

Thursday, November 25, 2021


It was a satanic cult working for the CIA.  There was 1987 investigation and 1993 inquiry.  They engage in mind control and child abuse.  They had very weird rituals.  They had their own warehouse and engaged in international purchases.   You can find out about them on the FBI website.  
1987 Investigation
2 white men were arrested in Tallahassee, Fl.  They were driving a van with 6 minors.  Their ages were 2-11.  They were wearing suits and the kids were dirty and hungry.  Most of the children weren't able to speak.  Only the 11 year spoke, she said the 2 white men were teachers.  Someone told the police the children were used in Satanic rituals.  One of the white men told cops they were taking the children to Mexico and weaning them from their mothers.  The cops found the men in the park; the men were charged with child abuse.  They were in jail 4 six weeks and then all charges were dropped.  The parents were called and they came got their kids.    

1993 Inquiry
A  U.S. Customs Special Agent searched the Finders's properties in Washington D.C.  He found evidence they were trafficking children and doing other criminal activities.  He tried to review the evidence, but was told not too.  The Finders were under the protection of the CIA.  There was a segment about the Finders on a CBS show called 48 hours.  The segment never aired.  Department of Justice investigated the inquiry.  They said the CIA didn't interfere and the Finders committed no crime.   

They engaged in satanic rituals that involved children.  Children were involved, so they could be mind controlled.    Goats were sacrificed in front of the children, which would cause them to disassociate.  They were also made to slaughter the goats as well.  Some kids had to hold a goat head; while others played with goat fetuses.  Abusing children with satanism is known as satanic ritual abuse.  This was was happening in the 1980's during the satanic panic.  Many people in the states believed satanists were killing people and abusing children in a daycares and other places.  Most of the claims were untrue.  Some of the claims were true.  Studies show some of the adults that abused children used satanism to further traumatize them.  

In the warehouse there was a bathtub, sauna, video room, 2 kitchens, altar, photos of naked children, sauna, jars of urine and feces there.  Illegal porn was made in the warehouse.  Children's minds were being manipulated and a lot of the parents were in on it.  Sometimes children were taken to farms and terrible rituals was done there.  Some of the members of the Finders flew to Hong Kong and bought some children.  
CIA Connection
The founder of cult wife was in the CIA for ova 20 years.  There was CIA agents in the cult.  The investigation into the Finders was stopped by them.  The agency was working with cults in mind control.  They expanded MK-Ultra to secretive groups after experimenting with soldiers and citizens.     
The Finders was a terrible cult!!!!!!  People founded out about them in 1987.  The CIA blocked the 1993 inquiry.  They had awful rituals and a warehouse.  They were deeply connected to the CIA.  The cult ceased to existed after the leader died in 2004.


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