

Sunday, December 25, 2016


The Mafia (Mob) started in Sicily.  Then it branched out into Italy and the U.S.  It started out as a a group of protectors.  Then it became a criminal organization and secret society.   There were many famous Mafiosos.  The Mob has worked for the U.S. government and for the Vatican.  The Mafia may have been involved in the assassination with JFK. 
History of Sicilian Mafia
For centuries Sicily was ruled by foreigners.  Sicilian men would form groups to protect their people and oppose foreign rule.  These groups became known as clans and family.  The Mob grew out of these groups.  After the Italians took over Sicily, they allowed the Mafia to keep shaking down landowners.  In exchange, the Mob would capture violent criminals for them. The Mob looked after the property of the Catholic Church in Sicily.  Rituals and rules were added to the Mob later on.  
Mussolini crushed the Mob in Sicily.  In the 1950's the Mob came back stronger.  This was because they were involved with construction companies in post-WWII Sicily.  By the 1970's the Mob was heavy drug traffickers.  

There are at least 3 different Mobs in Italy.  

History of U.S. Mafia
In 1920's the Mob in the U.S. expanded because of prohibition.  Prohibition was a time in the U.S. alcohol was illegal.  The Mob illegally sold a lot of alcohol during this period.   They committed various crimes and controlled labor unions too.

The Mob sold drugs to various suppliers and dealers in the U.S.  Frank Lucas was a drug lord that got heroin from Vietnam. His house was raided and the cops founded half a mil.  He got 70 years.  Frank snitched on drug dealers and got a lighter sentence.  The movie American Gangsta Frank Lucas, but a lot of it is a lie.  There was a drug kingpin named Frank Matthews.  He had a drug conference in the 1970's. The conference was for figuring out how to get drugs without the Mob.  He disappeared.  His whereabouts are unknown.        

Sicilian Mob
The Sicilian Mob has these ranks.       

They have commissions to settle disputes.  They have 10 commandments.  

  1. "No one can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it.
  2. Never look at the wives of friends.
  3. Never be seen with cops.
  4. Don't go to pubs and clubs.
  5. Always being available for Cosa Nostra is a duty - even if your wife is about to give birth.
  6. Appointments must absolutely be respected. (probably refers to formal rank and authority.)[128]
  7. Wives must be treated with respect.
  8. When asked for any information, the answer must be the truth.
  9. Money cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other families.
  10. People who can't be part of Cosa Nostra: anyone who has a close relative in the police, anyone with a two-timing relative in the family, anyone who behaves badly and doesn't hold to moral values."
They have their own initiation ritual.  Omerta is the code of honor.  If a member of the Mob is caught they are supposed to keep silent on all things related to the Mafia.  Omerta is followed by all the various Mobs.  Different bizznesses paid them for protection.  This Mob murder more than one in the U.S., because they have more sets.  

U.S. Mob

They have the same structure as the Sicilian Mafia since that's their father.  They have their own rules.
  1. "Omertà" – is the oath or "code of silence", never talk to the authorities.
  2. "Ethnicity" – only men of Italian descent are allowed to become full members (made men). Associates, partners, allies etc. have no ethnic limits.
  3. "Family secrets" – members are not allowed to talk about family business to non-members.
  4. "Blood for blood" – if a family member is killed by another member, no one can commit murder in revenge unless the boss gives permission.
  5. "No fighting among members" – from fist fights to knife fights.
  6. "Tribute" – every month; members must pay the boss; also giving the boss a cut on any side deals.
  7. "Adultery" – members are not allowed to commit adultery with another family member's wife.
  8. "No facial hair" – members were not allowed to grow mustaches; part of the Mustache Pete way.
Famous Mafiosos 
The Commission (U.S. Mob) was created in 1931 to handle disputes between the families.  It was created by Luck Luciano. The last known meeting of the commission was in 2000.  
Giovanni Brusca: He may have killed 200 people in Italy and/or Sicily.  He is now in prison for life.  
Joseph "The Animal" Barboza: Killed 26 people in the 1960's.  He testified against his boss because his boss was going to have him killed.  He got wet in 1976.      
Joseph Gallo: He was a contract killer for Joe Profaci.  He led a gang to kill Joe but was unsuccessful.  His friends and relatives were killed because of this.  Then he got 10 years in jail.  He poisoned inmates hoping they would die.  He got out 8 years later.  Joseph had Joe Colombo murked. He got wet in 1972.     
Al Capone: Chicago Mob boss.  Made $ from bootlegging during Prohibition.
John Scalise: Hitman for Al.  May have been involved in the Valentine Day Massacre.  Capone beat him to near death.  He was later shot by an enforcer.  John and 2 other men were plotting to dethrone Al Capone.  I call him the Glass Eyed Killa.  His right eye was stabbed out, so he had a glass eye.  

Tommy DeSimone: He was a psychopathic killer.  He killed 2 people who were close friends with the Gambino boss.  He was tortured because of this.  He got wet when he was 28.  Joe Pesci played him in Goodfellas.  

Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano:  He was a contract killer.  He enjoyed fighting.  He is a snitch. He got Gotti lock up.  He's in prison.  

"Ice Man": Greatest contract killa of the Mafia.  He murdered 200 men from 1950-88.  He murdered homeless people when he young.  He died in prison.  He put his victim's body in the freezer.  His real name is Richard Kuklinski.    
Mafia Working with the Fed & Vatican
The Fed thought Axis spies was sneaking into the U.S.  They work with the Mob to make sure that didn't happen.  The Mob helped the U.S. military invaded Sicily.  The U.S. Mob was close to the Mob in Sicily.  Sicilians helped the U.S. Navy.  All this was going on during WWII.  
The CIA and the Mob tried to kill Fidel Castro together.  The Mob had a lot of Casinos in Cuba. When Fidel took over he shut that down.  The CIA and Mafia worked together in trafficking heroin from Southeast Asia.  
Various intelligence gathering agencies have discovered the Mob and Vatican have been working together.  The Mafia give a lot of $ to church and get absolved of there sins. 
The Mob helped JFK get elected.  Robert Kennedy got a bunch of Mafiosos locked up.  Frank Sinatra met with JFK about this, but he wouldn't go against his brother locking up Mafiosos. They may have had something to do with the assassination because of this.  He was biting the hand that feeds him.  Joseph Kennedy was an associate of the Mob.     
The Mob started in Sicily and then it went to the U.S.  There are several Mobs in Italy.  Each of the Mobs has their own culture, rules, and rank.  They work closely with the Fed and the Vatican.  They may have been involved in the assassination of JFK.  They made a lot of $ from drugs and they kill people.  The Mafia is awful!   

U.S. Mafia
Mafia War

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