

Monday, July 25, 2016

Moorish Legacy

A group of Muslims called Moors lives in North Africa.  They were a very powerful people in Medieval times.  They were called Moors by Europeans because they had very dark skin.  Their color was like Wesley Snipes.  They conquered parts of Southern Europe. They reintroduced Europeans to civilization. This took place during the dark ages.  At this time Europeans were ignorant, unclean, and superstitious because of the Catholic Church.  There was a Jewish Golden Age in Iberia when the Moors ruled.
The Moors came from a tribe called Berber.  The Berber originated in the horn of Africa or further south. That's the official story.  Some believe the Moors were Arabs from Yemen.  The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.  Arabs were originally African.  A lot of non-African converted to Islam.  After that, they most of them became Arabs.  That's why most Arabs are pale.  At least the ones I see.  There are a lot of original Arabs on Youtube.
They conquered Iberia in 711CE.  The Moorish army was led by Tariq ibn Ziyad.  Gibraltar was named after him.  The Moors were able to defeat the Visigoths in Iberia but were unable to conquer the rest of Europe because they were defeated by Charles Martel.  Sephardic Jews helped Moors take over Iberia; because they were mistreated by the Visigoths.  After the took over, people were allowed to follow their own religion.  Most people followed an Abrahamic religion.  Iberia was ruled by 3 different dynasties over 700 years!
As time dragged on the Moors lost land.  There were two Christian kingdoms in the north.  One rule by King Ferdinand and the other by Queen Isabella.  They got married, so their kingdoms combined.  They were able to kick the Moors out in 1492; the same year Columbus met the Tainos.
The Moors were attracted European women because they were so exotic.  The phrase tall, dark, and handsome is what European women said about the Moorish men, in my opinion.  The Moors enslaved a lot of European women and brought them to North Africa.  This is one of the reasons why people in North Africa are pale.  There were also Caucasians migrations and invasions into North Africa as well.
They invented universal education in Iberia, while most Europeans were illiterate.
There were 70 libraries in Cordova.
Spinach is 20% Arabic.
They brought the lyre, flute, and guitar to Iberia.
They had paper and used numbers we are familiar with.  It replaced roman numerals.
They brought new crops to Iberia.
Deodorant to get rid of body odor.
Clothes for different weather and seasons.
Public Baths and other forms of hygiene.
Street lights, running, and hospitals
Modern Surgery
Rifles (firesticks)
These are just a few of their inventions.
Jewish Golden Age
The Jews in Spain became very advanced when the Moors ruled.  A lot of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East came to Spain during this time.  They were very intellectual.  They translated ancient text into European languages.  Jews were great philosophers, scientists, poets, mathematicians, botanist, etc.  Each successive Muslim dynasty became more oppressive to the Jews.  They got kicked out of Spain in 1492 and Portugal 1496.
The Moors were a bridge from the ancient world to the modern world.  They were a great people of African origin.  They were highly intelligent.  There is much we can learn from them.  Sometimes the Spanish reenact the Moorish invasion of Iberia.  Sometimes other European paint their faces black and dress like them.    
Europeans celebrating Moors

Sunday, July 24, 2016


Chemistry is the study of matter and its properties.  The mother of chemistry is alchemy.  Chemistry has been around for over a millennium!  There are many types of chemistry.  Chemistry picks up where physics leave off.  It's the bridge to biology.  
Alchemy means The Black.  It originated in Kemet.  Alchemy needs 3 things for transformation.  A fuel, a substance, and a container.  The container is your body, the fuel is your spiritual practices, and the substance is your soul.  You purify your consciousness by purifying your desires.  Alchemy was used in other parts of Africa to heal people and make crops grow.    
In China, alchemy was associated with Taoism.  A emperor made it popular.  He wanted to be immortal.  He sent people out to find divine beings.  He had his scholars make an elixir.  They mixed mercury and gold together and gave it to him to drink.  It made him retarded and he died prematurely.  A lot of Chinese ideas about alchemy spread to Korea and Japan.  Indians were adept at alchemy.  They learned it from Greeks in Alexandria.  They created a school of medicine based on alchemy. It was very scientific.
Alchemists in Europe tried to turn lead into gold.  Lead represent the physical body or the lower self.  Gold represented the soul or the higher self.  The alchemists looked for the philosopher stone.  The stone was suppose to give someone eternal youth.  They thought the world was made out of 4 elements.  They are as followed: fire, air, earth, and water.  They also thought salt, sulfur, and mercury were important.
Muslims created chemistry out alchemy.  Then they brought it to Europe.  Muslim scholars looked down on alchemy and favored chemistry.  The laboratory, scientific method, and experimentation were created by Muslims.  Geber was the first chemist in the world!
History of Chemistry
Robert Boyle wrote a book on chemistry.  He studied gas and believed in atoms.  Joseph Priestly discovered air was made out of different gasses.  Amedo Avogadro discovered the difference between atoms and molecules.  John Dalton discovered water vapor was in the atmosphere.  Dmitri Mendeleev created the periodic table.  Neils Bohr invented the atomic model.
Branches of Chemistry
Astrochemistry- The chemistry of space and celestial objects.
Biochemistry- Chemistry of organisms.
Chemical Engineering- Making chemicals for various purposes.
Theoretical Chemistry- Assumptions on how chemicals react.
They are many more branches of chemistry.
Chemistry is a rewarding subject to study.  It started off spiritual , then it became physical.  It has a rich history and it's diverse.  This is the breakdown of sciences.  They are as followed:  physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, then sociology.  They all fit into each other.  It goes from micro to macro.  It starts at the tiniest particle to the most intelligent life forms on earth!  So we think.  Could there be lifeforms smarter than us on earth or in the heavens?  Stay tuned.  

