

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Shamanism has been around for over 40,000 years.  It is an ancient science. Shamans are healers, diviners, mediums, advisers, healers, herbalists, trance inducers, prophets, astral projectors, etc. They are a jack of all trades and master of most.  Shamans use different tools and techniques to heal people and/or accomplish other goals.  Shamanism exists on every continent.  The word shaman comes from a Siberian word samen, which means to know.  Shamanism was very popular in prehistoric times.  Shamanism became less popular, because of religion. Shamanism is more experiential and religion is more faith-based.  Some religions are very shamanic and others aren't. Shamanism is on the rise again.  Hooray!!!!!!!!!!        
Initiation: Most shamans become ill b4 they know they are shamans.  The illness usually defies diagnosis. Once they overcome the illness they get to work as a shaman.

They are close to nature.

They heal people in various ways and protect them from negative influences.

They help women became fertile by finding the baby's soul.

They go into the spirit world to get solutions for their problems.

Upper World: This is the home of ancestors, deities, angels, spirit guides, and other powerful spirits. All of them are positive.  This is superconsciousness.

Middle World:  This is the physical universe.  Entities here have mixed polarity.  This is the ego.

Lower World: This is the place animal spirits reside.  All of them are positive.  This is subconscious mind.

Imagination: It is the portal to these worlds and any others.

Everything has a spirit in it.
Techniques and Tools
Dancing: Shamans dance to go into a trance.

Entheogens: Plants are used by shamans as a means to access other realities.

Fasting: Sometimes they fast to get closer to the spirit world.

Meditation: Stilling the mind to hear spirits.

Banishing: Making spirits go away.

Extraction: Shaman removes displaced spirits/energies or past life memories that are attached to your aura.

Ancestral Healing: We all carry the energy of our ancestors.  Shamans help us get rid of the negative energy.

Soul Retrieval: The shaman finds the missing piece of a person soul so they can be whole.  Missing parts of the soul are parts of the psyche frozen in time because of traumatic events.  The shaman unfreezes them and they become present.

Power Animal Retrieval: When your power animal leaves you, you become weak. The shaman finds your power animal so that you can be in better health.

Soul Remembering: The shaman discovers your purpose by conversing with your soul.

Distance Healing: The shaman heals someone that isn't in their presence.
Shamanic Organizations
The Foundation of Shamanic Studies: This organization was created by Michael Harner in 1979. Michael created this organization so shamanism can be studied, preserved, and taught.  He created a class called core shamanism, which teaches Europeans how to apply shamanism to their lives.

Dance of the Deer Foundation: Brant Secunda is the founder of this organization.  It was founded in 1979. The teaching of this foundation comes from the Huichol tribe in Mexico.  Brant was initiated by his grandfather.  This organization does workshops around the world and helps Huichol people.

Society for Shamanic Practices (SSP): This organization was created by doctors that wanted to help people using shamanic healing.  SSP is figuring out ways to apply shamanism to everyday life. People from around the US is in this organization.  They have workshops about different forms of shamanism.

Center for Shamanic Studies: This organization helps people connect with Spirit. They help unite the spirit, mind, heart, and soul.  They have classes that teach you how to be a shaman.  They have their own radio. They help people mediate and they have life coaches.

Continental Shamanism
Africa: Africa is the birthplace of shamanism because it is the birthplace of humanity. There are many shamans in Africa.  A lot of the tribes have their own form shamanism.  For millennia San people have been trance dancing for healing, hunting, and conflict resolution.  Africans have a strong belief in ancestral spirits. A lot of diseases come from ancestors dissatisfaction.  The shaman finds a spiritual solution to disease.  They also remove the curses placed upon people by witches (evil magicians).  This is why shamans are called witch doctors.
Sangoma is the Zulu word for shaman.  Credo Mutwa is the greatest sangoma in my opinion.  He also is the official historian of the Zulu Nation.  He wrote several books and know a lot about aliens. He is around the same age as my grandma.  Click here if you want to know about him.
Ifa is a religion created by the Yoruba people.  It is very shamanic.  People who follow this religion are close to nature.  Sometimes it is hard to separate shamanism and religion.  Click here if you want to learn about Ifa.

Odinani is a religion created by the Igbo.  It has many shamanic traits.  Their cosmology is almost the same as shamanism.  Practitioners of this religion believe in an upper world, middle world, and lower world.  To learn more about Odinani click here.

Vodou was created by Haitians and it is very shamanic.  Vodou and shamanism have a lot in common.  Love for nature, soul parts, sacrifice, etc.  If you want to learn about Vodou click here.          

