

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


L. Ron Hubbard created The Church of Scientology and in the 50's.  He was a science fiction writer, hypnotist, and mentally ill.  He wanted to make $ without it being taxed by the government.  That's why he created Scientology.  He did a sex magic ritual with Jack Parsons.  Jack Parsons was a disciple of Aleister Crowley (Great Beast 666).
This church went to war with the IRS and won!  The IRS wouldn't give them tax-exempt status, so they filed 1,000's of lawsuits.  The IRS gave them tax-exempt status so they wouldn't have to go to court.  
Sometimes members are tortured if they break the rules.  

Humanity is inherently good.

Salvation depends on the individuals and their relationships with others.

Humans are thetans (souls).

2 minds: Reactive Mind-Subconscious  Analytical Mind-Conscious

Engram-Traumatic events of in the reactive mind.  They taint thetans.

Auditing: A person is asked questions and their answers are put in a folder, which later may be used for blackmail.  Auditing helps get rid of engrams.

Reincarnation: Thetans incarnate in various forms over time.

God: Creator of all universes.

Xenu: Alien emperor 75 million years ago.  He brought a billion aliens to earth and stuffed them in volcanos. The thetans of these aliens attacked humans.  The Church of Scientology helps us get rid of them.

Our lives consist of 8 urges: survival, creativity, group survival, species survival, organisms, physical universe, God.
L Ron Hubbard was a great con man.  Scientology was created so he can make $ without having to pay taxes.  Some of the beliefs are sweet.  It is all make believe like any other religion.
Celebs in Scientology

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