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Bohemian Grove

Bohemian Grove is a place the world elite go and plan out the future.  The members of this gang are called Grovers.  Women aren't allowed there.  They do a bunch of bizarre rituals there as well.  There are many people that protest Bohemian Grove.  It has been around for a long time.  I think presidents are selected here.  Ronald Reagan was there b4 he became president.  The Terminator was there too and many other famous people.
The club was founded in 1873.  It was created by Henry Edwards.  It started out with less than 100 members.  Now it's over 1,000!  They are over 100 different camps.  The members like to put on plays on the Grove Stage.  The official story is they go there to have fun.  They put on a show for Queen Elizabeth years ago.  
Cremation of Care: A mock human sacrifice for Moloch.  He is represented as a giant owl statue.  The Grovers wear black robes.
They have sex with male and female escorts.  Most of the members are older men.  They like to sleep with young men and or boys.
A lot of men dress up like women at BG.
There is a lot of satanic and pagan symbolism there.
William Hord Taft (Bonesmen): 27th president of US.
Bush Jr (Bonesmen): He was there b4 he became president.  He was with his dad (Bonesmen).
Dick Cheney: Bush Jr. boss when he was president.
Jeb Bush: Bush Jr. little brother.
Christopher Buckley (Bonesmen): Editor for Forbes.  Wrote speeches for Vice-President Bush.
William F Bucky (Bonesmen): CIA agent and author.
Richard Nixon: 37th president of the US.  He said it was very gay there.  He didn't like because he was straight.  People at the Grove help him become president.
Jimmy Carter: 39th president of US.
Warren Buffet: World's richest man.
Bill Clinton: 42nd president of US.
Calvin Coolidge: 30th president of US.
Bing Crosby: Famous actor and singer.
Lester Crown: Billionaire, vice-president of General Dynamics.
Justin Dart: Help disabled people get jobs by creating the Disability Act.
William Donovan: Grandfather of the CIA.
Clint Eastwood: Famos actor.
Dwight D Eisenhower: 34th presdient of US.
Al Gore: Vice-President under Bill.
Alan Greenspan: ex-chairman of Federal Reserve.
Herbert Hoover: 31st president of US.
Maynard Jackson: Lawyer.  He was in the Boule( Black Skull & Bones).  
Henry Kissinger: Politician. Monster. Traitor
Ray Kroc: Helped Mcdonalds become huge.
Charles Murray: Author of the Bell Curve.
Colin Powell: 4-star general and ex-Secretary of State
Ronald Reagan: 40th president of US.
Theodore Roosevelt: 25th president of US.
Karl Rove: One of Bush Jr. handlers.
Donald Rumsfeld: Bush Jr. warlord.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Terminator
There many other members and ex-members.
This is a very sinister club.  It should be exposed.  The leaders of the western world are in cahoots.  Don't trust them.  They are villains.  Oh yeah, there is a lady group like this called Belizean Grove.


Friday, July 22, 2016

Muay Thai

Muay Thai is one of the most popular martial arts in the world.  It originated in Thailand.  Muay Thai is known as The Art of 8 Limbs.  This martial art helps the practitioner turn their body parts into weapons.  The fist, elbows, and feet become hammers and swords.  The forearms and shins become shields  This style of fighting is popular in MMA.

Muay Thai was created by a warrior named Nai Khanomtom.  He was captured during a war.  He was allowed to fight for his freedom.  Before he fought his first opponent he did a dance to honor his ancestors. Then he defeated the opponent.  The referee thought he did black magic, so he fought 9 opponents back to back.  He defeated all of them.  The King of Burma gave him a choose of riches or 2 wives.  He chose the 2 wives.  Muay Thai was a way of fighting for war, then it became a sport.
The whole body is used when kicking or punching.  This makes the strikes stronger.  The Cobra Punch is the strongest punch in Muay Thai.  It is a flying punch.  Elbows are the most deadly weapons in the sport.  The Jump Kick is the most powerful kick in Muay Thai.  The greatest knee strike is the Flying Knee.  Foot-thrust is used to get opponents away from you and it makes them stumble.  They do a lot of fighting in the clinch.

