

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Taino Spirituality

The Tainos have complex spiritual system.  They have their own creation story, spirits, rituals and art.  They used a entheogen to communicate with spirits.  They performed ceremonies that gave that gave them great joy.
Creation Story
Atabey created the universe and 2 sons.  They were Yucaju and Guacar.  Yucaju created lifeforms.  He wanted to make a lifeform  that was as low as an animal nor high as a god.  That why he created humans.  The first human created was Locuo.  Guacar was envious of what his brother created.  Guacar changed his name to Juracan.  He became the god of strong winds and other natural disasters.  The winds would blow so hard animals and planets would get killed.   Yucaju created zemis to help Locuo.  The first man and woman sprung from his belly button.  Their children populated the earth.  Juracan created evil spirits to torment humans.
Tainos saw the Caribs as agents of Juracan.  This was because they destroyed villages and kidnapped women.  When they met the Spanish they thought they were agents of Yucaju.  They soon founded out they were wrong. 
Zemi is the Taino word 4 spirit.  Sum Zemis were ancestors, others were deities.

Hupia: Spirit of a deceased person.

Atabey: Creatress.  Goddess of water, beauty, and the fertility cycle.
Yucahu: Creator.  Son of Atabey.  He finished creating the universe after she got started.God of peace and farming. 
Juracan: God of hurricanes.  Creator of evil.

Boinayel: God of rain.  His tears fertilized the earth.

Maquetaurie Guayabe: Lord of the underworld.  He allowed hupias to enter the realm of the blessed or caused them to remain on earth.

Moboyas: God of death, destruction, and darkness.   

There are many more Zemis.
Sacred statues are known as Zemis as well.  Images of Zemis were craved in stones.  Art was used for shamanism, divination, funerals, music, etc.  Dujos (stools) were used by chiefs and shamans in ceremonies.  That reminds me of the Ashanti.  Tainos believed certain Zemis had magick power.
The shamans grinded up a nut called cohoba and snorted it.  They would look @ Zemis and it talk to them after the ingested cohoba.  In Puerto Rico Tainos had ceremony called Areyto.  They would fast b4 the ceremony and use cohoba.  They planted their bodies and wore jewelry.  After that sum people would carry bread and sing about the zemis.  They would play musical instruments as well. 
The Tainos are a great people!!!!!!!  They have a great creation story, art, rituals, and deities.  They are sum of the nicest people in the world.  One day I hope to have the privilege to them.
Important Info

Monday, November 26, 2018


Bon is the traditional religion of Tibet or it was created in 1000's.  There may have been different stages in this religion.  It has similarities and differences to Tibetan Buddhism.  This religion has its own beliefs, scriptures, rituals, and symbols.  There are household deities and other deities.  The priests of this religion are called shen and bonpos. 
The first stage of Bon is called Black Bon, because it was used to protect people from malevolent spirits.  Shenrab Miwoche founded the second stage of Bon.  He became enlightened like Buddha.  He taught people about sky deities.  The last stage of Bon was influenced by Tibetan Buddhism.  Bon my be over 20,000 years old!!!!!!!! 
Some scholars argue that it was created during the time Tibetan Buddhism became popular again.  This was sum time in the 11th century.  A lot of its scriptures are Tibetan Buddhist scriptures.  Both religions have a lot in common.     
Bon vs Tibetan Buddhism
Karma isn't so important in Bon.  Spirits play a bigger role in happenings of our lives.  Goddesses are more powerful in Bon than TB.  Clans are important in Bon not TB.  TB has less marriage rituals than Bon.
There are many spirits in this religion.  Sum or all these spirits became protectors in Tibetan Buddhism.  Mountain spirits are important in Bon.  The leader of clans were chosen by them.   Enlightenment in Bon it is pure awareness.  That is the main goal.     

Sutras: These text dealt with a lot of subject matter.  It deals with deities, Buddhas, and teachers.  It even talks about the goddess of loving-kindness and much more.
Tantras: There are 4 tantras.  There are 2 types: high and low.  The low tantras help people become like the deities.  There is the symbolic being, knowledge being, and action being.  The symbolic being is visualization or mantra of deities.  The knowledge being understand the positive qualities of deities.  Action being is a combination of the first two.  It is very compassionate and free negative emotions.  The higher teaching deals with bliss and emptiness. 
Dzogchen:  This teaches us to be open and present. 
Bonpos say mantras, make yantras, and form mudras.  They turn prayerwheels counterclockwise.  They give offerings of water to spirits.  The rituals are very shamanistic.  They have a death ritual.  They have ceremonies that help spirits of the deceased cross over.     
Namchu Wangden: It represents Kalachakra. 

Swastika: It represents 4 directions and center, Buddha-nature, etc.

8 Auspicious Symbols: They cause good luck.

Glorious Endless Knot: Interdependence of all things. 

Vase: Virtues and wealth.