Australia: The Australians (Aboriginals) love shamanism.  Dadirri is the Australian word for a meditative state of mind.  It means deep listening.  They are very close to the to the creator for lack of better term. Their way of life is very stress-free. Australians are one of the most civilized (civility) people in the world. This is because they have great character, which is reflected in their culture. They call the spirit world Dreamtime. Humans are directly connected to the divine.  The only perceived disconnect is from certain cultures.
South America: Shamanism is prevalent on this continent.

In Peru, shamans use ayahuasca a lot.  Ayahuasca can cure many diseases and the spirit of this plant helps shamans heal people.  Inca shamans have 2 paths to choose from.  They can be an earth healer or a sky healer.  Earth healers read coca leaves and pulses.  The work with earth energies. Sky healers work with mountain and star energies.  To become a sky healer you must get struck by lightning 3 times. The Inca people believe they came from the Pleiades, so.  They also believe everyone else came from a star system. They have over 10 forms of healing!
In Chile, shamans are called Machi.  Machis are usually women.  They heal people, cast out negative spirits, control the weather, and practice herbalism.  
North America: Some shamans ingest peyote at certain ceremonies so they could commune with spirits. Sweat lodges are used for cleansing and purification rituals. American shamans were commonly called medicine man/woman in the United States and Canada.
Mayan Shamanism had a lot to do with astrology.  They divine by reading someone pulse.  They healed people by working with energy from the sun and the milky way. Aztec shamans believe 13 heavens exist in the upper world.  Each of the heavens is ruled by a deity.
Navajo shamans would use painted sand in their rituals.  During the sand painting ceremony, someone was healed because it attracted the spirits.  The shamans would help people in the community make the correct decisions.  They were close to animal spirits.
Cherokee medicine men had incantation that helped people in their community. After that, they would give their patients herbs.  These incantations were later written down and given to James Mooney.  James was an ethnographer.
Hawaiian Shamanism is called Ho'omana.  It means to make life force.  The shamans were called Kahunas. Everything was part of one force called I'o.  Once someone was able to control the life force they would be able to create the life of their dream.
The tribes of Alaska are very shamanic.  Sometimes they will dress in frightening clothes to scare the spirit out of a possessed person.  Sometimes they speak a language somewhat different from the rest of the community.  Some of them believe by giving a baby the name of a relative, the spirit of the relative will protect the baby.  
There was a famous medicine man named Sitting Bull.  US army shot at him and he didn't get hit.  He predicted victory at the battle of little big horn and his death.  he knew someone from his tribe will kill him. He was the king of the Sioux Nation.  My grandma looks like Sitting Bull.
Asia: Some Asian shamans wear mirrors to scare evil spirits.  The spirits flee when they see their reflection because they are monstrous looking.
Siberians take shamanism very seriously.  They may do it more than anyone else. They sing songs based on natural sounds, libations, and reenacted dreams at healing seances.  They do a lot of astral projection, which is called journeying.
China as many forms of shamanism because it has over 50 tribes. Chinese shamans are called Wu. They existed for over 3,000 years!  They interpreted dreams, conjured spirits and healed people, etc. Some of them were kings.  Taoism and Tibetan Buddhism are shamanic.  If you want to learn more about them click here and here.  Bon is the indigenous religion of Tibet and it is full of shamanism.
Korea has its own version of shamanism it is called Sinism. Shamans are called Mu. Mu is probably related to Wu.  Mus gives offerings to deities and ancestors, dance, sing, pray, and predict the future. They also do purification rituals.
There was shamanism in Europe too and a lot of other places.
Shamanism is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I will learn more about it.  You should too.  Shamans heal people and interact with the spirit world.  They have many superpowers. Shamanism is worldwide and it is the mother of religion.  It's incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yoruba Shamanism
Cherokee Formulas
Intro to Shamanism
Various Shamans
African Shamanism
Shamanic Drumming
South African Shamans
Super Power
Chinese Shaman Fading
Siberian Shamanism
Korean Shamanism
Japanese Shamanism
American Shaman
Cherokee Shaman
Inca Shaman
Mayan Elder Shaman
Aztec Rituals



Hypnotherapy is using hypnosis on a patient to improve their subconscious mind.  It has been around since the 1800's!    There are several procedures during a hypnotherapeutic session. There are various types of hypnotherapy.  They are Traditional, Ericksonian, NLP, CBT, and Curative. Hypnotherapy can be used to treat various ailments.  There are many hypnotherapeutic organizations.  Scientists have discovered why and how hypnosis works.
1.  The hypnotherapist interviews the client to find out what's wrong.  The hypnotherapist explains           how they will solve or improve the problem.    

2.  The next time the client sees the hypnotherapist they will be hypnotized.

3.  The first part of hypnosis is induction.  This putting someone in a trance.

4.  The 2nd part is the script.  Once the client is in a trance the hypnotherapist says positive phrases.   Examples: I am confident, I am strong, I overcome all obstacles, etc.  These words will become reality for the client because the are going straight into the subconscious. If the hypnotherapist says something the client doesn't agree with they will wake up.  

