

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Mandela Effect

What is it?  What caused it and what is a glitch in the matrix?  Where the name comes from?  Are there any examples of this?  What does the mainstream say about?
Simply put, its the editing of the past.  Certain events in the past are slightly or vastly different than people remember.  There are many examples of this, which you learn about later in this article.  The term Mandela Effect was created by an author.  She remembered Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980's.  But sum people remember him dying in 2013.   
Possible Causes
There are several plausible causes of the Mandela Effect.  They are as follows: CERN, quantum computers, Montauk Project, Aliens, and/or interdimensional AI.  Some people believe CERN has the ability 2 create portals to other dimensions.  It may have jacked up our time timeline.  Quantum computers have ability to link up with computers in parallel universes.  It may have had an error, which caused the edits in the past.  Montauk Project were experiments in time travel and mind control.  It may caused changes in our past.  I thought aliens caused the Mandela Effects.  They have very advanced time travel technology.  I recently heard about interdimensional AI.  If it is real, it's probably the causes of changes of our objective reality.  Sum of it may also be a psyop.         
Glitches in the Matrix
These are things that defy logic!!!!  A lot of them are repeats.  People that look alike and wear similar clothes is the most common glitch.  Some people believe we live in a simulation.  Click here if you want to learn more about it.  Donald Hoffman is big on it.  Click here if you want 2 hear what he has to say about it.      
Human: Our bones have gotten stronger, our hips changed, kidneys under ribcage, heart is in the center of our chest, etc.
Animals: I think the Shoebill is a Mandela Effect.  So is the money with blue balls, Peacock Spider, pink dolphins, Glass Frog, etc.    
Pop Culture: There was a show called Sex in the City.  Now its Sex and the City.   Home Depot is now known as The Home Depot.  C3PO has a silver leg in Star Wars.  Darth Vader now says no I am your father.  It used to be Luke, I am your father.  There are many other examples.  
History: The Black Tom explosion, Japanese balloon bombs, etc.
Abrahamic Religion: Sum of the verses changed in Bible and Koran.    
Art: Mona Lisa is smiling, I remember her having a straight face.  There are many other examples.  
Mainstream Explanation
They believe the Mandela Effect is false memories.  That's the eazy answer; by believing this they can ignore the evidence.  The University of Chicago proved that the Mandela Effect is real.  Many people have the same memories, which makes it more credible.
This is as real as a heart attack.  It is not false memory, @ least not all of it.  There maybe many causes of it, as well as many examples.  Our reality is full of glitches, because we in a simulation, sort of.  We live in a amazing prism!!!!

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