

Saturday, December 31, 2016


The  Hausaland (Hausa city-states) started around 1400 years ago!  Each city-state had a certain function. They had there own religion, but they became more Islamic over time.  A Fulani Islamic fanatic conquered the Hausa city-states.  The British took-over in 1903.  
Legend has it that the Hausa paternal ancestor is a prince from Baghdad.  He killed a snake that that threaten the lives of people of Daura.  He married the queen of the Daura people.  The queen and the prince had a son.  She also had 6 more.  Their sons became the kings of the 7 Hausa city-states. The Hausa may have come the Sahara or Lake Chad.  They may have been in Northern Nigeria since prehistoric time.  Hausa city-states rose to prominence because of trading.  They were great traders and the Hausa language became popular because of it.  

Usman Dan Fodio was a Islamic fundamentalist.  He created the Sokoto Caliphate after the jihad of Hausaland.  Fulanis and lower class Hausa helped him in the jihad.  The British defeated the Sokoto Caliphate and conquered the land.
7 Major Hausa City-States
Kano: This was the most famous city-state.  It was founded by a chief named Dala.  It was named after Mother Earth.  Kano was conquered by the Hebe people in 998 CE.  Baguada, the grandson of the Iraqi prince became the king of Kano after the conquest.  Salt, textiles, leather goods, and metal goods were traded in the city.  Kano went to war with Katsina often.

Katsina: This city was founded by Kumayo.  It became the largest city-state in 1600's.

Gobir: The name of this city-state comes from Yemen.  It was founded by the Bawo in 1100.  He was the son of the king of Baghdad.  Gobir went to war with Kano for 17 years.  It became 'the most powerful city-state.'          

Zazzau: This city-state was founded in 1010 by King Gunguma.  He was the grandson of of the Iraqi prince.  It named changed to Zaria in the 1500's.   Amina was a very powerful queen of Zazzau. Click here to learn more about her.

Biram: It was founded by Garin Gabas.

Daura: There were a lot of great blacksmiths there.  A Fulani king married the queen of this kingdom in 1000.

Rano: This was the first Hausa city-state.
The Hausa worshiped and/or interacted with spirits called Bori.  Bori are in all living things.  The Hausa had/have rituals that causes the practitioners to become possessed by Bori.  There were Bori priestesses. There were various cults for different Bori.  Bori were/are used to heal people of illnesses.  Traditional healers are called Bokas.  

In the 1300's Islam became popular in Hausaland.  The ruling class were the first to embrace Islam. Later on the common people embraced Islam.  They mixed Islam with their Bori religion.  
The Hausaland has a long history!  They were great traders and blacksmiths.  There were seven major Hausa city-states.  They have their own religion, which they later combined with Islam.  I give Hausaland a B+.
Kano City-State
Hausa Architecture
Hausa Song
Hausa Culture

Friday, December 30, 2016

Oyo Empire

Oyo started in the 1300's.  Oyo became an empire in the 1600s.  They had their own government, military, culture.  They were involved with the Trans-Saharan and Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
Political Organization
Alaafin: King of the Oyo Empire.
Oyo Mesi: A council that selected the Alaafin and they were the legislature.  They were similar to congress.

Ogboni: They were religious leaders.   They were judges for cases that involved the spilling of blood. They were the judicial branch.

Ajele: Agents that supervised rulers that were under the Alaafin.

Social Structure
Oyo Empire was composed of 4 layers.

Metropolitan Oyo: This was the center of the empire.  It had 6 sections.  Each section was controlled by a governor.

Yorubaland: These were towns close to Oyo.  The towns were ruled by Obas.

Egbado Corridor: Egba and Egbado people lived here.  The people ruled themselves, with Ajele supervision.

Ajaland: Ewe people lived here.  They were allowed to rule themselves as long as they followed the rules. They enslaved people for Oyo.    

Eso: They were the commanders of the military.

Infantry: The men had sword, shields and spears.

Cavalry: Armored horses were used in battles north of Oyo.  They weren't used in the south. Sometimes slaves were used in the cavalry.  

Oyo was founded by Oranmiyan.  Oranmiyan was a great military leader.  Oyo was conquered Nupe Empire in 1550.  Alaafin Orompoto created calvary 4 Oyo.  Oyo became very wealthy because it had control to trade routes.  Oyo traded with Gao, Timbuktu, Jenne, and Hausaland.

In the 1600's Oyo had a strong government and military.  This gave it the ability to become more imperial.  Oyo tried and failed to conquer Benin.  Aja and Ewe nations gave tribute to the Oyo.  In 1748 Oyo defeated Dahomey, so Dahomey was forced to pay tribute.  The Oyo, Akan, and Dahomey militaries defeated the Asante military in 1764.  

