

Saturday, December 30, 2023


SSP is an abbreviation that means Secret Space Program.  Matthew Bevan and Gary Mckinnon hacked into the U.S. government, military and NASA computers.  Germany was the first country to flying saucers in modern history.  U.S. government officials had a meeting with aliens.  There are different organizations and aircrafts involved in SSP.  There was or is a Nazi base in Antarctica.  Bases on the Moon and Mars are occupied by various people.  There are sum mercenaries groups involved as well.  There are some people who have been in these programs and told the public.  Different alien species are involved in this.  What's are breakaway civilizations?  Face peelers are killing tribal people in South America.  Milabs are awful!!!!   
Matthew & Gary's Discovery
Matthew Bevan lived in Great Britain and hacked into to the computers of The Department of Defense, NASA and Wright Patterson Air Force Base.  All of that was done in 1994!!!!  He discovered a saucer shape anti- gravity flying machine.  2 years later he was arrested by Scotland Yards.  They asked if he learned about Hanger 118 @ Wright Patterson Air Force Base.  He told them he didn't.  Then he went to trial, but the government dropped the case.  

Gary Mckinnon also lived in the UK.  In the early 2000's, he hacked the Pentagon and NASA computers.  He discovered the U.S. Navy's space fleet, which is called Solar Warden.  He learned the names of sum of the alien officers and space stations.  There was pictures of advanced spacecrafts he saw too.  The U.S. government tried to extradite him 4 a decade.  But Britain wasn't having it.  Now he has his own bizzness.   
Foo Fighters         
These were Nazi flying saucers.  The allies called them Foo Fighters.  Victor Schauberger invented engines called Replusine A and Replusine B; it was empowered by implosion.  He also invented a submarine that had that engine in it.  After WWII, he was interrogated by the U.S. military and they told him not work on flying saucers anymore.         
Secret Meetings
President Eisenhower had a meeting with Nordics @ an air force base in 1952.  They had white hair and blue eyez.  The deal was they would help humans improve spiritually if the U.S. destroy its nuclear weapons.  Eisenhower was 4 it, but the establishment was against it.  The Nordics wanted humans to stop murdering each other and polluting.  The deal was rejected, because the establishment felt like they need nuclear weapons 2 fight aliens and the Soviets.  The following year Eisenhower made a deal with the Tall Grays.  The deal was the aliens would abduct humans 4 experiments in exchange 4 technology.  They weren't suppose 2 harm them, erase their memories, return them to the place of origin, give a list of all the humans they abducted 2 the government, and mutilate cattle.  This contract was called the Grenada Treaty.             
Classified Airplanes
B-2 Spirit: It is the first stealth bomber created in the U.S. and it looks like the Nazi's Horton Wing.  I read it has anti-gravity.  Stealth technology may have even been inspired by alien tech.      
F-117: First ever stealth plane made.  It's was a fighter plane and it was made by the U.S. government.  It may be based on otherworldly tech.
TR-3B: This plane flew ova my house in 1997 when I was 10.  I thought it was an alien aircraft.  11 years later a solider told me that was a classified military plane.  Its engine is a nuclear reactor and it's silent.  
Dark Fleet-Space Nazi that help Draconians conquer other civilizations throughout the Milky Way.  The use of slave labor as well.
Navy-Their space fleet is called Solar Warden and it started in 1984 or earlier.  Nordics helped the Navy in engineering space ships.  Gary Mckinnon founded out about SW after he hacked the pentagon computers.    
Air Force-Their space fleet is less advanced than Solar Warden.  They have reversed engineered alien spacecrafts.  Such as the TR-3B.   
Space Force-It grew out of the Air Force.  It was created when Trump was president; but the idea goes all the back to 2001.   Anti-gravity aircrafts from the Air Force was giving 2 them.  Then they took ova the Air Force secret space program.       
Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate(ICC)-I read they own most of the bases on Mars and this space program was created by the Nazis.  This organization is a mixture of U.S. and German corporations.  They control 11 cities on Mars.  Powerful cyborgs that are supersoldiers are created in the Cybernetics Laboratory.  Scientists in that laboratory are able to remove the soul and put it in another body or a container.  They can also download someone's memories on a computer chip.  They traffic humans 2 aliens 4 $ or goods.   
Red Dragon-Dr. Qian Xuesen stared the SSP in China.  He was part of the U.S. SSP, but got kicked out the U.S. because the government thought he was a communist.  While he was working with the U.S. government, he studied the foo fighters in Germany after WW2.  He helped revere engineer alien spacecraft in the U.S. and China.        
Solaris-The U.S., Britain and France were working on a SSP together in the 90's.  France built  flying saucers after that organization was created.  

Time Cops-An organization in Norway, they stop people from messing up the timeline.  

