Numerology is the study of how numbers affect our lives. Each number has a meaning and corresponds to Astrology and the Tarot. Numerology has been around for millennia. It is very accurate! Life path, birthday number, expression, soul urge, and personality number are the most important numbers for every person. There are different types of numerology.
1-Pros: masculine, etc. Cons: stubborn, etc.
2-Pros: feminine, mediators, etc. Cons: lazy, oversensitive, etc.
3-Pros: communicative, inspiring, creative, etc. Cons: intolerant, hypocritical, impatient, etc.
4-Pros: strong, honest, concrete, hard-working, etc. Cons: boring, vulgar, crude, emotionless, etc.
5-Pros: versatile, daring, freedom loving, sensual, social, etc.
Cons: chaotic, irresponsible, self-indulgent, sexual deviancy, drug abuse, etc.
6-Pros: protective, loving, responsible, loyal, compassionate, idealistic, etc.
Cons: anxious, paranoid, jealous, worrisome, mood swing, cynical, etc.
7-Pros: lucky, spiritual, intelligent, serious, focused, introspective, refined, etc.
Cons: aloof, cowardly, distant, sarcastic, melancholic, socially awkward, gossip, etc.
8-Pros: business-minded, detached, controlling, balanced, successful, realistic, capable, efficient, etc.
Cons: cruel, insensitive, violent, greedy, superiority complex, tactless, sneering, condescending, etc.
9-Pros: helpful, proud, self-sufficient, romantic, sophisticated, self-sacrificing, humanitarian, cooperative, charitable, etc.
Cons: egocentric, arrogant, discontent, fickle, self-pitying, mentally unstable, distracted, lethargic, lack purpose, etc.
Numerology started in Kemet. Numbers had great significance there. They knew about the right triangle. It was later in Babylonia. They had a lot of meaningful double-digit numbers.
Pythagoras created modern-day Western numerology because he learned numerology in Kemet and Babylonia. He believed numbers explained everything. He thought the universe was mathematical. In his system odd numbers are masculine and even numbers are feminine. 888 represents the higher mind and 666 represents the human mind.
Life Path #: It is the sum of all the numbers of your birthday. It tells you what traits you have and the best career 4 you.
Expression #: It is the sum of the letters of your full birth name. It has a similar meaning to the other 2.
Chinese: Elements are associated with certain numbers. The numbers are connected to sounds. 6 is a lucky number, because it sounds like the word for wealth. 666 means triple lucky! There are other lucky numbers too. Some numbers are unlucky.
Numerology is so cool! It can tell you a lot about yourself. Numbers are so meaningful. Numerology has been around along time and it's so diverse. There are 5 very important numbers everyone should know.
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