

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Last Adventure @ the End of 🌎

I went to a single mingle.  I met a older woman that had one leg.  She's a therapist and an advocate 4 amputees.  I bought her sum apple juice and water.  I met 2 RNs and 3 social workers.  I seen several people from the past.  The food that was there was like snack food.  There was a vegetable and fruit trays, crackers & cheese, pasta salad, chicken fingers.  I invited someone to the African Dance party.  
My nephew came over my mama house.  I was happy to see him because I haven't seen him a while.  We watch Utube together and talked about quantum physics, biology, and Hoodoo.  He took to the Secretary of State building to get a I.D.  Then we went to Dollar General, so I could get sum water.  Later that night I ubered to the Omega house.  It  turned out to be a regular house.  So, I went back home.  The Hampton alumni president texted me the flyer after I called him.  Then I Lyfted to correct location.  It was a middle age party so there wasn't as much dancing as I would of liked.  I set @ a table and watched college basketball.  I met someone whose last name is Featherstone.  I told him about familysearch. com, so he can look up his ancestry.  I taught his last name was (native) American.  I told someone else about MMA.  I seen Q that invited the alumni @ the brunch, but he treated like a stranger.  Maybe he forgot who I was.  I should told him was Alumini.  I didn't think of it then, so my feelings was hurt.  
I went to the 3rd Erotic Poetry Anniversary and performed.  When I got there the organizer didn't know about me performing.  The host which is my cousin said I could perform; eventually I did.  I did the greatest performance, because I got the greatest reaction!!!!!  My cousin said I should be president.  Everyone cracked up when I said I nutted in her coochie after she took a shit.  I ate fish, mash potatoes, mac & cheese, and a vegetable medley.  I drunk a Shirley Temple.  It was all free.  Only thing that someone had to pay for was alcohol.     
Pic of Me @ the Anniversary 

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