They are many other symbols, but this will suffice.
Nan: Tree spirits

Sadag: Earth spirits

Tsan: Sky spirits

Klu: Water spirits

Yum Chen Sherab Chamma:  Goddess of love and compassion.
Sidpa Gyalmo:  "Queen of the universe."  Great protector goddess.
Kuntu Zangpo: God of enlightenment.  
Khyung Mar: Great protector god that heals and blesses.  
This is a great religion!!!  I like its wrathful deities and its rituals.  It has sweet symbols and scriptures.  It has a lot in common with Tibetan Buddhism.  It may be over 10,000 years old !!!!!!!


Thursday, November 8, 2018


In this post you will learn about the origin and structure of Bonoman.  There were several significant towns that were trading centers.  Bonoman was created by the ancestors of the Abrong tribe, as well as Gyaaman.  Various Akan left the kingdom @ different times and became different tribes.  The Ashanti conquered Bonoman in the 1800's.
Akan people lived in the Ghana Empire.  They moved south because they didn't want to convert to Islam.  They wanted to practice their own traditional religion.  By moving south they were able to continue their own traditions. 

Trading Towns
Bono Manso:  Goods from Djenne were traded there a lot.  Leather, gold, salt, and kola nuts were sold there. 

Begho: Goods from the Mali Empire was traded in this town.  They traded the same items as the previous city.  Also, copper alloy and cloth.  Pottery was made there and iron smelting.  It was one of the biggest towns in West Africa. 

Bondukru:  This town ''gave birth'' to Gyaman.

The towns were rural 4 centuries than they urbanized.  Once that happened they engaged in international trade.     

They are the descendants of the people that created Bonoman.  They live in Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Cote D' Ivoire.  They speak a Niger-Congo language and they are an Akan tribe.  There are over 1 million Abrong people.

Bonoman (B) had a big impact on Akan culture.  The umbrella used by Akan king come from B.  The golden stole and royal swords come from B.  Kente cloth, goldweighting, black and goldsmithing, and weaving come from B.   
This kingdom lasted for 445 years.  It was created by the Abron tribe.  They ruled over other ethnic groups that lived near by.  Gyamanhene was the title of king.  The kings lived in the Amanvi.  Gyamanhene was largely ceremonial.  There were 4 governors that held more power than the king.  Gyaaman was conquered by the Ashanti.  Then it became free after the British defeated the Ashanti.  After that an agreement was signed with France and it became a part of French West Africa. 
Akan Tribes from Bonoman
Akwamu: They may have been the leaders of the Akan long ago.  They are similar to the Ashanti.  The empire lasted for 130 years.  The king is called Akwamuhene.  High John the Conquer is based on the Akwamu king that led a revolt in St. Thomas. 
Ashanti: There were several Akan kingdoms that paid tribute to Denkyira.  Those kingdoms came together and became the Ashanti (warriors).  The different chiefs were trying to figure out who should be a paramount chief.  A golden stool came out of the sky and chief it landed on became paramount chief.  A magician stuck a sword in the ground that no one can pull out.  They have similar traditions to the Hebrews.  That because the Hebrews originally were African and/or greatly influenced by them.  The Ashanti love gold and wear a lot jewelry.  I had a Ashanti friend in college.  He was a great football player. 
Denkyira: They created a kingdom that lasted for 201 years. They dominated trade in Ghana.  The king is known as Denkyirahene.  The last king died in 12/1/2016.               
Other Akan tribes came from Bonoman, but this will suffice. 
Fall of Bonoman
In the late 1800's The Ashanti incorporated Bonoman into its empire.  Prior to that B had political and economic problems.  Bonoman lasted for 400 years give or take.  It started around 1350 and lasted till about 1750. 

Bonoman was great kingdom that had a positive influence on Akan people.  It had amazing trading towns and held on to the ways of their ancestors.  The Abron are the children of the people that created Bonoman.  It ''gave birth'' to Gyaaman and it's the homeland of the Akan.  I give this kingdom a B.