The practitioners kick trees for hours to strengthen their shins.  They play fight with their coaches to improve. The coaches wear Thai pads for protection. They spare with other fighters. They lift weights, jump rope, and run.  They do similar stuff to what boxers do.
Muay Thai had a big impact on MMA.  A lot of MMA fighters use Muay Thai techniques.  Muay Thai have been in a lot of video games and movies.  You can see it on Street Fighter, Bloodsport, and even Babylon 5.

It is a great martial art, but it's brutal.  Most Muay Thai fighters have short careers.  If I was an MMA fighter I would learn Muay Thai.  It is great for striking.  It makes your body stronger.  

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones was a secret society for rich white heterosexual men.  People of different genders, races, and sexual preferences can join now.  The members of this society run corporations and politics in the US. The idea is to get the rulers of this nation on the same page to promote the same agenda.  They have a bunch of crazy rituals.  The members of this society are called Bonesmen.  A lot of the Bonesmen are or were famous.  This fraternity is known as the Brotherhood of Death.
It was created by William Huntington Russell (dope pusher) and Alphonso Taft.  It is based on German fraternity and it's connected to the Freemasonry.  Russell Trust Association (alumni) control all the assets of Skull and Bones. The place they conduct their ceremonies is called the Tomb.  They also own an island.  It's called Deer Island.  Sometimes Bonesmen steal skulls of famous people.  Prescott Bush stole the skull of Geronimo.  If you join this organization your success is almost guaranteed.  They use to Hegelian Dialect to control society. They are trying to create a NWO.  Most Bonesmen are like regular people, but a sacrificant minority is very evil.  They want to stay in power.  They help each other in any way they can.  SB may have a connection to the CIA.  They supported the Nazi and communists.      
An initiation ritual was for men to masturbate in a coffin naked while confessing all their sexual deeds. Someone dresses like the pope and someone else dresses like the devil in this ritual.  They may have stopped doing this.  The symbolism of this fraternity deals a lot with death.
Earl G. Graves, Jr: President of Black Enterprise and ex-basketball player.
William Howard Taft: 27th president of US.
Prescott Bush: Nazi supporter and father of Bush Sr.
George Herbert Walker Jr: Bush Sr.  maternal uncle.  He created and owned the New York Mets.
John M Walker: Bush Sr. maternal uncle.  Fought in WWII, then he got polio.
Johnathan J. Bush: Bush Sr. little brother.
George H.W. Bush (Bush Sr.): Director of the CIA and 41st president of the US.
George W. Bush (Bush Jr.): 43rd president of the US.  The dumbest so far.
George Herbert Walker III: Bush Sr. first cousin.  Ambassador to Hungary.
John Kerry: Senator and distant cousin of Bush Jr.
Stephen A Schwarzman: Helped create Black stone Group.  He is a billionaire.
Christopher Buckley: Novelist.  He wrote speeches for Vice President Bush Sr.
William F. Buckley: Author and ex-CIA agent.
Fergus Buckley: William F. Buckley brother.  Author.
William H. Donaldson: Chairman of US Securities Exchange Commission under Bush Jr.
Winston Lord: President of the Council of Foreign Relations.
Charles Edwin Lord II: Vice-Chairman of Export-Import Bank of the United States under Reagan.
Daniel P. Davison: President of The United States Corporation.
Lyman Spitzer: Theoretical physicist.  A NASA telescope was named after him.
Paul Giamatti: Famous actor.
Austan Goolsby: Chief economist under Obama.
Edward Lampert: Chairman of Sears Holding and much more.
Frederick W. Smith: Founder of FedEx.
There are many other members.
This was an organization, that kept power in a few hands.  Brotherhood of death is very sinister.  I think it's different now because of color and estrogen.  Now it's less evil.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Neoplatonism was created in Kemet.  It was created by Plotinus; he taught what he learned from his teacher. He believed in the philosophy of Plato.  It has many sweet ideas.  Neoplatonists believe everything came from the one.  It had a big impact on Kabbalah, Christianity, and Islam.
Plotinus was taught by Ammonius Saccas.  Ammonius was born in Alexandria.  He may have been Kemetic or Indian. He merged Plato and Aristotle philosophies together.  Gnostics and previous philosophers led the groundwork for Neoplatonism.
One- It the substance from which all things emerge.  It is similar to Nun, Tao, and Ein Sof.  Everything is are emanations from the One.  

Nous- It is the creator of the Oversoul.  It is similar to the concept of divine mind  It is the supreme intelligence.

Oversoul- It is similar to the idea of God.  It is the creator of the universe.  It connects the nous to the world. This is the mother of all souls.

Deities- The gods and goddesses of various religion.

Universe- The realm of experience.  Everything we are familiar with exists here.  It is governed by the oversoul.

Henosis- You become one with the One by living a life of virtue.

Soul- It is composed of 2 parts.  The higher self and lower self.  The higher self is the rational mind.  The lower self is emotions and desires.

Evil- It is the lack of good.  Like darkness is the lack of light.  The farther something is away from the One the more evil it can be.