The Oyo Empire weakened because there were political disputes.  The Egbado Corridor revolted after this.  Dahomey raided villages in Oyo Empire for slaves.  In response to this, Oyo attacked Dahomey and was defeated.  Dahomey no longer had to pay tribute to Oyo.  The Fulanis jihaded the Oyo Empire.  The Oyo Empire fell a year later.  The British took over whatever was left of the Oyo Empire in 1888.

This empire was created by the Yoruba.  If you want to know more about them click here.

Artists of this empire made great sculptors.  They even sculpted ivory and made beautiful textiles. They made a lot of armlets.  Architects made nice houses.  The Yoruba may be the greatest African artists!  
To learn more about Oyo's religion click here.
The Oyo Empire was amazing!!!!!!  They had a great government with checks and balances.  They had a sweet military.  The people in Egbado Corridor and Ajaland should have been treated better. You catch more bees with honey than vinegar.  The Oyo Empire shouldn't have involved itself with the Trans-Saharan and Trans-Atlantic slave trade.  They should have fought it like Queen Nzinga.  I give the Oyo Empire a B.    
Oyo Empire
Alaafin Celebration
Movie based on Empire
Royal Dance

Thursday, December 29, 2016


Nri was a kingdom created by the Igbo long ago.  The government was a theocracy.  The government officials were priests.  The religion of this kingdom was Odinani.  The economy was based on farming, hunting, and trade.  Nri was a slave free zone.  The Nri artists were great sculptors. 
Nri was started about a millennium ago by a king named Eri.  Nri had at least 19 different kings.  People working for the king would go to other kingdoms and ask them to join Nri.  The leaders of these kingdoms would join by taking a ritual oath.  Nri weaken because of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.  The British took over Nri in 1911.

If you want to know about the Igbo click here.
Nri king was the chief priest.  B4 a new king could take the throne, 7 years had pass.  In those 7 years the king that died would tell the priest which person should be the next king.

There was taboos (actions you shouldn't do) .  If anyone did a taboo they would become spiritually unpure.  A whole community could be excommunicated for taboo breaking.  Violence was seen as polluting the earth, so it was discouraged.         

There was a priesthood that worked for the king.  They carried "staffs of peace" they cleaned up areas they were spiritually polluted.  Men purchased titles, which gave them authority over legal matters.  They became the nobility.  They nobility had scars that look like sun rays and it purified them.   

The nobility traded with people on the coast of West Africa.  The coastal West Africans trade seashells with the nobility.  The nobility imported or exported ivory.  If any enslaved African step foot on Nri, they became free.

If you want to know about Odinani click here.  
They used "bronze casting techniques" to make sculptors.  They made a lot of elephant head sculptors.  They also made sculptors of birds, snails, lizards, etc.  Their art influenced people in surrounding areas.  
This kingdom has a long history.  It had great art, religion, and government.  It was anti-slavery and its economy was booming.  I give this kingdom an A+.           
Igbo Celebration
Nri Kingdom
High Chief of Nri

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Los Rastrojos

Los Rastrojos is a paramilitary drug trafficking organization in Colombia and surrounding areas.  It was started in 2002.  The arrest of their leader as caused internal division in the group.  Los Rastrojos sell 3 primary drugs.  They were bangin with FARC and ELN.  They are now beefing with Los Urabenos.

Los Rastrojos was created by 2 members of Norte de Valle.  One of the members fell out with the boss of Norte de Valle, that's why Los Rastrojos was created.  In 2008 Comba and El Doctor became the leaders of Los Rastrojos.  After the leaders got arrested Los Rastrojos broke up into 3 groups. They lost control of the drug routes near the Pacific Ocean.

Drug Distribution        
Los Rastrojos traffic weed, cocaine, and heroine.  They were able to smuggle a lot of dope because they had alliances with various criminal gangs.  They were the biggest drug traffickers in Colombia! Now  Los Urabenos is the biggest drug traffickers.

Enemies and Allies
Los Rastrojos fought FARC and ELN in the past.  Then they are allies with both of them, because they signed agreements.  These agreements give Los Rastrojos greater access to coca farms.  They are also in a partnership with Mexican drug cartels.  Los Urabenos is their rival and they are very dangerous because they was created by ex-military.

Los Rastrojos distribute drugs from North west South America.  They aren't as powerful as they use to be because the broke up into smaller groups.  They have several allies and 1 rival.  Don't do drugs and stay in school.    

Got Caught!
Got the Boss!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Red Mafia

The Russian (Red) Mafia is a criminal super-power.  They are international and they commit many different crimes.  They are a collection of sets in the ex-Soviet Union.  Most of these sets have the same structure and intent.  There connected to the Russian government.

The Red Mafia started in the 1700's.  They robbed the rich and gave to the poor. Most peasants were poor in the 1700's.  they became the heroes of the poor, like Robin Hood.  