The Real High John

Friday, September 21, 2018

Remote Viewing

Remote Viewing is being able to see places, people, objects throughout space-time in the mind.  There are several techniques that will help you RV.  There have been several significant incidents in history that remote viewers have seen.   The United States and Russia have used RV to spy on each other. 
1.  Meditate to clear the mind.   2.  Pick a target.  3. Be open to receiving information about your target.  4.  Interpret the information.  5.  Record what you perceive.  6. Lengthen the space(distance) and/or time(past/future) of your remote viewing over time.  You can use google maps to check the validity of what you see.
Historical Phenomenon
Some remote viewers have seen 9/11.  They saw that it wasn't the official story.  There was a cover up.  Other viewers seen the battle between Mars and Maldek.  Ingo Swann seen the ring around Jupiter b4 astronomers knew about.  He also saw aliens and technology on the dark side of the moon.  A member of the Rainbow Project predicted where a satellite would fall a year b4 it happened.  Remote viewers saw Moses get assistance for aliens.  Could Yahweh been the leader of an alien fleet?  The ark of the covenant contains a alien weapon.  Some viewers seen ancient Atlantis.  Remote viewers have also seen other universes as well.             
U.S. RV Spying
The Stargate Project was created by the CIA.  Remote viewing was known as psychoenergetics by the CIA.  The U.S. military and intelligence agencies wanted to use psychic powers to spy on other countries and attack their enemies.  There was some success in information gathering, but it should be used with other methods.  It lasted from 1978 till 1995.     
The Soviets studied psychic powers as well.  They called it psychotronics.  The studies lasted for 85 years (1917-2003) and it costed $1 billion.  Scientists of the USSR thought the brain could emit electromagnetic waves that influence objects.  That reminds me of telekinesis. 
Remote Viewing is amazing!!!!!!!  It can be done by anyone.  Significant events in space-time can be seen by RVing.  The Stargate project was created by U.S. agencies to use remote viewing to spy on others among other things.  The USSR had something similar to the Stargate Project. 

Stargate Project

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Enochian Magick

This form of magick have been around since the late 16th century.  Several people have changed EM to suit themselves.  It can be used for several things.  Symbols play an important role in this type of magick.  It is a complex system, but it may be simple to do.  People had different experiences with form of magick.
This form of magick was created by John Dee and Edward Kelly.  John D was 007, he worked for the English crown.  He was a philosopher, mathematician, astrologer, magician, adviser, navigator, author, and secret agent.  He wanted England to become the British Empire.  He had a huge library!!!!  He founded  away to commune with angels.  Edward Kelly scryed 4 JD.  He was given the Enochian language by angels.

This form of magick comes out of older forms of angel magick practiced in Europe.  This type of ceremonial magick took 7 years to make.  It was complete in 1589.  It is very simple to do, though it seems complex.

Later on people created their own version of EM.  One of those people was Aleister Crowley.  He called the Aethyrs and he wrote about it and made a recording.  He was in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn @ the time.

Anton LaVey created satanic versions of the calls because he was evil.
This form of magick can give you visions.  It can also help you manifest your desires.  It deals with 5 elements.  Spirit can give you greater vitality.  Fire can help you behave better.  Air can help you think better.  Water can improve your emotions.  Earth can help you attract $.  They are many other uses as well.

Enochian Magic for Beginners: The Original System of Angel Magic

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Rohingya is a tribe that lives in Myanmar.  They have lived in Myanmar for over 1,000 years. They became Muslims around 750 CE.  Arab merchants taught them Islam. There were several kingdoms in Medieval times that Rohingya may have lived in. Later on the British took over there land.  The government of Myanmar is persecuting Rohingya.
People have lived in Arakan 4 a very long time.  There was a kingdom there 2300 years ago.  The first rulers may have been Indians.  Arabs started trading with people in Arakan 1700 years ago.  Muslims taught Islam there and married the local women.  The Rohingya believe this was their origin.
Rakhines moved into Arakan 1200 years ago.  They created many cities there.  The Burmese invaded these cities in 1406.  The leaders of these cities ran into Bengal for safety.  The Bengali Sultanate helped the leaders get there kingdom back.  A mosque was built in Arakan around 1435.  Arakan kingdom was Buddhist and the Bengali kingdom was Islamic.  The king of Arakan gave the sultan sum land 4 his help.
Burma tookover Arakan in 1785.  A lot people ran away and many people were killed.  After that it became part of the British Empire.  There wasn't many people living there @ the time.  The East India Company made Arakan a part of Bengal.
During WWII the Rohingya fought the Rakhine.  The Rohingya was pro-British and the Rakhine was pro-Japanese.  These battles broke out after the British retreated.  After the Japanese invaded there were more battles.  In the 1940's the Rohingya wanted the region of Burma they lived in to become a part of Pakistan.
Members of the Rohingya tribe became politicians in Burma after it became independent.  When the military tookover Burma in 1960's, Rohingya (R) were thrown of the government.  The Burmese military discriminate against R people.  They can't even vote.               

