

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Chronology of India

0.  People have lived in India for over 40,000!  People moved to India around 14,000 years after the Toba super-eruption.  The first people to go to India were pygmies.  Their descendants are called Adivasi.   They may have worshiped the god Hanuman.  They believe everything has a spirit.  Some of them are monotheists. They had a big influence on Hinduism.  They are very peaceful.  The Indian government kicked them out of the forest.  The Adivasi government oppresses the people.  The Jarawa tribe live off the coast of India.  They are very melaninated because they are from Africa.  There were many tribes like them that lived off the coast of India.  Those other tribes died out because they came in contact with Europeans.  The Jarawa are related to the first Indians.

1.  As different peoples migrated to India the original inhabitants got displaced.  The second group of people to move to India were the Australian (aboriginal) people.  Australians used to be more widespread in Southeast Asia.  A lot of them mixed with Dravidian people.
2.  The Dravidian was the 3rd or 4th group of people to come to India.  They created the Indus Valley Civilization and yoga.  They worshiped Shiva in the form of a phallus.  I think they came from the Middle East.   Most Dravidians live in Southern India; they use to be all over India.  They contributed a lot to Hinduism.  They may be related to the Elamites.  They are African and/or Asian.   More people may have lived in IVC than Egypt and Sumeria combined!  Dravidians were very urban like Detroit.  There may have been Semites living in IVC.
3.  Asian people migrated to India long ago.  Naga is a famous Asian tribe in India.  They look like Chinese and Siberian people mixed together.  Buddha may have been a member of the Naga tribe.  I read he was Asian.  The Naga have their own state in India called Nagaland.  Legend has it they come from a woman and a serpent.  In Hindu mythology, Nagas are shape-shifting reptiods.
4.  Around 1500 BCE the Aryans took over.  They were Caucasian tribes from Central Asia.  Some of them went west and became Persians.  They were nomadic and warlike.  They conquered Northern India and killed a lot of Dravidians and they fought each other.  A lot of the Aryan men married Dravidian women.   They invented or manipulated the caste system (division of labor).  People in the higher caste see themselves as superior to people in a lower caste.  The Aryan put the Dravidians on the bottom caste.  The Dravidians that fought the Aryans became the Untouchable.  Aryans genocided a lot of people.  They are the most powerful Indians.  People of different ethnic groups and races breed a lot in India; until the caste system became strict 2,000 years ago.  Their religion was Brahmanism, which is the father of Hinduism.

5.  It was during the Vedic age the Vedas were written.  The Vedas are the bible of Hinduism.  The Upanishads were written later.  The Upanishads were very philosophical, while the Vedas are more religious.  Farming and herding were the modes of production during this period.  After this period people became very urbanized.  Sanskrit was the language of the Aryans.  Hindi is a derivative of it.                                                                               
6.  Magadha kingdom started 600 BCE.  This kingdom later became an empire.  Buddha came from this kingdom.  He saw suffering and death outside his kingdom; because of that, he became a spiritual seeker.  He learned a lot from Yogis, Brahmins, and people of other religions.  Buddhism was the reformation of Brahmanism.  There was a Buddhist university called Nalanda.  Tibetan Buddism was created there.

7.  Western India was taken over by the Persians in the 6th century.  Centuries later it was conquered by the Greeks.  Greek culture influenced Indian art.  There is a tribe in Pakistan that descended from Greek soldiers.
8.  Maurya Empire took over most of India around 272 BCE.  There was a king named Ashoka the Great.  He promoted Buddhism.  He sent Buddhist missionaries to the Middle East and surrounding areas.  This empire produced steel and traded it with China and Arabia.
9.  In Southern India, there were several Tamil kingdoms.  These kingdoms lasted for a very long time.  They had their own solar calendar.  A lot of poetry was written in these kingdoms.  The Tamil religion was nature based and priestesses would get possessed by deities. They also worshiped stones. They are now Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, and Christians.
10.  There were many other empires.  Some promoted Hinduism, others Buddhism.  One of them promoted Jainism.  India traded with Egypt and it was a part of the silk road.  India had a golden age during the Gupta Empire(before 200 CE).  The numbers we use today was invented in India during this period.  A lot was learned during this period.  Modern-day Hindu culture was created at this time.

11.  Muslims took over India 1206 CE.  They ruled for over 300 years.  They suppressed other religions.  Muslims may have destroyed Nalanda or contributed to its destruction.  Muslims brought enslaved Africans to India.  They later became people of high status even rulers!  They came from the Horn of Africa.  The caste system was deemphasized in Muslim society.  After the Muslim empires fell, smaller kingdoms were created.
12.  There was a Sikh Empire that lasted for 50 years.  It started in 1799 CE.  The empire was destroyed by the British.  Sikhism is a religion that is a mixture of Hinduism and Islam.  Sikhs believe in one God and promote goodness.  Sikhism was started in the 1400's.
13.  India was picked apart by European nations.  Then Britain took over all of India.  They created Pakistan and Bangladesh.  Gandhi helped India free itself of Britain once and for all.
14.  India will soon have the biggest population.  It will also have the most Muslims.  The caste system is non-existent in cities but it is very important in rural areas.  India is a great country.  All of the major races are in India.  It is the most diverse place outside of Africa.  There has been much culture diffusion there.  India has a lot to teach us all.
Ancient Indians
Jarawa Tribe
Aryan Invasion Bible
Pretty African Lady in India
Indus Valley Civilization
African Indians
Dravidians are African
Info on Rigveda
Hot Bed of Info

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