Lenin tried to snuff them out because they robbed him and tried to rape him.  Stalin sent criminals to the gulags, They formed bonds there.  They got tattoos while in the gulags, which represent their status in the gang.

Some of the members of Red Mafia helped the Soviet Union during WWII.  The rule was not to help the government.  The members that that joined the war were called cyka (bitch).  The members that fought were sent back to jail; even though they were told they would be set free.  The members that went back to jail and the ones that stayed fought each other.

It was known as the Bitch Wars.  Prison guards encouraged it, because they wanted criminals to die. A lot of prisoners died during the Bitch Wars.  After Stalin died there were millions of prisoners released.  They followed their own rules after the Bitch Wars.  They would work with the government if it was beneficial 4 them.

The Red mafia became very powerful in the 1960's.  They came to the U.S. in the 1970's.  After the Afghan War, Soviet soldiers offered their services to crime bosses.  In the 1990's  the Red Mafia joined forces with the Italian Mafia and Colombian drug cartels.  The operation took place in 3 major cities in the U.S.  By 2009 they were in 50 countries.
  • "Pakhan – is the Boss or Krestniy Otets or Vor or Papa or Avtoritet "Godfather" and controls everything. The Pakhan controls four criminal cells in the working unit through an intermediary called a "Brigadier."[35]
  • Two Spies – watch over the action of the brigadiers to ensure loyalty and none become too powerful. Sovietnik (Support Group) and Obshchak (Security Group) Derzhatel obschaka – the bookkeeper, who collects all money from Brigadiers and bribes the government to Obshchak (money mafia intended for use in the interests of the group). Could be Brigadier, Pakhan, Autoritet.
  • Brigadier – or Avtoritet ("Authority"), is like a captain in charge of a small group of men, similar to Caporegime in Italian-American Mafia crime families and Sicilian Mafia clans. He gives out jobs to Boyeviks ("warriors") and pays tribute to Pakhan. He runs a crew which is called a Brigade (Bratva). A Brigade is made up of 5–6 Pacanov or Brodyag.
  • Bratok or Pacan or Brodyaga– literally "warrior" works for a Brigadier having a special criminal activity to run, similar to soldiers in Italian-American Mafia crime families and Sicilian Mafia clans. A Boyevik is in charge of finding new guys and paying tribute up to his Brigadier. Boyeviks also make up the main strike force of a brigade (bratva).
  • Shestyorka – is an "associate" to the organization also called the "six", similar to associates in Italian-American Mafia crime families and Sicilian Mafia clans. Is an errand boy for the organization and is the lowest rank in the Russian Mafia. The sixes are assigned to some Avtorityets for support. They also provide an intelligence for the upcoming "dielo" or on a certain target. They usually stay out of the main actions, although there might be exceptions, depending on circumstances. During a "delo" Shestyorkas perform security functions standing on the lookout (Shukher – literally: danger). It is a temporary position and an individual either making it into the Vor-world or being cast aside. As they are earning their respect and trust in Bratva they may be performing roles of the regular Boyeviks or Byki depending on the necessities and patronage of their Brigadier or Avtorityet. The etymology of 'shestyorka' word comes from the lowest rank of 36 playing card deck – sixes."

"Groups based in and around the City of Moscow:
  • Solntsevskaya Bratva: Led by Sergei "Mikhas" Mikhailov, it is Russia's largest criminal group with about 5,000 members, and is named after the Solntsevo District.[38][39]
  • Rodina (Motherland): Moscow based crime syndicate with international influences, millionaire Natasha Suvorova was accused of being an important member in a 2015 trial.
  • Lyuberetskaya Bratva (Russian: Люберецкая Братва) or Lyubery (Russian: Люберы): One of the largest criminal groups in the late 1980s – early-mid-1990s in the USSR. Based in (and originating from) Lyubertsy district of Moscow.
  • The Izmaylovskaya gang: One of Russia's oldest modern gangs, it was started in the mid- to late-1980s by Oleg Ivanov; it has around 200–500 members in Moscow alone and is named after the Izmaylovo District.[40]
  • The Orekhovskaya gang: Founded by Sergei "Sylvester" Timofeyev, this group reached its height in Moscow in the 1990s. When Timofeyev died, Sergei Butorin took his place. However, he was sentenced to jail for life in 2011.[41][42]
Groups based in other parts of Russia and the former Soviet Union:
  • The Dolgoprudnenskaya gang: Russia's second largest criminal group.[39] Originally from the City of Dolgoprudny.
  • The Grekov Gang: Named after Grecoff Bradlik, this group has been known to dominate Saint Petersburg and has branches in MontrealCanada; the man most associated with them is Vladimir Kumarin.[40]
  • The Slonovskaya gang was one of the strongest criminal groups in CIS in the 1990s. It was based in Ryazan. It had a long-term war with other criminal groups of the city (AyrapetovskayaKochetkovskie, etc.)
  • The Uralmash gang of Yekaterinburg.
  • The Chechen mafia is one of the largest ethnic organized crime groups operating in the former Soviet Union next to established Russian mafia groups.
  • The Georgian mafia is regarded as one of the biggest, powerful and influential criminal networks in Europe, which has produced the biggest number of "thieves in law" in all former USSR countries.
  • The Mkhedrioni was a paramilitary group involved in organized crime[citation needed] led by a Thief in law Jaba Ioseliani in Georgia in 1990s.
  • The city of Kazan was known for its gang culture, which later progressed into more organized, mafia-esque groups. This was known as the Kazan phenomenon.
Groups based in and around The United States of America:
  • The Odessa Mafia: The most prominent and dominant Russian criminal group operating in the US; its headquarters is in Brighton Beach.[4][5]
  • Armenian Power, or AP-13, is a California-based crime syndicate tied to Russian and Armenian organized crime.

