

Thursday, November 25, 2021


It was a satanic cult working for the CIA.  There was 1987 investigation and 1993 inquiry.  They engage in mind control and child abuse.  They had very weird rituals.  They had their own warehouse and engaged in international purchases.   You can find out about them on the FBI website.  
1987 Investigation
2 white men were arrested in Tallahassee, Fl.  They were driving a van with 6 minors.  Their ages were 2-11.  They were wearing suits and the kids were dirty and hungry.  Most of the children weren't able to speak.  Only the 11 year spoke, she said the 2 white men were teachers.  Someone told the police the children were used in Satanic rituals.  One of the white men told cops they were taking the children to Mexico and weaning them from their mothers.  The cops found the men in the park; the men were charged with child abuse.  They were in jail 4 six weeks and then all charges were dropped.  The parents were called and they came got their kids.    

1993 Inquiry
A  U.S. Customs Special Agent searched the Finders's properties in Washington D.C.  He found evidence they were trafficking children and doing other criminal activities.  He tried to review the evidence, but was told not too.  The Finders were under the protection of the CIA.  There was a segment about the Finders on a CBS show called 48 hours.  The segment never aired.  Department of Justice investigated the inquiry.  They said the CIA didn't interfere and the Finders committed no crime.   

They engaged in satanic rituals that involved children.  Children were involved, so they could be mind controlled.    Goats were sacrificed in front of the children, which would cause them to disassociate.  They were also made to slaughter the goats as well.  Some kids had to hold a goat head; while others played with goat fetuses.  Abusing children with satanism is known as satanic ritual abuse.  This was was happening in the 1980's during the satanic panic.  Many people in the states believed satanists were killing people and abusing children in a daycares and other places.  Most of the claims were untrue.  Some of the claims were true.  Studies show some of the adults that abused children used satanism to further traumatize them.  

In the warehouse there was a bathtub, sauna, video room, 2 kitchens, altar, photos of naked children, sauna, jars of urine and feces there.  Illegal porn was made in the warehouse.  Children's minds were being manipulated and a lot of the parents were in on it.  Sometimes children were taken to farms and terrible rituals was done there.  Some of the members of the Finders flew to Hong Kong and bought some children.  
CIA Connection
The founder of cult wife was in the CIA for ova 20 years.  There was CIA agents in the cult.  The investigation into the Finders was stopped by them.  The agency was working with cults in mind control.  They expanded MK-Ultra to secretive groups after experimenting with soldiers and citizens.     
The Finders was a terrible cult!!!!!!  People founded out about them in 1987.  The CIA blocked the 1993 inquiry.  They had awful rituals and a warehouse.  They were deeply connected to the CIA.  The cult ceased to existed after the leader died in 2004.


Saturday, November 20, 2021

Branch Davidians

They existed before David Koresh.  He was seen as the Messiah.  There beliefs and rituals was peculiar.  They broke apart over doctrine.  There was a siege on their compound in Waco Texas.  Where are they today? 
History B4 David
This cult was created by Victor Houteff in 1934.  They were a type of 7th Day Adventist cult.  It was located in Waco, Texas.  They were known as the Dravidian.  After he died his wife became the leader.  She believed the world was going to end in 1959.  She brought her congregation to Mount Carmel Center to wait out the end of the world.  After that didn't happen, Benjamin Roden created the Branch Davidian.  His wife Lois Roden tookover after his death.  After her, George became the leader.  He was their son.     
David Koresh
Vernon Howell came to the Branch Davidian compound in 1981.  He was in a romantic relationship with Lois Roden.  She was about 40 years older than him.  Vernon wanted to have a child with her.  He thought it would be the Messiah.  There was a split within the cult.  Most members followed Howell, some followed George, and some of the members moved to Alabama under Charles Pace leadership.  George and his followers lived on the Mount Carmel compound.    
Howell led a group of people to takeover Mount Carmel.  They had guns and they went to trial.  They were found not guilty.  The lawyers were invited to eat ice cream on the compound.