5.  Amnesia(optional): If the client forgets the hypnotic session, then the script will have a bigger     impact on the subconscious.  The hypnotherapist should ask if the client is okay with this b4 doing it.

6.  End: The hypnotherapist will bring the client back to consciousness.  If they are unable to wake   the client up they will take a nap and then wake up.
Types of Hypnotherapy
Traditional: Simply founding the procedures.

Ericksonian: Storytelling that teaches the subconscious mind.

CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) Hypnosis:  It is a combination of CBT and Traditional Hypnosis.
CBT are techniques a therapist use to help someone improve their thinking and behavior.

NLP: Neuro-Linguistic Programming is based off Ericksonian Hypnosis.  The client is fully awake when this is used.  The hypnotherapist helps the person associate different feelings to situations.  This leads to better behavior.

Curative: This form of hypnotherapy that cures ailments.
Hypnotherapy can Heal
Hypnotherapy can help you stop smoking.  It can help you with loss weight.  It can improve your relationships and public speaking.  It can do many other amazing things as well.
Organizations of Hypnotherapy
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis: It was created by Milton H. Erickson in 1957.  This organization teaches people how to be a hypnotherapist.  It teaches people how to use hypnosis in healthcare.  This is a sweet organization.

American Hypnosis Association: This organization help hypnotherapists continue their education. They help people get certifications in various fields.  The certifications can be online or in person. They offer liability insurance for members.    

International Medical & Dental Association: This organization helps patients going to surgery or some other medical operation be less stress out.  The less stressful a person is the greater their body will heal.  They help families deal with stress.  They make it easier for them to cope.

ICBCH: They teach people hypnotherapy and offer different certifications.  You can become certified online. This is very convenient.  They have live training classes too.    
Science of Hypnotherapy
When someone is in a trance they are very focused.  Stanford University discovered when someone is hypnotisted certain parts of the brain are activated, while other parts are deactivated.  Children that have been abused are easy to hypnotize because they did a lot of dissociation to escape trauma. Likewise children that used their imagination a lot are also easy to hypnotize.
Hypnotherapy is wonderful!!!  It been around for a long time and it's simple.  It can help improve a person and remove certain addictions.  It has several types and organizations.  Now it's backed by science!!!!!!!!!

Session to stop smoking
$ making hypnosis
Past Life Regression
Pain Control

Sunday, October 16, 2016

History of Turtle Island

North America was in the Southern Hemisphere over 200 million years ago!  During the time of dinosaurs, a large part of the US was underwater.   There were many human migrations to North America.  There were many different groups of Africans, Asians, and Caucasian people.  The Asians became the majority and the Africans became a significant minority.  Africans and Americans are the same culturally. People known as Native Americans should be called Americans.
Tribes and Nations

There are many Algonquian tribes.  They live mostly in Canada and parts of the US.
Abenaki (people of the dawn) live in Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire.  They lived in wigwams. It's like domed tipis.  They traveled on water by using canoes.  They used dogs to travel on land and used sleds in the winter.  Deer and moose were hunted by them.  Beans and corn were planted. They picked berries, fished, and made syrup from tree sap.  When Europeans came to the US most of them moved to Canada.  Abenaki isn't recognized by the US government.
Wabanaki: This is a confederacy of 5 tribes.  The tribes are Abenaki, Penobscots, Maliseet, Passamaquoddies, and the Micmacs.  B4 they unified they fought each other.  The members of this confederacy made trade agreements, security pacts, and made laws.
Arapaho people consists of 2 tribes.  Northern Arapaho and Southern Arapaho.  Southern Arapaho are close friends with the Cheyenne.  They never fought the colonists instead, they made treaties with them.  The colonists broke the treaties.  The Northern Arapaho helped defeat the US Army at The Battle of Little Big Horn.  The Southern Arapaho and Cheyenne were massacred by the Union Army in 1864.  They lived in tipis and have their own religion.  
Lenape: Also known as Delaware.  This tribe lives in the Northeast US.  The tribe consists of 3 clans each of which has 12 subclans. They were hunters and farmers. They traded furs with Europeans. They were great herbalists.  They traded with the Tainos in the Caribbean.  I met a Chief of Lenape; the funny thing about is he looked like Santa Claus.
The Blackfoot lives in Montana and Canada.  They consist of 4 nations.  The nations are Blackfeet, Kainai, Pikanii, and Siksika.  They were great Buffalo hunters.  They got horses and smallpox from Europeans. Colonists wiped out the buffalo so Plains Americans can starve.  The Blackfoot is one of the many Plains American.  I may be related to them.
Miami lived in the Midwest.  They select their own chiefs.  Some of them are recognized by the US government, others aren't.  They were hunters and farmers. They sold their land to colonists in 1820 and moved to reservations.
The Mohegan consists of various tribes.  Some of the tribes are Pequot, Montaukett, Narragansett, Shinnecock, the Niantic, and Nipmuc .  These tribes populations declined, so they mixed together. The Montaukett tribe may be related to Kemetians and Atlanteans.
There are many other Algonquian tribes, but this will suffice.