Groups based in other areas:
  • The Brothers' Circle: Headed by Temuri Mirzoyev, this multi-ethnic transnational group is "composed of leaders and senior members of several Eurasian criminal groups largely based in countries of the former Soviet Union but operating in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America."[43] In 2011, US President Barack Obama and his administration named it one of four transnational organized crime groups that posed the greatest threat to US national security, and sanctioned certain key members and froze their assets.[44][45] A year later, he extended the national emergency against them for another year.[46]
  • The Semion Mogilevich organization: Based in BudapestHungary and headed by the crime boss of the same name, this group numbered approximately 250 members as of 1996. Its business is often connected with that of the Solntsevskaya Bratva and the Vyacheslav Ivankov Organization. Aleksey Anatolyevich Lugovkov is the second-in-command, and Vitaly Borisovich Savalovsky is the "underboss" to Mogilevich.[47]
  • Order of Ronova: An organization with ties to Russian and Italian organized crime, based throughout Salt Lake City, Utah, Carson City, Nevada, Tacoma, Washington, and Phoenix, Arizona. It has an estimate of 100 made members and 400 associates.
  • Gradinaru Bratva: A family started in Cleveland Ohio, it is also known as Оргаруже, which stands for Organized Russian Gentlemen. Founded by the Michalov family and are usually hard to spot, these gentlemen are fierce and have their own hierarchy consisting of three leaders one of which Alexander Michalov was killed in a motorcycle accident in 2006."

The Red Mafia do a lot of kidnapping.  They tried to kidnap Madonna in 2006 when she was touring in Russia.  Some of the members of the Red Mafia have college degrees.  They engage in a lot of bank fraud. The Red Mafia also sells a lot of weapons.  Some of these weapons end up in the hands of Islamic terrorists. They sell young women to brothels.  They become sex slaves.  They brought drugs from South America to Europe.

Red Mafia Connection to Putin
Sometimes the Red Mafia is used by the Russian government to serve its interest.  The government doesn't use every set of the Red Mafia.  They just use the certain sets when the opportunity arises. The Red Mafia is used by the government to do things they can't do.  Such as giving weapons to the Kurds, so they can fight the Turks.  Russia and Turkey are beefing at the moment.
The Red Mafia is the greatest criminal organization in the world!  They have ranks and many sets. They commit a lot of kidnapping, human trafficking, weapon smuggling, bank fraud, drug distribution, etc.  They are somewhat controlled by the Russian government.    

Red Mob
Somebody Got Wet
They Getting Buck Wild!
Red Mafia Prank

Sunday, December 25, 2016


The Mafia (Mob) started in Sicily.  Then it branched out into Italy and the U.S.  It started out as a a group of protectors.  Then it became a criminal organization and secret society.   There were many famous Mafiosos.  The Mob has worked for the U.S. government and for the Vatican.  The Mafia may have been involved in the assassination with JFK. 
History of Sicilian Mafia
For centuries Sicily was ruled by foreigners.  Sicilian men would form groups to protect their people and oppose foreign rule.  These groups became known as clans and family.  The Mob grew out of these groups.  After the Italians took over Sicily, they allowed the Mafia to keep shaking down landowners.  In exchange, the Mob would capture violent criminals for them. The Mob looked after the property of the Catholic Church in Sicily.  Rituals and rules were added to the Mob later on.  
Mussolini crushed the Mob in Sicily.  In the 1950's the Mob came back stronger.  This was because they were involved with construction companies in post-WWII Sicily.  By the 1970's the Mob was heavy drug traffickers.  

There are at least 3 different Mobs in Italy.  