Enneads- They are teachings of Plotinus.  They were written down by his disciple.  It is 6 books with 9 chapters each.
Ein Sof of the Kabbalah is identical to the One of Neoplatonism.  Emanations are a big deal for Neoplatonism and Kabbalah.  Neoplatonism affected early Christian writers, which had an impact on Christian doctrine.  Clement of Alexandria tried to merge ideas from Neoplatonism with Christianity.  Origen was a disciple of Clement.  He also tried to merge philosophy and religion.  He was a big hit.  He created his own school.  He may have written over 100 books!  St. Augustine was a Neoplatonist after he left Manicheism.  Then he became a believer in Jesus.  He is one the greatest Christian of all time!  He had a big impact on European Christianity.  Al-Farabi is the father of Islamic Neoplatonism.  Other Islamic philosophers contributed to this line of thought.  Ismailism is the most Neoplatonic form of Islam.    
Neoplatonism is a great philosophy.  It has many neat ideas.  It has much to offer.  Check it out.      

Sunday, July 17, 2016


Hoodoo was created by Africans in Mississippi.  They belonged to different tribes, so they mix their beliefs together.  The Ewe and Akan may have been the initiators of the creation of Hoodoo.  They also mixed it with American Herbalism and Protestantism. It was created or recreated in 1800's.
Hoodoo was a religion now it's just a type magic.  It stopped being a religion in 1860's.  Most of the Africans brought to the Americas during the Transatlantic Slave Trade were Niger-Congo people.  They shared a lot of same beliefs, but they also had many different beliefs as well.  It started off as the religion of my ancestors in Mississipi.  Then it became more magical, after that it became commercialized.

Caroline Dye was one of the greatest Hoodooist of all time.  She helped many people.  She was great @ divination.  There was a great rootworker named Dr. Buzzard.  A lot of other root doctors took on his name because he was so amazing!!!!

There were Rootworker in Memphis, TN.  They cured people of diseases but were persecuted by white people.  White people saw it as criminal until they needed help.  They were afraid of it because it was outside of there paradigm.  Today most people that practice Hoodoo are white, or so it seems.
Practitioners of this religion believed in ancestral spirits and the power of nature.  The Bible is a talisman and Moses is the greatest magician.  They believed certain bible verses had power.  The power is released by reading the verse.

They would do the Ring Shout.  It was a common West African practice.  People would sing and dance in a circle.  They took spiritual baths and cleaned a house of negative energy by sweeping and mopping.  There were many other rituals, but it's hard to find information on them, or so it seems.
I love this religion because it was created by ancestors!!!!!!!!!!!  I like the beliefs and rituals.  I like the fact that it is a mixed bag.  It's sweetly simple.  It encouraged my ancestors to endure the hardships of slavery.  It enlivens me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zora Neale Hurston
Katrina Hazzard-Donald

A Secret History of Memphis Hoodoo: Rootworkers, Conjurers & Spirituals

Friday, July 15, 2016

Sitting Bull

The people known as Native American I call American because they been in Americas for over 10,000 years. 

Sitting Bull is the most famous American Chief in the US!  
He fought to keep his land from being taken from settlers and the US government. 
He was a great warrior and shaman.  
Many people looked up to him because of his wisdom. My grandma looks like Sitting Bull.  That's why I became interested in him.   

Early Life
He was born in the 1830's.  
His birth name was Jumping Badger.  
He was a member of the Hunkpapa clan.  
He was nicknamed Slow because he would think b4 he acts.  
He killed a buffalo when he was 10.  When he was 14 he joined a war party.  He was the first to attack a Crow warrior.  His father gave Slow the name Sitting Bull for his bravery and a crown of feathers.  
His father name became Jumping Bull because he gave his Slow his own name.  
Some American people killed white settlers because they moved into their territory.  The US army attacked American villages in retaliation.  Sitting Bull protected those villages after they were attacked.  

A lot of time he would wear a feather on his head like Ma'at.    
Ma’at is a Kemetic deity and concept.  She is justice, balance, truth, righteousness, and order. 

He named his son after Crowfoot because he was inspired by him.  Crowfoot was the leader of the
Blackfoot.  His daughter name was Standing Holy.

Sitting Bull was able to communicate with animals.  A bird told him to play dead when a grizzly bear stood over him.  He did and the bear left him alone.  A woodpecker warned him of a grizzly bear attack.  He killed the bear with his bow and arrow.


Red Cloud and Sitting Bull attacked the US Army because they were on their land.  Some American leaders made treaties with the US government.  Sitting Bull didn't make any treaties.  He wasn't willing to
give up his land.  He later became the King of the Sioux Nation.  The first in history.  

Gold was discovered in the Black Hills.  Many colonists went to the Black Hills for the gold.  Sitting Bull didn't like this because his people lived nearby.  

The government created a reservation for the Sioux.  A reservation is a place the US government set aside for American people to live after their land was stolen.  Any Sioux outside the reservation was considered enemy combatants.  

