
Saturday, October 1, 2016


There are 12 houses, they are based on earth's axis.  Each house has certain traits.  They are fields of experience.  Your signs are in a certain house.  The energies of sign enlightens the trait of the house. The houses ruled by planets and signs.  The 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th are most important house because 4 special angles.
1st house: This is the self, personality, and appearance.  Ruled by Aries and Mars.

2nd house: This is possessions, $, and materialism.  Ruled by Taurus and Venus.

3rd house: Communication, knowledge, concrete thinking, and travel.  Ruled by Gemini and Mercury.

4th house: Home, family, land, this is the consciousness of physically.  Ruled by Cancer and Moon.

5th house: Creativity, romance, and flings.  Ruled by Leo and Sun.

6th house: Job, daily routines, health, and services.  Ruled by Virgo and Mercury.

7th: Marriages and other types of long term relationships.  Ruled by Libra and Venus.

8th: Death, sex, clairvoyance, joint finances, healing, and transformation.  Ruled by  Scorpio, Mars, and Pluto.

9th: Philosophy, religion, education, abstract thinking, wisdom, and rituals.  Ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter.

10th: Career, authority, and finance success.  Ruled by Capricorn and Saturn

11th: Liberty, friends, and social groups.  Ruled by Aquarius, Saturn, and Uranus.    

12th: Subconscious, limitations, self-undoing.  Ruled by Pisces, Jupiter, and Neptune.

The houses have traits and rulers.  Learning your houses can help you discover your life purpose. The houses can give you focus.  Get into it!!!!!!!!!!

Houses on Utube

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