

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Queens of Kush were called Kandake.  The word Kandake became Candace in Latin.  There were at least 8 of them.  They led the Kushite army into battle.  They ruled Kush for several centuries. Legend has it Alexander was afraid of Kandake and her army of elephants.
Shanakdakheto: She was the first known Kandake.  She ruled for a decade or 2.  She had a temple built during her reign.  She felt she was the son of Ra.  She has her own pyramid and statue. Meroitic language is craved in her pyramid.  Meroitic language was the language of the Kushites.    

Amanirenas: She was one of the most famous Kandake.  She fought the Romans for 5 years.  She ruled for 30 years.  She was blind in one eye.  Kushites attacked Roman Egypt and defeated the Roman military, captured prisoners, loot, and expelled the Jews from Elephantine.  A peace treaty was signed after this.
Amanishakheto: She was Kandake after Amanirenas.  She wore a lot of jewelry.  She defeated an attacking Roman army.  An Italian treasure hunter destroyed her pyramid. The pyramid was filled with jewels.  The jewels are in a German museum.
Amanitore: She ruled after Amanishakheto for 50 years.  She restored 2 Amen temples in Kush. Over 200 pyramids was built during her reign.  She has her own pyramid tomb.            

Amanikhatashan: She helped Titus squash a Jewish revolt.  She has her own pyramid.

There were other great Kandakes as well.
Kandakes were great African Warrior Queens!!!!!!!!!  They led armies into battle, had many pyramids built, and had diplomatic relationships with other countries.  African women are the most powerful women on the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My mama African.  Sweet.


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