The buffalo was wiped out by colonists so Plains Americans would starve.   A lot Plains Americans went to reservations because they were hungry.  

Americans that were attacked by the Army went to Sitting Bull camp for protection.
At the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876, the Army was defeated by Plains American warriors.  Sitting Bull had a vision that his warriors would be victorious.  He also thought his people will be punished if they took anything from the dead US soldiers.  His warriors did and the Sioux people went downhill from there.  The US government sent a lot more troops to fight Sitting Bull freedom fighters.   A lot of the freedom fighters surrendered.   Freedom fighters are people fighting to be free.  

Sitting Bull took his tribe to Canada, so they could find food.  
He made peace with Crowfoot in Canada, prior to that, they were enemies because the Blackfoot didn’t get along with the Lakota.  Sitting Bull gave Crowfoot a peace pipe.  

Sitting Bull people were starving there, so they came back to the US and moved to a reservation. 

Late Life
Later in life, he joined a circus, that had performances in the US and Canada.  He met a white woman named Annie Oakley.  
She was a sharpshooter in the circus.  He saw her as his daughter.  He called her Little Sure Shot.

In 1885 he joined a Wild West Show.  He became a celebrity and made good $.  

Sitting Bull joined the Ghost Dance.  The Ghost Dance was a religious movement. People that followed this movement believed that dancing would cause their ancestors and buffalo to live again.  They also believed the colonists would disappear.

Sitting Bull agent was afraid he would leave the reservation with the Ghost Dancers.  The government believed the Ghost Dance movement would lead to war.   
Cops came to arrest him.  Sitting Bull followers tried to stop them.  There was a shootout.  Sitting Bull got shot and died.  The cop that killed him was Lakota.  He predicted years ago he would be killed by someone in his own tribe.

He is my Hero!  I am inspired by his bravery and wisdom.  We can learn much from him.  It's sweet my grandma looks like him.

Who was Sittin Bull by Stephanie Spinner

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Haitian Vodou

Vodou is a religion created in Haiti.  It is a very complex religion.  The word Vodou means spirit.  The creator is called Bondye.  The deities of this religion are called Loa.  Vodou priests are called Houngans and the priestesses are called Mambos.  A Bokor works with the left hand more often.  They help people that seek revenge.  Haitian Vodou is very diverse, it has no pope.  Vodouists believe there are several aspects of personhood.  People like to get possessed by the Loa during their religious ceremonies. They feed the deities by sacrificing animals.  The people that follow this religion want to give back to the community.
Vodou is a mixture of different African Traditional Religions, Taino beliefs, French magic, Freemasonry, and Roman Catholicism.  Different tribes of Africans were brought to Haiti.  The Fon, Ewe, Hausa, Yoruba, Bakongo, Igbo and other tribes.  But most Haitians came from Dahomey.  The people in different tribes combined their beliefs together and called it Vodou.  They came in contact with Tainos and incorporated their beliefs into Vodou. They also incorporated French magic and Freemasonic rituals.  There were indentured servants from various European nations.  Some of their beliefs became a part of Vodou.  Brigette was a Celtic goddess, now she is a Loa.  Once Vodou became outlawed they became Catholic, but they kept believing in Vodou.  When Vodouists were caught praying to Loa, their tongues were cut out.  The French tortured Haitians in many ways.  Duty Bookman told Haitians Yahweh feed on their tears.  Dutty Bookman was a Jamaican man and the spiritual leader of the Haitian Revolution.  He is my hero.  Haitians were able to defeat the French with the aid of the Petro Loa.  The Petro Loa made Haitians warriors incredibly strong.  Once they became free they helped other people get their freedom.  400 Haitians soldiers helped the colonists defeat the British. They also helped people fight the Spanish in South America.

There are 21 nations of Loa.  The most popular nation of Loa is the Rada nation.  They are from Africa and they are very peaceful.  Damballah is the leader of the Rada nation.  He is a giant albino serpent and he's very wise.  He loves goodness and cleanliness.  His wife is Ayida-Weddo.  She is a rainbow serpent.  She represents unity and collective strength.  Papa Legba connects the physical world to the spiritual world.  You have to go through him to get to the other Loa.  Erzulie Freda is the Loa of love. She as 3 husbands, but she's their 2nd fiddle.  One her husbands is Damballah!  The Ghede are the ancestors.  They are ruled by Papa Ghede.  He is similar or the same as Baron Samedi.  Baron Samedi is like Anubis.  He leads people into the afterlife and determines when people die.  You don't die until he digs your grave. Baron Samedi is black, skinny, silly, and wears a suit and top hat.  Flavor Flav seems like his incarnation.  Flav had a white girlfriend named Brigette.  Baron Samedi has a white wife named Brigette.  Ogous comes from the Nago (Yoruba) nation.  They are great warriors and protectors. There many other Loa and nations.

