

Sunday, October 16, 2016

History of Turtle Island

North America was in the Southern Hemisphere over 200 million years ago!  During the time of dinosaurs, a large part of the US was underwater.   There were many human migrations to North America.  There were many different groups of Africans, Asians, and Caucasian people.  The Asians became the majority and the Africans became a significant minority.  Africans and Americans are the same culturally. People known as Native Americans should be called Americans.
Tribes and Nations

There are many Algonquian tribes.  They live mostly in Canada and parts of the US.
Abenaki (people of the dawn) live in Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire.  They lived in wigwams. It's like domed tipis.  They traveled on water by using canoes.  They used dogs to travel on land and used sleds in the winter.  Deer and moose were hunted by them.  Beans and corn were planted. They picked berries, fished, and made syrup from tree sap.  When Europeans came to the US most of them moved to Canada.  Abenaki isn't recognized by the US government.
Wabanaki: This is a confederacy of 5 tribes.  The tribes are Abenaki, Penobscots, Maliseet, Passamaquoddies, and the Micmacs.  B4 they unified they fought each other.  The members of this confederacy made trade agreements, security pacts, and made laws.
Arapaho people consists of 2 tribes.  Northern Arapaho and Southern Arapaho.  Southern Arapaho are close friends with the Cheyenne.  They never fought the colonists instead, they made treaties with them.  The colonists broke the treaties.  The Northern Arapaho helped defeat the US Army at The Battle of Little Big Horn.  The Southern Arapaho and Cheyenne were massacred by the Union Army in 1864.  They lived in tipis and have their own religion.  
Lenape: Also known as Delaware.  This tribe lives in the Northeast US.  The tribe consists of 3 clans each of which has 12 subclans. They were hunters and farmers. They traded furs with Europeans. They were great herbalists.  They traded with the Tainos in the Caribbean.  I met a Chief of Lenape; the funny thing about is he looked like Santa Claus.
The Blackfoot lives in Montana and Canada.  They consist of 4 nations.  The nations are Blackfeet, Kainai, Pikanii, and Siksika.  They were great Buffalo hunters.  They got horses and smallpox from Europeans. Colonists wiped out the buffalo so Plains Americans can starve.  The Blackfoot is one of the many Plains American.  I may be related to them.
Miami lived in the Midwest.  They select their own chiefs.  Some of them are recognized by the US government, others aren't.  They were hunters and farmers. They sold their land to colonists in 1820 and moved to reservations.
The Mohegan consists of various tribes.  Some of the tribes are Pequot, Montaukett, Narragansett, Shinnecock, the Niantic, and Nipmuc .  These tribes populations declined, so they mixed together. The Montaukett tribe may be related to Kemetians and Atlanteans.
There are many other Algonquian tribes, but this will suffice.

Choctaw came from the Mississippian culture.  The tribe was founded it in 1600's. They fought in WWI. They lived in the southeast US.  Stickball was a game Americans played to avoided war.  The Choctaw taught it to the colonists, they were the inventors of it.  They help the colonists in the War of 1812.
Cherokee was forced to leave the southeast US during the Trail of Tears.  My ancestors may have been forced to leave South Carolina during the Trail of Tears. The Cherokee ended up in Oklahoma. 1000's of Cherokee died during Trail of Tears. Sequoyah was a great Cherokee man.  He created a Cherokee written language in less than a decade.  I may be related to this tribe.  Cherokee is the biggest American tribe in the US.  I met a beautiful Cherokee women at an event.  She was very brainy.
Hawaiians are Polynesians.  I always loved these people.  They live in Hawaii, which is an archipelago. Hawaii is a state that is part of the US.  Long ago pygmies lived on the island.  The island was conquered by tall people from Tahiti.  The offspring of these 2 groups are the Hawaiians.  They have a great culture.  You should learn about it.  The Rock is half Hawaiian.
Navajo: They were matriarchal.  The women owned the farms and when a man got married he moved into his wife hut.  The hut they lived in was called hogan.  They were like wigwams.  They were strong believers in Ma'at.  They believed in 4 worlds. The Navajo language was used in WWII to confuse the Japanese. They are the second biggest American tribe in the US.