History of U.S. Mafia
In 1920's the Mob in the U.S. expanded because of prohibition.  Prohibition was a time in the U.S. alcohol was illegal.  The Mob illegally sold a lot of alcohol during this period.   They committed various crimes and controlled labor unions too.

The Mob sold drugs to various suppliers and dealers in the U.S.  Frank Lucas was a drug lord that got heroin from Vietnam. His house was raided and the cops founded half a mil.  He got 70 years.  Frank snitched on drug dealers and got a lighter sentence.  The movie American Gangsta Frank Lucas, but a lot of it is a lie.  There was a drug kingpin named Frank Matthews.  He had a drug conference in the 1970's. The conference was for figuring out how to get drugs without the Mob.  He disappeared.  His whereabouts are unknown.        

Sicilian Mob
The Sicilian Mob has these ranks.       

They have commissions to settle disputes.  They have 10 commandments.  

  1. "No one can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it.
  2. Never look at the wives of friends.
  3. Never be seen with cops.
  4. Don't go to pubs and clubs.
  5. Always being available for Cosa Nostra is a duty - even if your wife is about to give birth.
  6. Appointments must absolutely be respected. (probably refers to formal rank and authority.)[128]
  7. Wives must be treated with respect.
  8. When asked for any information, the answer must be the truth.
  9. Money cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other families.
  10. People who can't be part of Cosa Nostra: anyone who has a close relative in the police, anyone with a two-timing relative in the family, anyone who behaves badly and doesn't hold to moral values."
They have their own initiation ritual.  Omerta is the code of honor.  If a member of the Mob is caught they are supposed to keep silent on all things related to the Mafia.  Omerta is followed by all the various Mobs.  Different bizznesses paid them for protection.  This Mob murder more than one in the U.S., because they have more sets.  

U.S. Mob

They have the same structure as the Sicilian Mafia since that's their father.  They have their own rules.
  1. "Omertà" – is the oath or "code of silence", never talk to the authorities.
  2. "Ethnicity" – only men of Italian descent are allowed to become full members (made men). Associates, partners, allies etc. have no ethnic limits.
  3. "Family secrets" – members are not allowed to talk about family business to non-members.
  4. "Blood for blood" – if a family member is killed by another member, no one can commit murder in revenge unless the boss gives permission.
  5. "No fighting among members" – from fist fights to knife fights.
  6. "Tribute" – every month; members must pay the boss; also giving the boss a cut on any side deals.
  7. "Adultery" – members are not allowed to commit adultery with another family member's wife.
  8. "No facial hair" – members were not allowed to grow mustaches; part of the Mustache Pete way.
Famous Mafiosos 
The Commission (U.S. Mob) was created in 1931 to handle disputes between the families.  It was created by Luck Luciano. The last known meeting of the commission was in 2000.  
Giovanni Brusca: He may have killed 200 people in Italy and/or Sicily.  He is now in prison for life.  
Joseph "The Animal" Barboza: Killed 26 people in the 1960's.  He testified against his boss because his boss was going to have him killed.  He got wet in 1976.      
Joseph Gallo: He was a contract killer for Joe Profaci.  He led a gang to kill Joe but was unsuccessful.  His friends and relatives were killed because of this.  Then he got 10 years in jail.  He poisoned inmates hoping they would die.  He got out 8 years later.  Joseph had Joe Colombo murked. He got wet in 1972.     
Al Capone: Chicago Mob boss.  Made $ from bootlegging during Prohibition.
John Scalise: Hitman for Al.  May have been involved in the Valentine Day Massacre.  Capone beat him to near death.  He was later shot by an enforcer.  John and 2 other men were plotting to dethrone Al Capone.  I call him the Glass Eyed Killa.  His right eye was stabbed out, so he had a glass eye.  

Tommy DeSimone: He was a psychopathic killer.  He killed 2 people who were close friends with the Gambino boss.  He was tortured because of this.  He got wet when he was 28.  Joe Pesci played him in Goodfellas.  

Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano:  He was a contract killer.  He enjoyed fighting.  He is a snitch. He got Gotti lock up.  He's in prison.  