Ashtar Command-They based in clouds of Jupiter and it's a military.  People from this organization neva interact with humans on Earth.  
Antarctica Nazi Base
Dark Fleet started there b4 it went into outer space.  A German Navy Admiral said there was a fortress near the South Pole.  Admiral Byrd went down there and he said there were flying machines that can travel pole to pole @ incredible speed.  He was afraid those machines would attack the U.S.      
Lunar Bases
Lunar Operation Command: There was or is a Nazi base on the dark side of the Moon.  They got to the moon by 1942.  It has @ least 11 levels and it shaped like a swastika.  The Moon is a neutral zone 4 different nations and aliens.  It's sorta like the U.N.; organizations aren't hostile to each while on the Moon. 
Dark Fleet Complex: It is 5 interconnected bases; each base is unique.  The first base is a spaceport and crafts are repaired there.  On the 2nd base abductees are debriefed, implanted and memories erased.  The third base is 4 entertainment.  Such as: sports, movies, walking, and contests.  The 4th base is restricted 2 humans and it's the control room.  If a human sum how end up there, they're leaving in a body bag.  The final base is the power station.  Humans aren't allowed there either.  NASA moon landing was fake though.  
Marian Bases
There are 2 native species on Mars.  They are reptiods and insectoids.  They are peaceful, but they killas if you push them.   The Nazis have many bases there, but  they have 3 main ones.  The first is 4 food storage.  The 2nd one is 4 intelligence gathering.  the final one is 4 education and training.  There's a Marian Defense Force, which consists of marines.  The MDF is controlled by them.  The U.S. and the Soviets created a jointed base there in 1964.  Randy Cramer talked about this.  Andrew Basiago was transported 2 Red Planet by the U.S. government when he was a kid.  He was a part of Project Pegasus.  One of the UFO twins seen melanated beings living there.  Ethiopians and Nigerians say their ancestors came from Mars!!!!!         
Corporation involved in SSP
Monarch: They have been around 4 ova 6,000 years!!!!  They want to rule the world by manipulating the timeline  It's similar 2 the Montauk Project.  But they have lost this ability.   
Kruger: It started in Europe in 1815.  They enhance soldiers  abilities so they can "steal intelligence."  There soldiers are very acrobatic.  They got big in 1946.  
Shoreline: They extract information from any source.  Be it man, computer, animal, etc.  This is done by going to astral plane and integrating the info.  They have been around for ova 5,000!!!!!!
Shadow Group: They are special ops from various nations.  They plan on taking ova the world, via deception.  The war in Ukraine was caused by them.  Genetics, WMDs, and "medical research" is their specialty.  The Great Depression, Watergate, Montauk Project, smallpox outbreak in Yugoslavia and many other historical catastrophes may been caused or exacerbated by them.  They have time traveling capabilities. 
Alien Involvement
Draconians-They are the most terrible reptoids in this galaxy.  A lot species are afraid of them.  Sum of the small Grays work 4 them.  Them came from another universe and they are service 2 self.   
Grays-There are many different types of this alien.  Some of them live in Orion and are 7 ft and highly intelligent.  Sum grays are mutated humans from the future(parallel universe).  Their DNA is messed up so they abducted us to create hybrid races.  Some grays are robots and others are soldiers that wear gray suits.   
Nordics-Sum of them help the Navy with their secret space program.  They are very psychic and reptoids love 2 get there hands on them, because they are so psychic.  
These 3 groups interact the most with the U.S. government.  But there are many other species of aliens interacting with governments as well.     
Breakaway Civilization
This is a civilization that was started by Earth humans in outer space.  Many breakaway civilizations was created by the Nazis.  In sum of these civilizations there are 5 castes.  They are as follows: bizzness owners, white collar workers, blue collar workers, merchants, and slaves.   The soldiers are given black goo, which makes them stronger and emotionless.  Sum humans have sex with aliens in these civilizations.    I've read there was or is human colonies of Ceres, Titan, and Phobos.  There's an estimated 9.6 trillion humans in this galaxy alone!!!!    
People in the Know
Laura Eisenhower: She is President Dwight D. Eisenhower great granddaughter; and a author, researcher and astrologer.  She knows a lot about aliens, psychic powers, Earth, health, magick, and the military-industrial complex.  You can find videos of her on YouTube and Rumble.  She is trying to free us from the matrix.    
William Tompkins: He was in navel intelligence and worked on alien aircraft.  He stole Nazi technology after WWII 4 the U.S. government.  The Nazis was working with the Draconians.  Most of their tech came from those aliens.       
Bob Lazar: He used to work on reverse engineering alien crafts @ Groom Lake.  It's near Area 51; that was where the F-117 and the B-2 was built.  The FBI raided his company 4 alien fuel.  All of academic records are missing.        
Apollymi Mandylion:  She is part dragon, Pleiadean and fairy.  She also a mercenary and was created by The Darkfleet and trained by them as well.  Many abuses was committed against her 2 break her mind.  That may have caused to become more psychic as well.      
IIeana The Star Traveler: Healing with different modalities is her specialty.  They are as follows: crystal, healing, Reiki, shamanic healing, and sound healing.  She can remove blockages in our energy bodies and improve our chakras.  She is also a channeler and was involved in the SSP.        
John Whitberg: He lived in breakaway civilization.  Mk Ultra was used against him and he was in the Darkfleet.  Dr. Green programmed children; he was very kind when he wasn't torturing kids.    
Ra Cloud: He had many experiences with aliens and SSP.  He's very psychic and he wants 2 help people ascend. The Law of One is very important 2 him.  That law was explained by the Ra collective.  There are many videos of him on YouTube.  
Jimmy Paine: He was in M.I.B. for 37 years.  He was a pilot of a spaceship 4 Tall Whites and was involved in time travel missions @ Montuak.  He was stationed on 2 moons and Mars.  Henry Kissinger may have been his handler.     
These are military abductions, sometimes in conjunction with aliens.  When the military abduct people they wear alien customs.  They abduct them for various reasons, such as: to find out about someone's psychic powers, mind control, to get information about alien technology, experiments, specific genetics, etc.  There are milabs in multiple countries.  
Dreaded Face Peelers
In Peru, Venezuela and Brazil Tall Grays in body armor abducts young people and take their faces off.  When people shoot them the bullets bounce off the amour.  They look like Green Goblin from the Spiderman movie.  The people they abduct live in rural areas.  They only abduct people @ night.  They do it in pair.s  A 15 year woman escaped them.  She heard them speak Spanish.  One of them sounded like a gringo.  They may really be Nazis in disguise.  Her neck was bleeding because they tried to 2 take her face of with a laser.  
People have hacked into classified computers and founded out about SSP.  The Nazis got a lot of tech from aliens and are deeply involved with them.  President Eisenhower had a meeting with aliens.  There are military planes based off of their technology.  There are many organizations involved in SSP.  There is or was a Nazi base in Antarctica, the Moon and Mars.   There are several SSP corporations.  Aliens of different species are involved.  There are sum breakaway civilizations.  There are many people that know about this kind of stuff.  Milabs are terrible places sum abductees are taken too.  Aliens in Peru are ripping people faces off!!!!!!  But maybe they're Nazis.         

