
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Stories of the Stars

Many people have had experiences with aliens.  Some of them talk about.  Other people have been told stories about extraterrestrials and some of them repeat it.  This post is about the experiences and stories of beings from other worlds.  The information comes from people of diverse background.  A UFO flew over my house when I was 10.  I thought it was piloted by aliens.  I later discovered it was a classified military plane.

Main Body
Nancy Redstar: She is a Cherokee woman that collected information about aliens from American elders.  She wrote several books about what she learned.  Star Ancestors is one of the books she wrote.  This book is about the interaction between Americans and aliens.  The other books she wrote have similar themes.

Riley Martin: He was African and American.  He became a contactee when he was 7.  He wrote a book about his experiences.

Brother Mahir: He is Cherokee and Blackfoot.  He looks like my brother and he is a Muslim. He was in the US military.  He gave several lectures about earth history, aliens, Americans, etc.  Africans and Americans built cities together.  A lot of Americans look like black people.  This is because some American tribes were African and some American tribes were classified as Negro.  Black people are composed of 46 African tribes and several American tribes.  This is my land, but not my country. Iroquois introduced Islam to North America.  Benjamin Banker real name is Emanuel Mu Ali.  There were many Africans in ancient and medieval Europe.  Some of them were royalty.

He said Americans and Hebrews worshiped the same god because they both were from Sirius star system and probably had the same culture. He claimed the Zulu were created by Dinonoids and Reptoids underground on Mars.   He knows about inter-dimensional portals and shape-shifting Reptoids.    'Planets exist in multiple dimensions simultaneously.'            

Sun Ra: He was from Saturn.  He came to earth to unite the races with music.  He pioneered Afrofuturism.
Robert Morningsky: His elders told him about humans, aliens, and earth.  They got the info from a alien that crashed landed a long time ago.  Some of his info is similar to what Credo Mutwa have said.
Alex Collier:  He is contactee of Andromedans.  He have been on their spaceship.  They gave him a lot of info and they want to help us become better people.  The Andromedans told Alex the history of the galaxy.    

Credo Mutwa: He is a great sangoma!  He wrote many sweet books.  One of them is called Zulu Shaman.  In that book he explains in great detail various species of extraterrestrials Africans have known about 4 a long time.  He knows about Nommo, Grays, Reptoids, MIB, etc.  He also had negative experiences with aliens.
UFO Twins: Their names are Sharlene and Earlene.  Earlene became interested in the paranormal at an early age.  Sharlene had many experiences with aliens.  At first are physical body was abducted. Later on her astral body was abducted.  She met a lot of Melanoids and other aliens. She found out black people live on Mars.

There are many other people that had experiences and/or stories dealing with aliens.

Bashar: He is a human-gray hybrid from the future.  He speaks through his past life incarnation, which is here on earth.  The channeler name is Darryl Anka.  

There are many stories of stars.  You should find out about them.  The truth is out there.  Now go it.

Book from UFO Twins
Messiah Text
Black Planet
Sun Ra Interview
I am the Universe!!!!!!!!!!
Nancy Redstar Interview
Alex Collier Interview

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