Current Problems
In 2012 the Rakhine got into a conflict with R.  A Rakhine women was gang-raped by R men.  In response Rakhine men killed 10 R people.  The government encouraged Rakhine men to kill R people.  They gave them knifes and food; they bused them 2 an area where R people lived.  The military put 140,000 R people in concentration camps.  A lot of R people escaped to other countries.  Terrorists attacked Burma (Myanmar); in response the military and extremist Buddhist raped, murdered, and jailed innocent R people.  It has been hell ever since.  The R should move to Dearborn, assuming people there are ok with it.                   
History of the Beef

Saturday, July 14, 2018

My Community During Segregation and The Great Migration

Segregation lasted from 1896-1954 by law.  This was the time of Jim Crow and Black Codes.  There were several drawbacks and upsides to segregation.  The Great Migration is when a large percentage of my tribe moved to the North.  It lasted for 54 years.  They did this to escape terrorism and get factory jobs.
Reconstruction started right after the Civil War, right b4 segregation.  Members of my tribe became politicians and a lot of them voted.  They were protected by the army, because white southerns wanted to harm them.  Democrats and Republicans made a deal.  The deal was to remove the troops in the South and allow a Republican to become president.
Segregation became legal in 1896 after the Plessy v. Ferguson case.  Plessy was man that was mostly Caucasian and little African.  He was known as a Octoroon and he lived in Louisiana.  In Louisiana Blacks and whites had to sit in separate railway cars.  Plessy got a first class train ticket, so he sat in the white only section.  He was told to leave, but he wouldn't.  He was arrested by a detective.  After that he had a trial.  It went all the way to the Supreme Court.  The Supreme Court came up with separate but equal.  The idea was Blacks and whites can live separately with equal amenities.  The problem with that was it was never equal and it still ain't.
Jim Crow laws were enacted after the Supreme Court decision.  During this time there laws called the black codes.   These laws restricted the freedom of my people.  Members of my tribe had to sign farming contracts, if they didn't they were arrested and put back into slavery.
Segregation came to end somewhat after Brown v. Broad of Education.  The Supreme Court saw segregation in schools and maybe other areas as unconstitutional.  The problem with segregation wasn't separation it was unequally.  Black institutions received less government funding than white institutions.  Separation was good for my people.  I'll explain that in detail later.  No group of people should be around another group that oppressed them 4 centuries and continues to do it today.   
Upside of Segregation
Entrepreneurship: There were more black bizznesses during segregation.  After integration the Black dolla went to white bizznesses.

Family: During segregation most Black babies were born in wedlock.  Black marriage was even more common than white marriage.  Today the opposite is true.  When welfare turned on, Black men couldn't stay with Ebony women.  So, that led to the disintegration of the Black family.

Employment: Most Ebony women stayed home and raised the kids during segregation.   More Black men were employed @ this time, then today.  That was because there were more Black bizzness owners.  Since a lot black men became unemployed after integration, some of them became criminals so them could survive.  "My stomach hurt, so I'm looking 4 a purse to snatch."  During segregation there was less crime in the Black community because men were more employed.  There were more stable households, more community involvement, more unity, more love, etc.
The Downside of Segregation
I guess racism was thicker then and it was unequal.  Now it is still unequal, but now we can grin in the face of barbarians.  This shit makes me mad as hell!!!!!!!  Segregation wasn't a problem.  Racism is and always will be.  Laws should have been created to counteract racism.  If that was done away with segregation would drop naturally.  Segregation was enacted mainly because white men were afraid Black men would make babies with white women.  African genes are dominant and Caucasian genes are recessive.  A lot white people want to remain lilly white, even though they are ashamed of it.  Feeling like this is a mental illness as while as racism.      
The Great Migration
Members of my tribe (African American) moved from southern states to northern states in large numbers.  Millions of my people left the south.  Most went north, but a significant # of them went west.

My maternal grandfather moved to the north so his children could have a better life.  My people experienced a lot more terrorism in the south than the north.  Studies show white people become more racist when the Black population become 10% or more of the total population in the areas they live in.  Lynching were more common in south than the north.  Sometimes lynchings were ritual human sacrifice; sometimes a Catholic priest would attend.
Another reason why we moved north was for jobs.  There many factory jobs in the north.  As my people moved into cities white people moved into suburbs.  The wonders of integration.  Different ethnic groups of ceps (Caucasians of European Persuasion) battled each other in the cities.  The Italians, Irish, Ashkenazi and other ethnic groups battled each other.  Sometime last century these ethnic groups became white people.  Originally they were non-white.  These groups of people who started off as enemies came together because they had greater hatred 4 my people than each other.
My people are better off not being around people that hate them.  History proves this point.  Segregation is no longer law.  Now its by chose.  My people shouldn't want 2 be around people that don't want 2 be around them.  To escape racism stay as far as you can away from white people and anyone with their consciousness.               
Segregation Timeline
The Evils of Integration
Holy Lynchings

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Brujeria is a form of Mexican magik.  It has similarities and differences to curanderismo.  Men and women practice it.  The practitioners of Brujeria deal with various spirts and they have special abilities.
Brujeria comes from a mixture of Mexican magik and European sorcery.  In acient Mexico there were shamans and false-doctors.  Shamans healed people and false doctors made people sick.  If someone had a disease they would seek out a shaman. If a person was wronged by someone else they would seek out a false doctor to get revenge.  Shamans and false doctors knew a lot about nature. They worked with spirits that were supportive of their endeavors.  Morality as we know it today didn't exist in Mexico.  Mordern day morality comes from Abrahamic religions.