Vernon changed his name to David Koresh.  It was inspired by King David in the bible and Koresh is Hebrew for Cyrus.  Cyrus was a Persian king.  He wanted to create offspring that became world leaders.  David believed he was the lamb in Revelations.             
They thought the world was ending soon.  They also believed David Koresh was the Messiah.  All the members were celibate, expect David.  He had 20+ wives, some of which were minors.  David was writing the 7 Seals in Revelation.  They saw the world as sinful, so they separated themselves from it.     

They followed the old testament and constantly studied the bible.  Children were made to fight each other.  If they didn't fight hard enough they were hit with wooden spoon.  David was called father by the children and they called their parents dogs.  Girls were given a Star of David to signify David wanted to have sex with them.  Kids had to piss and shit in pots and pans.  David Koresh was a Fucking monster, I glad he's dead.  Don't be fucking with kids!!!!!!       

Siege in Waco, Texas
People outside the compound heard gunfire and a UPS driver saw weapons in one of the boxes he was delivering to the compound.  ATF had a search warrant, because it was believed BD was turning semi-automatic guns to automatic.  When they entered the compound there was a shootout.  4 ATF agents died and 6 Branch Davidian.  Then the FBI started the siege.     
The siege for 51 days.  It was from 2/28 to 4/19/1993.  Texas Law Enforcement, FBI, ATF, and military were wrestling with the Branch Davidian @ the Mount Carmel compound.  @ the end of the siege the compound was burned down.  The government said the Branch Davidian did it.  Others say the opposite.  I've read the Branch Davidian found out about the CIA drug smuggling operation in the U.S.  If that's true, that is the reason they were burned down.    
9 people were arrested.  Most of them appealed their sentences.  They were all released from prison in 2007.  A British Davidian was tortured in prison.  He moved back to Britain after his release.  He still believes in David.          
Where Are They Now?
Clive Doyle created a church on top of the burned down compound.  Another group of Davidian moved in too.  They were led by Charles Pace the one that went to Alabama.  He feels David messed up the message.  Clive and Charles were beefing, so Clive left his church.  
The Dravidian had a rocky history from the beginning.  Vernon came and made it worst.  The Branch Davidian had crazy beliefs and rituals.  Then there was a siege and arrests.  There are people today who believe in David, but not many.  The moral of the story is don't but all your faith in someone outside yourself.  You are the master of your own universe.  Create your own destiny and stop worshiping stuff.      