Vodouists believe humans have 5 parts.  The Gros Bon Ange(soul), Ti Bon Age(ego), N'ame(life force), Zetoile(Star of Destiny), and the corpse.  The Gros Bon Ange is the enteral self.  The Ti Bon Age is what we think of as self.  The N'ame is what keeps the body alive.  Zetoile is your reason for being.  The corpse is the physical body.
Vodouists do a lot of singing and dancing, like praise and worship at church.  The practitioners get possessed by Loa.  Ti Bon Age flees the body during a possession.  The Loa speak and dance in the people they possessed.  I dance like I'm possessed by the Loa.  They sacrifice animals to give Loa energy.  The Loa need energy because they are in the bizzness keeping the universe stable.  There is a lot of healing rituals in Vodou. They use herbs to heal.

I love Haitian Vodou!  It helped the Haitians get free.  It so amazingly complex.  I can spend a lifetime learning about it and still wouldn't know all its mysteries.


Wednesday, July 13, 2016


The Kabbalah is Jewish mysticism.  It has been around for over 500 years!  It originated in Kemet. There are 4 worlds in the Kabbalah.  The tree of life has 10 Sephiroth.  They are 10 different principles.  There are at least 5 types of Kabbalah.  It had a big effect on Western magic.  It is a popular system now, because of Hollywood.
Jewish people believe Abraham created the Kabbalah.  The truth is it comes from Kemet.  You will see Kabbalistic ideas in Alexandria during the Ptomly Dynasty.  Sefer Yetzirah is the oldest book of the Kabbalah.  It explains how Abraham received revelation from Yahweh.  Some people think Abraham wrote it.  Sefer Yetzirah is a short book full of coded language.  Rav Shimon Bar Yochai got revelations from Moses and Elijah.  He had his student write down the information he received.  The book he wrote is called the Zohar. The Zohar has a lot of radical ideas.  There a Kabbalahist called Ari, he was amazing!  He would meditate on a verse of the Zohar until he knew its hidden meaning.  His teaching is called Lurianic Kabbalah. Issac Newton and Leibniz studied the Kabbalah and got ideas from it.  A Kabbalahist named Rav Abraham Azuli predicted that Kabbalah will be spread around the world in the year 2000.  Some Kabbalists in the 20th century told gentiles about it.
4 Worlds
The first world is the world of emanation.  This where Ein Sof is.  That's limitless light.  The second world is
the world of creation.  Consciousness originates here.  The third world is the world of formation. Consciousness begins to solidify.  Subtle bodies are being created here.  The final world is the world of action.  It is the physical universe.  The 4 worlds correspond to the 10 Sephiroth.   Adam Kadmon is the perfect man because he is one with Ein Sof.  
The Tree of Life
The tree of life is a map of the soul(God).  It has 10 Sephiroth.  Here's a list below.

1. Keter: This is the unknowable indescribable part of you.  It is unconscious Non-Being.  It is Nun and Wu Chi.

2. Chokhmach: This represents wisdom and corresponds to the right hemisphere of the brain.  It is the creator(man) and yang(masculine energy).

3. Binah: It understanding and receptive.  It is the creatress(woman) and yin(feminine energy).

0. Da'at: It is not sephirot, but a combination of all of them.  It represents intelligence.

4. Chesed (Mercy): It is action, love, and kindness.  It makes you want to embrace the universe and all creation.

5. Geburah (Severity): It represents strength.  It is restrictive like Saturn.

6. Tiferet(Beauty):  It connects the spiritual to the physical.  It is connected to all Sephiroth, expect Malkuth.  It reminds me of Maat because it balances.

7. Netzach: It represents victory.  It gives you the power to be triumphant and overcome all obstacles.

8. Hod: It is perseverance and diversity.  It gives you the energy to keep going.

9.  Yod (Foundation): It is the imagination (pre-manifestation).  It corresponds to the moon and genitals.

10. Malkuth (Kingdom): The physical universe.  Everything we perceive.  It corresponds to the element earth. The Hindus call it maya.  It is what most people call reality.

All of the sephiroth are multidimensional.  They correspond to numbers, Hebrew letters, chakras, planets, etc.

Different kinds of Kabbalah
The most famous Kabbalah is the Jewish one.  That's the one I've been writing about.  The ones that follow are based on this one.  The Christian Cabala has a tree of life too.  The left side is Lucifer, which is completely spiritual.  The right side is Satan, which is completely physical.  The middle is Christ, that's where you want to be.  Christ is both physical and spiritual.  The Hermetic Qabbalah was created by European magicians.  It is used for magic.  There is at least 2 modern day Kemetic Kabbalahs.  Its trees of life sephiroth are composed of neteru and concpects.  They are easiest for me to understand and they are my favorite.  I think they were created by Muata Ashby and Ra Un Nefer Amen.  They are both great authors. One of them a yogi and the other created his own religion, sort of.
Kabbalah is a wonderful system created by Kemetians and popularized by Jews.  I like it spin offs.  It has much to teach.  It maybe able to help us have hotep.  


