

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Queen Amina

Amina was born in the early 1500's in a Hausa city-state called Zazzau.  Her mother was a queen, she taught her queenly duties.  Amina became interested in war, so she learned military tactics from soldiers. After her mother died her brother became king.  She became queen after her brother died.
Queen Amina Life
Her grandmother seen her hold a knife like a warrior when she was a kid, which means she destined to be a warrior.  She would never marry because she thought it cause her to lose power.  After every battle, she would have sex with a man from the defeated army.  Then she would kill or castrated them the next day. She was the real-life black widow.

She conquered many countries, which were in modern day northern Nigeria.  Zazzau became a very wealthy nation during her reign.  Her army used a lot of metal because there were great metalworkers in Zazzau.  She is famous for protective walls.  Each of her military camps had protective walls. Those camps later became villages and towns.

She is a great inspiration!  Women can do anything a man can do and much more.  Queen Amina was a great warrior queen and innovator.  She will live on in the hearts and minds of her people.        

References Queen Amina

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