Thursday, November 11, 2021


This was a sex cult that started off as a pyramid scheme.  This cult is operating today.  It had legal trouble and there was key players.  They have strange rituals and subcults.  There were/are quite a few rich folk in this cult.  There were @ least 7 former members critical of it.  There were several whistleblowers.  
Consumer Buyline
This organization was created in 1990.  People joined so they would pay less on consumer goods.  The membership was $250 a year and Purchase Power was the company that created the discount.  C.B. had made a deal with Purchase Power 4 discounts.  C.B. gave P.P. $35 out of $250 they got from the members.  This company was pyramid scheme so New York State put them out of business.   The leader of this company had sex with a 12 year old.  
NXIVM was created in 1998 for personal development.  Members of the cult was taught techniques for self-improvement.  There was over 3,000 members in 2003.  Some of the members were millionaires.  Some of the members of cult tried to ruin the critics legally.  In 2010 the cult was seen as a pyramid scheme and a sexually deviant.      
Legal Problems
In 2017 it was discovered that there was a sisterhood in the cult.  The women in this sisterhood were sex slaves.  They were branded and nude photos were taken of them.  Nude photos were kept 4 blackmail.  A woman left the cult b4 she joined the sisterhood.  She talked about her experiences on 20/20.  Many women left the cult after that.  
The leader of the cult was arrested in 2018.  He was arrested because of the sisterhood.  Members close to leader were arrested as well.  There was a lawsuit from last year.  It deals with the experiments that abused people.  The leader got 120 years in prison and other members got much less.  He told his followers to get help from Alan Dershowitz.  Alan is the lawyer that got Jeffrey Epstein the sweetheart deal.      
Key Players
Keith Raniere: He is a terrible pedophile and he was influenced by Scientology.  He created Consumer Buyline and NXIVM with sum help.  He is in jail 4 the rest of his life.  NXIVM is still lead by him.  
Nancy Salzman: She help create NXIVM with Keith.  She was a nurse, hypnotist, and nlp practitioner.  The FBI seized $520,000, pesos, rubles, computers, camaras, and cell phones from her house.    
Allison Mack: She played on Smallville and Wilfred.  She became Keith right arm.  She may have created the sisterhood.  She blackmailed women into having sex with the leader.  She also branded them with her initials.  She got 3 years in prison and 3 years probation.    
Clare Bronfman: She is the daughter of a Edgar Bronfman Sr.  She help fund the cult with her sister.  Clare spent $150 million on the cult.  Her father joined the cult, until he founded out Clare gave Keith $2 million loan.  NXIVM were  able to spy on Edgar emails because Clare put a keylogger on his computer.  She hired private firms to investigate the enemies of the cult.     
There was 12 classes and they had different ranks within in them.  The classes costed $7,500.  There were different modules.  I will explain some of them.  Relationship Sourcing-What is the benefit of your spouse dying?  Dracula and Ghouls-Exposure to serial killers.  They had one called Best People, Best World.  There was another called The Heroic Struggle.  EM Sessions: Older members asked younger members about their childhood.     

Jness: This was the lady group.  It was suppose to give women a better understanding of what it means to be a woman.  But it just made them feel bad.  There were 11 day workshops that costed $5,000.   
Society of Protectors:  This was the men group.  It was suppose to build character.  It costed $1,500 to join.  There job was to protect the women and children.    

DOS: Theis group was composed of women who were sex slaves.  They were blackmailed into having sex with Keith.  They were also starved and branded.   
Prominent Members 
Pam Cafritz: She help create Jness.  She was Keith's main squeeze.  Now she's dead, 11/7/2016.  

Nicki Clyne: Actress on Battlestar Galactica.  Allison married her, so she wouldn't have to go to prison.  It didn't work; she was one of the people that danced outside the court after Keith's trial.    

Brandon Porter: He was a doctor that showed members violent videos.  There was outbreak of a virus on a retreat.  He failed to report it, so his license have been revoked.   

Danielle Roberts: She was a doctor that branded 17 women.  She danced outside the jail after Keith's trail.  She lost her medical license this year.   

Emiliano Salinas: Son of an ex-president of Mexico.  He is very wealthy.  

Edgar Boone: He is a rich Mexican man.  He introduced NXIVM to wealthy Mexicans.  He still believes in Keith.   

Sara Bronfman: Clare sister, she help finance the cult.  She got stiffed by the Dalai Lama gatekeeper.  She did that so the Dalai Lama could speak in Albany, NY.     
Critical Eye
Sarah Edmondson: She's an actress in Canada.  She got out of the cult b4 becoming a sex slave.  She was the first person to speak out about the evils of NXIVM.  
India Oxenberg: She was a sex slave and was starved.  Her mom wrote a book about her experience trying to save her daughter from a cult.   
Toni Natalie: She joined Consumer Buyline with her husband in 1991.  They broke up after she moved to be near Keith.  He helped her quite smoking and she became his girlfriend for 8 years.  He raped her multiple times.   
Kristin Keeffe: One of Keith's girlfriends.  She had his son in 2013.  She left the cult the following year.  She wanted to get her son away from them, because they were doing experiments on him.    
Rick Alan Ross: He is the leader of Cult Education Institute.  He published parts of the NXIVM training manual on his website.   
James Odato: He reported on Keith's history of pedophilia.  