"Ice Man": Greatest contract killa of the Mafia.  He murdered 200 men from 1950-88.  He murdered homeless people when he young.  He died in prison.  He put his victim's body in the freezer.  His real name is Richard Kuklinski.    
Mafia Working with the Fed & Vatican
The Fed thought Axis spies was sneaking into the U.S.  They work with the Mob to make sure that didn't happen.  The Mob helped the U.S. military invaded Sicily.  The U.S. Mob was close to the Mob in Sicily.  Sicilians helped the U.S. Navy.  All this was going on during WWII.  
The CIA and the Mob tried to kill Fidel Castro together.  The Mob had a lot of Casinos in Cuba. When Fidel took over he shut that down.  The CIA and Mafia worked together in trafficking heroin from Southeast Asia.  
Various intelligence gathering agencies have discovered the Mob and Vatican have been working together.  The Mafia give a lot of $ to church and get absolved of there sins. 
The Mob helped JFK get elected.  Robert Kennedy got a bunch of Mafiosos locked up.  Frank Sinatra met with JFK about this, but he wouldn't go against his brother locking up Mafiosos. They may have had something to do with the assassination because of this.  He was biting the hand that feeds him.  Joseph Kennedy was an associate of the Mob.     
The Mob started in Sicily and then it went to the U.S.  There are several Mobs in Italy.  Each of the Mobs has their own culture, rules, and rank.  They work closely with the Fed and the Vatican.  They may have been involved in the assassination of JFK.  They made a lot of $ from drugs and they kill people.  The Mafia is awful!   

U.S. Mafia
Mafia War

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Murder Incorporated

Murder Inc was a gang of hitmen.  They operated between 1930-40's.  They worked 4 the various Mafia families.  The Bugs and Meyer Mob was the precursor to Murder Inc.  They had over 400 contracts.  Some of the members of Murder Inc were terrifying.  There is a record label name after Murder Inc.
The Bugs and Meyer Mob was a Jewish gang founded Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Seigal in 1923.  It was in New York.  It was created, so Jews can defend themselves against Italian and Irish gangs. Lucky Luciano and Frank Costello joined the gang later on.  Then it became Murder Inc.

Lucky and Meyer created the National Crime Syndicate (NCS) in 1929.  Murder Inc worked for them. NCS was a multi-ethnic collaboration of organized criminal gangs.  They were Jewish, Italian, and Irish gangs that made up the NCS.  It went out of business in 1960's.

The hitman made $1,000+ for every contract.  Their families were taken care of financially.  If in of them was arrested the Mafia got bought the best lawyers.

A member of Murder Inc snitched.  That's why they went out bizzness.

Terrifying Members of Murder Inc.
Louis Buchalter: He was the boss of Murder Inc.  He would get a contract from The Commission and give it to a hitter.  Hitters never were in the Mafia.  J. Edgar Hoover caught him and sent him to prison.  He got the electric chair.
Jacob Shapiro: He mentored Louis when they were young.  Jacob was a thug.  He was known as a gorilla in a suit.  When someone displeased him he would say "get out of here."  He recruited hitters for Murder Inc. He was sent to prison and died.

Frank Abbadando: He was a violent hitter in Murder Inc.  He liked killing people with an ice pick. He was also a rapist.  One of the women he raped became his wife.

Abe Twist: He was a hitter in Murder Inc.  He like killing with an ice pick too.  He was a violent sociopath. He became snitch and brought the whole organization down.  Then he fell out a window. The fall killed him.

Murder Inc. were a gang of contract killers that worked for the NCS.  They murdered over 400 people. They were around for at least a decade.  It was composed of Jews and Italians.  Some of the members of Murder Inc. were terrifying.  Murder Inc record label was created by Irv Gotti.  Gotti named it Murder Inc after seeing a documentary about Murder Incorporated.  Ja Rule, Jay-z, and DMX was on this label.  

Murder Inc
Enforcement Arm
Record Label

Friday, December 23, 2016


Yakuza are various Japanese criminal organizations that have a common culture.  The Yakuza was created during the 1800's. It has its own structure and rituals.  They wear a lot of meaningful tattoos.  There are 4 major syndicates. They are involved in Japanese politics.    

The Yakuza come from tekiya (merchants)  and bakuto (gamblers).  The structure came from tekiya and the tattoos came from the bakuto.  The merchants sold inferior goods and they came from lower caste people. The gamblers were outcasts in Japan.  Eventually, these 2 groups combined and became Yakuza.


If a member of Yakuza does something wrong they cut off one of their fingers.  Many Yakuza members get their whole body tattooed.  It takes a long time and it is expensive.  The tattoos may have spiritual or social meanings.  Their rituals are based on the rituals of the samurai.

4 Major Syndicates
Yamaguchi-gumi: It started b4 WWII.  It is the biggest syndicate.  They gave food and supplies to victims after the earthquake in Kobe.  They also provided relief to victims of the tsunami in 2011. They are most popular Yakuza set.

Sumiyoshi-kai: It is the second biggest set.  Its structure is more relaxed.  It operates as a federation. They control protection rackets in certain areas of Japan.

Inagawa-kai: It is the 3rd largest set.  It was found in 1949.  They brought 100 tons of supplies to tsunami victims.

Aizukotetsu-kai: The 4th biggest set.  There was a law that gave Japanese cops greater power to take down Yakuza.  Aizukotetsu-kai tried to sue, but the court dropped the lawsuit.

