

Saturday, May 27, 2023


What is it?  It has been around 4 decades. They have a certain way of recruiting and training.  Are they the most violent intelligence agency?  What operations have they done?  Jonathan Pollard and Jeffery Epstein worked for Mossad.  
They are the BND of Israel.  It collects foreign intelligence, counter-terrorism and covert operations.  It comes from Haganah, which was a early Jewish military.  Mossad was founded in 1949.  There are several different departments in it.  

There are 6 departments of Mossad.  They are as follows: Collections, Political Action & Liaison, Special Operations Division, LAP, Research, and Technology.  

Collections: This is the espionage department.  Members of this division gather intel on countries around the world.  They have many official and unofficial covers.

Political Action & Liaison: They work with other intelligence agencies and get involved in politics.  

Special Operations Division: It's called Matsada and they do psychological warfare projects, sabotage, high-level assassinations, and paramilitary operations.  Inside this division there is a unit called Kidon.  It consists of 4 individuals.  Each one of them has a responsibility.  They are as follows: reconnaissance, logistics, assistance, and assassination.  
LAP: They big on psychological warfare.  

Research: They write reports based on intel from members of the Collections department.  

Technology: They make the neat gadgets the spies use and sum of them are computer geeks.            

Recruiting & Training
People from any nation can join Mossad.  Someone can fill out an application on their website.  The recruits have to take various tests and the are evaluated psychologically.  Then they are put in life or death scenarios to see how they will handle themselves.  If they pass those scenarios they will be accepted.  After that they have to do a bunch of exercises for 2 weeks.  The recruits need to be good @ persuading people to do as they wish.  Criminals need not apply.  They are taught Krav Maga, killing techniques, shooting, and forms of tradecraft.     
Lavon Affair: Mossad recruited Egyptian Jews to bomb civilian targets in Egypt.  They thought the Islamic Brotherhood and communists would be blamed 4 it.  The hope was that would cause the British troops to stay in Egypt longer.  They weren't sneaky enough, so the operation was a failure and the prime minster of Israel had to resign.  The good thing about this is no died in the explosions.  This blunder happened in 1954.    
Operation Garibaldi: They captured Adolf Eichmann in Argentina in 1960.  But they let Josef Mengele get away.
Operation Diamond: A Mig-21 was stolen from Iraq and flown to Israel in 1966.  I think they studied it.      
USS Liberty Incident: A U.S. navy ship was collecting signal intelligence during the 6 Day War.  It was in international water, but the Israeli air force and navy attacked it anyway.  Some sailors died and others were injured.   
Operation Wrath of God: Wiped out members of Black September 4 the Munich bombing.  They also killed members of PLO.  
Operation Opera: Israeli air force destroyed a Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981.  A year b4 that they killed the nuclear scientist that was ova Iraq's nuclear program.  They used a prostitute to kill him.  
Operation Moses: 8,000 Ethiopian Jews were brought to Israel in 1985.  The Israelis are racist to them.      
9/11: They were involved, either by doing it and/or observing it.  There was several vans with Mossad agents in them.  Some of the vans had $4,700 in a sock, 2 foreign passports, maps, and explosives.  They were planning to blow up the George Washington Bridge.  Some Israeli men recorded the destruction of the towers.  Which means they knew it was going to happen.  While they were recording the destruction they were happy and dancing.  The van was registered to the Urban Moving company.  It was a front for Mossad.  The Israeli spies were arrested and interrogated for 71 days.  They all felled the polygraph.  There were also agents spying on the DEA, 36 Department of Defense sites, federal buildings, military bases, private residences, and 9/11 hijackers.  They posed as art students.  Mossad may have had 4knowledge of the first WTC bombing.     
The Fukushima disaster in Japan may have been caused by Israel.  If so, it was because Japan supports Palestinian statehood.    

Operation Olympic Games: They hacked Iran's nuclear computers and infected them with a Stuxnet.  It was a joint operation with MI6, CIA, AIVD, and DGSE.   
They assassinated a bunch of people throughout the years and have tried many false flags.  
They are the most violent intelligence agency in the world.  An ex-CIA agent said that in other words.  They are willing to do things other agencies aren't.  For example they killed a Canadian scientist in Brussels, Belgium.  It was because he was building a super gun for Iraq.  U.S. Army analysts said Mossad is ruthless and cunning.  They could kill U.S. soldiers and make it look like Arabs did it.     
The Js
Jonathan Pollard: He sold classified information to to various nations, mostly Israel.  He said he was giving Israel information 4 their security.  "This included data on Soviet arms shipments to Syria, Iraqi and Syrian chemical weapons, the Pakistani atomic bomb project and Libyan air defense systems.  He is also believed to have given Israel satellite photos of the PLO headquarters in Tunis, which Israel used to prepare airstrikes."  NSA signals manual was given to handlers.  Israel paid him $1,500 a month 4 the info.  They shared sum of the material they received with the Soviet Union in exchange 4 Russian Jews.  He sold sum info to China and tried to sale sum to Australia, but they told on him.  He served 30 years in prison and his wife served 4.  After they got out, they moved to Israel.  JP was one of worst spies in U.S. history!!!!!!     
Jeffery Epstein: He was an asset of Mossad.  Honey traps was his poison.  He would throw parties in mansions and on his island, where adults would have consensual sex and/or rape underage women.  These adults were celebrities, scientists, royalty, politicians, and other people with deep pockets.  Click here 4 names of the monsters.  There were hidden cameras in the rooms, so he could blackmail them.  The tapes were given to Mossad.  He's the most famous pedophile in the world!    
It is Israel's agency 4 gathering foreign intel.  It has 6 departments and they are very effective.  Mossad has conducted many operations and assassinations.  Jonathan Pollard gave away classified information to Israel.  Jeffery Epstein did honey tarps on prominent people and secretly recorded them.  He gave the tapes to Mossad, so they can be used to blackmail them.  

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