Consumer Buyline was a pyramid scheme.  NXIVM been around ova 20 years.  It had a lot of legal problems.  There were several key players in the cult.  They had weird rituals and subcults.  There were many prominent members and critics.  There were quite a few whistleblowers.     

Monday, November 8, 2021

Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ

This cult was started by Jim Jones.  It lasted for over 2 decades and it had an hierarchy.  They had strange beliefs.  Communist mind control was used on the members, so they would be obedient.  There maybe a CIA connection.  In Jonestown, Guyana there was a great massacre.  
Jim Jones
His name was James Warren Jones and he was born in Crete, Indiana on 5/13/1931.  He studied communists, Gandhi, and Adolf Hitler growing up.  He was obsessed with death and religion as a kid.  His father was in the KKK and they fell out because he wouldn't let his black friend in the house.
After his parents separated, he moved with his mom to Richmond.  He found a job @ a hospital.  One day he was working on a patient's bones or skin while shaving him.  He was to rough, so the razor cut the patient.  Then he gave a menacing look to a coworker after he cut the patient.  He met his wife @ this hospital.  
Jim and his wife lived in Bloomington.  He went to university there.  Then they moved to Indianapolis, where he attended Indiana University and Butler University.  He got his degree "10 years after enrolling."

In 1951 he started going to Communist Party USA meetings.  The FBI harassed him and his mother for being communists.  He didn't like the harassment communists experienced by the government.  The trail of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg made him very angry.  He decide to infiltrate the church to spread communism.            
1952 was the year he became a student pastor in a Methodist church.  He left that church because it was racist.  He saw faith healing in 1955; he thought he use it to get people to follow him and give him their $.  

The next year Jim created a healing convention.  He shared the pulpit with another preacher that healed people.  The preacher endorsed Jones which made him popular.  Jim copied the his healing methods.
He traveled to different states preaching with his mentor.  He told people he was Elijah reincarnated and the world was going to end.  He became the president of the Worldwide Pentecostal Convention Broad.
He studied Hitler and Father Divine, so he could control his congregation.  Father Divine told him to create a enemy.  This will unify the congregation and make them subservient.  He became an expert @ mind control or brainwashing.  
In 1960 he became director of the local Human Rights Commission.  After that he integrated "churches, restaurants, the telephone company, the Indianapolis Police Department, a theater, an amusement park, and the Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital.   Swastikas were painted on the homes of two black families, and Jones walked through the neighborhood comforting the local black community and counseling white families not to move.[28] He also set up sting operations to catch restaurants refusing to serve black customers and wrote to American Nazi Party leaders, passing their responses to the media.  Jones was accidentally placed in the black ward of a hospital after a collapse in 1961, but refused to be moved; he began to make the beds and empty the bedpans of black patients. Political pressures resulting from Jones's actions caused hospital officials to desegregate the wards."

Jones and his wife adopted a black kid, white kid, 3 Korean children and a child that was somewhat (native) American.  Jones called his family the Rainbow Family.  He adopted children of different races because he believed in integration.  He had one biological son by his wife named Stephen Gandhi
He traveled to Brazil to build a new church there.  He thought the United States would be destroyed in nuclear war.  He studied Brazilian religions and attracted the locals.  He promored communal living there, instead of talking about Karl Marx.  The Peoples Temple was falling apart, so he moved back to Indiana.  
Jim told his followers he was God in the 70s and rejected Christianity.  He was was really an atheist, but kept his congregation from knowing.  His followers was told no one one will save them.  They have to help themselves and create heaven on Earth.  

Once San Francisco became the headquarters of the church, Jim became very popular.  He helped a mayor get elected.  Then Jim was appointed chairman of housing authority.  Rosalynn Carter spoke to him on several occasions.  They talked about Cuba.  He had his own dinner that was attended by governors.       
They believed in Christianity and communism.  Racial integration was a big deal for them.  They believed in helping poor people, homeless people, and disabled children.  Jones was seen as a son of God and a reincarnation of religious figures.  Remember Christianity was something Jim Jones used so he could promote communism.      