Choctaw came from the Mississippian culture.  The tribe was founded it in 1600's. They fought in WWI. They lived in the southeast US.  Stickball was a game Americans played to avoided war.  The Choctaw taught it to the colonists, they were the inventors of it.  They help the colonists in the War of 1812.
Cherokee was forced to leave the southeast US during the Trail of Tears.  My ancestors may have been forced to leave South Carolina during the Trail of Tears. The Cherokee ended up in Oklahoma. 1000's of Cherokee died during Trail of Tears. Sequoyah was a great Cherokee man.  He created a Cherokee written language in less than a decade.  I may be related to this tribe.  Cherokee is the biggest American tribe in the US.  I met a beautiful Cherokee women at an event.  She was very brainy.
Hawaiians are Polynesians.  I always loved these people.  They live in Hawaii, which is an archipelago. Hawaii is a state that is part of the US.  Long ago pygmies lived on the island.  The island was conquered by tall people from Tahiti.  The offspring of these 2 groups are the Hawaiians.  They have a great culture.  You should learn about it.  The Rock is half Hawaiian.
Navajo: They were matriarchal.  The women owned the farms and when a man got married he moved into his wife hut.  The hut they lived in was called hogan.  They were like wigwams.  They were strong believers in Ma'at.  They believed in 4 worlds. The Navajo language was used in WWII to confuse the Japanese. They are the second biggest American tribe in the US.

Yamasee:  They are made out of several clans. The clans are the bird, deer, panther, bear, turtle, frog, otter, toad, and snake.  A child is part of their mother's clan.  People marry out of their clan to avoid incest. Yamasee is a mixture of different tribes some of which are African.
Gullah/Geechee: They live in South Carolina and have their own nation.  They are a mixture of various African tribes.  This tribe came into being after TransAtlantic Slave Trade.  They have their own language. It is a mixture of West African languages and English.
Creek: They're the descendants of the Mississippian culture.  This tribe had 28 different clans!  They lived in the southeast US then a lot of them moved to Oklahoma. They believed in 2 spirits.  One that thinks and other that feels.  Those spirits are similar to the conscious and subconscious mind.
Zuni: This tribe lives in Arizona and New Mexico; they have been there 4 about 3500 years.    They may be the descendants of ancient Japanese people.  I've read their language is very similar to ancient Japanese. Their language is 7,000 years old! Farming is very important to them.  They are close to their ancestors.
Carib: The Caribbean is named after them.  They lived in South America and islands in the Caribbean Sea. They fought a lot and were cannibals.  Warrior ate the flesh of their enemies so they could get stronger.  I had a dream I fought the devil and killed him. Then I ate a part of his head and got his power.  They kept the limbs of their enemies as trophies.  Hunters do the same by putting animal heads on their wall.  Caribs kept the bones of their ancestors in their house.  They thought these bones had magical powers.  The Catholic Church feels the same way about bones of saints.  They mixed with Africans in St.Vincent.
Arawaks: Also known as Tainos.  They lived in Puerto Rico and Hispaniola.  They were very peaceful, so the Spanish massacred them.  They got a lot of diseases when the Spanish came, so they died. They were more Christ-like than Christians, Christopher Columbus noted or one of his compadres.  They were farmers and they mixed with Africans.  They had a positive impact on Voodoo.
Iroquois: This confederacy consists of 6 tribes.  The tribes are Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Tuscarora. They have a congress.  Each tribe sends 8-14 people to the Iroquois Great Council. Each of the members votes on policies. Elderly women determine which men goes to the great council.  The Iroquois live in New York, Canada, and Oklahoma.  They have their own constitution called the Great Law of Peace.  The US constitution is based on this one.  They're great mask makers. The masks have spiritual meaning.  In the 1600's the Iroquois and the British fought the Huron and the French.  I met Iroquois at a Pow-Wow in the summer of 2015.  
There were many other American tribes, so learn about them!

