
Friday, October 7, 2016


Mormonism is like a mixture of Protestantism and Scientology.  It was created by Joseph Smith in the early 1800's.  He was a freemason and he added Freemasonic rituals to Mormonism.  The freemasons killed him in prison because of that.  Joseph was caught having sex with another woman by his wife.  He told her God told him a man should have more than one wife.  That's so convenient.

Joseph was a diviner.  He would use crystals to find treasures or predict the future.  An angel told him where to find gold plates and seer stones.  The seer stones were used to interpret the plates.  The Book of Mormon come from the interpretations of the plates.  Seer Stones have been used in the past by people to receive revelation from God.    
"As man is, God was.  As God is, man may become."  Mormons believe God was a man at first. Over eons, he evolved and created his own universe.  Likewise, we can evolve and become a God of our own universe.

(Native) Americans are the 10 lost tribes of Israel.

The father, son, and holy ghost are 3 different people.  They work together because they have the same purpose.

There is a physical and spiritual universe.

Gender is eternal.

Polygyny is very popular among the Mormons.

Kolob is the planet God lives on.  God is a 6-foot tall white man.

They use to baptize corpses, so they could go to heaven.  Now they baptize children for the dead.

Mormons use to believe white skin means blessed and black skin means cursed.  Mormon Church renounced this belief in 2013.

Sunday is the sabbath day.

There are many other colorful beliefs, but this will suffice.
Joseph Smith was a mentally ill mason.  He came up with a lot of strange ideas and people believed him. A lot of women are forced into marriage in this religion.  Mormons weren't so nice to my people. It's sad how gullible people are.
Mormon Mysteries
Mormon Masons
Celestial Mormons


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