Sunday, November 12, 2023

National Security Agency

The National Security Agency does signal intelligence, cybersecurity and combat support.  They have several departments and operations.  There have been many different programs to gather intel.  NSA do sum domestic collection as well and it has watch centers.  Encryption is a big deal to them.  Employees have been getting polygraphs since 2013.  The NSA operate in several locations and they have their own police force.  It has a long history and other spy agencies work with them as well.  Edward Snowden have been a thorn in there side.
They are a spy agency that focuses on signal intelligence (sigint).  They can get information from cell phones, computers and other electronics.  NSA have founded ways to keep computers safe from hacking.  When the U.S. military is @ war, they feed them info about the enemy.  NSA is part of the Department of Defense.       
Operations: These are the spies that get sigint.  

Technology: Geeks that make gadgets 4 the operators to collect intel. 

IT: They keep communications safe from interception.  

Policy: Guide the agency in the right direction and help staff.  

Support: Administrative and logistical support.    

They collect intel from overseas, @ home and they hack computers.  Computer Network Operations (CNO) is the division ova hacking.  There are many computer geeks that work in this division.  China and Mexico have been spied on by the the CNO.  Special Source Operations division spy on the U.S. citizens.  Global Access Operations division spy on the rest of the world.   
XKeyscore: 'A secret computer system 4 searching and analyzing data in real time.'  This was shared with BND, Sweden, Denmark, and Japan.  
PRISM: 'Collection of internet communications from various internet companies.'  They focused on Venezuela, Mexico and Colombia.   
Dishfire: It collects text messages from around the world.  The GCHQ is a part of this.  
Rampart-A: It listens to international fiber-optic cables.  Many other countries are apart of this.  

MYSTIC: They collect metadata & content from phone calls.  
Boundless Informant: A visualization tool that looks @ data collected from around the world.  
Bullrun: It cracks encryption on internet.  GCHQ is apart of this too.  

ECHELON: Worldwide surveillance by the NSA and its closest allies.     
Domestic Spying
AT&T helped the NSA spy on citizens.  It was reported in May of 2008.  That same year, they were data mining transactional info as well.  Version had to give all its daily call information to the NSA 4 three months.  This happened in 2013, because of a court order.  In 2015 it was discovered information from illegal wiretaps by the NSA was given to Internal Revenue Service and Drug Enforcement Agency 2 arrest people.      
Watch Centers
There are 2 of these places.  The first one is called National Security Operations Center.  They do a lot of spying.  The 2nd one is called NSA/CSS Threat Operations Center.  They work with the Department of Homeland Security to protect the internet in the U.S.  
IBM made the Data Encryption Standard(DES); it was changed by the NSA.  DES became the standard 4 encrypting unclassified sensitive government data.  Sum people believe the NSA put a backdoor in it.  In 2001 it was replaced by the Advanced Encryption Standard.      
The NSA has made many encryption systems.  There have been 5 generations of encryption.  The first generation was electromechanical.  They used something like a type writer.  The 2nd generation used vacuum tubes.  The 3rd generation used circuits.  The 4th generation used electronic key distribution.  The last generation is based on a network of computers.      
When your a spy, who can you trust?  This test is given to new employees to make sure they aren't an enemy spy.  And 2 find out if any personal info will make them give up secrets.  Every 5 years employees must take another polygraph.  If they don't, they'll be fired.  The director can fire any employee, any time and for any reason.   
They have sites in the states and in other countries.  I explain those sites in great detail!!!  They need a bunch of sites so they can keep tabs on everybody.  Spying ain't eazy, but somebody got to do it.    

The headquarter is in Maryland.  They're also located in Georgia, Texas, Colorado, and Hawaii.  In Georgia they do military support 4 several clients.  In Texas they do signet, hacking and cybersecurity.  In Colorado they do military support as well.  In Hawaii they do the same as Texas, but they also protect U.S. communications.  They have a base in Cyprus as well.
Pine Gap: This base is in Australia.  The NSA is helping the Israeli Defense Forces kill innocent Palestinians.  That's awful!!!!!!!  They shouldn't help mass murderers and serial killers.  Israel has access to ECHELON.  Sum spy satellites are controlled from this base.  They monitor most of the eastern hemisphere.  Many people in U.S. and Australian intelligence and military work there. They are able to geolocate targets 4 airstrikes.              
Misawa: This base is located in Japan.  It has been there @ least since 2009.  The U.S. military has been able to kill terrorists because of targeting information from this base.  Quantum Inserts are done on that base as well.   
Bangkok: The site is in the U.S. embassy in Thailand and the CIA is there too.  They eavesdrop on foreign embassies and government communications.  They share sum of this info with Thai intelligence.  There is a site in another city that spy on foreign satellite communication.     

