

Sunday, December 29, 2019


Albania has a great peoples, rich culture, and long history.  Catholicism and Islam had a big impact on Abania.  It has it's own language.  It has a lot of biodiversity and it is a sovereign nation.  Albanian is the language of this country and there are significant minorities. 
Hoti: First time they were documented was on 1474.  They were big on Albanian independence from the Ottomans. Most of them are Catholic and sum of them are Muslim. 

Gruda: They fought 4 Albanian independence too.  They follow the same religions as the Hoti.  They are composed of 2 clans. 

Dushmani: This tribe was created in 1400's.  They're Catholic and they practice blood vengeance.  Blood Vengeance is killing someone for revenge or because they dishonored you. 

Gashi: There were 4 brothers that created 4 tribes.  They're one of them.  They are over 300 years old.

There are many more tribes, but this will suffice.

"They call themselves Shqiptare."  There cuisine have been influenced by Greeks, Italians, and Turks.  "Most traditional Albanian food consists of vegetables, spices, meats, fish, vinegar, yogurt and herbs. Cow, lamb, rabbit and chicken meat is used heavily in various dishes.They love Spinach and Cheese Pie and Stuffed Peppers.  Some of them wear traditional clothing, while others wear Western clothes.  They like to sing and dance @ festivals.  Albanians have strong sense of dualism, which can be seen in their folklore.  People greet each other with a hug and kiss; and they have less personal space than people in the States.  When they talk to each other they raise their the volume of their voices.  Family is very important in Albania.  Arranged marriages were popular in Albania.  Now not so much.    
Albanian is a Indo-European language.  It is spoken by over 7 million people.  The language could be a descendant of Illyrian, Thracian, or Dacian.  It was influenced by Greek, Latin, Slavic and Germanic languages.  There are 2 dialects of Albanian.  They are Tosk and Gheg.  It has been written in Greek, Latin, Arabic and Turkish.   
Albania was part of the Roman empire than Byzantine.  It was invaded by several tribes.  Then Turks conquered it and it became a part of the Ottoman empire.  It became independent in 1912.  It was ruled by a monarchy until after WWII, then it became a communist state.  It became capitalist and democratic in 1992.   
Islam: It was brought there by the Turks.  It's the biggest religion in Albania!!!!!  It has been there 4 almost a millenia.  Most Albanian Muslims are Sunnis.  There are a few Sufis there as well.

Catholicism: 10% of population is Catholic.  It was more popular b4 the introduction of Islam.   

Eastern Orthodox:  Christianity been in Albania for 2,000 year!!!!!  Orthodox Christians were persecuted by communists.   

Paganism: Zoroastrianism in Albania was popular b4 Christianity.
They are as followed: Greeks, Romas, Macedonians, Montenegrins, and Aromanians.  The Greeks had an empire long ago.  It was started by a Macedonian king.  Most Aromanians are Orthodox Christians.  Montenegrins are a south Slavic people that have been in balkans 4 over a millennium!!!!  Romas are tribes from India.  They have been in Europe since the 1200's. 

Albania has a rich history and culture.   Many different tribes live there some of them are even from India!!!  Albanians have a love affair with Islam.  Some of them are Orthodox Christian others are Catholic.  In the distant past people in Albania followed Zoroastrianism. 

Albanian Culture

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