

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Branch Davidians

They existed before David Koresh.  He was seen as the Messiah.  There beliefs and rituals was peculiar.  They broke apart over doctrine.  There was a siege on their compound in Waco Texas.  Where are they today? 
History B4 David
This cult was created by Victor Houteff in 1934.  They were a type of 7th Day Adventist cult.  It was located in Waco, Texas.  They were known as the Dravidian.  After he died his wife became the leader.  She believed the world was going to end in 1959.  She brought her congregation to Mount Carmel Center to wait out the end of the world.  After that didn't happen, Benjamin Roden created the Branch Davidian.  His wife Lois Roden tookover after his death.  After her, George became the leader.  He was their son.     
David Koresh
Vernon Howell came to the Branch Davidian compound in 1981.  He was in a romantic relationship with Lois Roden.  She was about 40 years older than him.  Vernon wanted to have a child with her.  He thought it would be the Messiah.  There was a split within the cult.  Most members followed Howell, some followed George, and some of the members moved to Alabama under Charles Pace leadership.  George and his followers lived on the Mount Carmel compound.    
Howell led a group of people to takeover Mount Carmel.  They had guns and they went to trial.  They were found not guilty.  The lawyers were invited to eat ice cream on the compound.

Vernon changed his name to David Koresh.  It was inspired by King David in the bible and Koresh is Hebrew for Cyrus.  Cyrus was a Persian king.  He wanted to create offspring that became world leaders.  David believed he was the lamb in Revelations.             
They thought the world was ending soon.  They also believed David Koresh was the Messiah.  All the members were celibate, expect David.  He had 20+ wives, some of which were minors.  David was writing the 7 Seals in Revelation.  They saw the world as sinful, so they separated themselves from it.     

They followed the old testament and constantly studied the bible.  Children were made to fight each other.  If they didn't fight hard enough they were hit with wooden spoon.  David was called father by the children and they called their parents dogs.  Girls were given a Star of David to signify David wanted to have sex with them.  Kids had to piss and shit in pots and pans.  David Koresh was a Fucking monster, I glad he's dead.  Don't be fucking with kids!!!!!!       

Siege in Waco, Texas
People outside the compound heard gunfire and a UPS driver saw weapons in one of the boxes he was delivering to the compound.  ATF had a search warrant, because it was believed BD was turning semi-automatic guns to automatic.  When they entered the compound there was a shootout.  4 ATF agents died and 6 Branch Davidian.  Then the FBI started the siege.     
The siege for 51 days.  It was from 2/28 to 4/19/1993.  Texas Law Enforcement, FBI, ATF, and military were wrestling with the Branch Davidian @ the Mount Carmel compound.  @ the end of the siege the compound was burned down.  The government said the Branch Davidian did it.  Others say the opposite.  I've read the Branch Davidian found out about the CIA drug smuggling operation in the U.S.  If that's true, that is the reason they were burned down.    
9 people were arrested.  Most of them appealed their sentences.  They were all released from prison in 2007.  A British Davidian was tortured in prison.  He moved back to Britain after his release.  He still believes in David.          
Where Are They Now?
Clive Doyle created a church on top of the burned down compound.  Another group of Davidian moved in too.  They were led by Charles Pace the one that went to Alabama.  He feels David messed up the message.  Clive and Charles were beefing, so Clive left his church.  
The Dravidian had a rocky history from the beginning.  Vernon came and made it worst.  The Branch Davidian had crazy beliefs and rituals.  Then there was a siege and arrests.  There are people today who believe in David, but not many.  The moral of the story is don't but all your faith in someone outside yourself.  You are the master of your own universe.  Create your own destiny and stop worshiping stuff.      

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