Monday, July 11, 2016

Chinese Astrology

The Chinese zodiac has 12 signs.  Each sign is for a whole year.  They use a lunar calendar.  Each sign has different traits.  This zodiac is over 2,000 years old!!!!!!!!!  The Chinese new year is in February.  The 5 elements are part of the zodiac.  The elements are fire, wood, earth, metal, and water.  Each element has a certain degree of yin or yang.  All the signs have lucky numbers, colors, and months.  Certain signs are compatible with each other.        
Rat: They are a jack of all trades.  They have a big imagination and very observant.  Rats aren't so courageous and they aren't the best leaders.  They are night owls.  They like to hang out with friends, but they hate to commit to one person.  They rather be free like a rat.   

Ox: They are like Taurus.  They are faithful in romantic relationships and they are loners.  They like to work with their hands.  

Tiger: They are great with people.  They make great entertainers, warriors, and leaders.  Their emotions are very volatile.  

Rabbit: This is my sign.  I'm Bugs Bunny and/or Roger Rabbit.  Rabbits make good teachers and they are somewhat like Pisces.  They are very persistent, so they always succeed.  They are funny and altruistic.     

Dragon: It is the most powerful sign.  They are very aggressive and intelligent.  They are natural born leaders. 

Serpents: They are the most intuitive.  They are very intelligent and they love to be alone.  They are very mystical.  They are green eyed monsters.  

Horse: They are the most energetic sign.  They're extroverts that love to be the center of attention.   

Goats: They are very kind and like to be in crowds, but unlike horses, they don't want to be the center of attention.  They are private and don't like to talk about their personal lives.            

Monkey: 2016 is the year of the Monkey.  They like to do pranks and are city dwellers.  They are very promiscuous and they are committed to the one they love.  They are great workers. 

Rooster: They are confident extroverts.  They want to be the center of attention like horses.  They are very versatile like the rat.  They are very honest and arrogant.

Dog: They are very loyal and find it hard to communicate.  They want to help people.  They like sports and they are good at law enforcement careers.  

Pigs: They are very caring.  They value commitment and are sexual.  They lack communication skills.  They are very creative like the rat.        

Friday, July 8, 2016


Epicurus was a Greek philosopher that studied happiness.  He discovered happiness comes from friendships, meaningful employment, and philosophizing.  There were Epicurean communities from Spain to Palestine. Sociologists discovered similar causes of happiness millennia later.    Karl Marx studied Epicurus in college. He thought communism would lead to happiness.
Epicurus lived from 341-270 BCE.  He lived in Athens with his family.  Athenian people looked down on his family because they were foreigners.  Greece at this time became an empire.  It was ruled by one of Alexander's generals.  He went to various schools and learned philosophy.  He was persecuted for teaching his philosophy at a gymnasium.  He went to Western Turkey (Ionia) and created his on philosophy school. He had several disciples in Ionia.  When Athens was ruled by a different government Epicurus came back.  He founded a school there.  He allowed women and slaves to attend his school.  He wrote more books than any other Greek philosopher.  Epicureanism became popular in the Hellenistic world and Rome.
Breakdown of Epicurus philosophy
Epicurus believed in atoms.  Spending time with friends often will lead to greater amount of happiness. When you do a job that is meaningful to the community you will be happy.  Intellectualizing leads to the great amount of happiness.  He discovered pleasure is the absence of physical pain negative emotions.  People should do what pleasurable to them, but don't overindulge.  He didn't believe in destiny.  He believed truth can be discovered 3 ways; sense, emotion, and intuition.  He told people not to harm each other.  
Epicurean Communities
There were at least 4,000 people living in these communities.  I see them as ancient hippies.  These communities were taken over by Christians and became monasteries 500 years later.  The Christians copied some of their ideas.    

Sociological Happiness
Having positive interpersonal relationships leads to the greatest amount of happiness.  Epicurus promoted friendships, but romantic relationships.  Money as little effect on happiness.  Epicurus knew happiness can't be bought.  When you help someone your brain emits chemicals that make you feel better.  Epicurus promoted the idea people should do something meaningful in society.
Epicurus influence on Karl Marx
Karl Marx wanted to create a political and economic system that was beneficial to all.  His study of Epicurus helped him come up with Communism.  He thought if everyone has the same socioeconomic status and shared everything they would be happy.  This is what people did Epicurean communities.

Epicurus maybe one of the greatest Greek philosophers.  He had a big impact on people around the world. He just wanted people to be happy.  More people should study happiness.    

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Chronology of India

0.  People have lived in India for over 40,000!  People moved to India around 14,000 years after the Toba super-eruption.  The first people to go to India were pygmies.  Their descendants are called Adivasi.   They may have worshiped the god Hanuman.  They believe everything has a spirit.  Some of them are monotheists. They had a big influence on Hinduism.  They are very peaceful.  The Indian government kicked them out of the forest.  The Adivasi government oppresses the people.  The Jarawa tribe live off the coast of India.  They are very melaninated because they are from Africa.  There were many tribes like them that lived off the coast of India.  Those other tribes died out because they came in contact with Europeans.  The Jarawa are related to the first Indians.

