to be more like John Hopkins Medical School.        
Rockafella Foundation
John D. Rockafella was a super rich oil man in the U.S.  He owned most of the oil in the U.S.  He wanted medicine to created out of oil, so he got rid of competitors.  This foundation backed the Flexner Report, which led to American Medical Association taken ova medicine in the states.  This foundation encouraged allopathic medicine ova other forms of medicine.  That was a terrible idea.  Non-allopathic medicine was demonized and naturopaths were jailed.  This foundation tried to change medicine in China but it didn't work so well.  
B4 the Flexner Report, many medical colleges were for profit.  There was no standard licensing laws to become a doctor b4 the report.  Prior to the report most medical schools didn't have laboratories.  It made it so only college graduates could go to medical school.  B4 the report there was many forms of medicine practiced in the states; but there was many snake oil salesmen as well.   
Now medicine in the states is more scientific and medical license is regulated.  That's good, I guess.  The down side is other forms of medicine was snuffed out.  Patients are seen as machines instead of as people.  It's all about the treatment, instead of the cure.  That's where the $ @.  
What's Next
Most people will stick with mainstream medicine, because they are easily fooled.  But more people are moving towards alternative medicine.  Such as naturopathy, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, energy healing, hypnosis, and many more.  These forms of medicine are better @ preventing and curing diseases compared to allopathic medicine.   
Medicine in the states have changed alot through the centuries.  The biggest change was funded by the Carnegie and Rocafella Foundation.  The Flexner brothers had a profound impact on this standardization of medicine.  The Flexner Report crystallized the change in medicine.  Prior to that medicine was more diverse, but there was a lot of tricksters as well.  More people are turning towards alternative medicine because it's better.           


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