

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Inter-Services Intelligence

They are the KGB of Pakistan.  They have 3 divisions and 10 departments.  Recruits can be civilian or military.  The training they receive is rigorous.  The missions ISI perform are varied.  They had many operations and tangled with terrorists.  Sometimes Islamic fundamentalist receive support from them.  It has been around 4 ova fifty years!
They are the biggest Pakistani foreign intelligence gathering organization.  The prime minster and army chief of staff are their bosses.  ISI is looking 4 any intelligence that could compromise Pakistan.  They are deep in the shadows.             
Internal Wing: Responsible 4 counterintelligence, counter-terrorism and domestic intelligence.   
External Wing: Responsible 4 foreign intelligence and covert actions.

Foreign Relations Wing: Responsible 4 diplomacy with other nations.   

Joint Intelligence X: They gather all the information from intelligence agencies and report it to the government.

Covert Action Division: They do secret missions. 

Joint Intelligence Bureau: They find out about drugs and fraud.  

Joint Counter Intelligence Bureau: They pay attention to intelligence agencies from other countries.  

Joint Intelligence North: They collect intelligence in Kashmir.  

Joint Intelligence Miscellaneous: They take care of the surveillance.  

Joint Signal Intelligence Bureau:  They keep an eye on RAW and disrupt their communication electromagnetically.  

Joint Intelligence Technical: They create the spy technology and protect Pakistan from electronic attacks.  

SS Directorate: They attack terrorists in Pakistan.  

Political Internal Division: Inactive since 2012.

Recruitment & Training
Recruits are military and civilian.  The military recruits come from the army, navy and air force.  That's why it's called Inter-Services Intelligence.  The recruits take a test, once they past they'll get an interview.  Training lasts for 6 months, then they'll be in the field 4 five years.  After that they are given sensitive jobs.    
ISI get intelligence by overt and covert means.  Some of the ways they get it is by espionage, sabotage, subversion, and psychological warfare.  

Ambassadorial: Information is gathered in a embassy.  

Media: They use news agencies of other countries to promote their agenda.  

International Organization: They use these companies as cover for their activities.  

3rd Country: They'll get information from other countries and investigate it.  If it's legit, they will act on it.  

ISI works with MI6, CIA, MSS, and the intelligence agency of Saudi Arabia.  
In Afghanistan they trained the Mujahideen to fight the Soviets.  They also gave heroine to the Soviets, so they wouldn't be good fighters.  They supported the Taliban till 9/11.  Operation Tupac was started in 1988.  ISI supported the Mujahideen in Kashmir.  In 2017 they helped Iraq defeat ISIS.      
Support 4 Islamic Fundamentalists
They supported the Haqqani Network.  It's similar to the Taliban.   Al-Qaeda received support from them and they protected Osama Bin Laden.  Hizbul Mujahideen are terrorists in Kashmir.  They want to merge that territory with Pakistan.     
It started in 1948 after Pakistan was formed.  In the 1970's they collected intelligence on communist organizations in Pakistan.  The CIA trained ISI agents during the 1980's.  Many terrorists have been trained in Pakistan received the support of ISI.  Some of the terrorist attacks in India was aided by them.   
It is the intelligence agency of Pakistan.  It has 3 divisions and 9 departments.  It recruits from the military and civilian population.  The recruits receive 6 months of training.  There are 4 main ways they get intelligence and they use companies as well.  They had several operations and they supported terrorists.  They have been around since 1948.  

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