

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Neoplatonism was created in Kemet.  It was created by Plotinus; he taught what he learned from his teacher. He believed in the philosophy of Plato.  It has many sweet ideas.  Neoplatonists believe everything came from the one.  It had a big impact on Kabbalah, Christianity, and Islam.
Plotinus was taught by Ammonius Saccas.  Ammonius was born in Alexandria.  He may have been Kemetic or Indian. He merged Plato and Aristotle philosophies together.  Gnostics and previous philosophers led the groundwork for Neoplatonism.
One- It the substance from which all things emerge.  It is similar to Nun, Tao, and Ein Sof.  Everything is are emanations from the One.  

Nous- It is the creator of the Oversoul.  It is similar to the concept of divine mind  It is the supreme intelligence.

Oversoul- It is similar to the idea of God.  It is the creator of the universe.  It connects the nous to the world. This is the mother of all souls.

Deities- The gods and goddesses of various religion.

Universe- The realm of experience.  Everything we are familiar with exists here.  It is governed by the oversoul.

Henosis- You become one with the One by living a life of virtue.

Soul- It is composed of 2 parts.  The higher self and lower self.  The higher self is the rational mind.  The lower self is emotions and desires.

Evil- It is the lack of good.  Like darkness is the lack of light.  The farther something is away from the One the more evil it can be.

Enneads- They are teachings of Plotinus.  They were written down by his disciple.  It is 6 books with 9 chapters each.
Ein Sof of the Kabbalah is identical to the One of Neoplatonism.  Emanations are a big deal for Neoplatonism and Kabbalah.  Neoplatonism affected early Christian writers, which had an impact on Christian doctrine.  Clement of Alexandria tried to merge ideas from Neoplatonism with Christianity.  Origen was a disciple of Clement.  He also tried to merge philosophy and religion.  He was a big hit.  He created his own school.  He may have written over 100 books!  St. Augustine was a Neoplatonist after he left Manicheism.  Then he became a believer in Jesus.  He is one the greatest Christian of all time!  He had a big impact on European Christianity.  Al-Farabi is the father of Islamic Neoplatonism.  Other Islamic philosophers contributed to this line of thought.  Ismailism is the most Neoplatonic form of Islam.    
Neoplatonism is a great philosophy.  It has many neat ideas.  It has much to offer.  Check it out.      

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