Spanish priests brought Christianity to Mexico and tried to demonize the Mexican spirits.  It didn't work. What ended up happenning was Mexicans mixing their old religion with their new religion.  The missioners made Quetzacoatl look like Christ and Tezcatlipoca look like the devil.  Mexicans weren't scared of the devil because he was their god in disguise.  

Grimores were brought to Mexico by the Spainish.  These books of spells were incorporated into what became Brujeria.  The Spainish taught sum Mexican magik pracitioners Black Mass.  Sometimes The Lord's prayer is said backward to curses enimies.

Brujeria vs Curanderismo
Similarities: Both have the ability to heal.  They both work with saints.  They are both a mixture of Mexican and Spainish traditions.  They have a common origin.

Differences: Curanderismo is a Mexican form of shamanism.  Brujeria is a type of Mexican magik pure and simple.  It is used to bless and curse.  The word brujeria is a Spanish word 4 witchcraft.

European Christians called various religions and forms of magik that wasn't Christian witchcraft.  A lot times the word witchcraft is used to mean magik in general.  
Brujero and Brujera
Brujero: Male practioners of Brujeria.
Brujera: Female practioners of Brujeria.

I think brujeras are stronger than brujeros, because women are more magikal.  I heard women are most powerful during their period.  

Spirits of Brujeria
Various Spirits are utlized by brujeras and brujeros.  Santa Muerte is a popular spirit among pracitioners, becasuse she can do anything.  She is Our Lady of Holy Death. She has many forms and is uber powerful!!!!

El Coyote is a spirit sum pracitioners work with.  Some of them work with saints. There is a saint called San Simon.  He is based on a Mayan god named Maximon. Catholic priests tried to make Maxion look evil, but it backfired.  Mayans love Maximon (San Simon).  Maximon is a underworld deity.  He has nothing to do with evil.  The underworld isn't evil in Mayan mythology.  There are many other spirits, but this will suffice.  
Special Abilites
People into Brujeria are great @ divination.  The bible is used to divine.  It is called bibliomancy.  Islamic people that divine use the Quran instead.  Some brujeras and brujeros divine with a cigar.

They are able to communicate with spirits of the deceased, as well as saints and deities.  They are able to {manifest certain outcomes and/or change the odds of something happening}(magik).  
Brujeria is a great form of magik!!!!!  It comes from Mexican and European magical systems.  It is like Curanderismo, but quite different.  Men and women practice it.   It has many spirits that help and hinder.  

Brujeria and Curanderismo

Sunday, June 10, 2018


Kumina is a Jamaican religion created by Bakongo people in 1800's.  It's also a style of dancing.  There are 2 kind of spirits: sky spirits and earth spirits.  Ancestral spirits and characters in the bible are earth spirits.  Shango and Obei are sky spirits.  The creator name is Oto King Zombi. Sum people get possessed by ancestral spirits during ceremonies.  People that get possessed by ancestral spirits reincarnate.  Those that don't go to live with Oto King Zombi after they die.  Everyone has a spirit called Kuyu.  It contains the personality of the deceased.  It is similar to an etheric body.  Followers of this Kumina organize themselves into nations.  It is centered around family.  Sum of the tribes that follow this religion are Yoruba, Igbo, Mondongo, Bakango, etc.  Drummers of Kumina have their own style of drumming.  It had a big impact on Reggae and Dancehall music.
Jamaican Culture
Kumina Sidle Show

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Santa Muerte

Santa Muerte is a Mexican folk saint.  She is based on an Aztec death goddess.  There are colors & symbols associated with her.  They all have different meanings.  She dressed in Catholic clothes.  She has evolved over the years.  She answers prayers quickly.
Folk Saint
Santa Muerte is the most famous Mexican folk saint.  Most people who worship her do it in their home.  Some government officials and cops think all of her devotees are criminals.  That's not true.  She'll work with anybody because she is a nice person.  Morality is determined by the individual.  There are parades 4 her in Mexico.  There is or was a big shrine 4 her in Mexico city.

Santa Muerte is based on Aztec death goddess Mictecacihuatl.  She is the queen of the underworld and rules over the afterlife.  The Aztec had a holiday that celebrated the deceased.  The Spanish had a holiday that dealt with death as well.  These 2 holidays mixed and became the Day of the Dead.  La Catrina is popular during the Day of the Dead.  She is not Santa Muerte, but the favor each other. 
Black: Protection, hexing, uncrossing, banishing, and all purpose.
White: Purity, peace, happiness, protection, and all purpose.
Red: Love, lust, blood, marriage, etc.
Green: Legal Protection
Gold: Prosperity, job, career, bizzness, ideas, etc.
Purple: Psychic powers, good health, and divination.
Blue: Wisdom, learning, memory, exams, etc.
Rainbow: all of thee above.

