

Friday, December 2, 2016

Trung Sisters

The Trung Sisters fought to free Vietnam from China.  Their names were Trung Trac and Trung Nhi. The sisters were part of a military family, so they were well-versed in martial arts.  Trung Trac got married and her husband opposed taxation.  He was killed; this inspired his wife to fight the Chinese. The Trung Sisters led a mostly women army and pushed the Chinese out parts of Northern Vietnam for 3 years.  Then Chinese came back with a bigger army and killed the Trung Sisters.  They are national heroes of Vietnam.
Yue Rebellion
They led the Yue people in rebellion against the Han dynasty.  Trung Trac became queen.  She was able to gain control of rural areas, but not towns.  A Chinese general squashed the rebellion and had the sisters beheaded.  They were defeated because rebels deserted them.  They thought women leaders were unable to defeat an army.

The Chinese general imposed his culture on the Vietnamese.  He did this so the Vietnamese would be easier to control.  He destroyed the Yue bronze drums.  Then had it turned into a horse and gave it to the emperor.
The Trung Sisters are amazing!!!!!!   They led a lady army against foreign occupants.  One of them became queen!  The Vietnamese love them and I love the Vietnamese because they are matriarchal.

History of Trung Sisters
Vietnam Heroines
Song of Trung
Trung Sisters Reenactment
More Trung Sisters

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