1.  As different peoples migrated to India the original inhabitants got displaced.  The second group of people to move to India were the Australian (aboriginal) people.  Australians used to be more widespread in Southeast Asia.  A lot of them mixed with Dravidian people.
2.  The Dravidian was the 3rd or 4th group of people to come to India.  They created the Indus Valley Civilization and yoga.  They worshiped Shiva in the form of a phallus.  I think they came from the Middle East.   Most Dravidians live in Southern India; they use to be all over India.  They contributed a lot to Hinduism.  They may be related to the Elamites.  They are African and/or Asian.   More people may have lived in IVC than Egypt and Sumeria combined!  Dravidians were very urban like Detroit.  There may have been Semites living in IVC.
3.  Asian people migrated to India long ago.  Naga is a famous Asian tribe in India.  They look like Chinese and Siberian people mixed together.  Buddha may have been a member of the Naga tribe.  I read he was Asian.  The Naga have their own state in India called Nagaland.  Legend has it they come from a woman and a serpent.  In Hindu mythology, Nagas are shape-shifting reptiods.
4.  Around 1500 BCE the Aryans took over.  They were Caucasian tribes from Central Asia.  Some of them went west and became Persians.  They were nomadic and warlike.  They conquered Northern India and killed a lot of Dravidians and they fought each other.  A lot of the Aryan men married Dravidian women.   They invented or manipulated the caste system (division of labor).  People in the higher caste see themselves as superior to people in a lower caste.  The Aryan put the Dravidians on the bottom caste.  The Dravidians that fought the Aryans became the Untouchable.  Aryans genocided a lot of people.  They are the most powerful Indians.  People of different ethnic groups and races breed a lot in India; until the caste system became strict 2,000 years ago.  Their religion was Brahmanism, which is the father of Hinduism.

5.  It was during the Vedic age the Vedas were written.  The Vedas are the bible of Hinduism.  The Upanishads were written later.  The Upanishads were very philosophical, while the Vedas are more religious.  Farming and herding were the modes of production during this period.  After this period people became very urbanized.  Sanskrit was the language of the Aryans.  Hindi is a derivative of it.                                                                               
6.  Magadha kingdom started 600 BCE.  This kingdom later became an empire.  Buddha came from this kingdom.  He saw suffering and death outside his kingdom; because of that, he became a spiritual seeker.  He learned a lot from Yogis, Brahmins, and people of other religions.  Buddhism was the reformation of Brahmanism.  There was a Buddhist university called Nalanda.  Tibetan Buddism was created there.

7.  Western India was taken over by the Persians in the 6th century.  Centuries later it was conquered by the Greeks.  Greek culture influenced Indian art.  There is a tribe in Pakistan that descended from Greek soldiers.
8.  Maurya Empire took over most of India around 272 BCE.  There was a king named Ashoka the Great.  He promoted Buddhism.  He sent Buddhist missionaries to the Middle East and surrounding areas.  This empire produced steel and traded it with China and Arabia.
9.  In Southern India, there were several Tamil kingdoms.  These kingdoms lasted for a very long time.  They had their own solar calendar.  A lot of poetry was written in these kingdoms.  The Tamil religion was nature based and priestesses would get possessed by deities. They also worshiped stones. They are now Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, and Christians.
10.  There were many other empires.  Some promoted Hinduism, others Buddhism.  One of them promoted Jainism.  India traded with Egypt and it was a part of the silk road.  India had a golden age during the Gupta Empire(before 200 CE).  The numbers we use today was invented in India during this period.  A lot was learned during this period.  Modern-day Hindu culture was created at this time.

11.  Muslims took over India 1206 CE.  They ruled for over 300 years.  They suppressed other religions.  Muslims may have destroyed Nalanda or contributed to its destruction.  Muslims brought enslaved Africans to India.  They later became people of high status even rulers!  They came from the Horn of Africa.  The caste system was deemphasized in Muslim society.  After the Muslim empires fell, smaller kingdoms were created.
12.  There was a Sikh Empire that lasted for 50 years.  It started in 1799 CE.  The empire was destroyed by the British.  Sikhism is a religion that is a mixture of Hinduism and Islam.  Sikhs believe in one God and promote goodness.  Sikhism was started in the 1400's.
13.  India was picked apart by European nations.  Then Britain took over all of India.  They created Pakistan and Bangladesh.  Gandhi helped India free itself of Britain once and for all.
14.  India will soon have the biggest population.  It will also have the most Muslims.  The caste system is non-existent in cities but it is very important in rural areas.  India is a great country.  All of the major races are in India.  It is the most diverse place outside of Africa.  There has been much culture diffusion there.  India has a lot to teach us all.
Ancient Indians
Jarawa Tribe
Aryan Invasion Bible
Pretty African Lady in India
Indus Valley Civilization
African Indians
Dravidians are African
Info on Rigveda
Hot Bed of Info