You should get a Black statue of Santa Muerte and burn a colored candle that corresponds to your desire.  Instead of getting a statue of Santa Muerte of a certain color.  But you can do that 2 if you wish.  The first option makes more sense.
Sickle: Death
Globe: She's everywhere.  Death comes 4 us all.
Owl: Great eyesight. She is a great guide 4 her followers.
Hourglass: Our lifetime
Cloak: Protection
Catholic Influence
When someone needs Santa Muerte they pray to her, give offering to her statue, and write petitions.  This the same procedure for a Catholic saint.  When the Spanish tookover Mexico they forced Catholicism on the Mexican people.  That caused them to mix there own religion with Catholicism.  Some people use rosaries when praying to Santa Muerte.  The rosary are Catholic prayer beads.  Over the years she gained the abilities of other saints.  She responds to prayers in haste, because she is so powerful!!!!!!

Santa Muerte is the most powerful Mexican folk saint.  She is a Catholic version of  Mictecacihuatl.  She was created out of Mexican and Spanish traditions mixing together. She has symbols and colors that have different traits.
Long live Santa Muerte!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sophia diGregoria

Monday, May 28, 2018

Sea People

The Aegean Sea is the home of the Sea People.  They were a collaboration of different ethnic groups.  Some of them were African, others were Caucasian.  They destroyed the Hittite Empire.  The Kemetians defeated them.
They came from the Aegean Sea and surrounding regions.  They were the result of the Bronze Age collapse and /or the destruction of Troy.  Around 1200 BCE a lot of civilizations experienced natural disasters.  I assume the Sea People came from a civilization that experienced natural disasters and/or famine.  Because of that, they looked 4 new places to live and a meal ticket.  They encountered people living where they wanted to live so they fought them.

There were @ least 10 tribes of Sea People.  They are as follows: Denyen, Eqwesh, Karkisa, Lukka, Peleset, Shekelesh, Sherden, Teresh, Tjekker, Lebu, and Weshesh. These different tribes were written about by the Kemetians, Hittites, and ancient Syrians.  

The Sherden were a semi-African tribe.  They were part of the Kemetic army in Byblos.  They became bodyguards for Rameses II when he was battling the Hittites. Some of them fought the Kemetians as Sea People, while others fought alongside the Kemetians against the Sea People.  They wore horned helmets in battle and may have worn bronze amour.
The Peleset (Mixed) were allied to the Sherden.  They wore feathered helmets into battle. Some of them fought the Kemetians, while others fought alongside them.  The Peleset are commonly called Philistines.  They conquered a part of Cannan or it was given to them by the Kemetians.
Tjekker (African) warriors fought with swords, shields, and spears.  They may have been Trojans that were displaced after the war.  They fought the Kemetians with other Sea people and lost.  Wen-Amon went to a city named Dor and gold was stolen from his ship by Tjekker people.  So he talked to the mayor about it.

Denyen (Mixed) tribe were a great @ sailing and fighting.  They may have lived on an Island called Cilicia.  The tribe of Dan was founded by or incorporated the Denyen.
Shekelesh (African) attacked the Kemetians on 2 occasions.  They also worked 4 them too.  They carried a shield and 2 spears in battle.  They may have lived in Sicily.

Meshwesh (Caucasian) fought the Kemetians alongside the Libyans.  They fought naked only covering their penises.  They would shave one side of their head and leave the other side unshaved.  They were related to the Temehu.
The Lebu (Caucasian) lived west of Kemet.  They may have come from the Balkans. They had red hair, blue eyes and, and pale skin.  They had tattoos.  Rameses III had kidnapped a Lebu chief's child in response, the Lebu launched an attack on Kemet. They were defeated.

There are many other tribes can write about, but this will suffice.
Destruction of the Hittite Empire
The empire had political problems and food shortages.  Some of the vessels states rebelled against the central authority.  There was an earthquake in the capital.   After that the Sea People invaded.  The Hittites were no match 4 the Sea People because they were already weakened.    
Kemet Defeats the Sea People
The Sea People tried to invade Kemet during the reign of Rameses III.  The Kemetians defeated them on land and sea.  They shot a lot of arrows at them.  After that, some of the Sea People were enslaved by the Kemetians.
The Sea People were the result of the Bronze Age Collapse or the Trojan War.  They were African and Caucasian and composed of many different tribes.  They destroyed the Hittite Empire, various cities, and were defeated by the Kemetians.          
Tribes of the Sea
Hittite Destruction
1177 BC the Year Civilization Collapsed

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

African Medicine Wheel

What is the African Medicine Wheel?  How can it help you?  What tribe created it?  Is numerology involve?  How can I use it?  How do I fix an imbalance?

