

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Mexican Drug Cartels

There are many drug cartels in Mexico.  They have been there for a long time.  They have operations in the U.S. and other countries.  Some cartels are allies to Islamic terrorist organizations.  They had dealings with the CIA.  These cartels have narco cults.
Colombians drug traffickers would drop off drugs in the ocean.  The drugs would get picked up by people in small boats.  A task force led by Vice President Bush stopped this from happening.  In response, the drug traffickers brought drugs through Mexico to the US.
Reagan signed a directive that gave the U.S. military the ability to intercept the drugs.  An act was passed in 1986 that made countries comply with the U.S. drug rules if they wanted to receive aid. The Mexican president gave the Mexican military the ability to battle drug traffickers.

The head of the Federal Reserve created a recession in the U.S. to lower inflation in the 1970's.  This had a negative impact on Mexico's economy.  Mexico was unable to pay back loans it got from U.S. banks.  If Mexico defaulted, U.S. banks would have lost $60 billion.  The U.S. government created a "package of loans and credit" to help Mexico's economy.  The Mexican government had to cut services and allow investment from other countries.  These policies are known as neoliberalism. Many Mexican jobs were lost because of this.  Wages were cut and benefits were removed.  The price of food went up.
NAFTA was devastating to Mexico.  Farmland was taken over by corporations.  A lot of Mexican farmers lost their jobs because of NAFTA.  Farmers grew drug crops so they could make $.  A lot of people were unemployed, so they found work with the cartels.  The military and police protected the cartels because it was lucrative.  Crime became very common because the police were corrupt.  
Drugs were smuggled with goods from Mexico to the U.S.  It was government policy.  The government gave up this policy, which empowered and help create drug cartels.  Over time the cartels became even more powerful.

Once Bush Sr. became president he created a military task force to attack drug traffickers.  The president of Mexico allied this task force.  The drug kingpin of Guadalajara Cartel was arrested.  The followers of kingpin discovered new routes to bring drugs into the U.S.  Prior to all this the Mexican government and the drug smugglers were working together.

In 1994 a new Mexican president came to power.  He went to war with the cartels with the blessing of Bill Clinton.  The Gulf Cartel recruited an elite soldier.  He brought other soldiers with him and advanced weapons and surveillance.  Those elite soldiers were trained in the U.S. to fight cartels; now they were a part of one.  They were bodyguards at first then they became enforcers.  They are known as Los Zetas.  All this was happening in Northeast Mexico.      

Other cartels were battling each other in Central and Western Mexico.  Many people were killed because of this.  Some people were kidnapped.  The battles were spreading to other parts of Mexico.

In 2000 there was a new political party in Mexico.  Vicente Fox was in this political party and he became president. Prior to this Mexico only had one political party. Fox went to war with the Tijuana cartel. He went to war with them because the U.S. government didn't like them.  El Chapo (Sinaloa kingpin) escape from jail a week after Fox had a meeting with Bush Jr; because of this, Fox went to war with the Sinaloa.  Bush Jr. said the cartels were getting paid because people in the U.S. were buying the drugs.

Fox wanted the U.S. government (Fed) to legalize the undocumented Mexicans.  The Fed wouldn't do it because of the recession and 9/11.  Fox kept fighting the cartels and even captured some of the leaders. The Sinaloa cartel tried to take the Gulf cartel turf.  They were epic battles for years in that area.  Guns from the U.S. were being used in the battles.  This was because a gun ban was removed.

Mexican Drug Cartels
Sinaloa: The most powerful drug cartel in the world!  This cartel maybe in cahoots with CIA and the Mexican government.  They are in Australia!

Juarez: One of the oldest cartels.  The Sinaloa knocked off their crown, now their fading.
Knight Templar: They were created in 2010.  They promoted the idea they were going to protect people from other cartels.  They were very brutal, so cartels and citizens are getting at them.  They are fading too.
Gulf: They use to work for the Cali cartel.  Los Zetas come from this cartel.  They were high rollers years ago.

Los Zetas: The worst cartel.  They are very brutal.  They were created by elite Mexicans soldiers that were taught torture techniques in the U.S.  They moved to Guatemala and they recruit ex-military personnel. They aren't as powerful as they use to be.  They are big time criminals.
Most of this cartels are very weak.  Sinaloa is still going strong and Jalisco New Generation is on a come up. JNG was created by members of the Sinaloa that defected.  They are the fastest growing cartel in Mexico. They may snuff out the Sinaloa.  They are at war with the Mexican government, which is a first 4 a cartel.  

Cartel Ties to Islamic Terrorism 
Cartels are helping members of ISIS get in the U.S.  A ISIS trainer lives in Mexico right now!  He is the leader of a terror cell.  People should be careful in Texas and Arizona.  Some Al Qaeda leaders got into the U.S. from Mexico.  The State Department knows about, but ain't doing anything stop it. (CIA, Mossad, and MI6 created ISIS in Jordan, so I've read.  Obama said U.S. military forces was training ISIS at a press conference.  You can see it on Youtube.  The Islamic terrorist is working with the CIA, at least some of them. Look into the Mujaheddin, then you will see what I mean.)
                               I don't endorse the religious stuff he saying.  That's make believe. 
Dealing with the CIA
The CIA wants to manage the drug trade. CIA is in Mexico making matters worse, by helping out cartels.  I read the CIA was working closely with the Sinaloa cartel years ago.  The Sinaloa were criminal informants for the Drug Enforcement Agency for 10 years.  (They use to bring in tons of cocaine from Columbia to Mena, Arkansas.  Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas, while this was going on.  Roger Clinton (ex-drug dealer) says Bill got "a nose like a vacuum."  The CIA helped the Mujaheddin make heroin in the 1980's.  Kennedy said he was 'going to tear the CIA into 1,000 pieces and cast them to the wind.' They may have been involved in his assassination.)  CIA should mean "criminals in action."      
Narco Cults
They are the religious dimension of cartels.  There are different kinds of cults and traditions.  The worship the holy Death and petition many saints.  There was even Narcosatanists in the 1980's!  The cartel will appropriate different religions, so they can commit more crime and get away with it.   

The Mexican drug cartels are a direct result of the neoliberal policies imposed on Mexico by the Fed and NAFTA.  They have been around since the 1980's.  They work with Islamic terrorists because they have common interests.  The CIA supports cartels that follow their playbook.  Narco cults make a terrible situation worse.  I hope the Mexican people find great solutions to their problems.  I love Mexican people because they are American just like me. It would be nice if the Fed wasn't evil, but the U.S. is the great Satan nation. Israel is little Satan because innocent Palestinians are ritually slaughtered every year.  The country of my birth has a high standard of living, but the Fed is terrible!!!!!  My little rant about the U.S. and Israel is about the government, not the common everyday folk.  Always remember to help people and never harm people.        
Cartel Doc
Los Zetas
Mexicans Justice
Gulf Cartel
CIA involvment
Knights Templar 

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