Police Force
The NSA Police Force protects the people and property of the organization.  They have bomb smelling dogs.  They make sure the buildings are safe and the dogs check the mail.  If someone commits a crime in a NSA building these police will arrest them.  @ one time they were unable to arrest criminals.     
Spy Buddies
They close to the GCHQ, CSEC, ASD, and GCSB.  They all make up the 5 Eyes.  CSEC is the Canadian version of the NSA.  ASD is the Australian version and GCSB is the New Zealand version.  GCHQ is British and it works closest with them.  The NSA shares information on U.S. citizens with IDF Unit 8200.      
The Cipher Bureau was created in 1917.  The next year it absorbed the Navy's "cryptanalysis functions."  The Black Chamber was created in 1919.  They spied on other countries communications.  It only lasted 4 ten years.  In 1949 the Armed Forces Security Agency was created.  In 1951 is was renamed National Security Agency.  Project MINARET was created in 1962.  The NSA spied on USA citizens and foreigners.  It focused on people going to Cuba and drug traffickers.  2 years later it focused on Civil Rights activists and Hippies.  GCHQ helped out in that project.  The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was created in 1978, so the NSA couldn't spy on U.S. citizens so eazy.  Finally the NSA created projects to spy on the world.                 
Edward Snowden
He was a intelligence contractor that became a whistleblower.  He revealed the NSA spying programs.  The NSA was collecting huge amounts of info on U.S. citizens without their knowledge.  A army general said most of Edward documents didn't deal with domestic spying, but "military capabilities, operations, tactics, techniques, and procedures."  If the general's right, Snowden was probably working 4 a foreign power.
NSA is a spy agency that focuses on getting information from electronics.  It has 5 departments and many programs.  It spies on U.S. citizens and has watch centers.  They big on encryption and employees must take polygraphs.  They have bases worldwide and their own police force.  They work with other countries' spy agencies and it has been around for 71 years.     

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


The Government Communications Headquarters give signals intelligence and information assurance to the British government and military.  They have missions and it been around since 1919.  There are several locations for this spy agency.  They have different departments and units.  They have partners in crime.  Sum of the staff are criminal. 
It's a organization that collects intelligence on actors (nations, intelligence agencies, organizations, terrorists, etc) and counterintelligence.  By doing so, they help keep Great Britain safe.  They share the information they gather with the government, MI6 and MI5.  It has a director and a corporate board.  There's a 4 part structure, which you can read about in the department section.   
Signet Mission: They analysis secret messages, IT, translation, and get signal intelligence.   

Enterprise: This is the technology division, biometrics, and they mange supplier relationships.   

Corporate Management: This is the bizzness side.  They do human resources, audits, etc.  

National Cyber Security Center: Help keep computers safe from hacking.  

Mission Areas
Counter Terrorism: Protect Great Britain from terrorist attacks and it's allies.  

Strategic Advantage: Spying on unfriendly countries.  

Cyber Security: Keeping computers safe from hacking.  

Support Defense: Protecting and supporting the military.  

Serious Crime: Spying on criminals, so police can take them down.  

Doughnut: This is the main building of GCHQ.  It was built in 2003 and it costed ova $300 million to build.  There are 16 million artifacts located in that building.  It has fire and terrorism protection built in it.  
London: This is where the National Cyber Security Center is located.  

Manchester: Heron House was open in 2019 and it is a very nice looking building.  It comes from a collaboration of GCHQ and several universities.  
There are more locations but this will suffice.       

It started out as naval and army intelligence units.  They were good @ intercepting German radio transmissions.  They intercepted a telegram from Germany to Mexico during WWI.  Germany wanted Mexico 2 join their side in war; that was one the  the U.S. got involved in the war.  In 1919 these units were combined; their job was to to protect British government communication and spy on other countries.  They spied on the Soviets during the Cold War.  GCHQ helped Britain defeat Argentina during the Falklands War.  Most people didn't know they exist until 1982.  A politician mentioned them in the parliament.  Kathrine Gun exposed that GCHQ was spying on UN delegates to get intel the U.S. could use to bolster support for Gulf War II.        

It's a spy operation of the 5 eyes: U.S., U.K., New Zealand, Australia, and Canada.  It was started in the 1960's to spy on the Soviet Union.  Then it expanded in 2000.  It intercepts phone calls, e-mails, faxes, fiber optics, and satellite communication.   It can listen to different electromagnetic waves: radio and microwave.  There are various listening stations throughout the world.  NSA and CIA were heavily involved in human and drug trafficking in the 1970's.  ECHELON was used to spy on members of U.S. congress.  A New Zealand journalist wrote a book about this spy program.  European bizznesses are also spied on too.  U.S. citizens maybe monitored by this system.  2 journalists said this spy operation was used for industrial espionage by the NSA or CIA.        
Sum of the staff there spied on innocent people.  2 human right organizations were also spied on.  Those organizations were in Egypt and South Africa.  The GCHQ may have participated in abducting a Libyan couple that was anti-Gaddafi in 2004.  They spy on journalists, which is illegal.  A former worker tried to kill a U.S. spy that was working there.  He also tried 2 kill the man that protected her too.  The former worker stabbed agent 99230, because she was working @ GCHQ.  He don't like the fact they spy on people and he's mentally ill.     

GCHQ does signit and counterintelligence.  It has 4 departments and several key missions.  It also has various locations.  This organization been around a long time.  They spy on the world with the help of the NSA, Communications Security Establishment, Australian Signals Directorate, and Government Communications Security Bureau.  They have committed several crimes as well.     

Sunday, September 24, 2023


It is a Central Asian religion with a rich history.  This is the native religion Turkish, Mongol, and Yeniseian.  It has its own creation story, deities, beliefs, rituals, ethics, sacred animals, and holidays.  Practitioners knows about the about the 3 world of shamanism.  There are 2 types of shamans in this religion.  How's it doing in modern times?         
This religion is very shamanic and the practitioners are animists.  It is a mixture of various folk religions of Central Asia.  Ancestral veneration is very important in this religion.  They know humans are part of nature and we should be in harmony with the universe.  Humanity is sustained by heaven, earth, ancestral spirits, and deities.    

Kok Tengri: He is the "Eternal Blue Sky." He is the supreme being.  