The African Medicine Wheel was created by the Dagara tribe.  It is a diagram that has 5 elements (fire/water/earth/mineral/nature).  Each element has certain traits.  Fire is assertive or aggressive.  It is the element closes to spirit.  Fire people are good @ predicting the future.  Water is peaceful.  Water people are great @ negotiations and they keep the peace. Earth is home.  Earth people look out for others.  They like to give to charity.  Mineral is all about communication.  Mineral people are artists and musicians that keep the memory of their tribe in their art and song.  Nature is transformation.  Nature people are mystics and psychics.

0-9, + or-
Each element has 2 numbers.  Fire is 2 & 7.  Water is 1 & 6.  Earth is 0 & 5.  Mineral is 4 & 9.  Nature is 3 & 8.  The last digit of your birth year determines what kind of person you are.  It like your sun sign.  The element you are determines your destiny to a degree.  It also determines your greatest strengths and weaknesses, somewhat. The first number of each element is masculine and second # is feminine.
Helpful Uses
By numerizing your name and the numbers of your birthdate (don't count the first 2 # in your birth year), you will find out how much of each element you have inside you.  You should have at least 3 fire. Water should be 3x as much as fire.  You should have at least 3 mineral, earth, and nature.  If you got all this your balanced.  You count all the first #s of the elements to find out how much masculine energy you have.  You do the same with the second numbers to find out how much feminine energy you have.  To be balanced your masculine energy should be 3 times as much your feminine energy.

By doing all of this you can find out if you any imbalances.  If you lack balance your life won't be as good as it could be.  Maat is Supreme.  In the next paragraph, I will tell you how to fix imbalances.
Maat fixes Isfet
If you lack fire you can go to a sweat lodge to increase it.  If you lack water you can take ritual baths.  If you lack earth you can meditate on a mountain or in a cave.  If you need more mineral carry crystals with you. If you need more nature spend more time in the woods.  Go camping more often.  I don't know how to increase masculine or feminine energy.

The African Medicine Wheel Book:: Creating Lifespace in the Ways of the African Medicine Wheel Home Decorating Book

Linda James

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is internal martial art based on Qigong.  It has a long history.  Tai Chi has different styles and techniques.  Most people use it 4 exercise.  It has many health and spiritual benefits.
This is an exercise that helps your chi flow better.  It deals a lot with posture and breathing.  It has 4 main practices.  They are as follows: dynamic, static, meditative, and use of external agents.  It has 75 ancient forms and 56 modern forms.  There are Taoist, Buddhist, and Confuciusian types of Qigong.

A Taoist monk named Zhang San Feng created Tai Chi about a 1,000 years ago.  He may have created it in the Shaolin Temple.  Zhang saw a snake and crane fight each other.  That inspired him to create Tai Chi.  Its a Qigong martial art.  Tai Chi helps people balance Yin-Yang in their body, mind, and spirit.  Yang Cheng Fu was the first person to teach it in public.  Tai Chi means Ultimate Supreme Boxing.
There are five main styles of Tai Chi.  Chen focuses energy bursts and fast and slow movements.  Yang is the most popular style.  Wu Hao has eazy postures and tough techniques.  It uses the mind to control qi.  Wu is the second most popular style of Tai Chi.  Sun is very soft and flowing.  It is the easiest style to perform.  One of the techniques is focusing on your breathing.  Another technique is is standing mediation.  Each style has its own techniques.
You warm up by relaxing your whole body.  Windmill exercise: move your upper body in a circular motion.  Knee Rolls: Put your hands on your knees and move them in circular motion.  Hand Rotation: Move your hands in a circular motion.  
Health Benefits
Tai Chi reduces stress and pain.  Improves your mood and decreases depression.  Reduces inflammation, lowers blood pressure, and improves heart function.  It makes you more flexible and increases energy.  It makes you more balanced and stronger.  
Tai Chi is a form of Qigong.  It has a long history and 5 main styles.  Most people use Tai Chi 4 exercise today.  It has many health benefits.    

Thursday, April 26, 2018


Isis is an offshoot of Al-Qaeda.  Isis purpose is 2 create a caliphate.  Salafi is an ultraconservative form of Islam, that's what they follow.  They have been raising hell in Asia and Africa. They have a billion dollars worth of assets.  They have been helped and hindered by various countries and organizations.
Isis splintered off from Al-Qaeda in Iraq.  They were defeated in 2007.  Later, they regrouped and went into Syria during the Arab Spring.  They increased their ranks by setting Iraqi prisoners free.  Al-Qaeda fell out with them in 2014., because Isis was too brutal.

They want 2 create their own Islamic nation.  They use to rule central Iraq, but not anymore.  The Iraqi people were afraid of them.  Children were kidnapped and indoctrinated.  Now, these children live in mainstream society.  The victims of Isis are afraid of these children.

This form of Islam is Sunni.  It was created in Egypt during the 1800's.  It was a reaction to European conquest.  Muslims that follow this form of Islam believe they should behave like Muslims did during the time of the prophet.  There are 3 types of people that follow this.  Purists don't get involved in politics.  Activists are political. Jihadists want to topple the government.  Salafism has similarities to Wahhabism.
They have killed over 2,000 people in 31 countries.