Mind Control
Jim Jones used mind control from North Korea and China.  He learned some techniques from Father Divine.  It seems like some of the women in the cult were beta kitten sex slaves.  Jim was there handlers.  Some members were punished by being put in a small box, kids were hung upside down in a well, others were forced to take drugs, public rape, humiliation, beatings, and verbal abuse.   The assassins in Guyana that killed the Congressman and journalists were under mind control.  Dan White was a mind controlled assassin as well.  He killed 2 people that were connected to the Peoples Temple.  Those 2 people were being investigated 4 missing $.      

Top Dog: Jim Jones leader of that insanity.  

Inner Circle: He surrounded himself with several dozen upper middle white people.  They help fund the Temple and they were the public face of it.      

Elite: College educated white women.  They would do whatever it takes to promote the top dog message.  The rank and file saw them as secret police.  

Planning Commission:  They controlled the finances and determined what the Temple was doing every day.  They was over other committees.  

Diversions Committee: They wrote letters to politicians to persuade them into doing what Jim wanted.  

Mertles Committee: Their Job was to crush the enemies of the Temple.

Troops: These were the rank and file members.  They were mostly members of my tribe.  They like the communism of Peoples Temple and it was similar to a black church.   
He created a charity that became Peoples Temple.  The first church he had was called Community Unity Church.  It was in a small "rented space" in Indianapolis.  Members of his his congregation pretended to be healed.  They pretended "cancerous tissues" was coming out their body.  But it was just animal parts.  

1956 was the year Jim got his first church building.  There were several conventions that attracted many people.  There were other preachers @ this convention as well.  Members of the Temple recruited people in Indiana and Ohio.     

People were told to wear casual clothes, so poor people wouldn't feel bad.  Homeless people were given shelter.  My people became half of the congregation, then the majority.  The Peoples Temple merged with the Disciples of Christ in 1959.  The next year he opened a soup kitchen.  There were social services: rent help, job help, free clothes and canned goods, and coal 4 the winter.   
Jim was a big fan of Father Divine.  He visited him several times as well as his followers.  Jim told his followers not to have sex and adopt children.  Father Divine had a certain style of preaching, Jones copied it.  He created a home for senior citizens and made Jesus seem like a communist, even though he spoke against the bible.  

The Temple became more communist.  The members was told to spend Christmas and Thanksgiving @ the temple.  They were told to give their possessions to the Temple, so it can meet all the members need.  He had a vision of Chicago and Indianapolis being destroyed by a nuclear missile.  Jim tried to start a Church in Brazil, but was unsuccessful.      

In 1965 the temple moved from Indiana to California.  He preached about communism and said the United States was the Antichrist.  He believed there would be a nuclear war; then the world would become a better place.  Those ideas were probably lies he told people.  There was over 3,000 members.    

Jonestown Massacre       
A lot of the members were drugged when they arrived.  They had small places to live and there food was spoiled.  They had to work 17 hours a day and when they weren't working they had to listen to Jim Jones lectures.  Ova 900 people died there.  It was believed that drank Kool-Aid with cyanide in it.  But it seems like most of them was murdered by security.  Jim Jones may have survived the massacre.  That was the biggest mass murder of U.S. citizens until 9/11.  
CIA Connection
The U.S. embassy paid 4 Jones transportation, groceries, and housing when he was in Brazil.  When he came back to the states he had $10 Gs.  Some of the members in Peoples Temple came from mental hospitals.  An aide of Jones said the CIA and FBI had a audiotape of the massacre.  He was suicided in the bathroom.  A green beret killed some people that survived the massacre. Some of the people that dealt with the aftermath of the mass murder were connected to the CIA.  World Vision was a religious organization that worked for CIA.  They wanted to bring mercenaries from Laos into Jonestown.  Mk Ultra was heavy in Jonestown.       

