

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Animal Abuse

Animals are catching Hell on farms.  Cows, chickens, and pigs are people and they shouldn't be abused.  If dogs were abused people would be outraged.  Don't be a speciesist!!!!!!!  Invertebrates aren't even animals by law in the U.S., so they can experiment on them.  What has happened to horseshoe crabs is sinister.  Animals are people and they should be treated with the same respect as humans.  This abuse I writing abuse is in the U.S.  
Farm Animals
Cows: Most bulls are castrated.  The ones who are intact, aren't allowed to mate properly.  They get jacked off in a tube and then a heifer is raped.  Calves are kidnapped from mother after they are born, so she cries and screams.  
Pigs: Sows live in narrow crates.  It impossible 4 them to even turn around in them!  Their piglets are kidnapped when they're 10 days old.  Then the sow is reimpregnated 4 times a year.  That happens for 4 years then it is killed.  Piglets are fatten up 4 six months b4 they become chop suey.  Male piglets are castrated in the U.S., but not Ireland and Great Britain.  Piglets live in a small stress filled environment that is very boring.  Because of that, they resort to tail baiting and cannibalism.  So the humans cut off their tails and file down there teeth.  They also cut off pieces ears 4 identification purposes.  If a a pig want get on the bus 4 transport, they are electrocuted with a cattle prod.  The U.S. and Canada are getting rid of sum of the narrow confinement pigs live in.  That's a start, but much more needs to be done.                     
Chicken: Some of them are genetically engineered to fatten up quickly.  After a chick come out of an egg they are put on a conveyor belt.  They neva had a chance to meet their mommies.  That's so cruel!!!!!!  The chicks that aren't thrown away are taken to a factory farm.  They are put in the shed for 7 weeks.  They get very fat during this time.  The floor is full of chicken urine and scat.  Some of them die of heart attacks.  They are forced into crates while hanging upside down.  Then the crates were put on the truck.  While on the trucks they aren't given food nor water and sum freeze to death.  Finally they are killed in a horrific way. 
Pet Abuse
Dogs: Dog fighting is illegal in the states, but sum people do it any way.  A famous football player (Michael Vick) went 2 prison 4 it.  It's legal in Mexico and Japan.   Some people even have roosters fight each other!  I heard dogs get tortured in China, so their meat will be tender.  
Cats: Centuries ago Europeans kilt many cats because they were associated with witches.  Had they not done that, there may not have been a bubonic plaque.  Some people think black cats are bad luck, so they harm them.  They are abused a lot more than dogs and always have been.  
Some people feel some animal species are greater than other, which is understandable.  But, all animal species should be respected.  A insect should get the same amount of respect as a dog.  Just because we are closer to some animals than others don't give us the right to mistreat them.  We humans should respect each other equally; even though some humans are more important to us than others.         
Poor Invertebrates
By U.S. law they aren't animals and that's awful.  Many people get away with abusing them because of this.  I kilt many ants as a toddler.  I wish I hadn't.  I also peed on worm when I was 3.  It died, I cried.  I enjoyed playing with rollie pollies @ that age.  But I should have left them alone, because they where scared of me.  They always rolled up in a ball when I picked them up.  Which is a defensive maneuver.  I didn't know about that stuff then, so it's okay.  I know NOW!!!!!  I will treat spineless animals better 4 now on.  They have emotions similar to the ones we have.   All life forms are valuable and none should ever be abused!!!!!  
Animal Experimentation
Many different animals are experimented on and that awful!!!!!  Drugs, gene manipulation, surgeries, and pain tolerance are sum of the experiments done to animals.  'The most common animals experimented on are as follows: mice, fish, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, farm animals, birds, cats, dogs, monkeys, and in some countries, chimpanzees.'  Over 100 million animals are experimented on every year.  Animals are very different from humans, so the experiments are simply sadism.  
Misery of Horseshoe Crab
Drug companies kidnap ova 500,000 many horseshoe crabs a year.  Then them drain them of their blood and return them to the ocean.  30% of them die after that.  They use it to test drugs and vaccines.  These crabs are now a vulnerable species.  They are 450 million years old.  There is an alternative to their magick blood, but sum companies don't use it.    
Animals are People
They have emotions and have compassion.  They communicate with each other with scents, sounds and movements.  They should be treated with the same respect as any human being.  Just because one organism is more intelligent than another doesn't give it the right to abuse it.  The betta we treat animals the betta we will treat each other.   
Many farm animals are abused and pets too.  Don't be a speciest!  Invertebrates are animals and laws should reflect that.  Animal experimentation is cruel and ineffective.  It should illegal 4 drug companies to vampire on horseshoe crabs.  A animal life is no less valuable than a human life.       
GMO Chicken      

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