

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


This is a very important concept!!!!  Do you know anything about the strawman, licenses, allodial title, authenticating your birth certificate, 14th Amendment, 5 Star Passport, Revocation of Election, and Black Law Dictionary?  What you know about trust law, common law and admiralty law?  What is the U.S. corporation?  How to get free of this nightmare?  We're in an artificial matrix of words, laws and documents. 
Sovereignty is being under your own authority.  It's freedom from external control.  People were sovereigns in the U.S., until the 1800's.  Sum countries are sovereign, while others aren't.  Citizens are slaves to the corporation, which is the federal government.    

This is a legal fiction.  It created when the birth certificate and social security is made.  It has the same name as you and it is in all capital letters.  Ova 80,000 statuary laws apply to it.  When you become sovereign you become free of a strawman.  Then you can use it 4 your benefit.     
These are permission slips.  They only apply to citizens.  Once you become sovereign, they no longer apply.  No need for a driver or gun license.  I guess you can massage without it 2.  Licenses put limits on a citizen freedoms.  

Allodial Title
This title gives you complete ownership of property.  Without this, you own nothing.  If you have a house under this title, no one can legally take it from you.  If you paying mortgage the bank owns your property.  Anything you have under this is yours forever!!!!!!  You can pass the property to your children.     
Authenticating Birth Certificate
Doing this will help you become sovereign.  This may help you get ahold of your strawman account.  It also helps with overseas marriages and getting international assets.    
14th Amendment
This amendment took away sovereignty.  Once someone becomes a citizen they are no longer sovereign.  You can't be both.  You are free or a slave.  It was created 4 members of my tribe.  It was just another way to enslave them.  It was applied to all people of the U.S.A.   
5 Star Passport
This is the best passport you can get.  You can have anywhere from 1-5 stars on on a passports.  The more stars, the better.  You get special treatment if you have 5 years.  Hotels will give you benefits and you'll get discounts.    
Revocation of Election
Once you send this in, you won't have to pay federal taxes.  Income tax is voluntary, but it's enforced like it ain't.  You won't have 2 worry about that once you send in this document.  This is part of getting your sovereignty.     
Black Law Dictionary
It explains what words mean legally.  Lawyers speak a language called legalese.  You can learn by reading this dictionary.  The meaning of words in court maybe very different compared to meanings outside of it.     
Trust Law
It corresponds to air and it deals with trustees and beneficiaries.  The trust is an asset controlled by the trustees 4 the beneficiaries.  The owner of the trust is the grantor.  The trustees manage the trust until it's time to hand ova to the beneficiary.  This form of law was created the Romans.  Muslims and the English had trust law as well.  It's the basis of common law.      
Common Law
It corresponds to land and it follows precedents.  The judges look @ decisions other judges made on similar cases b4 they make their decisions.  This form of law was created in England after Norman Conquest.  This form of law is present in the U.S.A.  Criminal law is a form of common law.   
Admiralty Law
It corresponds to water and it's a big deal.  These laws were created by the Romans originally.  These laws are international; they apply to every country.  This laws have lot to do with the strawman.  These laws apply to bodies water that is used for commercial purposes.        
The U.S. Corporation
That corporation is located in Washington, D.C.  Citizens are employees of this corporation, albeit unknowingly.  Which makes them slaves!!!!!!  It is the federal government.  There are state corporations that subsidiaries of the U.S. corporation.  Such as STATE OF TEXAS.  The strawman is the employee of these corporations.        
You get sovereignty by filling out a bunch of forms and send it into the proper authorities.  It is a great idea to revoke your election, authenticate your birth certificate, allodial title, and get a 5 star passport.  But it's not required, they are great ideas.  Once you get sovereignty, statues neva apply 2 you.  You become free of your strawman and can use it for your benefit.      
Being sovereign gives you a lot more freedom.  Licenses are 4 citizens, not sovereigns.  If you really want 2 own something get allodial title.  You'll get several benefits from authenticating your birth certificate.  14th amendment took away people sovereignty in the U.S.A.  You'll get perks when you travel with a 5 star passport.  Get out of income taxes with revocation of election.  Learn Black Law Dictionary, so you won't need a lawyer in court.  There's 3 main types of law.  The federal government is a corporation.  Spread the word and get free.      

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