Jim Jones started this cult to promote communism.  He was a weird evil guy.  The cult has a long history and they helped a lot of people. Their beliefs was Christian and communist.  He used mind control on his congregation, which eventually to the Jonestown massacre.  He was an CIA asset.        


Friday, November 5, 2021

Professional Lady Pleaser

I give my clients the greatest sexual satisfaction that will ever experience!!!!  Safety first.  You have to be eazy on the eyez if you want my service.  I offer a variety of services.  They are as follow: bathing rituals, love rituals, erotic massage, 4play, gentle sex, fucking, rough sex and cuddling.  I do fantasies as well and I have sex toys.  I can give you many different orgasms.  It may cost you a arm and a leg.   
Safety First
I use Magnum latex condoms and dental dams.  This is so I'm safe and she doesn't get pregnant.  STDs can be transmitted by vaginal fluid, saliva, and the anus.  That's why use dental dams when I lick the inbetweens.  Having safe sex is very important.  A moment of pleasure isn't worth a lifetime of pain.  I will make you feel safe and calm b4 we do anything.  It is of utmost importance you feel secure.  The safest place you can be is with me.     
A woman has to be attractive for me to offer her these services.  If I don't find her attractive she cannot partake in these blissful experiences.  But she can still get any of my non-sexual services.  If I don't find you attractive don't feel bad.  Some women don't find me attractive.  Don't take it personal, its just bizzness.  
Bathing Rituals:  We can wash each other up in the shower or the tub with our bare hands.  Make sure you're clean b4 you cum 2 me.  I offer this because its a wonderful experience.     
Love Rituals: We can rub each other faces while boo loving.  We can also touch each other hearts while gazing into each other eyez.   
Erotic Massage:  I'll massage your breasts, vulva, and anus.  
4play: This may consist of 9 angles of pleasure: breathing, whispering, talking, kissing, licking, sucking, touching, fingering, and energy. 
Gentle Sex: Soft and slow, let our bodies flow, I will hold you close and neva let go.  This kind of sex will make you feel appreciated and it is so romantic.  If you like it deep this is 4 you.    
Fucking: We in heat, Imma hit to the beat.  This is hot and sweaty, fast paced and heavy.  If you want a jackhammer, this is 4 you.  
Rough Sex: You so kinky, let play a role, use toys to get the mole.  I love good girls but bad girls make me soooooo hot!!!!  Do you like handcuffs?  You eva been tied up?  Do you want a dominant man or submissive boy?  I put the B in the DS.   
Cuddling: We will gently caress each other.  My touch will make you feel whole.  There is love in every stroke.  Women love to cuddle and so do I.  
We can do whatever you fantasize about.  If you can't think of anything I will give you some tips.  I have sum ideas.  What are your deepest darkest urges?  I am the only man that can fulfill them.  I know want you want, so cum get it.  Imma scratch your itch.    
I have various toys because women are so childish.  They are used mostly in rough sex, but some are used in 4play.  One of my toys can give you a buzz.  You ever been blindfolded b4?  What games we can play?  Do you want to be constrained?  When was the last time you got a spanking?  Do you want to gag on sum balls?
The orgasm is unique to every woman.  Like the fingerprint of the person.  But there is lot of overlap.  The vulva is like an elevator.  It has so many buttons.  Don't forget the middle.  Some women have sensitive shitters.  Are you a gusher?  Do you shoot out moisturizer fluid every now and then?  I spoted a G down the street.  You eva talk dirty?  What about a body quack?  Have your breasts eva been rubbed and sucked right?  You know it more than a nipple and areola.  How do you feel about a non-physical orgasm?      
I am unable to update my website; but these services are free now and 4ever.  It is illegal 4 me to charge, so I don't.  You neva have to pay a dime for this.  You are so lucky.  Doing the service is reward enough, but getting a donation is a plus.  It is up 2 you if I get a donation.  Either way the service remains the same.