Turtle Island Visitation
Various nations (ethnic groups) came to the Americas.  Australians (Aborigines), Kemetians, West Africans, Phoenicians, Hebrews, Arabs, Moors, Chinese, Japanese, Polynesians, Greeks, Romans, Irish, Viking, etc.   The Lenape called Africans their elder brothers, which mean they were in interacting with them.  An American lecturer said there were Kemetic colonies in the Americas. Archaeologists have discovered African and Mesopotamian artifacts in Central America.  There's an ancient city in Bolivia that has statues of heads from the 3 primary races.  I've heard there were Kemetic, Hindu, and Buddhist artifacts in the Grand Canyon.  Olmec art looks African and Chinese.  I met a half Cherokee women who told me many different nations came to the Americas.  I think there are 20 languages families on Turtle Island.  That many language families point to different origins.
There are many great American nations on Turtle Island.  They have a lot to offer the world.  You should learn more about them because they're sweet!  Americans dance with Africans in my bloodstream!      

Turtle Island
Zuni Elder
Real Americans
More Real Americans
Black Americans
American Deception
Black Indian
Mohegan Tribe
Facts about American


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Kemetic Theologies

The Kemetians believed in the creator and many deities.  The deities collectively are known as Neteru.  The goddess was called Nereret and a god was called Neter.  The deities were personified characteristics of humans, nature, etc.  Some deities had animal heads because the animal had similarities to the deity.  There were 42 tribes that lived in Kemet.  They each worshiped their own deity/s.  During the dynastic period, their beliefs got mixed together.
There were several major religions in Kemet.  They are as follows: Anunian, Memphite, Theban, Asarian, Goddess, and Aten theologies.  Some religions precede others.  Some were contemporary.

There were many Kemetic priests and priestesses.  They served different Neteru and they practiced yoga and tantra.  They wrote many scriptures.  The temples were called the House of Life.  The temples were also universities.  Many people went to them.  Most of the Greek philosophers went there.  Even Moses went and maybe even Yeshua!
The Kemetians believed humans had nine parts.  They are as follows: Khat, Ren, Sheut, Ib, Sekhem, Ka, Ba, Akh, and Sahu.

In modern times several people have recreated Kemetic religions.  Ra Un Nefer Amen created Asar Auset Society.  This organization is international and it was created to teach Africans Kemetic spiritually.  His books are wonderful!!!  Muata Ashby is a Kemetic yogi, teacher, lecturer, author, musician, etc.  His books are amazing!!!  He created the Temple of Shetaut.  This organization teaches Kemetic spirituality and philosophy.  Kemetic Orthodoxy is a religious organization that teaches Kemetic religious concepts.  It was founded by Rev. Tamara L. Siuda.

Nebertcher: This is the supreme being, the one above all.

Nun: Neteret of primordial matter and energy.
Bes: Great Neter of protection. He's a pygmy.
Hapi: He is the Neter of the Nile.
Neb-Het: Protects the souls of the deceased.  She is the mother of Anubis and sister of Ausar, Auset, Set, and Heru the Elder.
Nut: Sky Neteret.  Mother of Neb-Het and her siblings.

Geb: Earth Neter.  Father of Neb-Het and her siblings.
Seshat: Neteret of writing and measurements.

Tawaret: Neteret of childbirth and fertility.  Her animal is the hippopotamus.  She was worshipped in Nubia and Crete.
Ausar: "Lord of the perfect black" and a vegetation deity.  He was the father of Heru the Younger and husband of Aset.  Ruler of the underworld.  Greeks called him Osiris.                                                    
Aset: She is a mother Neteret and a great magician.  She gained the power of Ra when he told her his name. Auset is the prototype of Mary.  She was worshiped all over the Roman Empire.  Greeks called her Isis.
Heru: He is a Sun/son god.  He was part of a trinity and had a resurrection.  There are 2 Herus.  Heru the Elder and Heru the Younger.  They were merged together.  His animal is the falcon.  He was later combined with Ra.  He represents the higher self.  He's the prototype of Jesus.
Het-Heru: Neteret of joy and love.  Her animal is cows.

Set: Neter of foreigners,deserts, and chaos.  He represents the lower self and ego.  He became demonized after the Hyksos took over.  Several pharaohs are named are him.
Ptah: Creator Neter of Memphis.  He is a craftsman.

Sekhmet: Neteret of healing and destruction.  Her animal is a lion.  One day Ra was mad at people wickedness, so he sent Sekhem.  She went on a murder orgy.  Ra wanted her to stop, but she wouldn't so someone put out a barrel of red wine.  She got drunk and stop killing people.  She reminds me of Kali.
Tefnut: Neteret of moisture.

Bastet: Neteret of war, protection, music, and family.  Her animal is cats.  Cats were able to kill snakes.
Khnum: Created people on a potter's wheel out of clay.

Khepri: He is the sun at dawn.  His animal is the dung beetle.  Dung Beetles come from darkness like the sun rising after the night.

