

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Kemetic Theologies

The Kemetians believed in the creator and many deities.  The deities collectively are known as Neteru.  The goddess was called Nereret and a god was called Neter.  The deities were personified characteristics of humans, nature, etc.  Some deities had animal heads because the animal had similarities to the deity.  There were 42 tribes that lived in Kemet.  They each worshiped their own deity/s.  During the dynastic period, their beliefs got mixed together.
There were several major religions in Kemet.  They are as follows: Anunian, Memphite, Theban, Asarian, Goddess, and Aten theologies.  Some religions precede others.  Some were contemporary.

There were many Kemetic priests and priestesses.  They served different Neteru and they practiced yoga and tantra.  They wrote many scriptures.  The temples were called the House of Life.  The temples were also universities.  Many people went to them.  Most of the Greek philosophers went there.  Even Moses went and maybe even Yeshua!
The Kemetians believed humans had nine parts.  They are as follows: Khat, Ren, Sheut, Ib, Sekhem, Ka, Ba, Akh, and Sahu.

In modern times several people have recreated Kemetic religions.  Ra Un Nefer Amen created Asar Auset Society.  This organization is international and it was created to teach Africans Kemetic spiritually.  His books are wonderful!!!  Muata Ashby is a Kemetic yogi, teacher, lecturer, author, musician, etc.  His books are amazing!!!  He created the Temple of Shetaut.  This organization teaches Kemetic spirituality and philosophy.  Kemetic Orthodoxy is a religious organization that teaches Kemetic religious concepts.  It was founded by Rev. Tamara L. Siuda.

Nebertcher: This is the supreme being, the one above all.

Nun: Neteret of primordial matter and energy.
Bes: Great Neter of protection. He's a pygmy.
Hapi: He is the Neter of the Nile.
Neb-Het: Protects the souls of the deceased.  She is the mother of Anubis and sister of Ausar, Auset, Set, and Heru the Elder.
Nut: Sky Neteret.  Mother of Neb-Het and her siblings.

Geb: Earth Neter.  Father of Neb-Het and her siblings.
Seshat: Neteret of writing and measurements.

Tawaret: Neteret of childbirth and fertility.  Her animal is the hippopotamus.  She was worshipped in Nubia and Crete.
Ausar: "Lord of the perfect black" and a vegetation deity.  He was the father of Heru the Younger and husband of Aset.  Ruler of the underworld.  Greeks called him Osiris.                                                    
Aset: She is a mother Neteret and a great magician.  She gained the power of Ra when he told her his name. Auset is the prototype of Mary.  She was worshiped all over the Roman Empire.  Greeks called her Isis.
Heru: He is a Sun/son god.  He was part of a trinity and had a resurrection.  There are 2 Herus.  Heru the Elder and Heru the Younger.  They were merged together.  His animal is the falcon.  He was later combined with Ra.  He represents the higher self.  He's the prototype of Jesus.
Het-Heru: Neteret of joy and love.  Her animal is cows.

Set: Neter of foreigners,deserts, and chaos.  He represents the lower self and ego.  He became demonized after the Hyksos took over.  Several pharaohs are named are him.
Ptah: Creator Neter of Memphis.  He is a craftsman.

Sekhmet: Neteret of healing and destruction.  Her animal is a lion.  One day Ra was mad at people wickedness, so he sent Sekhem.  She went on a murder orgy.  Ra wanted her to stop, but she wouldn't so someone put out a barrel of red wine.  She got drunk and stop killing people.  She reminds me of Kali.
Tefnut: Neteret of moisture.

Bastet: Neteret of war, protection, music, and family.  Her animal is cats.  Cats were able to kill snakes.
Khnum: Created people on a potter's wheel out of clay.

Khepri: He is the sun at dawn.  His animal is the dung beetle.  Dung Beetles come from darkness like the sun rising after the night.

Shu: Neteret of air.  Sister of Tefnut.  She keeps Geb and Nut separated.
Sobek: Neteret of protection, fertility, and military.  His animal is Nile Crocodile.
Ma'at: Neteret of truth, order, harmony, justice, and righteous.

Heka: Neter of magic and medicine.  When the Ka is activated you can do magic.  Heka is the activator.  He is part of a trinity.
Neith: Neteret of war, hunting, and wisdom.  Perpetual virgin and self-created.
Tehuti: Neter of knowledge.  His animal is ibis.
Ra: The main Sun Neter and a creator.

Amen: Theban creator deity and part of the Ogdoad.  The ram is his symbol.

Anubis: Lead the dead into the afterlife.  His animal is the jackal.  The jackals hung around cemeteries.

Aten: Lord of the Sun disc.

Atum: A creator Neter.  He masturbated Shu and Tefnut into being.

Ammit: The monster that ate unjust souls in the afterlife.
Apep: He is the serpent of the night.
Min: Neter of fertility.  His penis is erect on his statue.

Mut: Mother goddess and wife of Amen.
Religions of Kemet
Anu Theology: Ra(Atum) and Rat created other deities.  Ra rides in a boat at night.  The boat is attacked by Apep.  Set fights Apep.