The Yakuza have been around a long time.  They have their own culture.  There are various sets and ranks. Sometimes they help people in need.  I don't like the fact they cut off their fingers for breaking a rule.
Facts about Yakuza
Yakuza are Dangerous!!!!!!
Yakuza Beginning
Helping Out 

Thursday, December 22, 2016


The Triads have been 4 over a century.  It came from Chinese secret societies.  It has its own ranks,  rituals, and oath.  There are various sets of Triads in several countries.  They are different gangs that have same structure, ideas, and rules.  They have committed many different crimes.

Secret societies have existed in China for millennia.  Hung societies were popular in Southern China during the Qing dynasty.  The Triad is based on Hung societies.  Various Chinese secret societies were called Triads by the British government.

Once the communists tookover China the Triads moved to Hong Kong.  There were about 300 gangs in Hong Kong.  Now there are about 50 gangs.  700,000 members of the Triads have been arrested so far.

They have spread to countries that have a large Chinese minority.  The Triads are in the U.S., Canada, Argentina, Europe, Japan, etc.  They make $200 billion from drugs and $3.5 billion from human trafficking. They make more $ than Ford Motor Company!


They have their own initiation ritual.  They light incense at an altar and sacrifice an animal.  They take an oath that has 36 declarations.  

14K: 2nd largest Triad.  They slang a lot of heroin and opium.  They are the most violent and the different sets fight amongst each other because they lack a dragonhead.  They are bangin with the Sun Yee On.

Sun Yee On: They are in Europe and the U.S., Canada, Central America, Thailand, and Australia.  This Triad was founded in 1919.

Big Circle Gang: It was founded after the Communist Revolution.  Sets of this Triad usually work on their own.  Sets of other Triads are like that too.  

Snakehead: They do a lot of human trafficking.  They bangin with 14K.

Shui Fong: They were founded in the 1930's.  They are a powerful Triad and they're bangin with 14K.

Wah Ching: Founded in the 1960's in the California.  They controlled the criminal activity in L.A. and San Francisco Chinatowns.  There is a lot of Vietnamese men in this gang.  They are bangin with the Asian Boyz and Vietnamese Boyz.

There are many other sets as well, but this will suffice.
How They Make Coin
I think they make their most $ from smuggling drugs.  They also quite a bit of coin from human trafficking. Counterfeiting is another source of revenue and so is credit card fraud.  A lot of them are big pimping.  They do many other crimes too.

The Triads are over 100 years old.  They are various Chinese gangs that have the same paradigm.  They have their own culture and ranks.    There many different Triads in various countries.

They ain't no Joke!
He tell it Like it is
White Dragonhead?
Initiation Ritual

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Mexican Drug Cartels

There are many drug cartels in Mexico.  They have been there for a long time.  They have operations in the U.S. and other countries.  Some cartels are allies to Islamic terrorist organizations.  They had dealings with the CIA.  These cartels have narco cults.
Colombians drug traffickers would drop off drugs in the ocean.  The drugs would get picked up by people in small boats.  A task force led by Vice President Bush stopped this from happening.  In response, the drug traffickers brought drugs through Mexico to the US.
Reagan signed a directive that gave the U.S. military the ability to intercept the drugs.  An act was passed in 1986 that made countries comply with the U.S. drug rules if they wanted to receive aid. The Mexican president gave the Mexican military the ability to battle drug traffickers.

The head of the Federal Reserve created a recession in the U.S. to lower inflation in the 1970's.  This had a negative impact on Mexico's economy.  Mexico was unable to pay back loans it got from U.S. banks.  If Mexico defaulted, U.S. banks would have lost $60 billion.  The U.S. government created a "package of loans and credit" to help Mexico's economy.  The Mexican government had to cut services and allow investment from other countries.  These policies are known as neoliberalism. Many Mexican jobs were lost because of this.  Wages were cut and benefits were removed.  The price of food went up.
NAFTA was devastating to Mexico.  Farmland was taken over by corporations.  A lot of Mexican farmers lost their jobs because of NAFTA.  Farmers grew drug crops so they could make $.  A lot of people were unemployed, so they found work with the cartels.  The military and police protected the cartels because it was lucrative.  Crime became very common because the police were corrupt.  
Drugs were smuggled with goods from Mexico to the U.S.  It was government policy.  The government gave up this policy, which empowered and help create drug cartels.  Over time the cartels became even more powerful.

Once Bush Sr. became president he created a military task force to attack drug traffickers.  The president of Mexico allied this task force.  The drug kingpin of Guadalajara Cartel was arrested.  The followers of kingpin discovered new routes to bring drugs into the U.S.  Prior to all this the Mexican government and the drug smugglers were working together.