Shu: Neteret of air.  Sister of Tefnut.  She keeps Geb and Nut separated.
Sobek: Neteret of protection, fertility, and military.  His animal is Nile Crocodile.
Ma'at: Neteret of truth, order, harmony, justice, and righteous.

Heka: Neter of magic and medicine.  When the Ka is activated you can do magic.  Heka is the activator.  He is part of a trinity.
Neith: Neteret of war, hunting, and wisdom.  Perpetual virgin and self-created.
Tehuti: Neter of knowledge.  His animal is ibis.
Ra: The main Sun Neter and a creator.

Amen: Theban creator deity and part of the Ogdoad.  The ram is his symbol.

Anubis: Lead the dead into the afterlife.  His animal is the jackal.  The jackals hung around cemeteries.

Aten: Lord of the Sun disc.

Atum: A creator Neter.  He masturbated Shu and Tefnut into being.

Ammit: The monster that ate unjust souls in the afterlife.
Apep: He is the serpent of the night.
Min: Neter of fertility.  His penis is erect on his statue.

Mut: Mother goddess and wife of Amen.
Religions of Kemet
Anu Theology: Ra(Atum) and Rat created other deities.  Ra rides in a boat at night.  The boat is attacked by Apep.  Set fights Apep.

Memphite Theology: Ptah and Sekhmet created 8 deities.  They represent 8 principles.  Collectively known as the Ogdoad.
Theban Theology: This religion became popular during the New Kingdom.  This occurred during the time of Aries (ram).  Amen. Mut, Khensu are a trinity.  They are the most important part of this religion.  Amen created other deities.
Ausarian Theology: The trinity of this religion is Asar, Auset, and Heru.  Ausar civilized Kemet and the rest of the world.  His brother Set got jealous.  Set invited Ausar to a party.  He asked Asar to get in coffins. When he got in a coffin that fit him, Set shut it and throw it in the Mediterranean.  Ausar died in the coffin and it landed in Byblos; then Set became the unlawful ruler of Kemet.  Auset retrieved the Ausar body from Byblos.  Later on, Set stole the body and sliced it into 13 pieces.  Auset recovered 12 of the pieces. Ausar's penis fell into the sea and was eaten by a catfish.  Auset put the pieces back together.  She made a golden penis for Ausar body.  She turned into a bird and landed on the penis.  Then she got pregnant. This was an immaculate conception.  Ausar resurrected after this and became the Neter of the underworld. After Heru was born his uncle Set tried to kill him.  Auset hid him from Set.  Set sent a scorpion to sting him.  When Heru got stung by the scorpion he died. Auset cried and asked for help.  Tehuti came to her aide and made Heru resurrect.  Once Heru got older he defeated Set and became king of Kemet.  Tekken: Pillar with a pyramid on top.  It represents the golden penis of Ausar. The Washington Monument is a Tekken. Christianity is a newer version of the Asarian theology.
Goddess Theology: A Neteret is the creator in this religion.  There was a holiday when people would do a meditation ritual for a mother Neteret.
Aten Theology: Aten was a minor god until Amenhotep IV became pharaoh.  He changed his name to Akhenaten and created the Aten cult.  He shut down the temples of Amen; he wanted people to only worship Aten.  A lot of Kemetians were upset about this and destroyed his monuments after he died. He had a capital created for his cult.  People from around the Mediterranean came there.  Akhenaten is seen as the first monotheist.  Some people think Moses was based off him and some people think Hebrews were followers of the Aten cult.  He is loved and hated by many.

To become a priest you had to get circumcised.  I don't know what the requirements were for priestesses. The priests and priestesses were skilled magicians.  They had many duties.  They were like shamans.  They practiced yoga and did tantra.  Tantra is sexual spiritual practices. They wrote many religious, philosophical, mathematical, scientific, medical, and psychological texts.  The first philosopher in the world was Ptah-Hotep.  Imhotep is the father of modern medicine.   Priestesses of Auset were wise healers.  Judges were part of Ma'at priesthood.      

There were 3 levels in the priesthood.  Level one was a neophyte.  This is the start of the journey.  At this level, you are a young padawan.  Level 2 you're midway.  Level 3 you are a Phre Messen (Son of Light). It took 42 years to become a master.  The freemasonry has the same degrees in the blue lodge.  Initiates were taught in the House of Life, which the Greeks called mystery schools.

Pythagoras spent 15 years in Kemet learning the mysteries.  Socrates went too.  He taught what he learned in Athens, so he was put to death.  Plato also went there.  He may have had an initiation ritual in the Pyramid of Giza.  Many other Greek philosophers went there as well.  The Aquarian Gospel says Yeshua went to the House of Life b4 his ministry.  Moses would have gone there too since he was a prince of Kemet.

Parts of a Human
The Khat is the physical body.

The Ren is the name.

