
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Chronology of Israel

0. Isreali archeologists discovered 400,000-year-old human fossils.  The land known today as Israel was called Canaan in ancient times.  The people that lived there was called the Canaanites.  Jericho has been inhabited for over 10,000 years.  It is one of the oldest cities in the world!  Ancient Canaan consisted of modern day Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Israel.    

1. Most Canaanites in ancient times were Semites.  Semites were originally African, but over time they became more Caucasian.  Semites are people whose first language is Semitic.  Arabs, the biggest minority in Ethiopia, Jewish, Lebanese, and Syrian people are Semitic.  Semites created a proto-alphabet when they were working for the Khemetians.  The proto-alphabet is based on the hieroglyphics.  The Phoenician alphabet is the descendant of the proto-alphabet.  This was the first alphabet.  Hebrew and Greek written languages come from the Phoenician alphabet.
2.  There was a Kemetic colony in Southern Canaan 3500 BCE.  The Kemetians and the Canaanites were great friends.  They traded a little.  The Sea People invaded Canaan during the bronze age collapse and they destroyed the Hittite Empire (Turkey).  The Philistines lived in the Greek Isles, they were part of the Sea people. They attacked the Kemetians, then they settled in Canaan.  They had a Minoan language.

3. Phoenicians (purple people) lived on the coast of Canaan.  They did a lot of sea trade. They have gone to the Americas!  The Phoenicians lived in several city-states.  Byblos exported cedar wood and papyrus. Papyruses were used for paper.  The Greek word for book comes from Byblos.  People have lived in Byblos for over 7,000 years.  Tyre manufactured a purple dye and Europa and Queen Dido came from that city.  Europe is named after Europa.  She was the first queen of Crete and she had 3 sons by Zeus.  Queen Dido founded Carthage.  Sidon was the greatest city-state of the Phoenicians.  They were excellent at making glass.  Artifacts from Sidon have been in Kemet, Mesopotamia, Rome, and the British Isles.  People from this city helped Kemetians with glass making.      
4. Amorites were a Caucasian tribe that conquered Babylonia; they also lived in Canaan.  They were later displaced or absorbed by Aramaeans.  Aramaic became popular in the Middle East because it became the language of the Assyrian Empire.  The Aramaic script influenced the Hebrew script.  Canaan was part of Kemetic empire during certain centuries.  Sometimes Canaanites would go to Kemet to eat because it had a lot of food.  There were Canaanite kings that ruled parts of Lower Egypt.              
5. Canaanites were polytheistic and they believed in the afterlife.  Their top god was El.  He was known as the father of the clan.  He had a wife named Astarte.  Yahweh incorporated the traits of El. Leviathan comes from Lotan the sea serpent.  Lucifer is based on Attar because he is the morning star (Venus).  A lot of biblical stuff came from Canaan.
6. Hebrews were originally a Kemetic tribe that immigrated to Canaan.  They mixed with a lot of different people and became less Kemetic.  Africans Who Wrote the Bible explained this in great detail.  Greek historian Diodorus said they got circumcision from the Kemetians.  It is hard to separate fact from fiction in the bible because it is full of both.  There were 2 Hebrew kingdoms in Canaan.  The northern kingdom was called Israel and the southern kingdom was called Judea.  Israel was conquered by Babylonia.  The Hebrews were forced to leave Israel.  This is how 10 tribes got lost.
7. Babylonia had a big influence on Northern Canaan.  Kemet had a big influence on Southern Canaan. Israel used to be called Palestine.  The Romans named it that after the Palestinians.  At different times Canaan was ruled by Kemet, Assyria, Babylonia, Greeks, Rome, Turkey, and Zionists.          

8. The Greeks tookover Canaan during Alexander conquest.  Israel became a part of the Seleucid Empire. The Greeks put a statue of Zeus in a Jewish temple.  Jews (Judeans) got upset and fought the Greeks.
9. The Romans tookover Judea after the Greeks.  The Jews didn't like being ruled by Romans.  There was a Jewish cult called Zealots.  They fought the Romans and later committed mass suicide.   There were 3 other cults.  The Sadducees did religious services for rich people.  The Essences were hippies.  They started in Kemet, they were called Physicians of the Soul. They were influenced by Buddhists and Pythagoreans.  The Pharisees did religious services for the common people.  People had to pay to get into the temple.  Jesus went against this, that's why he was crucified.  Rabbinic Judaism comes from the Pharisees.  The Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 CE.  There were several revolts after this.  Jews spread to various areas after the revolts.  It is called Jewish Diaspora.  Judaism is Saturn worship.
10. Byzantine tookover this region after the Romans.  The Persians conquered Palestine with the help of Jews.  Then the Jews helped Byzantine defeat the Persians.  Byzantine told the Jews they would be given rights for helping them; but once Byzantine tookover they persecuted the Jews.
11. Arabs conquered Palestine after they became Islamic.  They ruled Palestine for over 400 years!  Islam later became the religion of Palestine.  Jewish scribes created the final version of the bible during this period.

12.  The Crusades started in 1099.  A Catholic kingdom was created in Jerusalem.  Christians killed many Jews and Muslims at this time.  Some Jews and Muslims were sold in slavery.  Muslims retook Jerusalem in 1187.  The Mongols and the Mamluks (Turkish rulers of Egypt) fought each other in Palestine.  The Mongols were allied to the Christian invaders.  The Mamluks defeated the Mongols in 1291, then they kicked the Crusaders out.
13. The Mamluks became the new rulers of Palestine.  They mistreated the Jews.  Jews were also mistreated by Christians in Europe.  There was a lot of Jewish hatred in Europe at this time.  After Christians tookover Iberia they kicked Jews out unless they converted to Christianity.  A lot of Sephardic Jews moved to Central and South America.  They also moved to North Africa., Poland, and Ottoman Empire.
14. The Ottomans tookover Palestine in 1517.  Jews immigrated to Palestine when they were persecuted in other countries.  Most of them lived in Jerusalem, Hebron, Tiberias, and Safed.  The Kabbalah was studied in Safed.  2 Jewish cities were destroyed when the Druzes revolted against Ottoman rule.  Sabbatai Zevi went to Jerusalem and said he was the Messiah.  A lot of people believed him.  He went to Istanbul and became a Muslim, but he secretly remained a Jew.  He only became a Muslim so he wouldn't be put in prison.  Napoleon conquered Palestine and he was going to allow the Jews have their own country, but he lost a battle.

15. The British tookover Palestine after WWI.  They created the Balfour Declaration, which allowed a lot of European Jews to move to Palestine.  Zionists were in cahoots with Nazis during WWII.   Religious Jews were sacrificed for the State of Israel.  Holocaust means burnt offering.  After WWII a lot more European Jews moved to Palestine.  The Zionists fought the British in Palestine, so they could get the land.
16. The Zionists became the rulers of Palestine in 1948.  They terrorized the Palestinians and stole their villages.  Then they pretended to be Arabs and attacked Middle Eastern Jews.  In response to that, Middle Eastern Jews left Muslim countries because they thought Arabs were attacking them.  When they came to Israel they were mistreated.  Decades later Ethiopian Jews were brought to Israel.  They were also mistreated.  No ethnic groups should ever be mistreated.  All human life is valuable.  Check out Jews against Zionists and Jews against circumcision.            
Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times Donald B Redford
Original Canaanites
Beautiful Blackness of the Holy Land
Origins of Judaism
Yahweh is El

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