Umay: Mother goddess that "protects and educates babies."  She can separate a soul from a corpse.  

Erklig: He is the god of space and causes planets to move.  He has a soft spot 4 Venus.    

Ineshsit: She is the goddess of childbirth and labor.  

Erlik: He is the god of death and he rules the underworld.

Yel Ana: She is the Hungarian goddess of the wind.   

Kuara: God of thunder and son of Tengri.  

Od iyesi: She is the goddess of fire and marriage.   

Ay Ata: His name means "Grandfather Moon God."  He is married to Gun Ana.

Gun Ana: Her name means Sun Mother.   "The goddess of life and fertility, warmth and health."

Mergen: He is the god of wisdom, abundance and archery.

Ak Ana: She is the water goddess and Umay older sister, maybe.  

Kyzaghan: He is a war god and the Huns were big on him.

Zarlik: She is the goddess of tights, justice and judgement.  She is similar to Maat.  

There are many other deities, but this will suffice.
Sum people are called to be shamans and it usually runs in the family.  They help people have a betta understanding of the spiritual world.  Their responsibilities are as follows: healing, divination and helping solve disputes people have with spirits.  There are 2 types of shaman in this religion.  They are as follows:  white shaman and the black shaman. White shamans deal with calm spirits and heal people.  Black shamans deal with aggressive spirits.  They protect and empower warriors in battle.  

Tengri is the supreme being, he caused the universe to come into existence.  Ancestral spirits bless their descendants, because they venerate them.  They are the link between humans and the divine.  There are 3 worlds: upper, middle, and lower worlds.  You would find this same belief in shamanism.  The Tree of Life connects all 3 worlds.  That reminds me of the world tree in Norse mythology.  It's connected to 9 realms.  Humans have 3 souls, which corresponds to the 3 worlds.  Humans should always respect nature, 4 we are apart of it.  Righteous people go to Ucmag by flying there or being taken there.  It's like heaven in Christian theology.  Evil people go to Tamag, which is like hell.                
The people that follow this religion pray to Tengri.  They do it as a way of saying thank you and 4 help.  Offerings are given to the various deities.  Those offerings are as follows: food, incense, drink, etc.  

Ritual Bath: This cleanses the individual of negative energy.  

Fire Ceremonies: This purifies the environment, turn away negative energy and 'invite blessings from spirits.'    

Smoke Cleansing: It cleanses the atmosphere and bring prayers to heaven.  

There are ceremonies 4 birth, adulthood, marriage, and death.

Humans are to respect nature and protect animals.  All things are interconnected.  People should be honest and neva try 2 deceive each other.  We should all take time to betta understand each other and always be kind.  We should be concerned about each other, and be able to put ourselves into someone's else shoes.  Everyone is responsible 4 their own actions.  People should give 2 those in need.  Every person as inherent value, so they should be treat with the utmost respect!!!      

Scared Animals
White Horse: It symbolizes the human soul.

Wolf: It represents loyalty, strength and courage.

Bear: It represents healing, protection, wisdom, and divine femininity.    
Navrus: This is the spring equinox; it's a new years celebration.  They eat, dance and sing during this holiday 4 the return of the sun and Tengri blessings.  

Tengri Ayt: This is the summer solstice.  People play games and thank the sun.

Tamga: This is the fall equinox.  People thank the spirits 4 harvest and give them offerings.  
This religion started in the Bronze Age, which is ova 3,000 year ago!!!  It is very shamanic and it incorporates animism.  That's the belief everything has a spirit.  Women has always played a major role in in this religion.  Sum of them were shamans and they had a important role in ceremonies.  This religion promoted gender equality.  Mongols and Turks spread this religion as they they migrated across Asia.  It has several similarities 2 Indo-European religions; they may have a common origin.  Tengrism was the religion of the first Turkic empire.  Gokturk was the name of that empire.  This was the religion of the Huns, Magyars, and Bulgars.  They brought with them 2 Europe, then they became Christians.  The Uyghur empire was the 2nd Central Asian empire that embraced Tengrism.  They mixed Zoroastrian, Buddhist, and Mani beliefs into it.  Genghis Khan was a "devote follower" of this religion.  The rulers of these empires saw themselves as sons of Tengri, which remind me of the mandate of heaven in China.  Even when Central Asians became Christian and Muslim they still had on to Tengrist beliefs and rituals.  The Soviets suppressed it, but it still lingered.                
Present Day
Tengrism became popular again after the Soviet Union collapsed.  Central Asians wanted to follow that old time religion, so they did.  They liked that it promoted "ecological sustainability."  Scholars began to research this religion; which encouraged people to practice it.  Temples and scared sites that was in disarray were restored.     

This is the the religion of Mongols, Turks, and Yeniseian people.  Even though they follow the same religion, their beliefs are somewhat different.  Mongols believe in 99 spirits, while the Turks believe in 17.  Yeniseians were apart of the Huns centuries ago and they are related to some American Indian tribes.  @ one time the Mongols had the biggest empire in the world!!!!  Sum Turks became Islamic and tookova Byzantine!!!!  
Tengrism is a Central Asian religion that was created b4 the bible.  It is the folk religion of Mongols, Turks and Yeniseians.  It has many deities and shamans play a huge role in it.  They believe everything has a spirit and they share some of the same beliefs of Indo-Europeans.  There are rituals, a code of conduct, sacred animals and 3 major holidays.  Turks and Mongols spread the religion when they became imperial.  It is still being practiced today!     
Tengrism: Embracing the Sky and Earth: A Comprehensive Guide to an Ancient Spiritual Tradition

Monday, September 4, 2023


This is a form of shamanism that is practiced in Latin America.  There are different modes of healing and types of healers.  Herbs are used heavily in this practice.  It has its own nosology and a very rich history.   You can learn this traditionally or take classes.  Certain countries are poppin with Curanderismo.
This is a mixture of (native) American, African, Catholic, Unani, and Jewish healing practices.  Allopathic medicine as been incorporated into it later on.  Females that do this form of shamanism are called curanderas & males that do it are called curaderos.  They can heal your mind, body and spirit.  This form of medicine is holistic and diverse.  It deals with the whole person, not just the disease.    Different practitioners have different methods of healing.         
Modes of Healing
There are forms of healing that are physical, mental, or spiritual.  Physical healing consist of rituals.  Mental healing comes from psychic powers.  Spiritual healing is mediumship and/or astral projection.  Each curandera/o specializes in @ least one of these areas.  

