

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Hypnotherapy is using hypnosis on a patient to improve their subconscious mind.  It has been around since the 1800's!    There are several procedures during a hypnotherapeutic session. There are various types of hypnotherapy.  They are Traditional, Ericksonian, NLP, CBT, and Curative. Hypnotherapy can be used to treat various ailments.  There are many hypnotherapeutic organizations.  Scientists have discovered why and how hypnosis works.
1.  The hypnotherapist interviews the client to find out what's wrong.  The hypnotherapist explains           how they will solve or improve the problem.    

2.  The next time the client sees the hypnotherapist they will be hypnotized.

3.  The first part of hypnosis is induction.  This putting someone in a trance.

4.  The 2nd part is the script.  Once the client is in a trance the hypnotherapist says positive phrases.   Examples: I am confident, I am strong, I overcome all obstacles, etc.  These words will become reality for the client because the are going straight into the subconscious. If the hypnotherapist says something the client doesn't agree with they will wake up.  

5.  Amnesia(optional): If the client forgets the hypnotic session, then the script will have a bigger     impact on the subconscious.  The hypnotherapist should ask if the client is okay with this b4 doing it.

6.  End: The hypnotherapist will bring the client back to consciousness.  If they are unable to wake   the client up they will take a nap and then wake up.
Types of Hypnotherapy
Traditional: Simply founding the procedures.

Ericksonian: Storytelling that teaches the subconscious mind.

CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) Hypnosis:  It is a combination of CBT and Traditional Hypnosis.
CBT are techniques a therapist use to help someone improve their thinking and behavior.

NLP: Neuro-Linguistic Programming is based off Ericksonian Hypnosis.  The client is fully awake when this is used.  The hypnotherapist helps the person associate different feelings to situations.  This leads to better behavior.

Curative: This form of hypnotherapy that cures ailments.
Hypnotherapy can Heal
Hypnotherapy can help you stop smoking.  It can help you with loss weight.  It can improve your relationships and public speaking.  It can do many other amazing things as well.
Organizations of Hypnotherapy
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis: It was created by Milton H. Erickson in 1957.  This organization teaches people how to be a hypnotherapist.  It teaches people how to use hypnosis in healthcare.  This is a sweet organization.

American Hypnosis Association: This organization help hypnotherapists continue their education. They help people get certifications in various fields.  The certifications can be online or in person. They offer liability insurance for members.    

International Medical & Dental Association: This organization helps patients going to surgery or some other medical operation be less stress out.  The less stressful a person is the greater their body will heal.  They help families deal with stress.  They make it easier for them to cope.

ICBCH: They teach people hypnotherapy and offer different certifications.  You can become certified online. This is very convenient.  They have live training classes too.    
Science of Hypnotherapy
When someone is in a trance they are very focused.  Stanford University discovered when someone is hypnotisted certain parts of the brain are activated, while other parts are deactivated.  Children that have been abused are easy to hypnotize because they did a lot of dissociation to escape trauma. Likewise children that used their imagination a lot are also easy to hypnotize.
Hypnotherapy is wonderful!!!  It been around for a long time and it's simple.  It can help improve a person and remove certain addictions.  It has several types and organizations.  Now it's backed by science!!!!!!!!!

Session to stop smoking
$ making hypnosis
Past Life Regression
Pain Control

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