Memphite Theology: Ptah and Sekhmet created 8 deities.  They represent 8 principles.  Collectively known as the Ogdoad.
Theban Theology: This religion became popular during the New Kingdom.  This occurred during the time of Aries (ram).  Amen. Mut, Khensu are a trinity.  They are the most important part of this religion.  Amen created other deities.
Ausarian Theology: The trinity of this religion is Asar, Auset, and Heru.  Ausar civilized Kemet and the rest of the world.  His brother Set got jealous.  Set invited Ausar to a party.  He asked Asar to get in coffins. When he got in a coffin that fit him, Set shut it and throw it in the Mediterranean.  Ausar died in the coffin and it landed in Byblos; then Set became the unlawful ruler of Kemet.  Auset retrieved the Ausar body from Byblos.  Later on, Set stole the body and sliced it into 13 pieces.  Auset recovered 12 of the pieces. Ausar's penis fell into the sea and was eaten by a catfish.  Auset put the pieces back together.  She made a golden penis for Ausar body.  She turned into a bird and landed on the penis.  Then she got pregnant. This was an immaculate conception.  Ausar resurrected after this and became the Neter of the underworld. After Heru was born his uncle Set tried to kill him.  Auset hid him from Set.  Set sent a scorpion to sting him.  When Heru got stung by the scorpion he died. Auset cried and asked for help.  Tehuti came to her aide and made Heru resurrect.  Once Heru got older he defeated Set and became king of Kemet.  Tekken: Pillar with a pyramid on top.  It represents the golden penis of Ausar. The Washington Monument is a Tekken. Christianity is a newer version of the Asarian theology.
Goddess Theology: A Neteret is the creator in this religion.  There was a holiday when people would do a meditation ritual for a mother Neteret.
Aten Theology: Aten was a minor god until Amenhotep IV became pharaoh.  He changed his name to Akhenaten and created the Aten cult.  He shut down the temples of Amen; he wanted people to only worship Aten.  A lot of Kemetians were upset about this and destroyed his monuments after he died. He had a capital created for his cult.  People from around the Mediterranean came there.  Akhenaten is seen as the first monotheist.  Some people think Moses was based off him and some people think Hebrews were followers of the Aten cult.  He is loved and hated by many.

To become a priest you had to get circumcised.  I don't know what the requirements were for priestesses. The priests and priestesses were skilled magicians.  They had many duties.  They were like shamans.  They practiced yoga and did tantra.  Tantra is sexual spiritual practices. They wrote many religious, philosophical, mathematical, scientific, medical, and psychological texts.  The first philosopher in the world was Ptah-Hotep.  Imhotep is the father of modern medicine.   Priestesses of Auset were wise healers.  Judges were part of Ma'at priesthood.      

There were 3 levels in the priesthood.  Level one was a neophyte.  This is the start of the journey.  At this level, you are a young padawan.  Level 2 you're midway.  Level 3 you are a Phre Messen (Son of Light). It took 42 years to become a master.  The freemasonry has the same degrees in the blue lodge.  Initiates were taught in the House of Life, which the Greeks called mystery schools.

Pythagoras spent 15 years in Kemet learning the mysteries.  Socrates went too.  He taught what he learned in Athens, so he was put to death.  Plato also went there.  He may have had an initiation ritual in the Pyramid of Giza.  Many other Greek philosophers went there as well.  The Aquarian Gospel says Yeshua went to the House of Life b4 his ministry.  Moses would have gone there too since he was a prince of Kemet.

Parts of a Human
The Khat is the physical body.

The Ren is the name.

Sheut is the shadow, it may hold the essence of a person.

Ib is the heart.  Kemetians thought it was the seat of thought and emotion.  On judgement day a person's heart was weighed against a feather.  If it was light as a feather they went to heaven.  If it was heavier they were consumed by a monster or thrown into a lake of fire.  They may have been tortured b4 they ceased to exist.  This is the second death.

Sekhem: It is the lifeforce.

Ka: It is the etheric body.

Ba: It is the eternal aspect of you.

Akh: Righteous soul.

Sahu: Immortal body.
Kemetian modern Spirituality
The Ausar Auset Society teaches the Kemetic Tree of Life.  The tree of life is a diagram that shows the different aspects of self.  It has 11 parts that are represented by different deities.  This organization also teach yoga from a Kemetic perspective.
The Temple of Shetaut is similar to Ausar Auset Society, but they have different practices.  Muata Ashby teaches classes online and in person.  He has videos on youtube.  He created his on Kemetic Tree of Life. The concept is similar to Ra Un Nefer Amen tree of life, but it's a little different.
Kemetic Orthodox is an African Traditional Religion.  It has similarities to Voodoo, Candomble, and Lukumi.  It is a polytheistic religion.  Neteru are different aspects of Nebertcher.  Practitioners of this religion do the same rituals as the ancient Kemetians.

This religion is awesome!!!!!!!!!!  There's a creator, deities, various religions, priesthoods, and parts of a person.  There are people today still following Kemetic spirituality and philosophy.  Get into and Holla at me.

African Origin of Major Western Religions
Egypt Light of the World I & II
We, the Black Jews
Stolen Legacy by George G.M. James
Kemetic Yoga
Kemetic Principles
Kemetic Feminity
Muata Ashby
Kemetic Wisdom

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