Asia: Women were raped and put in sex slavery in Syria and Iraq.  Isis killed several soldiers in Yemen @ a military base.  25 soldiers were killed in Benghazi. Isis attacked a police station in the capital of Saudi Arabia.  No one was harmed.  A police officer was assassinated in Riyadh by Isis.  Supporters of Isis suicide bombed a military base in Yemen killing 30 police officers.  There were many more attacks but this will suffice.
Africa: A Frenchman decapitated by Isis supporters in Algeria.  Isis attacked a hotel in Liyba killing 10 or more people.  Isis supporters attack Egyptian police and military station killing 26 people.  Isis decapitated 21 Coptic Christians in Libya.  There were other attacks as well.
Europe(West Asia): A member of Isis shot people @ the Jewish Museum in Belgium. An Isis sympathizer killed 6 people in France.  An Isis supporter tried 2 suicide bomb a chemical factory in France.   A Russian military base may have been attacked by Isis. There were many other attacks as well.
North America: A Canadian soldier runs someone over in support of Isis.  A man with hatchet attacked 4 police officers in NYC.  He was inspired by Isis.  2 men shoot a security guard in Dallas. They were also inspired by Isis.  An Isis sympathizer shot a cop in Philly.  These are sum of the attacks in North America.
Isis sells oil and electricity.  They may be producing over 20,000 barrels of oil a day. They extort $ from humanitarian workers.  They have a lot of military weapons, which they sell to other terrorists.  They tax business and individuals.  They received a lot of $ when they took over a bank in Mosul.  They sell artifacts and traffic drugs.  Darkweb is used by Isis to get donations.

Isis Supporters
Isis has been supported by the U.S., Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Gulf States, etc. Some of the weapons Isis uses come from the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.  Isreal provides air support for Isis.  Turkey is supporting Isis because they are @ war with the Kurds. Gulf States help fund Isis.
Isis tried to take over Kurdistan years ago, but the Kurds defeated them.  There are Shia militias that fought Isis in Iraq.  Hezbollah is beefing with Isis too.  They may be backed by the Lebanese military and Iran. Russia has kicked Isis in the rear.   Iran and Russia want 2 protect the Syrian government.  They have my support.

Isis comes from Al Qaeda in Iraq.  They want 2 create a caliphate.  They follow a very conservative form of Islam called Salafi.  They have killed more than 2,000 people in 3 continents.  They have various ways making $.  They are supported and opposed by different nations and organizations.                  

Israeli Support of Isis

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Nanotechnology is super small machinery.  It has a long history.  It has many applications such as medicine, weapons, communication, electronics, food, fabric, space, etc.  There are many dangers in nanotechnology such as lung damage, brain damage, damage to other organs, mind control, invasion of privacy, gray goo, etc.
Nanotechnology is the manipulation of atoms and molecules;  its the application of very small tools.  They are so small they can fit inside a germ.  This form of technology is very recent even though it was somewhat utilized in the past. Nanotechnology can lead to a new golden age or dark age.
This form of technology was used in the past, but the people that were using it didn't have a good grasp of it. Indians used nanotechnology over 2 millennia ago!  They made nanotubes out of wootz steel. Mesopotamians used nanotechnology in their painting of pottery.  Europeans utilized it in painting pottery as well.  Richard Feynman came up with the idea of modern-day nanotechnology.  He talked about it in a lecture he gave in 1959.  Norio Taniguchi was the first person to say nanotechnology in 1974. K. Eric Drexler was the first person to get a degree in nanotechnology.  He came up with the idea of grey goo.
Nanobots (small robots) can be used to deliver medicine to cancer cells.  They can also be used to improve brain cells by improving the electrical firing of the synapses. Toxins from food can be removed by nanobots. Long-distance messages can be delivered by them.  They can be programmed to enhance clothing.  It could become stain resistant and fire and bulletproof.  They could be used to improve our genome so diseases could be eradicated.  In the distant future, they can be used to communicate with extraterrestrials.
If nanobots replicate on a massive scale by disassembling organic material that could be the end of all life on earth.  That's the grey goo scenario.  Nanobots can be used by a military or terrorists to control people minds and/or kill them.  Nanoparticles in food could lead to disease.  Nanotechnology could be used to re-engineer humanity.  It could change our genes and cause us to have cancer and other illnesses.  Morgellons disease is that causes fibers to grow inside a person skin.  The fibers contain pathogens.  It a cyborg disease. It is both biological and mechanical.  This disease may come from chemtrails.  
Nanotechnology is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I blew up when I read about as a teenager. Tools created that are smaller than germs is nanotechnology.  It has been around a long time.  It has many great applications and dangers.  It is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!