Sheut is the shadow, it may hold the essence of a person.

Ib is the heart.  Kemetians thought it was the seat of thought and emotion.  On judgement day a person's heart was weighed against a feather.  If it was light as a feather they went to heaven.  If it was heavier they were consumed by a monster or thrown into a lake of fire.  They may have been tortured b4 they ceased to exist.  This is the second death.

Sekhem: It is the lifeforce.

Ka: It is the etheric body.

Ba: It is the eternal aspect of you.

Akh: Righteous soul.

Sahu: Immortal body.
Kemetian modern Spirituality
The Ausar Auset Society teaches the Kemetic Tree of Life.  The tree of life is a diagram that shows the different aspects of self.  It has 11 parts that are represented by different deities.  This organization also teach yoga from a Kemetic perspective.
The Temple of Shetaut is similar to Ausar Auset Society, but they have different practices.  Muata Ashby teaches classes online and in person.  He has videos on youtube.  He created his on Kemetic Tree of Life. The concept is similar to Ra Un Nefer Amen tree of life, but it's a little different.
Kemetic Orthodox is an African Traditional Religion.  It has similarities to Voodoo, Candomble, and Lukumi.  It is a polytheistic religion.  Neteru are different aspects of Nebertcher.  Practitioners of this religion do the same rituals as the ancient Kemetians.

This religion is awesome!!!!!!!!!!  There's a creator, deities, various religions, priesthoods, and parts of a person.  There are people today still following Kemetic spirituality and philosophy.  Get into and Holla at me.

African Origin of Major Western Religions
Egypt Light of the World I & II
We, the Black Jews
Stolen Legacy by George G.M. James
Kemetic Yoga
Kemetic Principles
Kemetic Feminity
Muata Ashby
Kemetic Wisdom


Odinani is the religion created by the Igbo.  It is similar to Ifa.  It has a creator and deities (Alusi). The spirit is called chi, it determines our destiny.  There are 4 days in the week in their calendar, which represents the four corners of the earth. Reincarnation is called Inouwa .  Shamans are called Dibia and Afa is the name of divination.  The ancestors are honored in this religion.  The followers of Odinani are known as Umuchukwu. That means Children of the Great God.
Chukwu: It is the creator and made Maati (laws) for governing the universes.  The Sun is a symbol of Chukwu.  Chukwu means spiritual being of great in size.  It is anhydrous and/or beyond gender.

Ala: She is the earth goddess.  She is the most important alusi.  She judges people actions.  All ground is holy because it's Ala.  Her messenger is the python.  She is the Alusi of women and children.  The souls of the dead live in her womb, which is underground.  Her symbol is the crescent moon.

Amadioha: He is the Alusi of the sky, peace, love, unity, and justice, he also is the husband of Ala. They were the first Alusi created by Chukwu.  He created people when he struck a tree with a lightning bolt.

Agwu Nsi: The Alusi of divination.

Ekwensu: He is the Alusi of change.  He is a trickster.  He rules over trade, negotiations, and the chaotic forces of nature.  He reminds me of Set and Esu.  Some Igbos saw him as the devil after they came in contact with Christians.

Ikenga: He is the Alusi of success, war, and time.  He is connected to chi and the ancestors.

Njoku Ji: The Alusi of yams.

Chi: This is the highest spirit a person has.  It is always connected to universal chi, which is Chukwu.

Inouwa: Reincarnating into your family.  Relatives know if an ancestor reincarnated by a baby's birthmarks and behavior.  Sometimes people know they will reincarnate and they will tell their relatives.  Ancestors can reincarnate as multiple people.  It is the same as Atunwa.

Igbo Calendar: It has 13 months, 7 weeks a month, and 4 days a week.  The 4 days are the 4 directions.  Months are named after and dedicated to Alusi.

Ndichie: This is an ancestor in the spirit world.  They protect the community from sickness.  Men honor male ancestors and women honor female ancestors.
Odinani in the New World
Some Igbos that were enslaved during the transatlantic slave trade went to Haiti and other parts of the Americas.  Some of their beliefs became a part of Voodoo.  Igbo Loa are both hot and cold.   The Rada Loa are only cold and the Petro Loa are only hot.

They created Obeah, other Africans contributed to it as well.  Obeah is a form of Jamaican magic. Obeah men and women have practices similar to Dibia.  It is like Hoodoo.
Odinani is the Igbo religion.  Igbo is one of the largest tribes in Nigeria.  Odinani has a creator, deities, spirit/life force, ancestors, reincarnating into the family, etc.  This is a great religion!  I love Igbos!  They may be my relatives.

Click here if you want to learn about the Igbo tribe.

