

Saturday, December 31, 2016


The  Hausaland (Hausa city-states) started around 1400 years ago!  Each city-state had a certain function. They had there own religion, but they became more Islamic over time.  A Fulani Islamic fanatic conquered the Hausa city-states.  The British took-over in 1903.  
Legend has it that the Hausa paternal ancestor is a prince from Baghdad.  He killed a snake that that threaten the lives of people of Daura.  He married the queen of the Daura people.  The queen and the prince had a son.  She also had 6 more.  Their sons became the kings of the 7 Hausa city-states. The Hausa may have come the Sahara or Lake Chad.  They may have been in Northern Nigeria since prehistoric time.  Hausa city-states rose to prominence because of trading.  They were great traders and the Hausa language became popular because of it.  

Usman Dan Fodio was a Islamic fundamentalist.  He created the Sokoto Caliphate after the jihad of Hausaland.  Fulanis and lower class Hausa helped him in the jihad.  The British defeated the Sokoto Caliphate and conquered the land.
7 Major Hausa City-States
Kano: This was the most famous city-state.  It was founded by a chief named Dala.  It was named after Mother Earth.  Kano was conquered by the Hebe people in 998 CE.  Baguada, the grandson of the Iraqi prince became the king of Kano after the conquest.  Salt, textiles, leather goods, and metal goods were traded in the city.  Kano went to war with Katsina often.

Katsina: This city was founded by Kumayo.  It became the largest city-state in 1600's.

Gobir: The name of this city-state comes from Yemen.  It was founded by the Bawo in 1100.  He was the son of the king of Baghdad.  Gobir went to war with Kano for 17 years.  It became 'the most powerful city-state.'          

Zazzau: This city-state was founded in 1010 by King Gunguma.  He was the grandson of of the Iraqi prince.  It named changed to Zaria in the 1500's.   Amina was a very powerful queen of Zazzau. Click here to learn more about her.

Biram: It was founded by Garin Gabas.

Daura: There were a lot of great blacksmiths there.  A Fulani king married the queen of this kingdom in 1000.

Rano: This was the first Hausa city-state.
The Hausa worshiped and/or interacted with spirits called Bori.  Bori are in all living things.  The Hausa had/have rituals that causes the practitioners to become possessed by Bori.  There were Bori priestesses. There were various cults for different Bori.  Bori were/are used to heal people of illnesses.  Traditional healers are called Bokas.  

In the 1300's Islam became popular in Hausaland.  The ruling class were the first to embrace Islam. Later on the common people embraced Islam.  They mixed Islam with their Bori religion.  
The Hausaland has a long history!  They were great traders and blacksmiths.  There were seven major Hausa city-states.  They have their own religion, which they later combined with Islam.  I give Hausaland a B+.
Kano City-State
Hausa Architecture
Hausa Song
Hausa Culture

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