

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones was a secret society for rich white heterosexual men.  People of different genders, races, and sexual preferences can join now.  The members of this society run corporations and politics in the US. The idea is to get the rulers of this nation on the same page to promote the same agenda.  They have a bunch of crazy rituals.  The members of this society are called Bonesmen.  A lot of the Bonesmen are or were famous.  This fraternity is known as the Brotherhood of Death.
It was created by William Huntington Russell (dope pusher) and Alphonso Taft.  It is based on German fraternity and it's connected to the Freemasonry.  Russell Trust Association (alumni) control all the assets of Skull and Bones. The place they conduct their ceremonies is called the Tomb.  They also own an island.  It's called Deer Island.  Sometimes Bonesmen steal skulls of famous people.  Prescott Bush stole the skull of Geronimo.  If you join this organization your success is almost guaranteed.  They use to Hegelian Dialect to control society. They are trying to create a NWO.  Most Bonesmen are like regular people, but a sacrificant minority is very evil.  They want to stay in power.  They help each other in any way they can.  SB may have a connection to the CIA.  They supported the Nazi and communists.      
An initiation ritual was for men to masturbate in a coffin naked while confessing all their sexual deeds. Someone dresses like the pope and someone else dresses like the devil in this ritual.  They may have stopped doing this.  The symbolism of this fraternity deals a lot with death.
Earl G. Graves, Jr: President of Black Enterprise and ex-basketball player.
William Howard Taft: 27th president of US.
Prescott Bush: Nazi supporter and father of Bush Sr.
George Herbert Walker Jr: Bush Sr.  maternal uncle.  He created and owned the New York Mets.
John M Walker: Bush Sr. maternal uncle.  Fought in WWII, then he got polio.
Johnathan J. Bush: Bush Sr. little brother.
George H.W. Bush (Bush Sr.): Director of the CIA and 41st president of the US.
George W. Bush (Bush Jr.): 43rd president of the US.  The dumbest so far.
George Herbert Walker III: Bush Sr. first cousin.  Ambassador to Hungary.
John Kerry: Senator and distant cousin of Bush Jr.
Stephen A Schwarzman: Helped create Black stone Group.  He is a billionaire.
Christopher Buckley: Novelist.  He wrote speeches for Vice President Bush Sr.
William F. Buckley: Author and ex-CIA agent.
Fergus Buckley: William F. Buckley brother.  Author.
William H. Donaldson: Chairman of US Securities Exchange Commission under Bush Jr.
Winston Lord: President of the Council of Foreign Relations.
Charles Edwin Lord II: Vice-Chairman of Export-Import Bank of the United States under Reagan.
Daniel P. Davison: President of The United States Corporation.
Lyman Spitzer: Theoretical physicist.  A NASA telescope was named after him.
Paul Giamatti: Famous actor.
Austan Goolsby: Chief economist under Obama.
Edward Lampert: Chairman of Sears Holding and much more.
Frederick W. Smith: Founder of FedEx.
There are many other members.
This was an organization, that kept power in a few hands.  Brotherhood of death is very sinister.  I think it's different now because of color and estrogen.  Now it's less evil.

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