

Friday, June 3, 2022


What are GMOs?  Are there any positives?  Does it affect our health?  How does it impact the environment? Why do some countries ban GMOs?  Do GMOs create superbugs?  Is cloned meat a good idea?  Should GMOs be labeled?  What about pesticides?  What are endocrine disruptors?  Is Monsanto a good company?  There is chlorine and fluoride in water and many other chemicals.            
GMOs are genetically modified organisms.  People have been modifying organisms 4 millennia.  They crossbreed planets and animals.  That form of modification takes a while to take effect.  The donkey and broccoli are examples of crossbreeding different species of animals and plants.     
Scientists today are able to change organisms DNA in a laboratories.  That way organisms change quickly.  They take a gene out of one organism and put in another.  The gene they removed have a desired trait they want in the other organism.  For example they may take a gene out of a bacterium, which produces insecticide and put in corn.  Causing the corn to become deadly to insects.  Organisms "had genes added to them for various reasons, such as improving their growth, nutritional content, sustainability, pest resistance, and ease of farming."
The first time GMOs was sold in grocery stores to consumers was in the 1990's.  Congress placed a law in 2016 for companies to label their GMOs, but it may not be enforced.  GMOs may have a negative impact on our health and the environment.  Most food in the United States are GMOs.  It has been that way 4 decades. 
Trusted Sourc             
One of the + of GMOs is their toxic to insects, so less pesticide is used.  Another + is it causes bigger yields, which cheapen the prices 4 farmers and consumers.  Some scientists haven't found any links to between GMOs and cancer, but more research is required.  Genetically modifying food can make them taste better.  They may lead to less allergies.  They can be more nutritious than their natural counterpart.  Such as golden rice, it has been pumped with Vitamin A.         
Health Effect
"The results of most studies with GM foods indicate that they may cause some common toxic effects such as hepatic, pancreatic, renal, or reproductive effects and may alter the hematological, biochemical, and immunologic parameters."  Inserting new genes in organisms may cause toxicity.  Rats that ate a gmo tomato got stomach lesions.  New and/or current allergies may increase because of gmos.  Some of these allergies may cause sudden death.  Children will become more allergic than adults.  Animal test results show that gmos suppress the immune system.  Bovine Growth Hormone that is genetically modified is used in the U.S. to increase milk production of cows.  It is linked to various cancers.  So, Canada and Europe rejected it.  GMOs may become less nutritious ova time. 
Environmental Impact
GMOs cause some weeds to become resistant to herbicides, so they used more often.  Herbicides have a negative effect on our health.  But studies show overall gmos had a positive impact on the environment.  It led to less use of herbicides and pesticides.  Less fuel is used, which leads to better soil quality.            
16 European countries, 2 African countries, 4 Asian countries, and 4 countries in the Americas ban gmos.  They ban them because gmos may harm humans and animals, ecosystems, and reduce plant diversity.  They feel there are more cons then pros to gmos.  Most of the citizens in these countries don't want gmos.  
Superbugs from GMOs
GMOs has caused certain pathogens to become resistant to antibiotics because of horizontal gene transfer.  That's why Great Britain and other European countries wouldn't allow a certain genetically modified corn to be imported.  It has a gene that is resistant to a certain antibiotic.  Sometimes insects become immune to insecticide as well.  
Cloned Meat
This filth has been in the U.S. 4 ova a decade.  Milk is cloned as well.  There are @ least 600 cloned animals used for meat and milk.  Now it is probably ova 1,000 cloned animals.  Cloned food is not labelled.  FDA says there no label 4 it, because the clone is same as the original.  If so what's the point of of cloning the animals 4 food.  There is no shortage of farm animals.  Many countries clone animals; but it is unknown if they sell it in grocery stores.  Katt Williams talked about it on his comedy special.  The name of the special is Pimpin' Pimpin'.  
64 countries label gmos.  In the U.S. GMOs will be labeled as bio-engineered.  In the U.S. restaurants don't have to label their food, but grocery stores do.  Some people feel this new labeling rule helps companies not consumers.     
