

Thursday, December 22, 2016


The Triads have been 4 over a century.  It came from Chinese secret societies.  It has its own ranks,  rituals, and oath.  There are various sets of Triads in several countries.  They are different gangs that have same structure, ideas, and rules.  They have committed many different crimes.

Secret societies have existed in China for millennia.  Hung societies were popular in Southern China during the Qing dynasty.  The Triad is based on Hung societies.  Various Chinese secret societies were called Triads by the British government.

Once the communists tookover China the Triads moved to Hong Kong.  There were about 300 gangs in Hong Kong.  Now there are about 50 gangs.  700,000 members of the Triads have been arrested so far.

They have spread to countries that have a large Chinese minority.  The Triads are in the U.S., Canada, Argentina, Europe, Japan, etc.  They make $200 billion from drugs and $3.5 billion from human trafficking. They make more $ than Ford Motor Company!


They have their own initiation ritual.  They light incense at an altar and sacrifice an animal.  They take an oath that has 36 declarations.  

14K: 2nd largest Triad.  They slang a lot of heroin and opium.  They are the most violent and the different sets fight amongst each other because they lack a dragonhead.  They are bangin with the Sun Yee On.

Sun Yee On: They are in Europe and the U.S., Canada, Central America, Thailand, and Australia.  This Triad was founded in 1919.

Big Circle Gang: It was founded after the Communist Revolution.  Sets of this Triad usually work on their own.  Sets of other Triads are like that too.  

Snakehead: They do a lot of human trafficking.  They bangin with 14K.

Shui Fong: They were founded in the 1930's.  They are a powerful Triad and they're bangin with 14K.

Wah Ching: Founded in the 1960's in the California.  They controlled the criminal activity in L.A. and San Francisco Chinatowns.  There is a lot of Vietnamese men in this gang.  They are bangin with the Asian Boyz and Vietnamese Boyz.

There are many other sets as well, but this will suffice.
How They Make Coin
I think they make their most $ from smuggling drugs.  They also quite a bit of coin from human trafficking. Counterfeiting is another source of revenue and so is credit card fraud.  A lot of them are big pimping.  They do many other crimes too.

The Triads are over 100 years old.  They are various Chinese gangs that have the same paradigm.  They have their own culture and ranks.    There many different Triads in various countries.

They ain't no Joke!
He tell it Like it is
White Dragonhead?
Initiation Ritual

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