Physical Rituals
Baby Healing: They can be given a massage and oil can be used.  I thought of this years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Platica: This is a 'heart 2 heart' conversation.  The patient tell the curandero/a their issues.  This is done b4 any rituals.  It is similar to talk therapy.    

Limpia: It is a spiritual cleansing; it removes negative energy.  There are many different ways of doing it.  Some people use cleansing herbs, rum and call upon ancestral spirits of the patient.  Sum even use the energy of the stars!!!!!  After you receive this you will be happier.   
Incense Burning: There are different incense burners, which symbolize different ideas.  They ask permission from the 4 directions b4 they light the incense.  Fire has transformative properties.  "It nurtures us, warms us, reinvents us, forges 'us', and destroys us."  This ritual harmonizes and cleanses the body.  They send positive energy to the patient.  The incense is moved upward from the feet of the patient, while they blow it on them.  
Temazcal: It represents the womb of our mother and the womb of Mother Earth.  This is a sweatlodge; it's very therapeutic.   B4 entering the sweatlodge a ceremony is done @ the altar.  They ask permission from the 4 directions, heaven and earth.  They used rattles when they create sacred space.  I did something similar in shamanic healing class.  While in the sweatlodge the participants sing, hit themselves with herbs and yell to get negative energy out.  After it ova the participants drink water charged with positive energy.  A baby can be blessed in the temazcal.  The Mayans created this form of healing and taught to the Aztec.         
Ventosas: This is fire cupping.  

Feather Healing: They are used to get negative energy out the aura.  They are also used in conjunction with incense.  

Tonalli: It is a cleansing; it gets negative energy out of someone.  It involves massaging different parts of the body.  They rub out the knots in the patients body.  The knots are energy blockages.  

Juice Therapy: Various fruits & vegetables can cure the body of illness.  Grapefruit and Papaya juice is good 4 the digestive system.  Papaya juice is also good 4 you lymphatic and circulatory systems as well.  Pineapple, celery parsley, and hibiscus flower are great 4 your kidneys.  You can mix them together or drink them separately. 
Geotherapy: It involves the use of Earth (dirt, sand, clay) 2 heal.  The patient can be buried in the Earth to get rid of fever.  There's a certain kinds of clay that is antibiotic and it makes the body more open to healing energies.  It can also pull toxins out of the body.               
Risaterapia: This is laugh therapy.  They breath, relax and do different movements and laughs.  It will help the patient relief stress throughout their body; which lessen the chance of them getting a disease.  It is also a pain reliever.      
Hidroterapia: This is water healing, commonly called hydrotherapy.  You put herb in hot water and inhale the fumes.  You can make a herbal tea as well and/or take a herbal bath.  A herb can be used as a warm compress.    

Sound Therapy: Spirits of the directions are used to heal in this modality.  The practitioner get permission from your ancestors to heal you.  Colyer conch shell is used; it represents the east.  The east is protected by Quetzalcoatl.  He's the god of transformation and gnosis.  He communicates through the shell and helps the patient harmonize there life.  Black Obsidian represents the north.  It helps us understand the emotions that is causing us sickness.  The north is protected by Tezcatilpoca.  He shows us are true enemy, which is ourselves.  

Music Therapy: It can help many people heal.  "The drum is the heartbeat of Mother Earth."  Rattles are used and some of them sound like rain.  Flutes have a strong sound and can take you to another dimension.  Some of them sound like birds.  Sum sounds soothes and others awakens.  Singing someone name helps them heal.  In certain ceremonies drums are used to bring down the spirits.  Sometimes people dance, which also attracts spirits.  In sum rituals the 4 directions and 4 elements (earth, water, air, fire) are used.  The elements represent physical reality and certain ideas.  Illness can be sent back to wherever it came from.        
Healing of the Elderly: Fire cupping is good 4 them and they are given dietary advice.

Mental Healing
This is talk therapy, it is psychology.  The curandera/o give the patient advice on their reasoning, emotions and/or behavior.  They help the patient improve their life.  Talk therapy is very effective in helping people betta themselves.      
Spiritual Healing   
Meditation: Helps them get in touch with spirits and/or make healing energy stronger.

Visualization: They can visualize the patient being healing by energy.

Concentration: They can focus on the disease dissipating.   

Trance: The practitioner shuts the conscious mind down so they can get possessed by a spirit.  Then the spirit will heal the patient through curandera/o. 

Astral Projection: They go in the spirit world and get the cure 4 the disease.  
Types of Healers
Partera: These are midwives, they help mothers in labor and childbirth.  They also help newborn babies.    

Conejero/a: They help patients by listening 2 their problems and giving them advice.  

Hierbero: These are herbalists, they use many different herbs to heal their patients.    

Sobadoro/a: They are something like massage therapists.  

Huesero: They manipulate bones like an chiropractor and osteopaths.  They also have similarities to a physical therapist too.  They can help you if you have joint problems.      

Acupuntarista/o: They put needles in certain parts of the body for energy flow.  This practice helps people heal faster and relive or alleviate sum disorders.   