In 1994 a new Mexican president came to power.  He went to war with the cartels with the blessing of Bill Clinton.  The Gulf Cartel recruited an elite soldier.  He brought other soldiers with him and advanced weapons and surveillance.  Those elite soldiers were trained in the U.S. to fight cartels; now they were a part of one.  They were bodyguards at first then they became enforcers.  They are known as Los Zetas.  All this was happening in Northeast Mexico.      

Other cartels were battling each other in Central and Western Mexico.  Many people were killed because of this.  Some people were kidnapped.  The battles were spreading to other parts of Mexico.

In 2000 there was a new political party in Mexico.  Vicente Fox was in this political party and he became president. Prior to this Mexico only had one political party. Fox went to war with the Tijuana cartel. He went to war with them because the U.S. government didn't like them.  El Chapo (Sinaloa kingpin) escape from jail a week after Fox had a meeting with Bush Jr; because of this, Fox went to war with the Sinaloa.  Bush Jr. said the cartels were getting paid because people in the U.S. were buying the drugs.

Fox wanted the U.S. government (Fed) to legalize the undocumented Mexicans.  The Fed wouldn't do it because of the recession and 9/11.  Fox kept fighting the cartels and even captured some of the leaders. The Sinaloa cartel tried to take the Gulf cartel turf.  They were epic battles for years in that area.  Guns from the U.S. were being used in the battles.  This was because a gun ban was removed.

Mexican Drug Cartels
Sinaloa: The most powerful drug cartel in the world!  This cartel maybe in cahoots with CIA and the Mexican government.  They are in Australia!

Juarez: One of the oldest cartels.  The Sinaloa knocked off their crown, now their fading.
Knight Templar: They were created in 2010.  They promoted the idea they were going to protect people from other cartels.  They were very brutal, so cartels and citizens are getting at them.  They are fading too.
Gulf: They use to work for the Cali cartel.  Los Zetas come from this cartel.  They were high rollers years ago.

Los Zetas: The worst cartel.  They are very brutal.  They were created by elite Mexicans soldiers that were taught torture techniques in the U.S.  They moved to Guatemala and they recruit ex-military personnel. They aren't as powerful as they use to be.  They are big time criminals.
Most of this cartels are very weak.  Sinaloa is still going strong and Jalisco New Generation is on a come up. JNG was created by members of the Sinaloa that defected.  They are the fastest growing cartel in Mexico. They may snuff out the Sinaloa.  They are at war with the Mexican government, which is a first 4 a cartel.  

Cartel Ties to Islamic Terrorism 
Cartels are helping members of ISIS get in the U.S.  A ISIS trainer lives in Mexico right now!  He is the leader of a terror cell.  People should be careful in Texas and Arizona.  Some Al Qaeda leaders got into the U.S. from Mexico.  The State Department knows about, but ain't doing anything stop it. (CIA, Mossad, and MI6 created ISIS in Jordan, so I've read.  Obama said U.S. military forces was training ISIS at a press conference.  You can see it on Youtube.  The Islamic terrorist is working with the CIA, at least some of them. Look into the Mujaheddin, then you will see what I mean.)
                               I don't endorse the religious stuff he saying.  That's make believe. 
Dealing with the CIA
The CIA wants to manage the drug trade. CIA is in Mexico making matters worse, by helping out cartels.  I read the CIA was working closely with the Sinaloa cartel years ago.  The Sinaloa were criminal informants for the Drug Enforcement Agency for 10 years.  (They use to bring in tons of cocaine from Columbia to Mena, Arkansas.  Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas, while this was going on.  Roger Clinton (ex-drug dealer) says Bill got "a nose like a vacuum."  The CIA helped the Mujaheddin make heroin in the 1980's.  Kennedy said he was 'going to tear the CIA into 1,000 pieces and cast them to the wind.' They may have been involved in his assassination.)  CIA should mean "criminals in action."      
Narco Cults
They are the religious dimension of cartels.  There are different kinds of cults and traditions.  The worship the holy Death and petition many saints.  There was even Narcosatanists in the 1980's!  The cartel will appropriate different religions, so they can commit more crime and get away with it.   

The Mexican drug cartels are a direct result of the neoliberal policies imposed on Mexico by the Fed and NAFTA.  They have been around since the 1980's.  They work with Islamic terrorists because they have common interests.  The CIA supports cartels that follow their playbook.  Narco cults make a terrible situation worse.  I hope the Mexican people find great solutions to their problems.  I love Mexican people because they are American just like me. It would be nice if the Fed wasn't evil, but the U.S. is the great Satan nation. Israel is little Satan because innocent Palestinians are ritually slaughtered every year.  The country of my birth has a high standard of living, but the Fed is terrible!!!!!  My little rant about the U.S. and Israel is about the government, not the common everyday folk.  Always remember to help people and never harm people.        
Cartel Doc
Los Zetas
Mexicans Justice
Gulf Cartel
CIA involvment
Knights Templar