

Monday, July 11, 2016

Chinese Astrology

The Chinese zodiac has 12 signs.  Each sign is for a whole year.  They use a lunar calendar.  Each sign has different traits.  This zodiac is over 2,000 years old!!!!!!!!!  The Chinese new year is in February.  The 5 elements are part of the zodiac.  The elements are fire, wood, earth, metal, and water.  Each element has a certain degree of yin or yang.  All the signs have lucky numbers, colors, and months.  Certain signs are compatible with each other.        
Rat: They are a jack of all trades.  They have a big imagination and very observant.  Rats aren't so courageous and they aren't the best leaders.  They are night owls.  They like to hang out with friends, but they hate to commit to one person.  They rather be free like a rat.   

Ox: They are like Taurus.  They are faithful in romantic relationships and they are loners.  They like to work with their hands.  

Tiger: They are great with people.  They make great entertainers, warriors, and leaders.  Their emotions are very volatile.  

Rabbit: This is my sign.  I'm Bugs Bunny and/or Roger Rabbit.  Rabbits make good teachers and they are somewhat like Pisces.  They are very persistent, so they always succeed.  They are funny and altruistic.     

Dragon: It is the most powerful sign.  They are very aggressive and intelligent.  They are natural born leaders. 

Serpents: They are the most intuitive.  They are very intelligent and they love to be alone.  They are very mystical.  They are green eyed monsters.  

Horse: They are the most energetic sign.  They're extroverts that love to be the center of attention.   

Goats: They are very kind and like to be in crowds, but unlike horses, they don't want to be the center of attention.  They are private and don't like to talk about their personal lives.            

Monkey: 2016 is the year of the Monkey.  They like to do pranks and are city dwellers.  They are very promiscuous and they are committed to the one they love.  They are great workers. 

Rooster: They are confident extroverts.  They want to be the center of attention like horses.  They are very versatile like the rat.  They are very honest and arrogant.

Dog: They are very loyal and find it hard to communicate.  They want to help people.  They like sports and they are good at law enforcement careers.  

Pigs: They are very caring.  They value commitment and are sexual.  They lack communication skills.  They are very creative like the rat.        

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