Senor/Senoras: They are tarot card readers and they use other methods to divine as well.  

Espiritualista: They are mediums that may be able to astral project.   
You should connect to the plant b4 using it.  You do this by talking to it.  You can make teas, tinctures, oils, and baths with these herbs.  Herbal smoke can cure or relieve disorders too.  

Tobacco: It is a portal 2 the spirit world.  It helps get negative energy out of the body.  The juice helps get rid of rashes and wounds.  The smoke is a road opener and it protects.       

Calendula: It helps get rid of inflammation.  Sum people use it in massage oil.  You can rub on your belly, so you can see your shadow.  

Dandelion: This is good against breast cancer.  It can used in massage oil and it cleans the lymphatic system.  

Mullein: It's improves the thyroid, lungs and menopause.  

Sweetgrass: It is good 4 smudging, attracting positivity, and protection. 

Watermelon: It is good @ cleansing and improving the root chakra.  If you drink it for 7 days it will cleanse your whole body.        

Yerba mate: It's good for the colon, stomach and throat.  

Pin Pitch: They get it from a desert pine tree.  It helps get rid of rashes, wounds and infections.  

Silk Tassel: It's good 4 all kinds of cramps.

Aloe Vera: It's good 4 constipation and skin disorders.

Chili Pepper: Improves the digestive and circulatory system.  

Rosemary: Improves the mind, liver, skin and hair.    

Ginkgo Bilbao and Gotu Kola helps the brain get more oxygen.  Basil can help you sleep if you have insomnia.     
Practitioners have discovered different diseases and ways of healing it.  Fear can hurt the kidneys and anger can hurt the liver.  Sum of the diseases correspond to illnesses in allopathic medicine.  That's amazing people knew about mental problems for millennia!!!!!!!  There is much to learn from this form of shamanism.       

Susto: It is a traumatic experience that may cause soul lose and PTSD.  Music healing and limpias are effective in getting rid of this.    

Mel De Ojo: This is the evil eye, which is caused by someone looking @ you menacingly.  A limpia may be able to get rid of this too.   

Melarchico: This is depression, which could weaken your immune system.  Risaterapia and seeing a conejero/a will help alleviate that.    

Billis: This is surpassed anger, which is bad 4 the heart.  A herbal bath can get rid of anger, also you write a poem when you are angry.  That's a positive to express that powerful emotion.

Empacho: This is a intestinal obstruction.  Juice Therapy and Mayan Abdominal massage can get rid of that.  

Mal Aire: That means bad air, which is cold air or switching from cold to warm air to quickly.  Negative energy can be transmitted through the air.  This illness can lead to death!  This illness can be cured by certain herbs and incense burning.   

Mollera Caida: This is a fallen fontanel.  This illness affects infants.  You can get rid of it with Juice and Hydrotherapy.

Maleficio: These are curses, which could ruin your life!  Hidroterapia and sound therapy could knock that right out.
The traditional way of learning Curanderismo is to be mentored by a curandera/o.  If you are unable to do that.  You can take a in-person and/or online class.  There are many of them. has 4 of them.  Some colleges in southwest U.S. offer classes as well.  
It practiced all ova Latin America, but it's most popular in Mexico.  Many people practice it in southwest U.S. as well.  You can also find it in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Cuba, and Honduras.  Curanderismo is very diverse, so it is done differently in every country.  

Curanderismo is a form of shamanism popular in Latin America.  It has 3 different modes of healing and various types of healers.  There many magical and medicinal herbs used in healing people.  It has its own nosology, sum of which agrees with modern medicine.  There 3 main ways of learning it and you can find it in Mexico, Central & South America.   

Wednesday, August 9, 2023


What religion is this? It has been around a long time.  What are the symbols, beliefs, rituals, and spirits?  Mediumship is pretty cool.  It has acquired significant changes ova time.  What are the different types?  It is practiced in Latin America.  How is it doing in modern times?
Its a religion created in France by Allan Kardec in the 19th century.  Espiritismo is the Spanish word for Spiritism.  Spiritism means spirit doctrine.  Allan studied mediumship like a science.  Spiritists enjoy communicating with spirits of the deceased via medium.      
They believe in a creator, reincarnation, karma, spiritual evolution, etc.  There is one most high god that made the universe.  People reincarnate as someone else after they die.  Spirits have the ability to evolve in the astral realm.  Spirits can influence humans and humans can influence spirits.  Your spiritual court are the spirits that walk with you.   
They talk to spirits of the deceased.  Their altar is called boveda.  They work with spirits in their court on the boveda.  Practitioners will put Florida Water on their hands and move it around the body to get rid of negative energy.  Then they would flick their hands @ the boveda.  The spirits feed of the alcohol and negative energy.  After the aura cleansing they pray and burn incense.  They knock 3 times to hello to the spirits.  Once they get the spirits attention they talk to them and then meditate.  The spirits will communicate to them in their mind.  They close out with a prayer and 3 knocks.           
Sum people in Brazil went to mediums 4 healing.  They would get possessed by a spirit of a doctor.  Then they would heal that person or do surgery.  They did it 4 free and it was effective!!!!  Later on a technique was developed to send the astral body of the patient to a hospital in the astral world.  The patient's past lives were viewed to see when they harmed someone.  The spirit of the harmed person was getting revenge by cursing them with the help of a dark magickian.  The practitioners would tell the the offended spirit what they was doing was wrong.  The offended spirit would then forgive that patient and the curse would be lifted. 

There are many groups of spirits in Espiritismo, maybe 21 of them.  The groups are called commissions or courts.  These commissions are in Puerto Rican Espiritismo, but other versions may have the same and/or different courts.  It's important 4 practitioners to develop a relationship with their ancestral spirits.     