Yamasee:  They are made out of several clans. The clans are the bird, deer, panther, bear, turtle, frog, otter, toad, and snake.  A child is part of their mother's clan.  People marry out of their clan to avoid incest. Yamasee is a mixture of different tribes some of which are African.
Gullah/Geechee: They live in South Carolina and have their own nation.  They are a mixture of various African tribes.  This tribe came into being after TransAtlantic Slave Trade.  They have their own language. It is a mixture of West African languages and English.
Creek: They're the descendants of the Mississippian culture.  This tribe had 28 different clans!  They lived in the southeast US then a lot of them moved to Oklahoma. They believed in 2 spirits.  One that thinks and other that feels.  Those spirits are similar to the conscious and subconscious mind.
Zuni: This tribe lives in Arizona and New Mexico; they have been there 4 about 3500 years.    They may be the descendants of ancient Japanese people.  I've read their language is very similar to ancient Japanese. Their language is 7,000 years old! Farming is very important to them.  They are close to their ancestors.
Carib: The Caribbean is named after them.  They lived in South America and islands in the Caribbean Sea. They fought a lot and were cannibals.  Warrior ate the flesh of their enemies so they could get stronger.  I had a dream I fought the devil and killed him. Then I ate a part of his head and got his power.  They kept the limbs of their enemies as trophies.  Hunters do the same by putting animal heads on their wall.  Caribs kept the bones of their ancestors in their house.  They thought these bones had magical powers.  The Catholic Church feels the same way about bones of saints.  They mixed with Africans in St.Vincent.
Arawaks: Also known as Tainos.  They lived in Puerto Rico and Hispaniola.  They were very peaceful, so the Spanish massacred them.  They got a lot of diseases when the Spanish came, so they died. They were more Christ-like than Christians, Christopher Columbus noted or one of his compadres.  They were farmers and they mixed with Africans.  They had a positive impact on Voodoo.
Iroquois: This confederacy consists of 6 tribes.  The tribes are Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Tuscarora. They have a congress.  Each tribe sends 8-14 people to the Iroquois Great Council. Each of the members votes on policies. Elderly women determine which men goes to the great council.  The Iroquois live in New York, Canada, and Oklahoma.  They have their own constitution called the Great Law of Peace.  The US constitution is based on this one.  They're great mask makers. The masks have spiritual meaning.  In the 1600's the Iroquois and the British fought the Huron and the French.  I met Iroquois at a Pow-Wow in the summer of 2015.  
There were many other American tribes, so learn about them!

Turtle Island Visitation
Various nations (ethnic groups) came to the Americas.  Australians (Aborigines), Kemetians, West Africans, Phoenicians, Hebrews, Arabs, Moors, Chinese, Japanese, Polynesians, Greeks, Romans, Irish, Viking, etc.   The Lenape called Africans their elder brothers, which mean they were in interacting with them.  An American lecturer said there were Kemetic colonies in the Americas. Archaeologists have discovered African and Mesopotamian artifacts in Central America.  There's an ancient city in Bolivia that has statues of heads from the 3 primary races.  I've heard there were Kemetic, Hindu, and Buddhist artifacts in the Grand Canyon.  Olmec art looks African and Chinese.  I met a half Cherokee women who told me many different nations came to the Americas.  I think there are 20 languages families on Turtle Island.  That many language families point to different origins.
There are many great American nations on Turtle Island.  They have a lot to offer the world.  You should learn more about them because they're sweet!  Americans dance with Africans in my bloodstream!      

Turtle Island
Zuni Elder
Real Americans
More Real Americans
Black Americans
American Deception
Black Indian
Mohegan Tribe
Facts about American


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