Ekwensu is misunderstood
Facts of Odinani



Friday, October 7, 2016


Mormonism is like a mixture of Protestantism and Scientology.  It was created by Joseph Smith in the early 1800's.  He was a freemason and he added Freemasonic rituals to Mormonism.  The freemasons killed him in prison because of that.  Joseph was caught having sex with another woman by his wife.  He told her God told him a man should have more than one wife.  That's so convenient.

Joseph was a diviner.  He would use crystals to find treasures or predict the future.  An angel told him where to find gold plates and seer stones.  The seer stones were used to interpret the plates.  The Book of Mormon come from the interpretations of the plates.  Seer Stones have been used in the past by people to receive revelation from God.    
"As man is, God was.  As God is, man may become."  Mormons believe God was a man at first. Over eons, he evolved and created his own universe.  Likewise, we can evolve and become a God of our own universe.

(Native) Americans are the 10 lost tribes of Israel.

The father, son, and holy ghost are 3 different people.  They work together because they have the same purpose.

There is a physical and spiritual universe.

Gender is eternal.

Polygyny is very popular among the Mormons.

Kolob is the planet God lives on.  God is a 6-foot tall white man.

They use to baptize corpses, so they could go to heaven.  Now they baptize children for the dead.

Mormons use to believe white skin means blessed and black skin means cursed.  Mormon Church renounced this belief in 2013.

Sunday is the sabbath day.

There are many other colorful beliefs, but this will suffice.
Joseph Smith was a mentally ill mason.  He came up with a lot of strange ideas and people believed him. A lot of women are forced into marriage in this religion.  Mormons weren't so nice to my people. It's sad how gullible people are.
Mormon Mysteries
Mormon Masons
Celestial Mormons


Wednesday, October 5, 2016


L. Ron Hubbard created The Church of Scientology and in the 50's.  He was a science fiction writer, hypnotist, and mentally ill.  He wanted to make $ without it being taxed by the government.  That's why he created Scientology.  He did a sex magic ritual with Jack Parsons.  Jack Parsons was a disciple of Aleister Crowley (Great Beast 666).
This church went to war with the IRS and won!  The IRS wouldn't give them tax-exempt status, so they filed 1,000's of lawsuits.  The IRS gave them tax-exempt status so they wouldn't have to go to court.  
Sometimes members are tortured if they break the rules.  

Humanity is inherently good.

Salvation depends on the individuals and their relationships with others.

Humans are thetans (souls).

2 minds: Reactive Mind-Subconscious  Analytical Mind-Conscious

Engram-Traumatic events of in the reactive mind.  They taint thetans.

Auditing: A person is asked questions and their answers are put in a folder, which later may be used for blackmail.  Auditing helps get rid of engrams.

Reincarnation: Thetans incarnate in various forms over time.

God: Creator of all universes.

Xenu: Alien emperor 75 million years ago.  He brought a billion aliens to earth and stuffed them in volcanos. The thetans of these aliens attacked humans.  The Church of Scientology helps us get rid of them.

Our lives consist of 8 urges: survival, creativity, group survival, species survival, organisms, physical universe, God.
L Ron Hubbard was a great con man.  Scientology was created so he can make $ without having to pay taxes.  Some of the beliefs are sweet.  It is all make believe like any other religion.
Celebs in Scientology

Saturday, October 1, 2016


There are 12 houses, they are based on earth's axis.  Each house has certain traits.  They are fields of experience.  Your signs are in a certain house.  The energies of sign enlightens the trait of the house. The houses ruled by planets and signs.  The 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th are most important house because 4 special angles.
1st house: This is the self, personality, and appearance.  Ruled by Aries and Mars.

2nd house: This is possessions, $, and materialism.  Ruled by Taurus and Venus.

3rd house: Communication, knowledge, concrete thinking, and travel.  Ruled by Gemini and Mercury.

4th house: Home, family, land, this is the consciousness of physically.  Ruled by Cancer and Moon.

5th house: Creativity, romance, and flings.  Ruled by Leo and Sun.

6th house: Job, daily routines, health, and services.  Ruled by Virgo and Mercury.

7th: Marriages and other types of long term relationships.  Ruled by Libra and Venus.

8th: Death, sex, clairvoyance, joint finances, healing, and transformation.  Ruled by  Scorpio, Mars, and Pluto.

9th: Philosophy, religion, education, abstract thinking, wisdom, and rituals.  Ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter.

10th: Career, authority, and finance success.  Ruled by Capricorn and Saturn

11th: Liberty, friends, and social groups.  Ruled by Aquarius, Saturn, and Uranus.    

12th: Subconscious, limitations, self-undoing.  Ruled by Pisces, Jupiter, and Neptune.

The houses have traits and rulers.  Learning your houses can help you discover your life purpose. The houses can give you focus.  Get into it!!!!!!!!!!

Houses on Utube