Shamans: They help with magic, healing and precognition.  I think most, if not all of these spirits are Taino.  

Gypsies: They help with divination and romantic relationships. 
La Madama: Motherly spirits that protect children.  
Pirates: These are spirits that were captains and sailors.  They have great strength and courage.

Indian: These are Taino spirits that give knowledge, help with legal matters and spiritual warfare.  
Asian: These spirits help with money, luck, lottery, and bizzness. 
Arab: They help you work with the Jinn.
Medical: They heal and teach herbalism.

Congo: These spirits were African royalty that got enslaved during the Transaltantic Slave Trade.  They help with hexing and protection.

Saints: They have various attributes.

Hindu: They are the deities of Hinduism.
Angels: They have various attributes.
Slaves: These are spirits of people that were enslaved by the Spanish.  They can help you overcome obstacles, patience and hard work.  

Babies: They like to prank and protect people.

Anima Solas: They will aid you in any endeavor as long as you give them offerings and prayers.  
Liberators: They help you become a betta student and legal maters.

Heroes: They help you fight anybody.  

Africans: These spirits were worshipers of various African deities.  They have similar energy to those deities.  

Elements: Spirits of 4 directions, which is also 4 elements.

Juanes and Marias: They have many secrets to share to their descants.  They were slaves that had their name changed.                  
A medium is someone who allows spirits to possess them.  People go to mediums to get messages from spirits.  This is very important in Espiritismo.  Practitioners can speak to their ancestral spirits and deities through mediums.  It is one of the many ways to get messages from the spirit world. 

Umbanda was founded by Zelio Fernandino de Moraes in the 1920's.  He was a Spiritist and @ a meeting a spirit came through and gave him instructions 4 a new religion.  @ the time European Spiritists thought only European spirits were enlightened.  But they were racist and wrong as hell!!!!!!!!   
Differences with it's Mother
Spiritism in Latin America got mixed with the beliefs of (native) Americans, Africans and Roman Catholicism.  That didn't happen in France and the U.S.  Which means Espiritismo is much more colorful than it predecessor.  Magic rituals are a big part of it.  In it's more pristine form you won't find that.  Regular Spiritism is 'based on Allan Kardec's and other medium books.'
Different Types
Scientific Spiritism: It's just regular Spiritism, its not mixed with (native) American and African beliefs.  They follow Kardec to the t.  Most people call this type of Spiritism Mesa Blanca.  
Espiritismo de Cordon: This is about healing, guidance, and advice.  People make a circle around the medium and walk and chant.  That ritual helps the medium go into a trance.  Then the practitioners ask the medium questions and get healing.  It is a mixture of Spiritism, folk Catholicism and Taino rituals.    
Espiritismo Cruzao: This is a mixture of Palo, folk Catholicism, Spiritism, and other beliefs.  They give offerings to spirits and use tobacco to go into a trance.  Once the medium is in a trance they will contact a spirit of a deceased slave.  Mass of Dead is a ritual that help a spirit of a deceased relative move to the other side.  They can communicate to them as well.    
Puerto Rico Indigenous Espiritismo: It's a mixture of Spiritism, Taino, African, and Spanish beliefs and rituals.  There is a shaman that uses tobacco, massage therapy, and energy healing.  This form of Espiritismo became a part of Sanse.    
Santerismo: It is Spiritism mixed with Santeria.     
Venezuelan Spiritism: This is a mixture of (native) American, African, and Catholic beliefs.  There is a queen in religion.  She is the highest spirit.  There is also a American man and African man.  They make up a trinity.  The queen was a princess in real life; the American man fought the Spanish colonizers; the African man fought the Spanish 4 freedom as well.  Ancestral veneration is very important.  There are many deified ancestors in this religion.  Sum of them were people that fought 4 Venezuela's independence.  There is a sacred mountain were the religion started.  There are many other sacred places, which are "rivers & natural landscapes."  There are many spiritual portals in forest.  There are many courts too, I will list a few.  
Celestial: Catholic saints in the heavenlies.     

Indian: The queen is in this court and stellar chiefs and amazing women that fought 4 independence.  
Black: Africans that fought 4 freedom.  

Don Juanes: Various healers and magicians  
Medical: Doctors make up this court.  

Liberation: Freedom fighters

Viking: Norse warrior spirits make up this court.  
African: Deities from the motherland.

Student:  They help people study.  

Corte Cale: Spirits that were like Robin Hood when they were alive.  
Places of Worship
It is practiced in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Argentina, and Brazil.  Cruzao and de Cordon are the prominent variant in Cuba.  Scientific Spiritism and Indigenous Espiritismo in Puerto Rico.  Venezuela got its version of it.  Brazil also has Scientific Spiritism and a version mixed with various beliefs.  It is practiced by sum Latin Americans in U.S. and maybe people of other ethnicities as well.     
Modern Times
"It is the fastest growing religion in Brazil."  Upper class Brazilians are more into Scientific Spiritism and lower class people are more likely to follow a folk version of it.  The same is true in Puerto Rico.  Upper class people tend to be more Spanish and lower class people tend to be more African and American.  In the case of Brazil the upper class people are more Portuguese.  Espiritismo as a big influence on Cuban culture. 

Espiritismo is a Spanish word 4 Spiritism.  They believe in a creator, reincarnation, mediumship, and spiritual evolution.  They conduct ritual individually and socially @ the boveda.  Spiritism got mixed with other religious beliefs when it got to Latin America.  It got mixed with American, African, and Catholic beliefs.  While more upper class people was less likely to mix it up.  There are several different versions.  They all share the same core beliefs, but there are significant differences as well.  It is practiced in @ least 4 countries in Latin America.  It is still growing in popularity in modern times.         