
Tuesday, March 22, 2022


It was created by Mani and lasted 4 a millennium.  Why did it disappear?  It has unique beliefs and rituals.  There was texts created for this religion.  There was a Manichaean Church.    
He was of Iranian origin and his parents were Elcesaites.  When he was 12 and 24 his heavenly twin paid him a visit.  He told him to preach the true gospel.  Brahmanism and Buddhism was taught to him after he traveled to India.  He came back to Persia and he was cool with the emperor.  Mani was a great painter and a miracle worker.  The miracles were as follows: levitation, teleportation, and healing.  He also wrote 7 books.  A new emperor came to power, he was Zoroastrian.  He put Mani in jail and he died a month later.    
It started in Iraq, which @ the time was apart of the Persian Empire.  The first places it spread to were Egypt and Rome.  It was persecuted in the Persian Empire 291 CE after Mar Sisin was killed.  Laws in Rome was enacted against it in 302 CE.  Manichaeism became popular in Gaul.  Christians asked emperor Theodosius I to take away the civil rights of Manichaeans in 381 CE.  The following year Manichaeism was suppressed.  Theodosius I wanted all the monks of this religion put to death.  This religion was persecuted so much that it disappeared in the Roman Empire.  

Augustine converted from Manichaeism to Christianity.  He felt you need more than knowledge for salvation.  He became a satan (adversary) to his original religion.  His view of Christianity was influenced by Manichaeism.  
"Manichaeism maintained a sporadic and intermittent existence in the        west MesopotamiaAfricaSpainFrance, North Italy, the Balkans for a thousand years, and flourished for a time in Persia and even further east in Northern India, Western China, and Tibet."  As it spread to different kingdoms it was influenced by other religions.  This became the main religion of the Uyghurs in the 8th century.  It inspired rebels in China.
Manichaeans were persecuted by the caliph during the Abbasid dynasty.  So they fled from Iraq to Iran.  Then they moved to Uzbekistan.  Emperor Xuanzong of the the Tang dynasty made it illegal 4 Chinese people to fellow this religion.  He also persecuted Buddhists.  Manichaeism died out because it was persecuted by several emperors.  But it may have survived in small pockets in Central Asia until the Mongol conquest in the 13th century CE.  

The Cathars, Paulicians, Bogomils were seen as Manichaeans by the Catholic Church.  So they were persecuted by them centuries ago.  None of those groups were Manichean, but they may have had similar ideas.  The Cathar church structure was the same as the Manichaean Church.  There maybe small groups of Manicheans in China today. 

@ one time it was one of the biggest religions in the world!!!!!!!!!!!
Gospel of Mani: It was intended to replace the Christian gospels.  Mani saw them as misinformed.   

Treasure of Life: It's about humanity and the universe.

Epistles: Mani letters to his disciples.  

Psalms and Prayers: 'Hymns written by Mani and his disciples.'

Pragmateia: This book was about the history of humanity.  It is now lost in time.

Book of Giants: It about watchers and giants.  

Book of Mysteries: Explains the nature of the soul.  

 Mani wrote all the books.  5 of the books were originally written in Syriac, the other 2 books were originally written in Persian.  They were translated into many other languages after that.   
This religion is a mixture of Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, and Christianity.  There's a good god and a evil god.  Spirit is permanent and matter is impermanent.  If a person increase their virtues and decrease their vices their soul will improve.   

10 Commandments of Manichaeism
"1. You shall worship the One God and not commit yourself to the worship of idols; not bowing down to physical objects or ideals in order to worship them.
2. You shall not be dishonest in your ways.
3. You shall not be greedy.
4. You shall not murder a man, a woman or a child, neither shall you abort an infant; and you shall not commit to unnecessary killing of any life including animals and plants.
5. You shall not be unfaithful to your spouse, or commit any form of sexual misconduct.
6. You shall not commit theft.
7. You shall not deceive someone in order to mislead them.
8. You shall not practice magic.
9. You shall not commit hypocrisy in any ways.
10. You shall seek peace and be fair to all regardless of a person’s ethnicity, color, nationality, religious beliefs, gender or sexuality. "    
Prayer: There are prayers for reading the gospel.  They said one b4 reading the gospel.  Another prayer was said after reading the gospel.  The Emanations prayer praised the lord, in so many words.  Prayers from the Elect (clergy) helped save the souls of the laity.    
Fasting: The Elect fasted from sun up till sun down.  They ate after the sun set.    
Almsgiving: The Elect was given food, clothes, and shelter by laity.  In return they prayed 4 them and did magic spells.  The congregation gave alms weekly or monthly so the Elect didn't have to ask 4 it.     

Manichaean Church
Pope: Mani was the first one.  Then there was Ctesiphon and after him was Mar Sisin.  Finally Abu-Hilal al-Dayhuri. 

Apostles:  They were second in command after the pope.  Mani had 12 apostles, which is similar to Jesus.  

Bishops: They were something like high priests.

Presbyters: They were the priests that led the hearers.   

Elect: They took the vows of Manichaeism and were the leaders of the religion.  They were everyone expect the hearers.    

Hearers: They were congregation and they didn't take the vows.     
This religion was started by Mani.  It is a mixture of Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, and Christianity.  It spread to different parts of Asia and Africa.  It got snuffed out because of emperors and conquest.  But it may survive in small pockets in China.  Mani wrote all the texts of the religion.  The beliefs can be found there-in.  They had there own unique prayers, fasting, and the clergy received alms from the congregation.  It had a unique church structure.      

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