
Thursday, September 8, 2016


Parapsychology main focuses are the paranormal and extrasensory perception.  The paranormal consists of ghosts, aliens, and cryptology.  Extrasensory perception is having the ability to perceive things that most people can't see.  It is studied for a while, by many people.  Telepathy, clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, precognition, and retrocognition. makeup extrasensory perception.  There may be other aspects as well.
Ghosts: These are corrupted etheric bodies.  Etheric bodies keep the physical bodies alive.  When the etheric body leaves the physical body permanently death occurs.  Ghosts feed off emotions and thoughts. They are mortal.  They cess to exist when they no longer feed.  A violent death may cause an etheric body to become a ghost.  There have been many shows of ghost hunters.  People shouldn't go looking for ghost unless they are going to make they go away.  
Aliens: They are beings from other planets.  They are highly intelligent.  Aliens gave humans great knowledge in the past.  They have always had an influence on humans.  Some aliens want to help humans others want to hurt humans.  Some aliens see humans as food, animals, and/or royalty.  Some of the gods worshiped in the past were based on aliens.  There are many different species of aliens.
The most popular are the Grays, Reptoids, Nordics, and MIB.  Grays and Reptoids tend to evil.  The most popular Grays are mutated humans from a probable future.  They went back in time to mix their DNA with ours because they are dying out.  They are highly intelligent but emotionless.  Reptoids are reptilian humanoids.  They caused humans to fall from grace.  B4 they came to earth, humans lived in peace.  Nordics may be good or evil. Africans called Nordics Mazungu.  They came in connect with them centuries ago. Africans thought Europeans were Mazungu because they looked like them.  The Men in Black selected African kings.  MIB discourage people from talking about their experiences with ets or ufos.  North Americans call aliens, star nations.  South Americans call aliens, star brothers.  Some people say humans have alien DNA.

Cryptozoology: It is the study of strange animals.  Cryptozoologists study animals such as bigfoot, loch ness monster, mermaids, chupacabra, etc.  Big Foot is a giant ape and it's half human.  The Loch Ness Monster is a dinosaur.  Mermaids are human looking animals that live in the sea.  Chupacabra is a creature that may have been created by US scientists.  It may have escaped its prison.
Extrasensory Perception
It has been around for as long as humans been on earth.  Other animals have extrasensory perception too. It was more popular in the past for humans.  Pollution, vaccinations, and culture lessen our extrasensory perception.  Some people have greater access to extrasensory perception than others.  This is largely because of culture and not receiving vaccinations.
Clairvoyance: This is the ability to see in the astral realm (spirit world).

Clairaudience: Being able to hear spirits.

Clairsentience: Being able to feel spirits.

Telepathy: Communicating with your mind.

Precognition: Predicting the future.

Retrocognition: Psychically knowing events in the past.    

These are the most important extrasensory perception.  There are other senses as well.

The budding parapsychology started in 1853.  A parapsychology research institute was opened in London in 1877.  A lot of paranormal topics was studied there.  Stanford University created an institution to study psychic powers in 1911.  The researchers used special cards to see if people were psychic.  Other universities studied psychic powers as well.  Parapsychological Association was created 1967.  They further the study of parapsychology.  Stargate Project was created by the US army in 1978.  They spied on Russia through remote viewing.  The CIA took over the Stargate Project and cancelled it.  Remote Viewing is seeing locations and/or times in the mind's eye.  An example is seeing Pluto in your mind, while you are in Detroit.
Parapsychology is amazing!  I love the complexity.  It is not considered a science because scientists are scared of its finding.  You should learn more about it.

Intro to Parapsychology
Future of Parapsychology
Ghostbusters Card Trick
Statistics of Parapsychology 

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