They are chemicals that kill organisms that destroy crops.  There are 2 types of pesticides that are used the most in farming.  They are insecticide and herbicide.  They both have a negative impact on the environment and our health.  
Insecticide: These chemicals are used to kill bugs, so crops can survive and flourish.  If a human inhale, swallow, or gets it on their skin.  They may cough, have trouble breathing, watery eyes, and heart trouble.  Insecticides contaminate the air, water, and soil.  It also hurt organisms it wasn't intended to harm.  
Herbicide: These chemicals kill unwanted plants, such as weeds.  "The most direct effects of herbicide pollution are decreased condition, growth, and reproduction, and increased mortality, of plants.  For example, exposure to herbicides may lead to elevated internal herbicide concentrations and decreased photosynthesis, cell division, and amino acid production in plants. Effects on aquatic plants can indirectly affect fish and invertebrates by modifying habitat and food availability.  Exposure to herbicides also can directly increase mortality and change the behavior and reproduction of fish, amphibians and invertebrates. Possible changes in behavior include increased invertebrate drift and increased avoidance by fish.
Ultimately, these effects may result in changes in community structure (e.g., decreased richness, changes in functional feeding groups) and ecosystem function. For example, aquatic vegetation is especially susceptible to herbicides, so may decrease in abundance and richness. As a result, the relative abundances of invertebrate feeding groups may shift. However, herbicide-resistant and other non-target plants may increase in abundance with herbicide exposure, due to reduced competitive pressure from affected plants."      
They may cause DNA damage in human cells because they are endocrine disruptors.  It may cause testicular cancer in males.  Agent Orange was used in Vietnam to destroy the forest, it's a herbicide.  Herbicide should be replaced with something that neither harms the environment nor our health.          
Endocrine Disruptors (EDs)
They are chemicals in many different products.  Such as food, beverages, pesticides, cosmetics, toys, plastics, etc.  They interfere with our endocrine system.  Some of the illness they can cause are as follows: diabetes, ADHD, weakens immune system, early puberty, fertility problems, cancers, etc.  Some EDs causes male frogs to become more feminine and homosexual; those EDs are in herbicides.  EDs can increase the likelihood of someone becoming homosexual and/or having gender dysphoria.  
This company is a agrochemical and farming biotechnological corporation.  They create 80% of GMO seeds in the world and Roundup.  They were one of the companies that produced Agent Orange during Vietnam War. They also made genetically bovine growth hormone and created the dreaded Terminator Seed.  There were legal issues in 6 countries mainly because of it's GMO.  Bayer bought Monsanto in 2018 for $66 billion.                   
Contaminants in Water
There are many contaminants in worldwide drinking water.  These contaminants can cause cancer, learning disabilities, inhibit production of certain hormones, and stomach aches in children.  To a lesser degree in adults as well.  There are heavy metals and pathogens in the drinking water.  Herbicides are in our drinking water too.  Cosmetics and chemicals in paint are also in water.  There is a lot lead in tap water.  Lead poising can lower IQ and criminal behavior.  China, Taiwan, and Bangladesh have a lot of arsenic in their drinking water, which is terrible 4 human health.  It can cause cancer, skin problems, blood issues, and miscarriages.  Chlorine, ultraviolet light, and ozone are used to disinfect drinking water.  Certain disinfectants can cause bladder cancer.  
GMOs are genetically modified organisms.  They are beneficial in sum ways.  They have a negative impact on our health and the environment.  They are banned by many countries.  They cause superbugs, which can wreck havoc on the environment and our health.  Cloned meat is sold in U.S. and maybe other countries.  GMOs are labeled in some countries, but not in others.  Pesticides are bad 4 the environment and our health.  EDs are chemicals that cause hormonal problems.  Monsanto is the main cause of this gmo madness.  Drinking water worldwide is filthy!!!!!!  Oh yeah, GMOs should be banned in every country, because they have more - than +.          

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